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PvP Amulet and Rune Additions

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @messiah.1908 said:

> > > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > > > @messiah.1908 said:

> > > > > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > > > > > @messiah.1908 said:

> > > > > > > @ThatNAESLGuard.6238 said:

> > > > > > > There should never be an amulet with condi damage and 2 defensive stats. Ever.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > why not , you have power with defensive states and condi is also a mean to do dmg.

> > > > >

> > > > > Because condi only really needs 1 stat to do damage and all the defensive stuff is free while power has to sacrifice damage for defensive stats.

> > > >

> > > > ok so why engi and ranger and ele take mender.

> > > > curses necro needs precision .

> > > > condition dmg need condition duration also....

> > > >

> > > > you want to say condition need 1 state to do ok dmg while power need 3 state to do huge dmg....

> > >

> > > Did you really just ask that? Engi ranger and ele take mender because mender has more healing power than any condition amulet and their kit for bunkering doesn't have much condition damage (druid staff is power, scrapper hammer is power, d/f is mostly power), so if you want to bunker AND do some damage then mender it is. Most of these examples you bring up either are wrong or only apply because anet doesn't allow the optimal amulets for the specs.

> >

> > so you agree they take power to do dmg while having healing power. so what is wrong with condition and healing power..... ?!!!! if i want to bunker and do condition dmg why is it wrong? if you saying no bunker should have any dmg at all no power or condition this is different story


> Because to do proper power damage you need power precision ferocity but to do similar if not better damage you only need condi damage stat.


> Dedicated bunkers aren't the problem those always ran power amulets anyways, It's the duels. Toughness/condition damage/healing power should be able to beat any power build 1v1 on point because eventually you'll run out of cleanses and lose while the condi tank will still be fine.


you dont see necro taking rabid amulet. the healing attribute doesnt scale much to their fervor so they arent so tanky rather their dmg is.

who decides bunker should go power and not condi.

if condi is so strong while it lack only healing attribute why we see power builds controlling the past 4 years meta.? i tell you. direct dmg can do in 1 sec 8k dmg while condition full burst from it will need 3 sec min. and boom its cleanse. (not talking the current scourge state)

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Sounds like overall a huge gift to condi specs which are already broken and not fun to play against.


Conditions like half the part of the game? Sure they're overloaded right now, but the philosophy behind them (slow consistent high damage) and must be actively cleansed adds skill and depth to the game and builds.

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I just want to be able to try condi Druid. Sage won't work because Druid needs 1050 healing for team support. I don't even care if it is more zerker style, like:


1050 condition, 1050 healing, 560 precision, 560 expertise


As is, Druid can only use 2 amulets, Menders and magi. Neither has any condi damage. Sage healing is too low.

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The current Mesmer specs basically do well with both power and condi variant and scale well with healing power, so cele will boost them quit a bit I think. Might be too much.


However the really annoying fact is that the PvP team has to waste their time tinkering with amulets and runes while 2 PoF specs are breaking the game on the balance side.

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I do not see why celestial have the same stat value as a 4 attribute amulet. Specializing your stats is better, and the 4 attribute gets 220 more stats than the 3 attribute ones to compensate. I see the value in not giving anything to much stats, but in its current form, no thought through pvp spec would use it. A small stat increase would make it in line with the rest. No damage done I guess, it will just be as before when it was not an option at all.

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> @Kyon.9735 said:

> Cele Holo and Reaper might benefit the most with Celestial. Holos has good might stacking skill (Photon Forge #3) on a low CD. Reapers get a lot of might from traits.


Reaper doesn't actually have the necessary might generation to make a effective cele build.


You need to remember that necros only having 3 might generating traits.

1 of those traits only works when hitting targets below 50% health.

1 of those traits only works on chilled targets. (which is rare given how much condi clear people run these days)

and the last trait only gives might when you spam shroud auto.


I record all of my pvp matches, generally speaking my spite reaper rarely has more than 10 stacks of might and often less, and that's with me running both Courage sigils and Sigil of Battle.


To put that in perspective, with a cele amulet giving 460 each, you need to maintain a constant 20 stacks of might in order to get the same amount of power that marauder natively has, and even if you can do that you're still having less precision and ferocity than marauder. Also boonrip is totally a thing.


Now if reaper ran like Strength runes, with both Sigil of Courage and Sigil of Battle, you might be able to get just enough damage out of the build hurt something, but then you'd be doing way less damage than if you ran the same setup with marauder.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @Highlie.7641 said:

> > • Power: 1050, Condition Damage: 1050, Vitality: 560, Precision: 560

> >

> > Can we get one with Ferocity instead of precision, for us thief's trying (and failing) to craft a hybrid set for years. Even if it's only for a day or two until it get's pulled for being op. make it happen :D


> Um, what's the point of Ferocity if you have base crit chance? Even if you intended on using it with Hidden Killer, everytime you do not crit, the stats are completely wasted.


No quarter, and the other two traits. who's names are eluding me at the moment.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks,


> As mentioned previously, we’ve been considering new amulets and runes. This is our current proposed list of additions.


> **Amulets**

> Celestial

> • All stats except Expertise and Concentration: 460

> Grieving

> • Power: 1050, Condition Damage: 1050, Precision 560, Ferocity: 560

> Harrier

> • Power: 1200, Healing: 900, Concentration: 900

> Marshall

> • Power: 1050, Healing: 1050, Precision: 560, Condition Damage: 560

> Name TBD

> • Power: 1050, Precision: 1050, Healing: 560, Vitality: 560

> Name TBD

> • Power 1050, Precision: 1050, Condition Damage: 560, Vitality: 560

> Name TBD

> • Power: 1050, Condition Damage: 1050, Vitality: 560, Precision: 560


> **Runes**

> We’re adding all the new profession runes except Scourge. We’re not adding Rebirth.



