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Your problems with Thief?


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1) Real dual-wielding. Dual-Wielding mechanic (meaning same kind of weapon in both hands) should affect all 5 weapon skill not only skill #3. Using both weapons when auto-attacking similar to GW1 Assassin for daggers, for example; main-hand, off-hand, both sequence. Make this exclusive for Thief. No other profession should have this kind of dual-wielding skill -- not even Warrior (looking at you Axe skills).

2) Steal should be a staple F1 skill in all spec. Swipe and DE Mark should be optional.

3) Exhaustion is a joke.

4) Revealed is a joke.

5) Can't decap while stealth is a joke.

6) Expensive weapon skills (e.g. Sw/P) is a joke.

7) 12 init pool is a joke.

8) Not having separate init pool for a different weapon set is a joke.

9) Only using one end of the staff when attacking is a joke. Daredevil should use both end of the staff when attacking and this will make the attack speed a lot faster.

10) Very few weapon set selection is a joke.


I play all professions and the Thief is the most restrictive profession compared to all the other professions. I cannot find the same freedom I get from the Guardian or Necro in the Thief. Playing a Thief is like playing with balls and chains on both of my wrists.

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> @"TheShyGuyTheory.2849" said:

> For fun, I'm writing up a detailed "report" on problems I have with Thief and how I personally would address them. My current problem however is that because of my ping I have little recent experience with PvP and WvW gameplay and would like outsider opinions on what they would change, improve or remove.


> examples;

> * Do weapons not feel like they should when you think of how a thief would play?

> * Are play-styles you associate with Thief not being addressed?

> * Not enough variety?


> This kind of stuff. Thanks in advanced.


The community problems with Thief is that their designs are toxic for the well being of the game and are continuously being promoted, embraced and justified of toxiciating the game . The solution; redesign them from the ground up with healthy competitive fair design mindset.


Nothing will ever be addressed until Thief toxic design are addressed


(by the way, what impacts of 8 years of 'nerfs' has done to transform this profession into a healthy competitive skill-play profession to the community? **Absolutely-None!!**)


(Mesmer being Thief scapegoat need to be seriously addressed as well- Thief being by far the most dangerous toxic offender in the entire game history. Thief must be severely punished for their toxic behaviours than be completely thrown out of the professions roster-with-no exceptions. Lastly, after, will be carefully redesigned in a later time)


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"TheShyGuyTheory.2849" said:

> > For fun, I'm writing up a detailed "report" on problems I have with Thief and how I personally would address them. My current problem however is that because of my ping I have little recent experience with PvP and WvW gameplay and would like outsider opinions on what they would change, improve or remove.

> >

> > examples;

> > * Do weapons not feel like they should when you think of how a thief would play?

> > * Are play-styles you associate with Thief not being addressed?

> > * Not enough variety?

> >

> > This kind of stuff. Thanks in advanced.


> The community problems with Thief is that their designs are toxic for the well being of the game and are continuously being promoted, embraced and justified of toxiciating the game . The solution; redesign them from the ground up with healthy competitive fair design mindset.


> Nothing will ever be addressed until Thief toxic design are addressed


> (by the way, what impacts of 8 years of 'nerfs' has done to transform this profession into a healthy competitive skill-play profession to the community? **Absolutely-None!!**)


> (Mesmer being Thief scapegoat need to be seriously addressed as well- Thief being by far the most dangerous toxic offender in the entire game history. Thief must be severely punished for their toxic behaviours than be completely thrown out of the professions roster-with-no exceptions. Lastly, after, will be carefully redesigned in a later time)



I think ur confused. Thief that plays fair etc isn't a thief. Yeah YOU dont like the thief archetype,we get it already. Only way ull be happy is if they basically redesigned thief to not be a thief class. Than ull find somthing else to petition about that annoys u about the game lol

One could argue the large aoe spam,invulnerability,pulls, crazy high sustain and powercrept dps burst by high sustain classes etc are toxic cheese designs as well but guess they don't bother u. It's all thief just thief and mesmer at the start of it all lmao.

