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Skyscale: The Struggling Dragon

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Rather have a mount that has a strong jumping power that can cling to walls

Bit like super Mario when he jumps from wall to wall but then 100x stronger while also be able to glide from point A to B


I myself was hoping the skyscale would keep altitude forever but going up would be limited, shame really..

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i think they should give the skyscale the ability to dive to gain speed like the griffon. and when cruising at super speed the ability to maintain its current height with very little, if any, height loss. if its max speed could be faster than the griffons dive speed but slower than the griffons aerial prowess dive speed that would be perfect in cementing it perfectly it its own little niche between the griffon and springer. not as fast as the griffon with masterys. not as fast of a climber as the springer with ledges. but able to climb when the springer can, and fly when the griffon cant.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > No the griffon is like a glider, what i am suggesting would make this a fully functional flying mount. It would fly fast can fly in any direction, it can still do vertical cling to walls and it can hoverfly. The only thing holding it back is that awkward blue bar , just give it a flight timer, a decent one. No way anet is going to give full time flight you know that, and really they shouldnt because it breaks games when they become full time flight. Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore as people just zoom for place to place without interacting with the topography of the game. I rather not have full time flying in gw2, but partial free flight that you can use to get to high places is a nice thing to have.


> The thing doesn't need "a flight timer" or anything. It already has a several drawbacks when compared to the other mounts. There is objectively no reason why it shouldn't be able to fly without restrictions. "Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore" is this a joke? You're acting as if you can't already bypass every other obstacle with some of the other mounts. We're talking about OW PvE here and not FotM. There aren't any obstacles "worth protecting" aside from JPs which are already engulfed in no mount zones. Also, "without interacting with the topography"? You do realise that you still want to fly up to a higher place in order to switch to the griffon if you want to go form A to B, no "mountain" in sight cause it's flat terrain? Then the beetle would still be the superior choice here. You're vastly overstating how "broken" "unrestricted" flying would be given that it wouldn't actually "break" anything which hasn't already been broken by some of the other mounts.


I see what you are saying and its probably true, i mean mesmer portal has pretty much made jp a obsolete thing. But if this thing actually had constant flight then all other mounts would be useless. You wouldnt need springer because you can just fly up, no raptor cause you can fly over, no jackal because you can fly up over beyond, skimmer pointless, beetle may still have a niche in breaking doors but thats rare, and griffon is def out of a job. Do we really want to have constant flight in this game? I came from a game that had constant flight, no one did anything else, you rarely saw players on the ground.

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Already enough invisible walls it totally destroy immersion imho, you boost your beetle and bim you can't pass over mountains in the center of the map because invisible walls, you want to reach something accessible that is just 2m above bam invisible wall, they put them everywhere at a point you even have now bugged invisible collisions/assets where you have nothing! (hello sandswept), the solution isn't at all adding more invisible wall, it's an aberration to hear that. Just add an height limit disabling you endurance regeneration and that's all, but even that I think it suppress you liberty to explore your environment. I mean they should have assumed before; that one day, we could have access to map boundaries. It easy now to return on those errors by adding walls... And it only concern gryphons/skyscales at least.

We should be able to wander freely anywhere in the map, even if we see the draft part, it's not a default, for me it's the opposite I'm proud of the work they invested into the map when seeing the foundations... The mount is great the way it is currently, no need for infinite flying. I mean, it can hover and climb to walls.. Breaking a map is exagerrated it's more like seeing its backstages. And finally, we already have anti-flying mount invisible walls that work perfectly.

BUT, yeah it should move faster when flying. Maybe also for the bar, consuming it a little slower.

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Having only seen the dev preview video of it, I'm okay with how it works at full functionality. I was worried about it being too game breaking and being able to fly, but I think the limitations placed on it are good. Each mount has been unique so far, and I really appreciate that!

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> I'm fine with it being worse than a mount that costs 250g and many players opened their RL wallets to get. It does something that other mounts don't and that's its selling point.


