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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".

Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.

Many people hate them.

Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on me

Seems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:

1. Get the player lost.

2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.

3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).

4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.

5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)

6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.

6. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.


I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.

I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.

I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straight

My video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.

Thats a promise.


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This a pretty rage-bait kind of post, but I'll bite. If you've actually been playing for over 5 years, you know that jumping puzzles are a very tiny part of the game. They're fun for the people that enjoy them and avoidable for the people that don't. Most of the time if you really need to complete a puzzle you can just get a friendly mesmer to do it for you. This particular raptor jumping puzzle you're referencing was so insignificant I barely remember it. While it was required to do it on your own, it was a handful of jumps that anyone who's used a raptor for more than an hour can nail in a couple minutes.


To address your other gripes, this is one of the least grindy games I've ever played. While there are tons of options for things to grind through, they're just that. Options. If you want a character at max stats with a full build including elite specs, you can have that in a week if you're starting from a base level 80. You can have it in an hour if you've got a bit of gold/materials on your account and you join one of the many hero point trains that run all the time. Anything more grindy than that is for fashion wars or achievement hunting.


It seems to me like you'd rather complain than learn how to get better. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with difficulty, so I wish you luck if you decide to continue playing Guild Wars.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Um, no. Keep the jump puzzles coming. I love good, challenging content.


I "love" the one for the Skyscale collection in Ascalon. I'm telling you, I have a certain level of fear of heights, so not getting vertigo was quite a challenge last night ;) , since you had to look down for this one to get the distance right for the last two jumps.


I generally enjoy JPs, or I would not have finished the SAB collections. =)

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> @"Dredlore.1672" said:



> 6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.


> Thanks


I have news for you, every professional league rates players not only on individual performance, but they rate that individual performance on how well the team does as well...how many good or great athletes had their individual performances knocked down a notch or two when the team failed to perform as well(and visa versa)?

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I love jumping puzzle, but I can't do them, my internet connection is bad, my computer is not up for that task, most of my JP achievement are me lurking and waiting for other people to offer Portal. and I thank them.


I agree with this post , never ever have jumping puzzle in a living story where i am the only one there. thank you. unless one of the npc in the living story can portal me.

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What I hate about Jumping puzzles is that it puts up barriers which restricts mount movements. It is very annoying that I when I fly on a griffon, I hit a no mount zone and forcefully get off my mount.


I want Jumping puzzles to be adventures and remove all the no-mount/gliding zone.

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As was said above, that section of the story can be done much easier on the griffon. I did it on my first playthrough after much cursing and trying again and again on the raptor. The fact that it eventually made me motion sick (from trying too hard and not paying attention to the things I usually do to avoid motion sickness) didn't help, but I made it through somehow. On the second character I tried the griffon, and it was so much easier that I did it first try.


Another way to do it if you can't get it done is to get somebody else to help you. Find a friend, guildie, or even a stranger from map chat or lfg to share the instance with you to improve the chances, since only one of you needs to make it to the final portal in time. I actually finished the story that way for a good friend who was having a hard time on that part, too.

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> @"runeblade.7514" said:

> I want Jumping puzzles to be adventures and remove all the no-mount/gliding zone.

Why? Many of the core jps could be cheesed by mounts to the point where you might just as well put the reward chest at the start, since you'd just have to walk/right/bunny jump straight to the end if mounts were allowed. The reworked Troll's Revenge jp is a good example of killing a jp by allowing mount use (which in this case unfortunately is unavoidable).

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> @"runeblade.7514" said:

> What I hate about Jumping puzzles is that it puts up barriers which restricts mount movements. It is very annoying that I when I fly on a griffon, I hit a no mount zone and forcefully get off my mount.


Great....i'm having Lornar's Pass flashback when i fly near that dreadful griffon jp, i got dismounted before the text even appeared

> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Why? Many of the core jps could be cheesed by mounts to the point where you might just as well put the reward chest at the start, since you'd just have to walk/right/bunny jump straight to the end if mounts were allowed. The reworked Troll's Revenge jp is a good example of killing a jp by allowing mount use (which in this case unfortunately is unavoidable).

They could make JP adventure teleport us to an instance with mount disabled, though if they ever do that give us the option to disable timer! I want to take it slow and be careful where i jump, i can ignore it but.....i can't! I just can't



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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> Great....i'm having Lornar's Pass flashback when i fly near that dreadful griffon jp, i got dismounted before the text even appeared

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > Why? Many of the core jps could be cheesed by mounts to the point where you might just as well put the reward chest at the start, since you'd just have to walk/right/bunny jump straight to the end if mounts were allowed. The reworked Troll's Revenge jp is a good example of killing a jp by allowing mount use (which in this case unfortunately is unavoidable).

> They could make JP adventure teleport us to an instance with mount disabled, though if they ever do that give us the option to disable timer! I want to take it slow and be careful where i jump, i can ignore it but.....i can't! I just can't


One of the strongest points of GW2 (in my opinion) is the fact that a lot of content is out in the open world with other players rather than instanced. It does have unfortunate consequences (like the northwest edge of Harathi where I get dismounted each week when looking for Brekkabek ;) ) when interacting with the rest of the game, but those are few and not really game-breaking. Separating/instancing jps, adventures, and similar just so people can rush past those places on their mount would be a very unfortunate separation of players for my taste.

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> @"Dredlore.1672" said:

> 3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).


You don't really understand concept of a *game*, do you? Here is a hint: those 15 hours of fun is *actually* what you paid for. If it's not fun for you, why are you even here?


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Dredlore.1672" said:

> > 3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).


> You don't really understand concept of a *game*, do you? Here is a hint: those 15 hours of fun is *actually* what you paid for. If it's not fun for you, why are you even here?


There is nothing wrong with communication that something isn't working out for you. And here's a hint for you: MMOs have lots of different aspects so generally most people will not like every aspect of the game.


Personally I do WvW, not because it's that brilliant but because it makes a lot of things easier when you play a lot of alts. Particularly relevant is the part where you can buy the hero points with Testimonies of Heroics.


What is important for people to understand, and that's where I do agree with you in part, is that you can't expect to like everything. Some things you do to achieve your goals and the fun is in reaching those goals.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> There is nothing wrong with communication that something isn't working out for you.


Who said it's wrong? I also communicated my difficulties of understanding your issue to you ;)


> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Personally I do WvW, not because it's that brilliant but because it makes a lot of things easier when you play a lot of alts. Particularly relevant is the part where you can buy the hero points with Testimonies of Heroics.


So, apparently, there is a solution for this? Good. For a moment I thought it's a really nasty issue. Also, though I don't have any numbers to back up this, but I pretty much sure that people who play that much alts are minority in this community - and thus you can't ask to remove something which is not a problem (and for many actually is an enjoyment) for the rest of players, you can only ask to add something that would solve your particular issue, and hope for the best. My opinion, ofc.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> You cant expect anet to cater to a minority when the wast majority have no issues with JPs.


How can anyone know this? Just because people don't come to the forums en masse to complain doesn't mean that the majority of players have no issues with jumping puzzles. I would even dare say that the majority of threads in the forums about jumping puzzles are against them.


I haven't played this latest chapter yet; however, my stance on jumping puzzles is for Anet to continue to produce them because there definitely is a sub-set of the player base that really enjoys them. I don't believe that jumping puzzles should be part of a LS chapter because they could be a skill-wall that some players simply cannot overcome.

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