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[Spoilers] Terrible story

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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> the only part i didnt like is when kralky spoke. The massive strange dragon god thing shouldnt be making sounds we can understand so easily (unless it's mordo who kinda needs that to be the mind dragon) imo, even though he did absorb all kindsa magic and has a chance of being capable to speak like that.


I assume its all done through aurene? He's adressing her most of the episode and she makes the remark that shes feeling him. As her champion it might be realistic ti expect that trough her we can at least hear kralk.



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> @"McPero.3287" said:


> Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.



THIS is the main issue people have with them spending so much effort on living story. This games story never has been, and never will be good. This is a MMO, and they should focus on MMO aspects, not waste all their time and resources on meh story.


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:


> > Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.



> THIS is the main issue people have with them spending so much effort on living story. This games story never has been, and never will be good. This is a MMO, and they should focus on MMO aspects, not waste all their time and resources on meh story.



Idk the story is servicable with spots of good here and there. Personal opionions are a thing ofc.


Tho i agree, id like to see more focus on the mmo aspects than lw it self.

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> @"McPero.3287" said:

> > @"MMOStein.3872" said:

> > The point was **she never actually died,** that's why they didn't drag out her death waiting for some Ex machina to bring her back.

> > Death to mortals like the commander is a big deal, because it seems like the end. But to a dragon, **it's the end of the beginning.** Death nothing to be afraid of Aurene And Kralk literally say this in the final instance.

> >

> > Also she ate Joko, what the heck did people actually expect????? This isn't Death Note, not every story has to have some super uber mega plot twist that makes you question your own existence, nor does every story needs to be that convoluted to be good writing. Sometimes people go overboard with speculation when the answer is literally right in front of you. Stop overthinking things. If you want some mind-shattering plot, go read a book, watch a film, or play SP games.

> >


> Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.


> Oh and I expected Joko to rip out of Aurenes stomack, since he is immortal and even if cut into pieces he reforms back into full state.


And what makes you think that your opinion is more valueable than others? Just because you don't like it, for whatever reason, does not mean that it is bad or that it "sucks". Your opinion is yours. You are one of 7 billion people on this planet. While you are valuable as a human and deserve respect, you are not important! (Neither am I) Please keep that in mind for the future when you try to put your opinion on others.

As with every movie, book, music, video, game or whatever: Opinions and tastes are different.

I, personaly, enjoy the episode very much! I loved the Kralk instance and I don't mind if Aurene is alive again. I loved to see her speaking, giving her even more character.


Now, is my opinion important? No, it is not! So please, don't push edges here and respect others for their opinions. If someone liked it, they do not need to justify why they did nor do they have to share your point of view!


Much love

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My opinion is valuable because any time spent on story in a MMO is time that was wasted and could have been spent on stuff that people actually play MMO's for. Anet is making an MMO, not a single player cinematic experience, and they need to get that in their skulls.

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I agree that bringing her back right at the beginning was too quick, i kinda cringed a bit, should have do that after first story instance but my main problem is Kralk himself

So...........the dialogue imply that after PS, HoT and PoF he got Torment and want to die, does that mean he killed Glint and wreck havoc throughout Tyria was for the lol? Kinda nice to see a misunderstood elder dragon and not a big baddie dragon since i couldn't take Mordy seriously but...........................Kralk killed Glint without having Torment, right?! Or am i missing something?

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> @"McPero.3287" said:

> When I saw Aurene get resurected in first instance I just Alt+F4 the game.


Please... before you write something about the story, you should have at least "played" it! Now you'll never experience the beautiful flashy effects everywhere, wonderful recycled content diarrhea, nice forgiving unchallenging fights, simple minded storytelling, and love for voice acting newcomers! :(

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> There's no way of knowing how much time has passed in game since her death though. Sure, its' been 4 months for the players, but it may have only been a day or two for the characters or less.


Iirc the callendar in gw2 and irl match.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:


> > Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.



> THIS is the main issue people have with them spending so much effort on living story. This games story never has been, and never will be good. This is a MMO, and they should focus on MMO aspects, not waste all their time and resources on meh story.


This is a MMORPG, not an purely competitive Action MMO. While PvP and WvW could use more resources, I will never want them to be this game's main content. Most people would leave if your wish came to be.

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tbh knew she had to come back, and im glad she´s back, but im dissapointed in the way she came back. i feel that it was too fast, we grasped the shock of the moment because of the cliffhanger ending of the previous episode and the 4 months wait for this one. But imagine you are a new player that is just starting to complete the story, they will be like "oh daaaaang she die- oh wait now shes back"

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The only thing PoF and S4 taught me is that death is temporary, and only makes you stronger

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, what does kill you, also makes you stronger.

I mean, when we died we became immune to the plague.

And now aurene died with newfound power. And when she came back from the brink of death she was somehow stronger than kralkatorrik who had a small wound.

I think we should just gather an army, and kill ourselves. Then revive.. we'll be GODS!!

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We all knew it was coming but because it didn't happen how some 'wanted' it to they'll complain and throw a fit and alt-f4 that's just saddly the internet these days.. What gets me is that people are saying its bs despite the fact that we have literally been feed the point that a Dragon ABSORBS the properties of the magic it 'feeds' on since living story season 2 when we realised that Mordramoths creations seemed to have some aspects of the Dragon of Death suddenly..

Heck the STORY itself shows you the issue and Aurene and Krak even explain it to you.. If you play through and listen.


