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Upcoming Bonus Events

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''We don’t build content; we focus entirely on creating events in a way that doesn’t impact other teams and the content they create. In some cases, we’ll actually ship events along with releases''


Easy Solution :

Step 1 : Buy a Votka

Step 2: While drunk , write down random attacks for a Sword+Bow+Stuff that evolves with each boss killed . That create Fields or can be used to easily kill any other Elite (exept boss) .


Easy-Medium Solution:

Winter/Heat/Starvation > decrease damage done to boss , or boon is removed from you every sec > unlock some specialized gear .


Medium Solution :

The boss transformes some players into Hostile Npcs .

In order to to remove this trnsformation , they must build aggro , by attacking other players (aim for the Tanks or attack ones each player(this will kind create a mayhem in the battelfield).

If you dont attack or the aggro goes to zero , the boss will pull you near him and you will be forced to EXPLODE on the players zerg .

Aggro decay , is hugely increased after 10 sec (to avoid players) using 1 attack every 3 sec)

Then you are rezzed as a Hostile Npc for 2 extra rounds .



Costly Solution :

Boss spawns some Elites that must be killed , or ignore them but they mitigate some damage done to the boss .

Some ppl are forced to equip a Bow and some other some Shield and move as a Phalax formation . (see pic)


The Bowmen can do increase damage to the boss . And if the use the same attack as their Commander(choosed randomly) they do even more damage .

The Shieldguys , stay on formation , infront of the elites and try to block Massisve Attcks that are coming from the Left-Right-Uppercut .

If they miss tey get knockback away like Teamrocket .

If the shieldguys survive for 30 sec , they get a 2-handed weapon to Parry+Pummel the Elites + Boss (and a glowly aura)


Edit: Ahhh sorry , didnt read the first post


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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



The problem with the event rewards, as I see it, is it’s either “feast or famine.” The vast majority gets the usual stuff, mats and a rare, but one person will hit the lottery and get something valuable. I think there either needs to be more in the middle category with a reasonable chance to get something or there needs to be a token system for the super rare items.


For the token system I would suggest the super rare be account bound and each person gets enough tokens by doing boss events to choose one super rare item. (Then either no more tokens this year or they’re allowed to save the tokens for next year). Then next year they can earn enough tokens to buy another super rare. That way each person can get one a year as a reward and they don’t end up in the trading post and it makes your event have rewards that can stretch out for years.


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Just my thoughts.

Even is a bait for players to do come more doing world events. super rare drop chance is prolly set to close to 0% and its just again ,bait.

They should have gone with tokens.

1 token per boss.

You need to interact with NPC after event to take token, chose answer to random npc question (aka. i am not a bot) that can give u response in way of , tip for the event ?

Add random shit that can happen during this events. any random shit, like lets say sometimes all asuras are transformed into meat steak. something random that players dont expect.



2k tokens for queen bee.

5k tookens for chak.

Inf bought on npc are not trade able.


FYI u can get max of 4 bosses per 1h and you would just need to focus on doing bosses.


This say there would be more players dedicated to doing events. Plus , you would not have to go with this events in this rng loot way but you would build on community of ppl who actually do them a lto and then just add week where u get 2x more tokens per boss.

Would this break price of inf, for sure no since with tokens u would need like 1y of some casualfew boss runs per day to get 2k tokens.



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Hey all,


> While the team is working toward the release of Episode 6 and the future of Guild Wars 2 development, a few of us are building out a stable of bonus events. You’ve already seen the World vs. World weeklong bonus event with no down state, and the Queen’s Jubilee Boss Blitz weekend, but soon we’ll release other bonus events. The first iterations of two of the planned events are complete, and we have two more in active development. Our intention is to run these during times when there are no major releases, and reward players for participating.


> The first of these events, World Boss Week, starts May 6 and will run until May 13. During this week, all world boss kills in core Tyria zones will reward a Bonus Box of Goods in addition to normal loot drops.


> The second event, Meta-Event Rush, will start a few weeks after the World Boss Week. During this week, our intention is to remove the daily cap on all world meta event completion rewards and to reward additional loot for some of our Meta-Events to pair with some improvements to the Path of Fire map meta events. More info will come closer to the event.


