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Is there no /INSPECT tool available in GW2?

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > No there is not


> And a good thing it is. It is a breach of ones privacy that encourages elitism and goes against build diversity.


privacy =/= feel good space, rest i could agree on. would be nice though if i could watch what skins and dyes others are running.

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If you want to know what skins and dyes they're using you can ask them. I've never met anyone who refused to say, sometimes they're afk and don't answer at all but if they do they've always been happy to share. Or someone else nearby might know the answer.


Same with builds, although some people can be sensitive about sharing their build - either because they think they've worked out something amazing and don't want it to become common knowledge or because they're worried you're going to judge them based on their answer and maybe kick them from a group/otherwise try to stop them participating. But then it comes down to context and how you word the question.


And if you do want to check what gear and skills they're using because it does matter (say for example you're doing high level Fractals and want to make sure they have enough AR, or you want to check two warriors aren't using the same banners or whatever) I think it's best to tell them _why_ you're asking first, and ask specifically about the stuff which is important rather than their entire build.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > No there is not

> >

> > And a good thing it is. It is a breach of ones privacy that encourages elitism and goes against build diversity.


> privacy =/= feel good space, rest i could agree on. would be nice though if i could watch what skins and dyes others are running.


i can only encourage you to whisper them, even if it can feel bothersome sometimes.

it helps to connect with people.



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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> In other MMOs there is the ability to check out another players gear, usually via an Inspect tool.

> Not so here?

> If not, too bad, it was always cool to be able to compare you gear/stats vs other players.


you have to ask.

I'm missing that function too. Not to blame but to help.

Sometimes you have players in fractals doing 2-3k dps and you could check why there only doing 2-3k dps.


but you can see at this comments why there is no inspect or dps tool in the game. "Bad elitism" ( and not the other way around )

build diversity is only an excuse from player who are really bad.

You can have build diversity but then stay out of fractals and raids.

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Inspecting other characters is a feature in World of Warcraft. In 3 years playing that game there were maybe 5 times where I personally encountered that functionality getting abused for elitist bs, but every week it enabled very constructive sharing.


Checking someones gear was the first step in helping another person improve and getting help yourself. Second step was to talk about traits, talents and rotation. I may be fairly new to gw2 and maybe gear doesn't matter as much as other games but it still matters in gw2.


Another cool use for inspection was checking out people's xmog/appearances. It was really cool how people came up with their looks.


Being inspected and inspecting others never felt like an invasion of privacy. It was cool. I guess it's a difference in community attitude.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> Inspecting other characters is a feature in World of Warcraft.

WoW is a different enough game that what might be important there need not be relevant in another game.


> Another cool use for inspection was checking out people's xmog/appearances. It was really cool how people came up with their looks.

Aside from cost, I've never seen any one object to an inspect for wardrobe choices in this game.


> Being inspected and inspecting others never felt like an invasion of privacy.

According to ANet, it can't be an "invasion of privacy," as the data is theirs and it's public unless they think it's better for the game if it's not.


> I guess it's a difference in community attitude.

It's a difference in the games, too, which has led to some different attitudes. (Not "better" or "worse," just that they are different games with different needs.)

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I DO wish there was a way to see what outfits people are wearing. I often see some pretty BA outfits while wandering around Lion's Arch. I feel creepy always whispering people. Sometimes they respond and tell me what outfit they are wearing, but often I am ignored. Same goes for mount skins.

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I think the closest we're likely to get to this is if the upcoming build templates feature has any build sharing capability. I don't know how likely that is, but it seems plausible given that the GW1 build templates had that functionality, and it feels less intrusive to me than inspection and therefore a better fit for this game. That doesn't help for inspecting another player's skins and dyes, although that doesn't seem to be what the OP is interested in anyway.


I disagree with some of the other posters in this thread that gear doesn't make a big difference in this game. By my calculations, with full Berserker stats, ascended gear gives about a 13.8% bonus to damage over exotic. To my mind, that's a significant bonus, but what's even more significant is the difference between different stat combinations: Berserker gear gives a 94% damage bonus over Soldier's gear and a 362% damage bonus over Nomad's gear. In a game where damage output is the main thing that matters most of the time, that's a big deal!


I find the elitism from some people surrounding Berserker gear and glass cannon builds really bizarre. GW2 PvE disproportionately rewards having high damage output, to such an extent that the overwhelming majority of the content is substantially easier with a damage-focussed stat combination. Surely if someone really wants to prove that they're hardcore, they should be using Nomad's gear?


(Calculations in the spoiler, in case anyone cares. I find the difference between Berserker and Soldier's actually quite off-putting, since that 94% comes entirely from critical hits. In Berserker gear, more than half of your damage comes from critical hits, and even the contribution that isn't from critical hits is proportional to a randomly varying weapon strength. That's way too much RNG in the combat system for my taste.)


>! Average direct damage is proportional to: (Weapon Strength)×(Power) + (Crit chance)×(Weapon Strength)×(Power)×(1.5 + Ferocity/1500)

>! (The first term is the base damage, and the second term is the expected damage from critical hits.)

>! I've ignored runes, boons, on-critical-hit effects, and any conditions, since there doesn't seem to be a sensible way to include them.


>! A player in ascended Berserker gear has: 2381 Power, 1961 Precision, 961 Ferocity, 50.8% crit chance, and 1000 average weapon strength (with a one-handed weapon) so their average damage is:

>! 1000×2381 + 0.508×1000×2381×(1.5 + 0.641) = 4,970,642


>! A player in exotic Berserker gear has: 2289 Power, 1899 Precision, 899 Ferocity, 47.8% crit chance, and 952.5 average weapon strength, so their average damage is:

>! 952.5×2289 + 0.478×952.5×2289×(1.5 + 0.599) = 4,367,788


>! 4,970,642/4,367,788 = 1.138... so ascended gear gives about a 13.8% bonus over exotic gear.


>! With ascended Soldier's gear (2381 Power, 0 Ferocity and a 5% crit chance), the average damage is:

>! 1000×2381 + 0.05×1000×2381×1.5 = 2,559,575

>! and 4,970,642/2,559,575 = 1.942..., so Berserker deals about 1.94 times the damage of Soldier's, i.e. a 94% bonus.


>! With ascended Nomad's gear (1000 Power, otherwise same as Soldier's), the average damage is:

>! 1000×1000 + 0.05×1000×1000×1.5 = 1,075,000

>! and 4,970,642/1,075,000 = 4.624..., so Berserker deals about 4.62 times the damage of Nomad's, i.e. a 362% bonus.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> If you want to know what skins and dyes they're using you can ask them. I've never met anyone who refused to say, sometimes they're afk and don't answer at all but if they do they've always been happy to share. Or someone else nearby might know the answer.


This... I remember someone practically drooling over my Banner of the Dauntless Commander, so I linked it for him, and he was a happy bunny.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope. Having been in other MMOs where this was done (for various reasons), and also being on some of the "extreme high end" side of things in other MMOs (like full raid clear within two-three weeks after release, etc)... I personally think having an inspect function in this game will ruin what is already a pretty inclusive and friendly community.


Who cares if one or two people are doing 1.2K DPS in "high end content", if you are all clearing it, and having fun.


Truthfully, I don't feel this game has an overall progression mechanism for "high end PvE" like other MMOs do, to warrant "A-Game players only" type of **bs**. The closest it comes is T3-T4 and CM FOTM (Fractals)


Also, if there is something that can be helped, I'm sure the player needing help would be extremely grateful if someone a little more knowledgeable actually took the time to show them a thing or three over a small amount of time. If a player doesn't want help, then so be it. It's their time, and their choice to play the game how it suites them.

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