The runes look nice.


Espically the last one with majore stats in power and condi damage with minors in precsion and vitality, it allows for hybrid builds to potentially shine. i think the hybrid amulet options are espically nice for ele builds.


So when will these runes and amulets be released?



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Wow, Mesmer got left out. I admit, I wonder if ANET has some animus against Mesmer?


You devs keep pushing power and fast kills. That's evident in the proposal to reduce point size and now in these choices of amulets. That's a huge mistake. The "zerker" meta never really approached a balanced game. It consists of "sneak up on an enemy and get your burst off before they do." I remember all too well the 3 years Mesmer was "trash tier." It looks like we're headed that way again.

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What I'd really like to see is a support-focused amulet for condition builds.

Sage is literally the only option, and it only has 560 healing power. Not exactly good for a support focused build. And there are exactly _zero_ options for condition damage + concentration. (or concentration + _anything_ except PPF)


Ideally it'd have like 1050 healing, 1050 condition, 560 vitality, 560 concentration, or 1200 healing 900 condition 900 vitality, but one might argue that that is OP. Apparently every stat spread is required to have half of the stats spent on power, so even 1050 power, 1050 healing, 560 condition, 560 vitality would be fine. Or 1050 power, 1050 condition, 560 concentration, 560 whatever.

Hell, I'd be fine with having a lower stat total to make this happen. Like 1050 healing, 1050 condition, 560 vitality. Or 1050 healing, 560 condition, 560 vitality, 560 concentration. 560 power, 1050 healing, 560 condition, 560 vitality. etc


Build freedom, please.

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> @flow.6043 said:

> At this point, wouldn't it be easier to remove amulets and let people choose 2 major (1050) and 2 minor (560) stats?

> With some restrictions, of course, like you can't have both vitality and toughness or duration stats have to be minor etc.


I like this idea, perhaps give people a base amount of stat points in SPvP and let them allocate those points to what suits their playstyle. I mean like we already have a crazy amount of options. How many more variables could there be?

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @flow.6043 said:

> > At this point, wouldn't it be easier to remove amulets and let people choose 2 major (1050) and 2 minor (560) stats?

> > With some restrictions, of course, like you can't have both vitality and toughness or duration stats have to be minor etc.


> I like this idea, perhaps give people a base amount of stat points in SPvP and let them allocate those points to what suits their playstyle. I mean like we already have a crazy amount of options. How many more variables could there be?


So you could have toughness and healing Power as major and consentration and condition dmg Minor?

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> @Elfindale.4836 said:

> can we please have cele amulet back please, it has been so long, and really lots of the current class design can actually become viable and effective with the re-introduction of cele amulet, this is one you can buff ele, mes, engi, without hurting the feeling of other classes.


It is in PvP again My friend. Cele meta is real

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> Why does none of these ammys have no toughness.


> Has it been determined that even toughness as a tertiary stat is OP?


> Like this all squish here. Power builds will literally eat people.


Toughness is mostly gone to prevent another bunker meta. And no, Power builds wont eat any1 coz of too much everything in traits/skills

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> @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > Why does none of these ammys have no toughness.

> >

> > Has it been determined that even toughness as a tertiary stat is OP?

> >

> > Like this all squish here. Power builds will literally eat people.


> Toughness is mostly gone to prevent another bunker meta. And no, Power builds wont eat any1 coz of too much everything in traits/skills


Ew, traits have gotten that ridiculous to the point toughness won't even be a thing?


Gross. Just gross. Welp, so much for bruiser builds.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > Why does none of these ammys have no toughness.

> > >

> > > Has it been determined that even toughness as a tertiary stat is OP?

> > >

> > > Like this all squish here. Power builds will literally eat people.

> >

> > Toughness is mostly gone to prevent another bunker meta. And no, Power builds wont eat any1 coz of too much everything in traits/skills


> Ew, traits have gotten that ridiculous to the point toughness won't even be a thing?


> Gross. Just gross. Welp, so much for bruiser builds.


Yes they are. Every class has too many auto procs these days. Stun ur Enemy... Nope auto stun break. Burst Him out of nowhere from 100 to 0...nope, auto invl or something Else procs at 50%health. Its not Even funny anymore :D

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> @dragonkain.3984 said:

> *Still waits for +Power +Ferocity major +Precision +Vitality minor stats amulet...*


My reaper wants this so bad.


But at the same time my reaper is scared of other classes with that.

> @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > > Why does none of these ammys have no toughness.

> > > >

> > > > Has it been determined that even toughness as a tertiary stat is OP?

> > > >

> > > > Like this all squish here. Power builds will literally eat people.

> > >

> > > Toughness is mostly gone to prevent another bunker meta. And no, Power builds wont eat any1 coz of too much everything in traits/skills

> >

> > Ew, traits have gotten that ridiculous to the point toughness won't even be a thing?

> >

> > Gross. Just gross. Welp, so much for bruiser builds.


> Yes they are. Every class has too many auto procs these days. Stun ur Enemy... Nope auto stun break. Burst Him out of nowhere from 100 to 0...nope, auto invl or something Else procs at 50%health. Its not Even funny anymore :D


And then there is necro, where 90% of your defense comes from your amulet choice and the other 10% from your 2 dodge charges.

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