> While I can’t talk too much about what we have planned beyond that, we aren’t restricting ourselves to “inside the box” design for future events. Some of them may make significant shakeups to their game modes during the time they run. Future iterations we’re thinking about are:

> * No daily limit on world boss loot

> * Rare harvesting nodes spawn after world boss kill

> * Community goals and rewards

> * Collections and meta achievements with titles


> This is where our community comes in! We want to make events that leverage existing content and resources, while being fun and rewarding for you to play. We welcome your ideas for additional events and would love to hear your feedback on the events you’ve heard about so far, including their rewards.





> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



Thanks for the events! While they sound interesting and engaging I didn't feel very rewarded by doing it several hours. I have a small idea. Why don't you add a buff after each boss kill, someting like "Hero of Tyria"? Similar to the SW buff after an event. The buff will stay from map to map but only in the core maps of Tyria. Make the chests affected by magic find as well as the bags that each boss can drop. Now, the buff may add MF but could be something else, completely different but rewarding. After that we need to make the fights a little more challenging, after all the overall loot quality/quantity has increased so it is logical to make it a little more interesting. Maybe add a timed event in which after 5-10 boss kills under specific time you receive something like a summoning stone or evil extractor component (lol). What we do with these stones? We go to a place, summon/extract an evil, new, challenging world boss. We will need to insert 50 summoning stones or components (aka we will need more people in order to perform the ritual). After we kill the boss, we loot specific gear, unique for this boss tied with several collection achievements. We can also play around with something like enrage timers - every next boss becomes stronger, so we are not only pressed by time.


Thanks for all who read my long suggestion :)))


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Speaking of re-using/dusting off awesome content -here is another suggestion: Bring back events like the **Tower of nightmares** and the **Marionette**. How would you do it? Well my suggestion would be **Time portals**. Due to Kralkatorrik's impact on the world they are now a thing -we already seen some of them (in a lesser form) in Jahai so they would be a nice way to link these old events to our present world. It's up to you whether players will be able to access only the event areas (like the tower of nightmares and its surroundings) or a whole version of that map (let's call it historic_Kessex). And yes there is also a fractal with the same theme but I think having it as a meta event would be awesome as well (like a Tarir event for core Tyria). And this is a bit besides the scope of this thread But -having a historic_map and a present_map system would also allow you to do other things such as implementing Living world se1 Or having defense on lion's arch a possible thing Or in the future maybe you'd want to have a different present version of orr (where the risen are reclaiming it) -the possibilities are endless! Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this! Hope it's useful.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > This event reasserts the need for a good breakbar tutorial. Too many people in these boss events for like the shatterer just plain don't know what a breakbar is even though anet has intended for us to use them as part of the boss fight mechanics. That's on anet to fix because we can try to make informative forum posts or use map chat to attempt to instruct people on what to do, but many players never view the forums, never look at chat. So we need something in the tutorial to address what is such a common mechanic in the game. It's about as important as dodging, and dodging has a tutorial (even though it's a badly implemented side tutorial that these same players who don't care about improving skip)

> > >

> > > You changed the new player experience and tutorials before taking out the downed state tutorial, you can do it again.

> >

> > When the event is nothing more than a 3minute skill lagfest and particle effect massacre.. breakbars become irrelevant.

> > Breakbars or not, they don't last long enough for players to care.. it's all about getting in the map, putting skill 1 on auto and going to make a coffee then collect loot (if you dont have the auto loot) remap to next boss.. rinse repeat.

> > The only exception is maybe Teq where you have to stop auto attacking (mostly) when Teq flies off and the defence stages start.. kinda becomes 3 or 4 stages of auto attacking with a short run in between.

> > Breakbars on world bosses became irrelevant 5minutes after they were introduced imo.


> Tell that to Serpent's Ire. Not to mention there are still achievements that'd be nice to get on the Shatterer bosses in both Blazeridge and Jahai.


Serpent's Ire is not on the WB train and likely never will be.

The issue with SI is not the final fight its getting to the final fight compounded by the fact the map is just not that popular and never really has been in comparison to many other meta maps.