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Some people will go to great lengths because of class bias, it's everywhere. They don't want to see what they deem as problematic improve/adjusted, just deleted as if it had caused them a great pain against their family. It's very interesting how games can illicit this dangerous toxic behavior. If you browse profession forums you will usually see the arch nemesis threads and comments quite frequently.

Now on a side note, with the advent of Warclaw, "ganker" has become such an umbrella term, it's just that nobody admits they do it, and basically every Tom, duck and Harry does it because the Warclaw encourages this. Maybe all classes need an adjustment at this point. We might not have to deal with waiting for alliances if this is done instead.

The problems with thief are not miniscule, they land on both sides. Personally I would like thief to be a high skill profession so there is no excuse for losing. If someone doesn't know how to fight a thief, they will lose - but that is also the same fighting anything else. The more knowledge and experience one acquires from dealing with the same thing over and over, they should begin to understand how to deal with it. Gw2 is special in that sense where the first thing people do is make posts on forum instead, when they could have pulled a Rocky and train special moves in PvP combat area.

Also, Anet, I know this is a sidenote but would you please consider a locally hosted combat training area with WvW rules (for single person obviously) so I can train against a golem/npc without the pain of lag? I have asked for something like this a long time ago and would like to bring it to your attention again. Training with unstable ping doesn't work if you have to constantly shift timing. It's easier if you know the real timing and adjust from there.

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Raid boss only steals are lazy and leave thief feeling crap in non-raid PvE as far as utility is concerned.


Deadeye having nearly zero AOE feels really awful in any non-raid situation(you know, the other 99% part of the game).


D/D Deadeye being a zero utility(all pure power dps bring CC) pure single target spec and doing less single target damage than other specs, ESPECIALLY firebrand, a spec that craps AOE everywhere, feels downright awful.


Thief having no bruisery/sustainy specs. General open world feels really bad on thief compared to my DH or ele even as daredevil - I lack evades, blocks, and sustain to stay in melee range compared to other melee specs with their numerous ways to avoid and sustain through damage. I have to try harder to kill things on thief than I do as my DH or ele due to this and still lack the tools on certain things forcing me into range or character swapping.


Staff 3 and 4 being nearly useless. Give staff a heal and block. Remove the evade off vault, high damage burst shouldn't come with evade frames.


Deadeye being a meme perma stealth 1 shot spec in pvp is bad for us and the people we fight. It's lame.


Running two signets for optimal damage is boring, give precision a more interesting active, nerf the crit rate, or buff our other utility choices.


Speaking of utilities, we have more useless utilities than multiple classes combined at this point. The entire trap line row is useless, most of the tricks are useless, most of the venoms are only useful as a build that's incredibly niche outside of a few(one?) boss. Even our elite utilities are pretty underwhelming.



Daggerstorm evade needs to go. It dumbs down our class as a whole and encourages bad play habbits in PvP by low skilled players.



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1. Steal going on cd if the target is not reachable

2. Steal going on 4 sec cd if the target is out of range

3. Stealth attack 1 sec ICD

4. Reveal by sentry and tower marks completely deleted thief roaming

5. Patches removed every fun build that you could play (Combat reviver(your could revive people while 5-10 was doing aoe damage), interrupter etc..)

6. Initiative: trickery trait line is a must otherwise you are dead, the lack of initiative is hilarious

7. Stupid and uselesss changes that none ever complained about:

a, removed cancel tp back from sword 2 on jump

b, removed mouse positioning on leap/movement skills

8. I never liked the p/p setup but as i see other thieves has major complains about them so i mention them

9. The Blinding Powder cast time common, it killed so many outplays, for one stunbreaker

10. Elite specs --> Now everyone can catch up with a thief, nearly everyone can stealth, and many times they have better stealthing capabilities im sick of this


This was one of the best mmos out there, sad to see it in its current state

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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> After 6+ years with all of the updates Ankle Shots, Ice Drake/Spider venom, and Clatrops are still the most useless things to equip


Ankle shots is fine in any build with a pistol in it. Any build with a pistol in it (such as sword/pistol) has reason to take over practiced tolerance and especially if you can maintain cripple. Sundering shade could use some love .



