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Did any of you got any Super Rare loot from the World Boss Rush ?

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Nothing of note from the boxes here, though to be fair I am a very small sample because I did it for an hour or two on Wednesday, found that there wasn't much of note, and only dipped my toe in during some spare moments Thurs and Fri. Probably under 10 boxes.


The biggest benefit was that I was able to get my guildie I'm helping with beetle acquisition to a very full assault on the Mount Maelstrom golem. Corollary downside: She also needed the ley anomaly and while we did successfully take it down, I think we had under 20 people chasing it so it was touch and go. Everyone was off at the world bosses :)

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A friend of mine opened 100 boxes and did not get a super rare. Or even a rare.


My expectation: the drop rate is less than 1:10 000 (10k) and maybe as low as 1:100 000 (100k)


This is an educated, speculative guess, based on having data from thousands and thousands of BL chests (from different players), without any super rares, the drop rate of exotics from champ bags being low (less than 1 per stack), the drop rate of exotics from rare unID (1:100), and various precursor drop rates (e.g. from forging exotics or from unID gear).


If I'm correct, with map populations of ~100 people, I'd expect hardly anyone to have been present when someone gets a super rare, even those participating daily in 20+ events.

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It was kind of nice to do boss events again. However, I'm completely underwhelmed by the content of the bonus boxes. From the 40 boxes that I opened, I got two uncommon items, an Armored Scale and a Potent Venom Sac. I think this table says it all: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bonus_Box_of_Goods/Drop_rate


This was a nice idea but the regular boss rewards were much better than the bonus awards. It would have been good to get at least one desirable item from a week of chasing after bosses.

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Yeah, I bought into the hype for the first day. I killed two bosses before I came to my senses and realized:

"Y'know what. I'll bet that ad was deliberately (vaguely) worded to make the drop rates seem much higher than they actually are, and that this is just some marketing trick to boost player count for whatever reason." I then logged out, because I knew I'd be spending 10+ hours playing content that I've already done to death just for like a .00000001% chance of getting something good.

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The chest wouldn't feel that bad if the boss rewards were better to begin with, and if most were better encounters some rework needs to be done with them.

So as it is the t1 crafting mats should not be in and would it hurt for them to put mats in stacks of 2 to 3 from the drop, you get more stuff doing random events in HOT, the other issue is the mid range rewards are quite non existent some Volatile magic shipments or Unbound magic-wrapped bundle would have been better,

I still wonder why are the world boss specific loot items not in the Rare section of the box.

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they shouldnt have used RNG for this. its like using a dice roll in dnd, its poor planning. they should have used a Token system. every world boss drops a token, and then you can go to a merchant who sells each of the items for like 250 tokens EACH, but its an account bound version. that way people could actually work towards getting an item they truly want and would use, and not just to make a quick buck. but then again, why would they ever reward hard work and effort, right?


and to answer your question, i didnt get anything (probably obvious)

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> @"EttinTracker.6504" said:

> I think this table says it all: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bonus_Box_of_Goods/Drop_rate

The table says very little, as that's not even close to 1000 units. To be useful to estimate rates, I'd want enough data so that there were at least 20 drops minimum for each uncommon bin.


At most, we can estimate the rate of uncommon drops at around 3%, but that could easily be a result of lucky streaks or who has chosen to add the data.


Further note: only 8 people have submitted data; that's also not enough to rule out streaks of luck (bad or good). I am familiar with only one of the posters and I consider them very reliable. With so few posters, it's hard to draw reasonable conclusions.



Clearly the drops rates are low, which is predictable. The wiki data isn't really sufficient to establish how low.




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