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Current state of WvW


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I have seen some good directions for wvw over the past few months, mainly pointing towards community sponsored gvg tournaments. After these developments I was hoping to bring forth a healty discussion about the current state of wvw. Currently there is little point of winning a matchup in wvw, and it has been for quite along time. Server meetings often include if we wanna stay or move from the current tier. The driving force of the decision is if there will be "good fights" in the next weeks matchup. Nearly noone cares about winning, and in my opinion that is a very unhealty development.


The majority of the wvw community as I've seen is mostly focused on fights but currently there is close to no rewards for zerg fighting. It is just one way to keep participation up and a few lootbags (well if you accualy win the fight that is), so if your zerg keep getting wiped the enjoyment hits rock bottom. You could just aswell sit and waste supplies repairing walls in Stonemist castle for participation.


The core of wvw zerg fights are phenomenal compared to other games, the game and servers are handling these massive fights really well, and I feel like there is alot of wasted potential, if there was a proper structure around Zerg v Zerg or GvG. Example a ranked ladder or simular to the pvp browser, would increase the intrest for wvw.


Well thats atleast what im thinking.

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> @"Ceramix.5419" said:

> I feel like there is alot of wasted potential

The swan song of WvW.


Like all modern games they saw that cash flow from the microtransactions and realized they could make the money a much easier and cost effective way.


Think I'll go play candy crush and buy some free skip tokens or whatever.



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> @"Ceramix.5419" said:

> > @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> > It’s a dead game mode. Just accept it.


> dunno about NA, but it doesnt seem dead on EU.


WVW - the only dead game mode, where huge red and blue zergs can roll over our keeps and garrisons and face massive battles and siege. (Or vice versa). I guess death truly is only the beginning ...

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Even with n high end pc with full settings and 130 fps in three-way fights it lags like hell bcz of idk .. too much calculations at a time (gameserver sided) or whatever ^^


Screenshot or didnt happen,

Doesnt matter how good your pc is, you wont ever have 130 fps in 3 way fullblob fights, even on low settings, the code is too spaghetti.


I have 130fps with everything on maxed out in an empty zone, as soon as i enter a zone with a few player in it, like LA, my fps drop down massively, to 30-40

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FPS issues like happens in EVERY, and I mean, EVERY MMoRPG war game mode.


Some people complain about lag and slideshowns on zerg fights since the days of Ultima Online. GW2 actually handles it very well.

If GW2 was as bad as some other games you would need to purchase a last generation i7 overclocked to the limits to run a zerg on minimal settings at 30 FPS.


"LoL I has PC Master Race Want To Run 130 FPS With 200 Players On Screen".


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> @"Ceramix.5419" said:

> i have 50v50v50's on 60fps, and comparing it to other games its alot better.


Post a video or screen with FPS shown in a 50vs50vs50 fight.


However, even with great FPS, you can have massive skill lag, which is server side, not client side. I can be at spawn with 140fps, when a massive 3 way fight for SMC is going on and still get skill lag up to 15+ seconds for a single skill to go off.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > > Even with n high end pc with full settings and 130 fps in three-way fights it lags like hell bcz of idk .. too much calculations at a time (gameserver sided) or whatever ^^

> >

> > Screenshot or didnt happen,

> > Doesnt matter how good your pc is, you wont ever have 130 fps in 3 way fullblob fights, even on low settings, the code is too spaghetti.

> >

> > I have 130fps with everything on maxed out in an empty zone, as soon as i enter a zone with a few player in it, like LA, my fps drop down massively, to 30-40


> Just like happens in EVERY, and I mean, EVERY MMoRPG war game mode.


> Son, people complain about lag and slideshowns on zerg fights since the days of Ultima Online. GW2 actually handles it very well.

> If GW2 was as bad as some other games you would need to purchase a last generation i7 overclocked to the limits to run a zerg on minimal settings at 30 FPS.


> "LoL I has PC Master Race Want To Run 130 FPS With 200 Players On Screen".

> Seriously?


What the f do you want from me? I was talking to a person who claimed he has 130 fps in fights. I want proof, because its hard to believe based on my own experience.

If he really runs with 130fps i want to know how, thats a legit question.

What do you have to butt in? Get lost.


I never stated that i had a big problem with the fps drop, did i? And you cant deny that the game HAS to be spaghetti coded with the bugs that occur after almost every patch, the problems they have with implementing the easiest stuff and since its running with the same engine as gw1 did.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> FPS issues like happens in EVERY, and I mean, EVERY MMoRPG war game mode.


> Some people complain about lag and slideshowns on zerg fights since the days of Ultima Online. GW2 actually handles it very well.

> If GW2 was as bad as some other games you would need to purchase a last generation i7 overclocked to the limits to run a zerg on minimal settings at 30 FPS.


> "LoL I has PC Master Race Want To Run 130 FPS With 200 Players On Screen".

> Seriously?


Why do i get more fps in ARK boss fights, which is also an unoptimized game than Gw2 zergfights lol.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> Why do i get more fps in ARK boss fights, which is also an unoptimized game than Gw2 zergfights lol.


