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Anet, please give us in-game HOUSING with expansion 3

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I'd prefer to have a lot more freedom on our current home instance. For exemple, I'm not sure why every home instance of every city is yours... Have your home instance in Divinity's Reach if you're human and Rata Sum for Asura. Not everywhere...


Then, add the possibility to move your nodes, builds walls, add furnitures, etc, etc...


The guild I'm with, their hall is literally filled with Jumping Puzzles and Racing Tracks.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> get couple of your friends on board and create your own little guild, then hire a bunch of mercenaries to claim a guild hall

> there, a sand pit for you and your friends to play around and build whatever you want to do with it


becuz the guild hall sucks. theres literally nothing to do in there.



> you guarantee 100%, more ppl will buy expansion 3 more than 1+2 combined just because of player housing?

> are you willing to bet 1 million USD on that statement?


Yes, if i had 1mil $.



> a lot of MMOs already have player configurable housing, like Black Desert Online


> BDO players only go in for cooking or alchemy, other times just a warehouse with a massive pile of furniture to get to the top of the housing leaderboard to get bonus passive income nodes in town, extremely rare to find a decorated house



what does this have to do with my sugg?



> from the financial perspective, each player house is an instance, which is a virtual server, which costs upwards of USD$2367 to run on AWS, which is not cheap; with the current home instance, just 365 players afk in their own home instance for a single day is equivelant to a single year's cost of a single server

> not to mention Anet will need to crawl back the development cost


Do you have a source for this information? How does 100's of players afk'ing in a raid instance, or in lounges, or in home instance differ from this financial burden?


> you are better off playing Second Life


Already explained why i dont play those games; even though it's fun, it gets boring after a certain point. its like peanut butter sandwich, by itself is mediocre, add jelly and you get heaven.

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> Another personal instance? Please no..

> They should either give new features to guildhalls and home instances. Or continue the story in suns refuge. Because its a shame they dont build on things they have produced before.

> Much easier to implement..


> - add mount stables to the home instances. (Although the one in the grove is extremly small), where you can interact with unlocked mounts. The mount will have the skin like you have it set up in your settings.

> - add mount boosts or unique guild mount skins to the guildhall. In such a way that people can spend time in the hall.

> - add a library for all those story books to the home instance just like they did in suns refuge. Hell you can even add it to the refuge itself. They got the recources. Just use them.. bind the books to verious achievements. Bind the achievements to the bookstand.

> - more decoration per radius in the guildhall.

> - more decoration options. With stuff that can be gathered by all people easily and while you are on it. Use materials that are completely worthless. So it becomes something worth again.

> - add a trader in the guildhall that accepts leaf fossils. Eyes of kormir and those kind of materials into something that is usefull.


> Better these kind of changes that build on things that are already ingame.


I'd definitely settle for a more refined home instance... as long as the space remain as it is, not make it super big, to get to one place to another you have to spend a million years and it gets dizzy mounting and dismounting when interacting with npc's/objects.

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> @"CaffeinatedSugar.7283" said:

> Personally, I love the idea of a home base for your characters but it'd have to be done a certain way. What you're describing to me does sound like the Sims and I do like the Sims, but I don't come on GW2 to do what you're suggesting. More animations for the mounts/pets? Yes please. Coming home to your Raptor playing chase with one of your other mounts? Too cute. To me, it should be an area you go to to collect buffs, set up a collection/achievement/trophy area, and maybe even just relax/immerse while simultaneously boosting your characters in interesting ways(after grinding bosses, doing pvp, and etc. etc., yeah, I actually like the idea of taking a breather in my well decorated base). For example, you can get crafting stations for your base (either extremely expensive to craft or can be sold via gem store) that actually helps you level up your crafting faster/use less materials. Maybe for consumables you craft, you have a chance to craft double/triple the item? To me, that alone would be worth having a base and would be worth the money and it would feel good being able to help guildies/friends that way who don't have as much time/money or maybe they should restrict it to just the home owner and who they 'allow' to use it. Maybe if your character 'reads' from specific bookcases, they get an experience buff. Maybe craft a recycler type of gizmo that lets you recycle trash (let's face it, it doesn't sell for anything and just clutters but I do like the idea of taking the trash and using it for something as Cronospere mentioned.) Maybe set up a permanent dinner table with food set on it (again, expensive to craft, or maybe earned via achievement points or gems) that gives increased stats because you're in a safe and warm environment. This won't make the other food things useless because you can eat those whenever while you have to go to a base for better stats.