Of course there are exceptions and Shatter is one of them I agree.. though for another reason. its more about players being bothered to use the launch pads at the correct times and bomb Shatty to get that breakbar down.. currently the two achievs I am missing are directly linked to that as well.. but getting a full map to adhere to that mechanic is largely impossible these days as many players got that done when many more needed that done (I missed out and honestly don't expect to get it now). But that is not about players not knowing how to get a breakbar down, it's all about players not being overly concerned about getting a breakbar down these days. Perhaps if bosses were better upscaled to handle this hoards rather than making it a 1,1,1,1,1 auto attack fest, then things might change, until then its all about get in, get loot, get out and move on - not great I agree, but the alternative is just not bother doing them I guess (which I tend not too especially seeing how poor the bonus event reward is,.. I can get a rare Unid and a couple of bits of Jute elsewhere just a fast and without the skill lag and particle effect massacre :) )

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



@"Chris Cleary.8017" Could you explain me this ? Yesterday I've met the [svanir Shaman](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Svanir_Shaman_Chief "Svanir Shaman"). The one from the current World Boss Fest rotation. I thought it was a good idea to help me complete the [svanir's Bane](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Svanir%27s_Bane "Svanir's Bane") achievement. I did the pre events. I did damages on portals. I did a good amount of damages to the boss itself too (not a "1 1 1" rotation if you know what I mean).

My rewards were the bonus box. It means that my participation was high enough for the current fiesta. The boss chest rewarded me with an [Eternal Ice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eternal_Ice "Eternal Ice") I had the gold karma and xp reward too .... But the Svanir's Bane achievement ... No. Still here uncompleted.

So, my question is : How much damages do I have to do to complete this achievement ? Billions ? XD

PS: Same thing with my second attempt ... All the same but the Eternal Ice.


Edit: And looking for solution, I'm discovering this problem is [as old as the game](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Kill-the-Hydra-Queen-achievement-bug/page/1#post4571269 "as old as the game")... :/ Great.

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Since somebody mentioned Serpent's Ire: In their event week announcement they've also said they were increasing rewards of PoF metas to be more worthwhile. So when that meta event week rolls around they will hopefully be worth doing.


Also I don't think anybody should be upset that we only get low tier mats. It's the first attempt at an event like this and they are on the cautious side, given that no limit on something at all could cause a huge impact on economy. People organizing kills on multiple maps for example, while certainly intended since they get actual kills, could easily break something.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> So I just opened 9 of the bonus loot boxes and got only minor, worthless stuff, like tiny XY and silver ore. I won't do any more world bosses for this. Yes yes, 9 is not a significant number to make an educated guess of the avergae loot value, sure...


> But they put worthless stuff into it, and I don't gamble and do 200 world bosses while I can simply get good chances for ascended crafting items playing other content. It's no fun anyway with lag worse than in a WvW blob.


So you expected a super rare drop within 9 boxes... lulz

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



So in my opinion this "World Boss Bonus" is a load of garbage. Worthless mats that I can get from harvesting guild nodes or WvW nodes that only take 20s average when I'm spending hours to attend the world bosses in this event and play with my friends. It is not fun getting no good drops that are worth your time. On top of that, the lag is obscene and I'm not sure if it's worth it I've farmed 60 boxes so far with the only thought in my head: "Why did you do this?" . Seems like a sorry way to "reward" your players for a week long event with crappy rewards and still a 0.00000001% drop rate on anything worth a damn. Would have liked to see one a day crafts like the Fractal box rewards or t6 matts.

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I was pretty hyped about that event, but after doing it for an hour it reminded me of the first time i quit gw2. Doing stuff in a big blob and pressing one button has always been the worst part of the game. I dont think it is healty for the game in the long run to encourage the players to burn out on certain content. Some player will always repeat the most lucrative content, but others dont.

I like how the dev tried over the years to balance out rewards to spread players to more meta events. Maybe use the bonus chest to steer players in different parts of the game, but dont allow heavy grind.

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> @"Bratpirat.6137" said:

> I was pretty hyped about that event, but after doing it for an hour it reminded me of the first time i quit gw2. Doing stuff in a big blob and pressing one button has always been the worst part of the game. I dont think it is healty for the game in the long run to encourage the players to burn out on certain content


seems like some players like this, so they can play other games beside gw2 or watch netflix/twitch.

just look at the comments here or on reddit.

and yes thats a comment about the upcoming events for anet. thats your community and how the play your game.

and yes i did it too today. watched game 7 Stars vs Blues and stand around at boss spawn points.

srsly please dont use the same rewards for any upcoming events. give us real rewards.