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Most of the problems with thief stem from not what the thief currently has access to or is lacking in , but what other professions have too much of. If you take thief on its own outside a few small changes I would like to see (Prepardness baseline, tweaks to a small number of traits and utilities) it well balanced. The issue is in places where it should be dominant the gap has narrowed with other professions in that they can now do much the same.


Giving Engineer stealth Gyro as example was a huge mistake. They have enough ways to sustain and should never of gotten Sneak Gyro. When you add in things like watchtowers revealing the thief the impact on thief is exponentially larger than on Engineer simply because Engineer is not as reliant on that stealth .

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> Most of the problems with thief stem from not what the thief currently has access to or is lacking in , but what other professions have too much of. If you take thief on its own outside a few small changes I would like to see (Prepardness baseline, tweaks to a small number of traits and utilities) it well balanced. The issue is in places where it should be dominant the gap has narrowed with other professions in that they can now do much the same.


> Giving Engineer stealth Gyro as example was a huge mistake. They have enough ways to sustain and should never of gotten Sneak Gyro. When you add in things like watchtowers revealing the thief the impact on thief is exponentially larger than on Engineer simply because Engineer can is not as reliant on that stealth .


To take this further not only has the uniqueness if stealth been taken away and is in some cases better on other classes it's also been rendered useless in so many cases between reveals and towers etc.

Mobility gap has been lessened to a great degree as well. So many times a soulbeast etc has mounted up and or used its mobility skills ie swoop,gs and range to delete my thief while my thief is unsuccessfully trying to out run its opponent. Almost all classes can keep up with a thief yet theif has never got any compensations for its strengths either being rendered less useful or out right given to other classes in a better form.

The balance team has done such a poor job over last few yrs it's almost unbelievable, regardless of class.

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My biggest complaint is how often I have skills misfire. I can't tell you how may times I've used infiltrator's strike to just teleport in place instead of to my target or use steal and have it go on cool down but not teleport me even though there is nothing to possibly break target. Feels bad man. If my skills were 100% reliable thief would be considerably better to play for me. Skill misfires probably account for at least 1/4 of my deaths.

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I have a few issues that mostly have to do with overall power creep:

1. Thief doesn’t hit hard enough. On a Reaper I can hit AoE 50k damage regularly. I don’t have this character built out fully and I hit a 240k damage combo the other day (boss was taking extra damage after breakbar).

2. Thief can’t bypass defenses even when we don’t hit that hard. Piercing, unblockable, etc. Other professions, like Reaper, can consistently have durations (not single attacks) of unblockable strikes. It is actually funny how other more durable professions hit harder, in large AoE, with unblockable damage.

3. Initiative regenerates too slowly compared to the HoT/PoF cooldowns on newer weapons.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:


> Just because one or two people use them doesn't make them good. I find them fun to play, but they do have areas they need improvement.


Okay I agree on the improvement part. Tell me what's on your mind

Since all improvement here seems to be coming with overal nerf i am very unhappy with the suggestion since i am one of those one or two ppl who play them so you certainly understand my discomfort with this suggestion

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> > After 6+ years with all of the updates Ankle Shots, Ice Drake/Spider venom, and Clatrops are still the most useless things to equip


> Ankle shots is fine in any build with a pistol in it. Any build with a pistol in it (such as sword/pistol) has reason to take over practiced tolerance and especially if you can maintain cripple. Sundering shade could use some love .




My gripe for ankle shots is the damage modifier, it's only worth using over practiced tolerance if your gear has a total precision of 530 or lower. For the cripple, I can see how it can help maintain an ideal range against a melee opponent but from what I experienced, most people will just bypass the cripple using their teleports and movement skills (like: rush, vault, or swoop) to close the gap or kite away.