> I also actually REALLY like the idea of setting up events or 'parties' at your base. But obviously people have to get something out of it to make them want to go, right? Maybe a new skin/mini merchant and the like should be placed in the game but you require some sort of home base currency to exchange with them and the best way to get this currency? Get togethers, or going to a get together and getting 'goodie bags' that offer all manner of treats, maybe even exotics and an oh so teeny weeny chance at a legendary lol. But I think just doing things in your home base should get you some currency too. This would allow decorators to get some attention for their well done homes and let the achievement/collection junkies show off and people visiting get something out of it. Of course, there'd have to be a limit on the events/parties. But I could see this being really fun for guilds, allies, friends and more. Hell, this might even be a good 'gig' for the gw2 musicians out there haha where they can play for tips xD.



Thank you!!! You're the only who gets me. This is the sort of things I would expect from in-game housing. Not an empty super big space with nothing to do and gets abandoned after 1 month.


My suggestions/ideas are only the tip of the iceberg, i'm sure they can come up with more in-depth and more refined things to make it super great and have replay values.



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I actually like this idea over Guild Halls.

My Wife and I play and beyond the Guild I created I don't play in any organized groups so having a "house" is far more appealing for us than some massive hall.

Mind you I don't need a disco (gag) floor, just something simple for all my chairs and books and armor/weapon/outfit collections.


And to the nay-sayers I'd like to remind you that for the longest time there were no mounts or gliding and it never looked like they would be forthcoming.

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> @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:


> And to the nay-sayers I'd like to remind you that for the longest time there were no mounts or gliding and it never looked like they would be forthcoming.


True, but mounts and gliders help to continue the story and/or game play. GW2, to me, is designed for players to kill things and loot stuff with Fashion Wars being one of the more popular end-game goals. In my opinion, housing does not promote what seems to be the main drive of the game unlike mounts and gliders which do compliment this focus.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > get couple of your friends on board and create your own little guild, then hire a bunch of mercenaries to claim a guild hall> > there, a sand pit for you and your friends to play around and build whatever you want to do with it> > becuz the guild hall sucks. theres literally nothing to do in there. > basically that's your reason?Guild Hall SUX because it takes too much effort, it cost way too much gold to do anything by myselfWell, exactly, that's the whole point, a Guild Hall is for people to congregate and work together

> > you guarantee 100%, more ppl will buy expansion 3 more than 1+2 combined just because of player housing?> > are you willing to bet 1 million USD on that statement?> > Yes, if i had 1mil $.> dont make that statement then :)

> > a lot of MMOs already have player configurable housing, like Black Desert Online> > > > BDO players only go in for cooking or alchemy, other times just a warehouse with a massive pile of furniture to get to the top of the housing leaderboard to get bonus passive income nodes in town, extremely rare to find a decorated house> > > > what does this have to do with my sugg? > exactly as it says, other MMOs had tried it because of player demands and failed to deliver any meaningful value in the long termwhat makes you think history will not repeat itself on GW2 ?actually, on second thought, it already had, a giant mansion called Guild Hall

> > > > from the financial perspective, each player house is an instance, which is a virtual server, which costs upwards of USD$2367 to run on AWS, which is not cheap; with the current home instance, just 365 players afk in their own home instance for a single day is equivelant to a single year's cost of a single server> > not to mention Anet will need to crawl back the development cost> > Do you have a source for this information? How does 100's of players afk'ing in a raid instance, or in lounges, or in home instance differ from this financial burden?public knowledge? Anet themselves said they move to AWS couple of years agoand Amazon publishes its pricing on their website, up to $2367/year, https://aws.amazon.com/emr/pricing/If you had added the -mapinfo to your GW2 launch shortcut, you will see that every day, or even go into your home instance every hour you get a different IP address, and no two servers can have identical IP address or they will crash from IP conflict.Let's use a real-world example, when you take a taxi home from the bar, while the taxi is moving it is calculated by mileage, but while it is stopping at red lights, they will count by the minutes; so even if your toon is idling in your home instance, Amazon is still charging Anet by the hour for the virtual server is up, only when you leave the instance the virtual server gets shutdown.and this is how the mega server works, when there are too many players to fit on a single virtual server a new virtual server goes live to host the new map instancewhen the player population monitoring trigger detects that player population across two map instances becomes so low that one map instance is enough, one of the server will get shutdownThere's no way sustainable for Anet to charge at the minimum rate by the hour by Amazon's book, there is a lot of internal overhead they need to pay, and they need a constant inflow of money, not from 1 time sales like an expansion, especially with NCSoft watching them ever closer**Nothing is free in this world**

> > > you are better off playing Second Life> > Already explained why i dont play those games; even though it's fun, it gets boring after a certain point. its like peanut butter sandwich, by itself is mediocre, add jelly and you get heaven.... so... what makes you think that you will not do the same thing to GW2's player housing?