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"Super Rare" Jute scraps and other garbage this is a serious reason to participate in the event. Why does all this need a level-80 character?

I wait for a exotic or ascendant items. Even if the chance for them will be small.

Now drop is a very poor. Sell all of this on auction? More profitable to chop a trees in Orr

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This has probably already been mentioned...


Jumping puzzle world completion week - JP chests contain an extra reward depending on puzzle difficulty. Do 3 JPs per day for a special daily reward. Mesmer portals are broken that week in PvE and WvW, though.



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Althow i love to play this game i dont have mor than 1-2 hours a day to play it, so i rarely find a chance to play a world boss event, because i like many other players obsesivly whey and calibrate my time ingame, so that i get the moast gold for my time... And thats actualy the way we play, kinda sad once you look at it from afar.


I like this event, i never expected to get any of the higher tier rewards. But the event gave me an excuse to go after worldbosses again. And althow ther was lag, the rewards wer not 1000g wourght for every boss , it broke my habits, and it was fun. So thank you, for letting me play around and have fun.


I will gladly welcome mor events like this, as long as they are engaging for a majority of the comunity, and they will give us an excuse to play with other players.


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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > So I just opened 9 of the bonus loot boxes and got only minor, worthless stuff, like tiny XY and silver ore. I won't do any more world bosses for this. Yes yes, 9 is not a significant number to make an educated guess of the avergae loot value, sure...

> >

> > But they put worthless stuff into it, and I don't gamble and do 200 world bosses while I can simply get good chances for ascended crafting items playing other content. It's no fun anyway with lag worse than in a WvW blob.


> So you expected a super rare drop within 9 boxes... lulz


You missed the point of that post.. it's not about the infusions or any particular items wanted.. its about the awful load of useless trash you do get. Running around for 2hrs to do 9 bonus events and then be left with a few pieces of jute, maybe a green log or 2 and 9 UNID that are all but worthless as well these days, is what it's about.

We would all like the super rare stuff, sure - but to get a bits of jute etc at max lvl as a bonus reward is just a slap in the face. Heck even the rare UNID constitutes nothing more than a few pieces of mithril, maybe the odd ecto and if your very, very, very lucky a charm or a symbol.. hardly something to wet your panties over lets be fair.

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For future events consider some rewards that are "middling" or in between, the current event you either get just a rare and some crafting mats, or super ultra rare cosmetic infusions or invisible footwear. There doesn't seem to be anything in between.


Consider some rewards like vision crystals/lesser vision crystals, ascended mats (or if you don't want them to be sellable the intermmediate ascended mats like lumps of mithrilium, allowing a person to skip a timesink), mystic clovers, things that are account bound so they don't really affect the market, but are pretty useful and not something super easy to farm. So that you essentially have common, uncommon, rare, and super rare loot tables, like BLC's. Right now it really feels like there's just common and super rare, so I don't feel motivated to do this event anymore.

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So I'll say this Anet team. Most MMOs I have played, with these kind of events have currency. This currency is attached to event shops. These event shops give out event specific items via backpieces, auras, cosmetic stuff, whatever.


I do not know how or why you do it this way, and I'm not going to pretend I know the situation, but this style of RNG drop simply doesn't last. At all. No one is gonna be excited to do these kind of events if there is literally a less than one percent of getting something special. Events like these, AT LEAST, should have had the Tequatl wings or old skins that you use currency to buy.


This doesn't cut it and after spending seven hours of my day going through the same bosses for two days straight now, I'm cutting my losses. This is simply not my style. I like to grind. A lot. And I will grind for literally anything. I will not grind for RNG based drops unless those drops are attached to the currency system like you do for the other maps.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Yeah, I got a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear from almost every box. I only did 4 World Bosses and ended up with 15 Rare Unids, 5 Rare pieces of (identified) gear, and 1 Exotic weapon. Plus lots of Green and Blue Unids, and lots of mats. Oh, and 4 trophies.


> Anyone that doesn't want the Rare Unids from the Bonus Box of Goods can send them to me; I'll happily take them off your hands. =)


I did two days, 4 bosses each day, and sold almost everything. Made an easy almost 15 gold. I wasn't there to farm, and I didn't get any ultra rares. Didn't bother me at all. I turned off all player, npc and object names, reflection and shadow, and cammed way out so I could see past the flash and glow. And I turned off music entirely, that really helped. I enjoyed myself, both playing solo and on squads. I can't understand why people are complaining. My only problem is my computer got way hot from overwork. If you don't want to play it, don't. I found it a nice break from being killed by Balthazar's monster in Vabbi.

