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Desolation events - Maw and Wurms

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I know that supposedly somewhere the devteam has stated that they want to revamp the PoF meta events, though not sure what those revamps will include. But man, can you throw us a bone here? Im trying to get the last 2 achievements that I'm missing from the Desolation (Wurm Whisperer and Portal Spiker) but trying to get people to Maw of Torment and Junundu Rising is like pulling teeth. Very little to no one wants to do them. Can we have some adjustments made to have these events so they are more small group friendly? or have the requirements for those 2 achievements lessened some?

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People would probably do Maw more often if Anet would actually fix the bug that keeps stalling it. It’s been reported repeatedly since the expansion launched.


It’s as if we have a narrow window to get these bugs reported and fixed as they tend to just remain unfixed once newer content comes out.

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The wurm even can supposedly be solo'ed(supposedly because I haven't tried it myself). I see zero reason to bother with it and no that 4000g+ mini is not a good enough motivator either.


Maw should be doable with around 12 as well which isn't particularly massive but I am touching that unless there is confirmation that that stalling is definitely fixed.

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* Junundu Rising feels unrewarding, nobody knows when it may start, and a single person can start it on their own before people can gather, and ruin it for all because there's not enough time to get 6 Junundu.

* The 'choice chest' of the Maw is kind of meh, like the other choice chests in PoF. I'd recommend giving the PoF meta choice chests better chances to get ascended and exotic recipes. Maybe a box that will always give a random recipe box with tradable recipes inside in place of the fixed sigil/inscription recipes we can already buy from renown hearts.


It would also be nice if all events that may spawn a lot of enemies had bonus rewards on success based on participation and kills, up to a cap, stored by the system until the even ends.

Something like a "box" you can't check until the end of the event that will hold your drops until you succeed, but that 'breaks' if the event fail.

When the box 'breaks' it would lose most of the drops inside, but less drops would be loss based on progress, so keep going when things seems like they may fail would be better than just letting the event fail.

Succeed, and the box appears as a little window on screen with all the drops you earned inside, and you can simply 'grab all', or enable autoloot to get them all at once.

And if you disconnect but the event succeeds, the box would hold your drops until you log back in.

That way:

* We could move drops in events in which players fail on purpose or purposefully stall or upscale events to get drops. Drops would still be given, but only on success.

* Events that feel unrewarding for not getting drops from enemies could get some extra drops on success.

* When events fail there would still some reward, discouraging people from quitting too soon or leaving the map before the event ends.

* If your client disconnects, your rewards would not be completely loss as they would be stored in the box and appear on login.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> * Junundu Rising feels unrewarding, nobody knows when it may start, and a single person can start it on their own before people can gather, and ruin it for all because there's not enough time to get 6 Junundu.

> * The 'choice chest' of the Maw is kind of meh, like the other choice chests in PoF. I'd recommend giving the PoF meta choice chests better chances to get ascended and exotic recipes. Maybe a box that will always give a random recipe box with tradable recipes inside in place of the fixed sigil/inscription recipes we can already buy from renown hearts.



What are those recipe drops supposed to accomplish? Especially the ascended ones. In the presence of stat swapping they aren't especially useful. Maybe ANet has just designed themselves into a corner with this.


> It would also be nice if all events that may spawn a lot of enemies had bonus rewards on success based on participation and kills, up to a cap, stored by the system until the even ends.

> Something like a "box" you can't check until the end of the event that will hold your drops until you succeed, but that 'breaks' if the event fail.

> When the box 'breaks' it would lose most of the drops inside, but less drops would be loss based on progress, so keep going when things seems like they may fail would be better than just letting the event fail.

> Succeed, and the box appears as a little window on screen with all the drops you earned inside, and you can simply 'grab all', or enable autoloot to get them all at once.

> And if you disconnect but the event succeeds, the box would hold your drops until you log back in.

> That way:

> * We could move drops in events in which players fail on purpose or purposefully stall or upscale events to get drops. Drops would still be given, but only on success.

> * Events that feel unrewarding for not getting drops from enemies could get some extra drops on success.

> * When events fail there would still some reward, discouraging people from quitting too soon or leaving the map before the event ends.