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> \*yawn\* this topic again...


> just look at the guild hall, so much demand prior to HoT, so anet put in loads of work delivering this community based content to promote player interactions


> and now look at the state of guild hall, pretty much sitting abandoned, people just go in for daily gathering and guild buffs then leave



& i predicted it when they announced it. Waste of money & resources just like the Esport fiasco. If you gonna come out with some stoopid idea, start by not making it an instance. Cuz been proven players is gonna hit that once or twice before dropping it from boredom.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> Not really sure why people think that one type of game play invalidates another. Just because you don't like housing, doesn't mean people that do are wrong. I support this idea, especially the mount stable.


Because we live in real world, Anet has only so and so people working on the project, so and so time before it needs to deliver some content update, so and so money in their budget. If they invest in housing, they must take resources from somewhere else. And most of people playing this game came here to fight dragons and save Tyria, so they want action-packed content, and something that goes well with it. Like, more legendaries and other cosmetics they can wear **while** fighting. Or some silly things, like dancing, they can do in brief moments between fights on town square.


Housing just deviates too far from the interests of main game's audience, and due to its nature (of being cosmetics which will rarely be seen by other players due to it being an instance) it won't attract majority of players. Some people will enjoy decorating it just for the sake of it, but majority of people are much simpler creatures - if its cosmetics which they can't constantly show to everybody, it doesn't worth their time. It's like you would grind a whole year for your Twilight, and then would never been able to wear it on public. Most people never will understand why they should even put that much effort in a thing like this.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> **Nothing is free in this world**

> ... so... what makes you think that you will not do the same thing to GW2's player housing?



Becuz the GW2's in-game housing will keep evolving, already listed examples, new decorations, new mounts animations, and the gaming room simulations, when new raid wings/fractals/world events bosses bounties are released, i will definitely practice the mechanics in there.


Y'all criticise my ideas but choose to ignore the fact that this is not a "The sims" or "Second Life" clone, but it's an evolving addition intertwining with the RPG aspect of GW2... you also have gardening, stables, to interact with. If you want to make a super duper potion, u have to grow a certain plant that has to be fertilized/watered in a certain way. I mean this is part of the crafting aspect of an MMORPG, and yall call it "The sims" or "farmville"... when did the sims have gardening, training simulations or stables for mounts... I'm dying. People don't read my full post, yet just comment whatever they want ...


In regards to the AWS Amazon pricing; since i'm not Anet's accountant, I can't say for certain. But I know for sure that pricing is for small gaming companies, not for a big companies like Anet, pretty sure anet gets a huge discount for using a lot of servers. Also if its that expensive, anet can just shut down personal home instance, and transfer that into the new housing system...




And yes, if Anet makes a housing that doesn't have training simulations, gardening or stables, and the housing is just for decorations, then it will definitely fail like BDO's; see GUILD HALLS.


My suggestions are different from BDO and other MMO, already put the statement in first post. Nobodycurrs about housing in other mmo because it's basic/useless.


If anet utilizes my suggestions, 100% GUARANTEE, housing will be as popular as mounts and ppl will buy decorations from gemstores, mount animations from gemtores, instead of making stupid useless toys that ppl use to troll on chests/caches in AB/TD.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > **Nothing is free in this world**> > ... so... what makes you think that you will not do the same thing to GW2's player housing?> > > > Becuz the GW2's in-game housing will keep evolving, already listed examples, new decorations, new mounts animations, and the gaming room simulations, when new raid wings/fractals/world events bosses bounties are released, i will definitely practice the mechanics in there. > > Y'all criticise my ideas but choose to ignore the fact that this is not a "The sims" or "Second Life" clone, but it's an evolving addition intertwining with the RPG aspect of GW2... you also have gardening, stables, to interact with. If you want to make a super duper potion, u have to grow a certain plant that has to be fertilized/watered in a certain way. I mean this is part of the crafting aspect of an MMORPG, and yall call it "The sims" or "farmville"... when did the sims have gardening, training simulations or stables for mounts... I'm dying. People don't read my full post, yet just comment whatever they want ...> **EXACTLY**, so please please please stop bringing up zombie ideas that already had multiple threads already and buried countless timesWhat you described is pretty much the Guild Hall is already doing, just on a solo level, pointlessGuild Hall exists because it tries to foster a community where people work together; YES, it did fail from certain perspectives, but still a better idea than player housingthe title of the game is **Guild Wars 2**, **NOT** My Home Simulator 2... and... why the heck do we need another consumable class call potions?