> Also we have enough invisible walls breaking maps already. No need for more


I could say the same about the ctrl+alt+delete stick. It does something that no other stick can do. And that's its selling point.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.


> For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can easily be bypassed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.



Flying doesn't belong in this game. Simple as that. Maybe under very strict conditions like in the magnetic room on Sandswept Isles.


The mount is just as "useless" as the beetle. Which is to say not at all. I don't know what people expect out of it? Every mount has its niche and fills it better than others could. Skyscale on the merit of verticality alone is huge. Springer couldn't do that, because it can't fly. Sure, you could land on a tiny spot and then use the springer, but that's straight up worse than the Skyscale would be.


And of course the masteries make a HUGE difference.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> But if this thing actually had constant flight then all other mounts would be useless. You wouldnt need springer because you can just fly up, no raptor cause you can fly over, no jackal because you can fly up over beyond, skimmer pointless, beetle may still have a niche in breaking doors but thats rare, and griffon is def out of a job.


´This doesn't even make sense, griffon and beetle are used for their speed when traveling from A to B. Please explain to me why I should use the skyscale (assuming unrestricted flight) after the chak gerent on my line got defeated and I want to go to one of the other lines when I can just use the beetle + Bond of Vigor instead? Same with the griffon, the skyscale is not fast enouth to be a viable alternative here. The springer would still be better if you're inside of a cave or in narrow aisles cause he's a lot more maneuverable and the skyscale needs at least some space to be effective. Jackal and raptor would still be a much better choice if you just want to cover short distances (like jumping from mirror to mirror at the Astralarium), if you're in something like a cave or pretty much anything that doesn't require you to overcome some height differences as they are actually faster than the skyscale if you factor in their movement abilities. Same goes for the skimmer on water, unrestricted flight doesn't give you any advantages unless you have to overcome a height difference which obviously wouldn't be the case if you're traveling across the ocean.




> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

>I came from a game that had constant flight, no one did anything else, you rarely saw players on the ground.


That's probably because the ground based alternatives lacked any significant advantage to compensate for the lack of unrestricted flight. Am I right or am I right?



> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Flying doesn't belong in this game. Simple as that.


So no real arguments here? Now why does this sound so familiar? Ah, now I remember:


"Mounts don't belong in this game. Simple as that."


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Maybe under very strict conditions like in the magnetic room on Sandswept Isles.


There are "very strict conditions", the game already prohibits mount usage on places where they would actually make a difference.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > But if this thing actually had constant flight then all other mounts would be useless. You wouldnt need springer because you can just fly up, no raptor cause you can fly over, no jackal because you can fly up over beyond, skimmer pointless, beetle may still have a niche in breaking doors but thats rare, and griffon is def out of a job.


> ´This doesn't even make sense, griffon and beetle are used for their speed when traveling from A to B. Please explain to me why I should use the skyscale (assuming unrestricted flight) after the chak gerent on my line got defeated and I want to go to one of the other lines when I can just use the beetle + Bond of Vigor instead? Same with the griffon, the skyscale is not fast enouth to be a viable alternative here. The springer would still be better if youre inside of a cave or in narrow aisles cause he's a lot more maneuverable and the skyscale needs some space to be effective. Jackal and raptor would still be a much better choice if you just want to cover short distances (like jumping from mirror to mirror at the Astralarium), if you're in something like a cave or pretty much anything that doesn't require you to overcome some height differences as they are actually faster than the skyscale if you factor in their abilities. Same goes for the skimmer on water, unrestricted flight doesn't give you any advantages unless you have to overcome a height difference which obviously wouldn't be the case if you're traveling across the ocean.




> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> >I came from a game that had constant flight, no one did anything else, you rarely saw players on the ground.


> That's probably because the ground based alternatives lacked any significant advantage to compensate for the lack of unrestricted flight. Am I right or am I right?