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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> > > After 6+ years with all of the updates Ankle Shots, Ice Drake/Spider venom, and Clatrops are still the most useless things to equip

> >

> > Ankle shots is fine in any build with a pistol in it. Any build with a pistol in it (such as sword/pistol) has reason to take over practiced tolerance and especially if you can maintain cripple. Sundering shade could use some love .

> >

> >


> My gripe for ankle shots is the damage modifier, it's only worth using over practiced tolerance if your gear has a total precision of 530 or lower. For the cripple, I can see how it can help maintain an ideal range against a melee opponent but from what I experienced, most people will just bypass the cripple using their teleports and movement skills (like: rush, vault, or swoop) to close the gap or kite away.


If your precision is only 530 ankle shots is just not going to cripple enough to make it worthwhile. If you have Crit chance around 40 percent and are in a set with another cripple source (s/d or s/p) your damage is getting that 10 percent more often than not and you will generally put out more damage or marginally less damage using ankle shots over Practiced tolerance. (dependent on buff sources..ie lots of might, bloodlust stacks and the like and Ankle shots more damage). In those sets I find those enemy ports run out long before my own gap opener/closers do.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:


> > Just because one or two people use them doesn't make them good. I find them fun to play, but they do have areas they need improvement.


> Okay I agree on the improvement part. Tell me what's on your mind

> Since all improvement here seems to be coming with overal nerf i am very unhappy with the suggestion since i am one of those one or two ppl who play them so you certainly understand my discomfort with this suggestion


The main things I'd do to traps would be mostly quality of life changes like making shadow trap a true teleport rather than a shadow step so it's actually reliable, removing the arm time on traps (the traps dealing damage is enough to stop permastealth trap thief, the arm time on top was overkill imo) and reworking ambush trap entirely into something actually useful.


In general though, I think the initiative costs of stuff could use a look at, particularly on daredevil. If it's supposed to be the brawler spec, it needs the ability to sustain an attack, and deadeye arguably does this better at the moment with being able to build tankier due to bonus stats, protection uptime from M7 and a lot more ini regen from combining M7, RFI and mercy. Not sure what you could give daredevil without creating redundancy tbh, but at the moment I don't feel a reason to use it at all.

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For traps, I do have one idea: Make them linger.


I hated how hard it was to use traps in PVE. I experimented with Needle Trap in on the condi builds for awhile, and it was always a pain to use. You have to exactly merge models, because their range is so short. If a group of enemies even slightly spreads, then the trap will hit only one person. In PVP they're even worse, because you have to hope your opponent walks over them. Ranger and Guardian traps affect a big circle, making them large AoEs that hit very hard.


If we want thief traps to remain different, we'll have to take them into another direction. So I thought of stuff like Static Field and Unsteady Ground. Before the target cap nerf, these skills were awesome in WvW. So... make thief traps like them. After placing a thief trap, it will have a sustained effect for 5 seconds that hits everybody who walks over it. Even the same player multiple times if they criss-cross. If they end up too powerful, give it a target cap or an ICD.


Suddenly, thief traps have a use. Needle Trap and Trip Wire could stop an entire group in their tracks. Ambush would summon a murder of thieves to harass other players. NPCs are more likely to be hit by the trap if it lingers, in case they walk or get knocked over it. You've got to admit, it would be pretty funny to see a small zerg fall flat on their face over a tripwire.


Admittedly, this won't do much for Shadow Trap. Then again, I'm not exactly sure how that skill is supposed to be used, anyway. Teleporting to a random enemy who triggered the trap and getting a small amount of boons seems... obtuse.

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Daggerstorm and perma teleport ( sword 2) needs a nerf. These and perma dodge vault thief needs to be cut down. But Daredevil steal nerf, exhaustion nerf and some others should be reverted also. It is sad that thief is locked in playing 1-2 cheesy builds. And people wonder why everyone else hates thieves. There is no bloody choice for the profession apart from playing those. There should be some options at least.