Because PvE doesn't need the same level of accuracy as PvP modes. There is a reason there are so very, very, very few MMOs with an RvR or WvW mode. None of them have action oriented combat and do it better. If it were even remotely easy to build a game mode like this, it would be in other MMOs. As it is, the ones with it all have the same problems or they "cheat" and remove the action or AoE elements.


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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> Why do i get more fps in ARK boss fights, which is also an unoptimized game than Gw2 zergfights lol.


Because every game under the sun optimize every encounter and map of the game taking control of how much elements can be at your screen at the same time at given times. So your computer never overloads in calculations and starts to drop FPS.


In an MMoRPG its **impossible** to control how many players can be at your screen at any given time. Since as long people can access the map we will have more and more players that may or not be in the same spot using skills or not.


In ARK, as well as any game, there will be just that much elements in the screen for your core processor calculate movements and interactions.

In GW2 WvW, there can be hundreds of players at the same place at big wars. Your CPU starts to have trouble calculating everything and your FPS drops.


Thats one of the reasons why a good core processor has always being an important piece of hardware for MMo players. You GPU usually only takes cares of textures and other post processing effects and hardly overloads.

You CPU tough, is crying bricks in the middle of WvW. Hence the reason that reducing the number of visible players and disabling animations are the best to increase FPS in this game mode.


Back in the days of Lineage II, Ultima Online, WoW and even GW, it was pretty common for active players of war-style PvP modes (anything that involves a lot of players) to overclock the CPU to increase FPS.


Some recent Battle Royalle games doesn't suffer from this problem because its rare to have too many players at the same spot in those giant BR maps. Plus squads are small so 99% of the time players are only having small skirmishes. So they don't feel that impact most of the time.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> >


> I have indeed quoted the wrong person. I don't see the point of being so overly defensive tough. Gonna remove the quote from my original post.




Well, sorry, but if i get hit with

"LoL I has PC Master Race Want To Run 130 FPS With 200 Players On Screen".


For no real reason im going to be a bit defensive...

Its all good, as you said you didnt mean to quote me but someone else

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> @"Ceramix.5419" said:

> I have seen some good directions for wvw over the past few months, mainly pointing towards community sponsored gvg tournaments. After these developments I was hoping to bring forth a healty discussion about the current state of wvw. Currently there is little point of winning a matchup in wvw, and it has been for quite along time. Server meetings often include if we wanna stay or move from the current tier. The driving force of the decision is if there will be "good fights" in the next weeks matchup. Nearly noone cares about winning, and in my opinion that is a very unhealty development.


> The majority of the wvw community as I've seen is mostly focused on fights but currently there is close to no rewards for zerg fighting. It is just one way to keep participation up and a few lootbags (well if you accualy win the fight that is), so if your zerg keep getting wiped the enjoyment hits rock bottom. You could just aswell sit and waste supplies repairing walls in Stonemist castle for participation.


> The core of wvw zerg fights are phenomenal compared to other games, the game and servers are handling these massive fights really well, and I feel like there is alot of wasted potential, if there was a proper structure around Zerg v Zerg or GvG. Example a ranked ladder or simular to the pvp browser, would increase the intrest for wvw.


> Well thats atleast what im thinking.


You are very confused, saying: "no one cares about winning the matchup, because there is no reward" and then claiming: "everyone only cares about zerg fights, though there is no reward either", so you want more rewards for zerg fights.


-> if everyone would only look for zerg fights, as you claim, and no one would care about winning the matchup (the major goal of this game mode), the conclusion would be, that Anet should add rewards for winning the matchup and not for zerg fights


> @"Anput.4620" said:

> Current state of WvW in 1 picture.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/YJERfNr.jpg "")


What is this skill called "screenshot" in the chat? Sounds exiting, how much damage does it make?



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > Current state of WvW in 1 picture.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/YJERfNr.jpg "")

> >

> What is this skill called "screenshot" in the chat? Sounds exiting, how much damage does it make?


i thought that screen was about the low ranks. so basically saying that there is plenty rather new players while the long time players seems to reduce in numbers.



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The comparison is off. Your 4 accessible WvW maps compared to all Tyria maps using the megaserver-system were always orders of magnitude away. Imagine a Megaserver in WvW. Always the fullest map that does not yet has a queue, accross all servers. In addition you get a lot more maps in PvE (Tyria around 50?), compared to the 4 of WvW. You can also go idle much longer and have all other modes and PvE-Branches (Fractals, dungeons, guild events etc) connected to PvE...


So, comparing PvE with WvW regarding population itself does not make any sense.


Regarding activity, it depends of course on daytime and server. Doing fractals after midnight usually also has a less filled lfg list. During the bonus-week we had queues on every border every evening for a few hours. Yesterday evening we had queues on 2 borders for an hour.

And last Sunday we had 27 fights in 2h in addition to capturing objectives.

In fact, we are trying to increase our guild zerg size to a constant 25 per raid, since most enemy zergs seem to have become larger, too.


So, regarding my own personal experience, WvW is far from dead.

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