No, actually you are not. If constant flight exists in a game it will be the most popular method of traversal by default, no matter the alternatives. There are plenty of instances in this game where using raptor to travel between two points is faster and yet the vast majority of players still use the griffon. Flying is more fun than running and most players would take fun over maximum efficiency.



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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> No, actually you are not. If constant flight exists in a game it will be the most popular method of traversal by default, no matter the alternatives. There are plenty of instances in this game where using raptor to travel between two points is faster and yet the vast majority of players still use the griffon. Flying is more fun than running and most players would take fun over maximum efficiency.


If people want to take significantly longer just cause "flying is more fun" then that's on them. But at this point the complaint pretty much boils down to "other players don't behave like I want them to behave".

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"zaswer.5246" said:

> > The refill in the blue bar when clinging is the last mastery of the skyscale .There is a video where where you can see it


> Ok cool that pretty much overcomes my main concern then


You need somewhat flat ground to stand on for the green bar to refill(it will not refill if clinging to a cliffside), that is the statement made by the dev, and there are plenty of relatively flat places on most cliff faces that you can hop from and to in order for the bar to refill(also with the mastery you only need half the bar filled to make the leap up).

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.


Pls no, to the flying that is, the speed could be tweaked.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Can we separate the descension button from the engage one? That's the biggest problem I have with this mount.


> Also I managed to get up onto the wing without the skyscale at all, completely on accident.


Doesnt c work as decent?

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I'm quite displeased about Skyscale in general.

First thing is how horribly slow it is to acquire it. Time-gating is absolutely unlike ANet, where game does not even depend on subscription system where they 'force' people to stay longer to 'pay'.

Second thing is the mechanics of the mount. I'm really annoyed how slow, sluggish and clunky it is. Everything would've been fine had the green bar regenerated while standing on the cliffs and allowing you to constantly move up.

Also I don't see how flying would break the game, this mount deserved to fly, slow, but constantly being in the air and actually making us enjoy the game.

So many mounts are already rendered useless, what about Skimmer/Springer? Griffon is still the fastest and allowing Skyscale to slowly fly wouldn't break the game. There are already places that restrict you from using mounts and 'currents/walls' that prevent you from leaving the map.

I'm really annoyed how we can't properly fly here, I really am. I want to enjoy Tyria from above, see the maps, explore the maps this way and not worry about being stuck in X place. Some maps are already a nightmare to navigate as to how many cliffs and drops they have.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> I'm quite displeased about Skyscale in general.

> First thing is how horribly slow it is to acquire it. Time-gating is absolutely unlike ANet, where game does not even depend on subscription system where they 'force' people to stay longer to 'pay'.

> Second thing is the mechanics of the mount. I'm really annoyed how slow, sluggish and clunky it is. Everything would've been fine had the green bar regenerated while standing on the cliffs and allowing you to constantly move up.

> Also I don't see how flying would break the game, this mount deserved to fly, slow, but constantly being in the air and actually making us enjoy the game.

> So many mounts are already rendered useless, what about Skimmer/Springer? Griffon is still the fastest and allowing Skyscale to slowly fly wouldn't break the game. There are already places that restrict you from using mounts and 'currents/walls' that prevent you from leaving the map.

> I'm really annoyed how we can't properly fly here, I really am. I want to enjoy Tyria from above, see the maps, explore the maps this way and not worry about being stuck in X place. Some maps are already a nightmare to navigate as to how many cliffs and drops they have.


After seeing the long almost month timer to get it, im going to have to agree with you. I reverse my opinion of flying, i think its time it was made to fly so let it fly. And we are really having to grind this thing, not to mention the gold investment now to get it.

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I think one way to improve the skyscale would be to give it the ability to use updrafts with a mastery for skyscale updrafts. With updrafts set it's flight charge to max at the top of the updraft. This would increase the vertical movement capability in the presence of updrafts and give the devs a reason to retroactively add updrafts to maps that don't have them.


I would also like to see them remove the flight charge reduction with forward movement. It's a slow mount; there isn't a reason to reduce it's flight cap with forward movement.

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