Aurene Absorbed 'some' of the aspects/elders dragons magical power + some of Balth's but all of Joko's, that's why Joko can't 'return' as a lich he was immortal so long as he had access to his magic, Aurene took that and it became part of her giving her his power and stripping him of it eg.. She became a Lich by stripping Joko of his Lichdom at the same time she also seems to be something 'new' capable of actually living in harmony with the various 'facets' of magic. Kralk had magic beyond what he was 'designed' for he was designed to be 1 aspect of many by something and we get a hint that there is 'Something' else out there he does call out to 'mother' at the end (wondering if some people at Anet have played to much FF7 ;) ).. but either way the magic and his 'rage' (You literally fight it) had him unhinged.. but as he's 'Sane' self states when his 'torment' accuses Aurene of being a traitor to her kind.. 'She is the FIRST of her Kind' she isn't an Elder Dragon and despite Caith saying 'shes an elder dragon now' she's actually more which again is hinted at by a certain priestess.


If we find out what that is and what 'Mother' is/was etc we can only wait to see.. Technically there are still other Elder Dragons out there as well..


Could Anet have drawn out things ? Maybe but come on we have been waiting 4 months and this isn't a 'expansion' its living story we know that they tend to condence story in them these days but the story did what it was intended to do, round up Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns.

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> @"Ray Koopa.2354" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:

> > When I saw Aurene get resurected in first instance I just Alt+F4 the game.


> Please... before you write something about the story, you should have at least "played" it! Now you'll never experience the beautiful flashy effects everywhere, wonderful recycled content diarrhea, nice forgiving unchallenging fights, simple minded storytelling, and love for voice acting newcomers! :(


Where are the VA newcomers and why is giving them a place to start a bad thing? That's a pretty great thing and it isn't to anybody's detriment. Besides that story content is not the place for challenge. The living story is not the medium for that in general. There should be an option for a harder version though if people so choose. Basically the whole "easy mode" argument but the other way around. I want hard mode.



"but raids aren't hard either so not even there do we get challenging content"


And no, the obvious nature of your comment is not lost on me.

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I was a little shocked by the fact that they brought her back in the very first moments of the story. They were at least clear that some amount of time passed since the previous episode. They've had time to grieve, just like we had. I do kind of feel like giving her a voice was weird, and made branding Caithe seem unnecessary, except as a gag for this, because when her flowers come back it's clear Aurene is ok again, but that's it. The only thing that disappointed me, though, was that we never got to actually control the ride while flying with Aurene. I wanted to be able to actually fly her, not just be there while she flew. I've been waiting since PoF to finally fly Aurene and it was nothing I was waiting for.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> I was a little shocked by the fact that they brought her back in the very first moments of the story. They were at least clear that some amount of time passed since the previous episode. They've had time to grieve, just like we had. I do kind of feel like giving her a voice was weird, and made branding Caithe seem unnecessary, except as a gag for this, because when her flowers come back it's clear Aurene is ok again, but that's it. The only thing that disappointed me, though, was that we never got to actually control the ride while flying with Aurene. I wanted to be able to actually fly her, not just be there while she flew. I've been waiting since PoF to finally fly Aurene and it was nothing I was waiting for.


BuT FlYInG hER wOuLd bE dEhuMAnISing.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> My opinion is valuable because any time spent on story in a MMO is time that was wasted and could have been spent on stuff that people actually play MMO's for. Anet is making an MMO, not a single player cinematic experience, and they need to get that in their skulls.


I mean that's the kind of thinking that kills a lot of the bog standard "MMO" out there. Seriously, any strong MMOs out there right now are there not just because of gameplay but also because of story and lore. And it doesn't even need to be an RPG, games like League and DotA have lore which people are invested in.

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> @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:

> > > @"MMOStein.3872" said:

> > > The point was **she never actually died,** that's why they didn't drag out her death waiting for some Ex machina to bring her back.

> > > Death to mortals like the commander is a big deal, because it seems like the end. But to a dragon, **it's the end of the beginning.** Death nothing to be afraid of Aurene And Kralk literally say this in the final instance.

> > >

> > > Also she ate Joko, what the heck did people actually expect????? This isn't Death Note, not every story has to have some super uber mega plot twist that makes you question your own existence, nor does every story needs to be that convoluted to be good writing. Sometimes people go overboard with speculation when the answer is literally right in front of you. Stop overthinking things. If you want some mind-shattering plot, go read a book, watch a film, or play SP games.

> > >

> >

> > Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.

> >

> > Oh and I expected Joko to rip out of Aurenes stomack, since he is immortal and even if cut into pieces he reforms back into full state.


> And what makes you think that your opinion is more valueable than others? Just because you don't like it, for whatever reason, does not mean that it is bad or that it "sucks". Your opinion is yours. You are one of 7 billion people on this planet. While you are valuable as a human and deserve respect, you are not important! (Neither am I) Please keep that in mind for the future when you try to put your opinion on others.

> As with every movie, book, music, video, game or whatever: Opinions and tastes are different.

> I, personaly, enjoy the episode very much! I loved the Kralk instance and I don't mind if Aurene is alive again. I loved to see her speaking, giving her even more character.


> Now, is my opinion important? No, it is not! So please, don't push edges here and respect others for their opinions. If someone liked it, they do not need to justify why they did nor do they have to share your point of view!


> Much love


My opinion might not be important to you and yours might not be important to me. But both of our opinions should be important to Anet if they want to make money. Anet should be thankful that I made this thread so that they get feedback. If they think only feedback that is useful is positive feedback and that negative feedback is just toxic haters, then I'm gonna have to say they are objectively a bad company. I don't see you posting this kind of post on any other thread that is for example praising the content of the episode, why did you do it here? Do we really all need to scream: 'Anet is great! Everything they do is phenomenal!' as if we live in Soviet Union and if we say anything that isn't praise for our great leader Stalin leads to gulag. The point of forums for Anet is to get feedback, see what playerbase thinks, wants ...

Tell me when was I forcing someone to share my opinion? Don't make things up.

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