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I think the big pull to this event was the announcement of getting some super rare infusions as a drop, this was quite misleading but had the effect of getting folks to participate in the old world bosses. The one thing that works is that the servers can be adjusted for increase capacity. I think the other issue is the world bosses needs to be revamped, they are too easy with no really challenge for veteran players. Maybe leave the current boss encounter as a level one and then have one that goes to level 5, you have introduced the population to defeat with Living World stories and we can't just win them all every time. Besides, the world bosses not learning new tactics is just unrealistic.


I find the PVP track to be quite nice to reach goals for items, maybe it is time for a PVE track to be implemented, sure this will cause a lot of debate but that is my opinion. All in all the event is not bad and it introduced folks to world bosses. Look forward to see how the feedback is implemented.


For the record, I had no expectation of getting any super rare drops, since I was doing the boss run before the event. Teq has yet to drop his horde in all the time I have played this game. =)

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I got a Tequatl Hoard today! Granted, on my alt account, but hey, she still really needs gear. It was also her very first pull of Tequatl since usually I just do the dailies and logoff or keyfarm. Still super cool and I would not have gone there if it wasn't for the event going on(I was in a group of folks who wanted to do some bosses). Did triple trouble, which failed first go, but a guild popped it again and it succeeded. Awesome afternoon.

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> @"dmone.5631" said:

> I think the big pull to this event was the announcement of getting some super rare infusions as a drop, this was quite misleading but had the effect of getting folks to participate in the old world bosses. The one thing that works is that the servers can be adjusted for increase capacity. I think the other issue is the world bosses needs to be revamped, they are too easy with no really challenge for veteran players. Maybe leave the current boss encounter as a level one and then have one that goes to level 5, you have introduced the population to defeat with Living World stories and we can't just win them all every time. Besides, the world bosses not learning new tactics is just unrealistic.


> I find the PVP track to be quite nice to reach goals for items, maybe it is time for a PVE track to be implemented, sure this will cause a lot of debate but that is my opinion. All in all the event is not bad and it introduced folks to world bosses. Look forward to see how the feedback is implemented.


> For the record, I had no expectation of getting any super rare drops, since I was doing the boss run before the event. Teq has yet to drop his horde in all the time I have played this game. =)


unlucky mate I got like 8 or 9 hoards so far.

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This was originally going to be a reply to one of the boss week threads but it veered off course and now I think it is better suited for this thread . . :


I think the main problem with this try was that the rewards were the event, so when some players were dissatisfied with the rewards that meant they could end up dissatisfied with the event as well. I'm comparing it to the 'no downstate' weeks in wvw, which also buffed rewards but seemed to owe their success more to their novelty than to the increased compensation. It also seemed like the first 'no downstate' week was more popular than the second which both supports the idea that the novelty was the appeal and illustrates the challenge of consistently producing genuinely novel twists on existing gameplay at regular intervals over a long period. That kind of creativity would be difficult to maintain at a high level and would also doubtless produce some really colossal failures along with the spectacular successes . . .


So basically you can't please everyone every time, I feel like altering events will probably be more successful than enhancing rewards, and continually finding new ways to spice things up is going to be really hard over a long period. Good luck tho :)

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Since there's a mismatch between all of the encounters listed on the Wiki as "World Boss" and what has additional rewards during this event, here's the list of what has additional rewards this time around:


> Shadow Behemoth

> Fire Elemental

> Svanir Shaman Chief

> Jungle Wurm (Caledon Forest)

> Modniir Ulgoth

> Taidha Covington

> Megadestroyer

> Golem Mark II

> Shatterer

> Claw of Jormag

> Karka Queen

> Tequatl the Sunless

> Evolved Jungle Wurm (Bloodtide Coast)


How about adding the other core ["non-world boss" bosses](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_boss#List_of_non-world_bosses) to the list of things that count. No need to change anything else like adding them to the spawn schedule. This would just serve as a sort of small advertisement for them. There are collections attached to the completion of some of those things along with some items but some of those see very little traffic so a little bit of advertisement should help.

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