> In regards to the AWS Amazon pricing; since i'm not Anet's accountant, I can't say for certain. But I know for sure that pricing is for small gaming companies, not for a big companies like Anet, pretty sure anet gets a huge discount for using a lot of servers. Also if its that expensive, anet can just shut down personal home instance, and transfer that into the new housing system... New housing system will cost Anet loads more for running multiple instances of server constantlyThe current home instance state is good for Anet to save on cost because people only spend a few minutes in there and the server gets shuts down.and no, Anet is not a big company, it's nothing compared to its parent company NCSoft, let alone Activision Blizzard; a company of Anet size is considered a small-medium business.

> And yes, if Anet makes a housing that doesn't have training simulations, gardening or stables, and the housing is just for decorations, then it will definitely fail like BDO's; see GUILD HALLS. > > My suggestions are different from BDO and other MMO, already put the statement in first post. Nobodycurrs about housing in other mmo because it's basic/useless. > > If anet utilizes my suggestions, 100% GUARANTEE, housing will be as popular as mounts and ppl will buy decorations from gemstores, mount animations from gemtores, instead of making stupid useless toys that ppl use to troll on chests/caches in AB/TD.again, put your money where your mouth is with your "100% GUARANTEE"just the number of people against player house across all threads raised in the past **EASILY** makes your "100%" very questionable

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> just the number of people against player house across all threads raised in the past **EASILY** makes your "100%" very questionable



the same amount of ppl were against "mounts" and saying, no way its impossible, doesn't fit with the game's maps, impossible to program, too costly etc. But anybody against mount today? NONE, ZERO. where are they now?


But look where mounts are now... a literally cash cow for Anet. I just spent $20 on the War supp requis thingy for 2 exotic mount skins, imagine how much I'd spend for mount animations, stables, decorations, house etc.


Anet is silly not to be embarking on an asset that a lot of ppl will spend money on.



in fact, it's the very thing yall want that became obsolete, i.e. GUILD HALLS


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What about new content instead of putting resources into not so useful stuff?


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > - add a library for all those story books to the home instance just like they did in suns refuge. Hell you can even add it to the refuge itself. They got the recources. Just use them.. bind the books to verious achievements. Bind the achievements to the bookstand.


> sec that, long overdued... the books are taking up almost 3 bags


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/GPRqLxN.jpg "")



3 useless bags ( that said, could be probably easier to buy a discounted slot and use that for holding useless stuff that upgrading your bags ).

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > just the number of people against player house across all threads raised in the past **EASILY** makes your "100%" very questionable> > > > the same amount of ppl were against "mounts" and saying, no way its impossible, doesn't fit with the game's maps, impossible to program, too costly etc. But anybody against mount today? NONE, ZERO. where are they now?plenty, just go into WvW section of the forum, plenty of people complaining about the warclaw ruining roaming, there, your "NONE, ZERO" statement is invalid :lol: and mounts are part of combat mechanic, how does the little playhouse fit into combat mechanic??? going to call upon to launch a nuclear strike on the world bosses? :lol:

> But look where mounts are now... a literally cash cow for Anet. I just spent $20 on the War supp requis thingy for 2 exotic mount skins, imagine how much I'd spend for mount animations, stables, decorations, house etc. > Anet is silly not to be embarking on an asset that a lot of ppl will spend money on.> I'm so proud of you, so why not buy the non-discounted exotic mount skins? not as a bundle, one by one to maximise Anet's profit marginand buy 100 black lion keys every month?

> in fact, it's the very thing yall want that became obsolete, i.e. GUILD HALLS> and your idea will be version 2.0 of that, so everyone replied in this thread disagreeing to the idea is preventing the disaster from happening

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I'm not a fan of the housing feature tbh. To me its wasted resources, sry... As other ppl said already, if you want to play sims play Sims.


We have guild halls now and while some of my guildies an me really spent a lot of time, gold and materials to decorate our guild hall i must admit that its kind of useless...great but useless.


I go there every day to gather and nothing more. We have a SAB jp, we have decorated houses for ppl who wanted to have one and some other really nice places (a GW1 memorial corner for the GW1 heroes for example...) but... whats the point of it...? Noone ever goes there. For me it would be the same with a house. Decorate it once and never go there again.


Can't imagine to log in and go to that house and just sit there... I prefer to play the game - kill things, do some events, play something (be it pve, wvw or what-ever) - if I'm bored then ill just close the game and do something else.


Its not that I'm against housing per se but sorry, i don't see the usefullness.

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