And deadeye. Oh how the rifle have failed me. I can hit more with a rifle berserker without compromising my defences that much. It is probably my failure to play deadeye but it feels so meh. It is not as bad as a renegade shortbow but I expected so much more.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Raid boss only steals are lazy and leave thief feeling kitten in non-raid PvE as far as utility is concerned.


> Deadeye having nearly zero AOE feels really awful in any non-raid situation(you know, the other 99% part of the game).


> D/D Deadeye being a zero utility(all pure power dps bring CC) pure single target spec and doing less single target damage than other specs, ESPECIALLY firebrand, a spec that craps AOE everywhere, feels downright awful.


> Thief having no bruisery/sustainy specs. General open world feels really bad on thief compared to my DH or ele even as daredevil - I lack evades, blocks, and sustain to stay in melee range compared to other melee specs with their numerous ways to avoid and sustain through damage. I have to try harder to kill things on thief than I do as my DH or ele due to this and still lack the tools on certain things forcing me into range or character swapping.


> Staff 3 and 4 being nearly useless. Give staff a heal and block. Remove the evade off vault, high damage burst shouldn't come with evade frames.


> Deadeye being a meme perma stealth 1 shot spec in pvp is bad for us and the people we fight. It's lame.


> Running two signets for optimal damage is boring, give precision a more interesting active or nerf, nerf the crit rate, or buff our other utility choices.


> Speaking of utilities, we have more useless utilities than multiple classes combined at this point. The entire trap line row is useless, most of the tricks are useless, mots of the venoms are only useful as a build that's incredibly niche outside of a few(one?) boss. Even our elite utilities are pretty underwhelming.



> Daggerstorm evade needs to go. It dumbs down our class as a whole and encourages bad play habbits in PvP by low skilled players.




I like the removal of evade from Vault. But to balance it, i think some other changes would need to be made, such as:

-reduce aftercast on Vault, and reduce cost to 5 ini in pvp.

-increase responsiveness of Debilitating Arc, and maybe increase distance travelled. It could be a mini Withdraw.


I think Dust Strike is actually ok, but could perhaps use a reduction in cast time to 0.5 seconds.



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> @"fluidmonolith.3584" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > Raid boss only steals are lazy and leave thief feeling kitten in non-raid PvE as far as utility is concerned.

> >

> > Deadeye having nearly zero AOE feels really awful in any non-raid situation(you know, the other 99% part of the game).

> >

> > D/D Deadeye being a zero utility(all pure power dps bring CC) pure single target spec and doing less single target damage than other specs, ESPECIALLY firebrand, a spec that craps AOE everywhere, feels downright awful.

> >

> > Thief having no bruisery/sustainy specs. General open world feels really bad on thief compared to my DH or ele even as daredevil - I lack evades, blocks, and sustain to stay in melee range compared to other melee specs with their numerous ways to avoid and sustain through damage. I have to try harder to kill things on thief than I do as my DH or ele due to this and still lack the tools on certain things forcing me into range or character swapping.

> >

> > Staff 3 and 4 being nearly useless. Give staff a heal and block. Remove the evade off vault, high damage burst shouldn't come with evade frames.

> >

> > Deadeye being a meme perma stealth 1 shot spec in pvp is bad for us and the people we fight. It's lame.

> >

> > Running two signets for optimal damage is boring, give precision a more interesting active or nerf, nerf the crit rate, or buff our other utility choices.

> >

> > Speaking of utilities, we have more useless utilities than multiple classes combined at this point. The entire trap line row is useless, most of the tricks are useless, mots of the venoms are only useful as a build that's incredibly niche outside of a few(one?) boss. Even our elite utilities are pretty underwhelming.

> >

> >

> > Daggerstorm evade needs to go. It dumbs down our class as a whole and encourages bad play habbits in PvP by low skilled players.

> >

> >


> I like the removal of evade from Vault. But to balance it, i think some other changes would need to be made, such as:

> -reduce aftercast on Vault, and reduce cost to 5 ini in pvp.

> -increase responsiveness of Debilitating Arc, and maybe increase distance travelled. It could be a mini Withdraw.


> I think Dust Strike is actually ok, but could perhaps use a reduction in cast time to 0.5 seconds.