> * If your client disconnects, your rewards would not be completely loss as they would be stored in the box and appear on login.


The last item would be a nice QoL change but the rest don't look all that impactful. They might shift an event from "awful" to "okay" which would definitely be an improvement but still not something to get excited about.

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I've been hosting these at night. I have some expertise on how to deal with these events.


**Junundu Rising:** To get the achievements for this event, you just need two competent people. Yourself, and one other person. The scaling on the collection event is _really_ fierce, but if you're by yourself the event is actually pretty easy. You should be able to complete two out of the three by yourself. If you can get one person who's half-competent to run to the far collection event, then you can easily get all 3 worms. The hard part is getting that half-competent person, because everybody in PoF maps right now are angry and incompetent n00bs. The second hardest part is getting crowed by these n00bs, since all they will do is follow the tag to the collection event, then stand around killing enemies and scaling up the event. If you tell them what to do or to spread out, they'll refuse to cooperate and just get angry. So. Junundu Rising is in this odd place where you're better off if people don't come to help you.


You'll want to do the southern and middle collections. Leave the northern one to the random good Samaritan. The forged fort is a lot harder than the awakened fort, and completing the southern collections means you'll do the awakened fort first. If you have low numbers, the most important part is keeping the worms alive. Clear out the center square before you go for the siege engines. Mobs will spawn as you damage the catapults/cannons, but they'll probably aggro on you so the worms will be safe. Stand on the far side of the catapults/cannons so the enemies run around toward you to fight. It'll make cleaving down the mobs easier. If the worms get low, you can use the skimmer's dismount skill to heal them.


Once you get to the forts, it actually helps to have angry and incompetent n00bs around. Yes, they scale up the event. But, they also distract the enemies. The catapults at the awakened forts are buggy, and it can be hard to target them. If you're doing things in order and get to the forged fort second, you don't have to worry about keeping the worms alive as much. Though if the worms die, you'll only have about 2 minutes before the event fails. Fighting the champions and enemies for this second part can be hard, but it should only take 2 or 3 people (yourself included) to complete it.


If you get all 3 collections, then six worms will spawn. Even if this happens, I still recommend killing the awakened fort first, so everyone can get double awards. Also, the event won't start to end until all of the worms are dead, so once the awakened fort is dead you can speed over to the forged fort. You'll want to kill the champion camping the door, though, because if left unchecked he can wreck the worms pretty quick. Overall, the rewards for this event are pretty good. I get intact mosaics, ascended recipes, and plenty of rare unids each time I do it.




**Maw of Torment:** This one is significantly harder to do than Junundu Rising. To complete this event, you'll only need 6 people. 2 for each lane. The reason why this event is harder is because, as mentioned before, the only people in the PoF maps are angry and incompetent n00bs. They _will not_ cooperate. They'll get mad at having to follow directions, then get mad at failing the event because they didn't follow directions. However, if you happen to get enough random n00bs, or if you get lucky and get a few good players, then the event isn't that difficult.


There's 4 parts to the event. The first part is where you clean up the defenses. It seems trivial, but not having elites + cannons during the second part really makes things easier. Clearing the defenses can easily be solo'd by any class, so you only need about 3 people for this part. One in each lane. The hardest part is getting players to spread out, because they will naturally crowd the tag and get ticked off when you tell them to go elsewhere. But, if you get 1 person to clear each lane, then it should be smooth.


The second part is the escort. If you cleaned up the defenses, then this part can also be easily solo'd. Again, 1 in each lane. The hard part about this event is the bugs. I haven't found an exact method to the madness, since the common advice of "let the NPC engage the enemies" doesn't actually work. But, assuming the event doesn't bug, this part shouldn't be too hard.


The third part of the escort is the spiking portion. This is the only part where two people per lane is recommended. The enemies will build up quite substantially around the spire, and each spire will be surrounded by snipers that will plink away at you from 1200 range. This makes soloing difficult. In practice, if everything else goes well, you can move from spire to spire with one group killing the bosses. However, I would still recommend the buddy system for each spire, because it is both faster and safer. Also, angry n00bs have a hard time understanding anything harder than "kill stuff," so you'll have to explain how portal spiking works.


The fourth part is the Demolisher. At this point, everybody in the map will come and join the fight. If you still have low numbers, know that there is a mechanic that only shows up if you have few players. When the Demolisher puts its shields up and spawns enemies, it will actually heal from all of those enemies. Without a zerg to brute force it down, you'll have to kill the adds before you can continue DPSing the Demolisher.

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IMO, ArenaNet should:


* Add both events to a timer, preferably at a time slot when there isn't any other big event. After the Death-Branded Shatterer, for example.

* Add Amalgamated Gemstones as an option for the end-event chest (just like in the HoT meta events). The Gift of Desert Mastery requires Amalgamated Gemstones, just like the Gift of Maguuma Mastery, but there are far less ways to get them in PoF than in HoT

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:> I know that supposedly somewhere the devteam has stated that they want to revamp the PoF meta events, though not sure what those revamps will include. But man, can you throw us a bone here? Im trying to get the last 2 achievements that I'm missing from the Desolation (Wurm Whisperer and Portal Spiker) but trying to get people to Maw of Torment and Junundu Rising is like pulling teeth. Very little to no one wants to do them. Can we have some adjustments made to have these events so they are more small group friendly? or have the requirements for those 2 achievements lessened some?yeah, i'm stuck in the exactly same situation as you... missed rush in the initial 2 weekscamped at the map for pretty much the entire day whenever the daily map events came up, but everyone just do Bounty trains insteadafter spending couple of times camping for days, i just gave up, as it was a waste of time camping, when i could be farming on other maps or work on my PvP/WvW ranks

> @"Khisanth.2948" said:> The wurm even can supposedly be solo'ed(supposedly because I haven't tried it myself). I see zero reason to bother with it and no that 4000g+ mini is not a good enough motivator either. > > Maw should be doable with around 12 as well which isn't particularly massive but I am touching that unless there is confirmation that that stalling is definitely fixed.wurm event can be soloed, but if you want the Wurm Whisper, you need a squad to do it* for the first part the size of the basket scales up base on the number of players around it, and need to deal with those annoying awakens and forges wacking you to slow you down, you need all 3 baskets to fill up to 2nd level to get 6 wurms.* for the second part keeping the 6 wurms alive, is pretty straight forward, just need lots of damage as the awaken trebs got some pretty large hp pool

Portal Spiker, the problem with it is the portals hp doesnt scale, when there is a large number of players around it, it gets destroyed within secondsif you are lucky you may get 2-3 spikes per run, unluck you get 0 spikes.

> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:> I've been hosting these at night. I have some expertise on how to deal with these events.> > **Junundu Rising:** To get the achievements for this event, you just need two competent people. Yourself, and one other person. The scaling on the collection event is _really_ fierce, but if you're by yourself the event is actually pretty easy. You should be able to complete two out of the three by yourself. If you can get one person who's half-competent to run to the far collection event, then you can easily get all 3 worms. ??? Anet changed to just need 3 wurms instead of 6 in the achieve description?

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I've been hosting these at night. I have some expertise on how to deal with these events.

> >

> > **Junundu Rising:** To get the achievements for this event, you just need two competent people. Yourself, and one other person. The scaling on the collection event is _really_ fierce, but if you're by yourself the event is actually pretty easy. You should be able to complete two out of the three by yourself. If you can get one person who's half-competent to run to the far collection event, then you can easily get all 3 worms.


> ??? Anet changed to just need 3 wurms instead of 6 in the achieve description?


Each collection gives one worm by itself. Completing all 3 collections, however, will award 3 bonus worms for a total of 6.

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) is my wall of text writeup of how I recommend doing junundu. If you're decent you can easily solo the event (reaper works great) by aggroing everything, focusing dps on the catapults/trebs, and bouncing around the walls to make stuff chase you if the pressure gets too high. It's a really fun event and a solo source of elegy mosaics. You'll need a group if you're going for the 6 wurm achieve and you need to have people at forged base who know to protect the wurms from forged cannonades and elite vanguards. The cannonades in particular do a lot of damage to the wurms with the charge-up shot attack. A competent group of about 6 people (3 at each base) should be enough to get the achieve without much trouble. The event scales really well


As others have noted, Maw is bugged and that needs to be fixed.

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