They removed the evade from vault?

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"fluidmonolith.3584" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > Raid boss only steals are lazy and leave thief feeling kitten in non-raid PvE as far as utility is concerned.

> > >

> > > Deadeye having nearly zero AOE feels really awful in any non-raid situation(you know, the other 99% part of the game).

> > >

> > > D/D Deadeye being a zero utility(all pure power dps bring CC) pure single target spec and doing less single target damage than other specs, ESPECIALLY firebrand, a spec that craps AOE everywhere, feels downright awful.

> > >

> > > Thief having no bruisery/sustainy specs. General open world feels really bad on thief compared to my DH or ele even as daredevil - I lack evades, blocks, and sustain to stay in melee range compared to other melee specs with their numerous ways to avoid and sustain through damage. I have to try harder to kill things on thief than I do as my DH or ele due to this and still lack the tools on certain things forcing me into range or character swapping.

> > >

> > > Staff 3 and 4 being nearly useless. Give staff a heal and block. Remove the evade off vault, high damage burst shouldn't come with evade frames.

> > >

> > > Deadeye being a meme perma stealth 1 shot spec in pvp is bad for us and the people we fight. It's lame.

> > >

> > > Running two signets for optimal damage is boring, give precision a more interesting active or nerf, nerf the crit rate, or buff our other utility choices.

> > >

> > > Speaking of utilities, we have more useless utilities than multiple classes combined at this point. The entire trap line row is useless, most of the tricks are useless, mots of the venoms are only useful as a build that's incredibly niche outside of a few(one?) boss. Even our elite utilities are pretty underwhelming.

> > >

> > >

> > > Daggerstorm evade needs to go. It dumbs down our class as a whole and encourages bad play habbits in PvP by low skilled players.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I like the removal of evade from Vault. But to balance it, i think some other changes would need to be made, such as:

> > -reduce aftercast on Vault, and reduce cost to 5 ini in pvp.

> > -increase responsiveness of Debilitating Arc, and maybe increase distance travelled. It could be a mini Withdraw.

> >

> > I think Dust Strike is actually ok, but could perhaps use a reduction in cast time to 0.5 seconds.

> >

> >


> They removed the evade from vault?


I meant that I liked Shiyo's idea to remove evade from Vault (but only if they buff to compensate in other areas). Vault hasn't changed, it still evades.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> For traps, I do have one idea: Make them linger.


> I hated how hard it was to use traps in PVE. I experimented with Needle Trap in on the condi builds for awhile, and it was always a pain to use. You have to exactly merge models, because their range is so short. If a group of enemies even slightly spreads, then the trap will hit only one person. In PVP they're even worse, because you have to hope your opponent walks over them. Ranger and Guardian traps affect a big circle, making them large AoEs that hit very hard.


> If we want thief traps to remain different, we'll have to take them into another direction. So I thought of stuff like Static Field and Unsteady Ground. Before the target cap nerf, these skills were awesome in WvW. So... make thief traps like them. After placing a thief trap, it will have a sustained effect for 5 seconds that hits everybody who walks over it. Even the same player multiple times if they criss-cross. If they end up too powerful, give it a target cap or an ICD.


> Suddenly, thief traps have a use. Needle Trap and Trip Wire could stop an entire group in their tracks. Ambush would summon a murder of thieves to harass other players. NPCs are more likely to be hit by the trap if it lingers, in case they walk or get knocked over it. You've got to admit, it would be pretty funny to see a small zerg fall flat on their face over a tripwire.


Yes, please.


> Admittedly, this won't do much for Shadow Trap. Then again, I'm not exactly sure how that skill is supposed to be used, anyway. Teleporting to a random enemy who triggered the trap and getting a small amount of boons seems... obtuse.


Indeed, even if Shadow Trap actually worked, it's rather silly to be a blind, defenseless teleport. I wish it would either allow a very brief window to teleport back (like Shadow Return) or give a little more defense such as a half-second evade or 3 seconds of Protection/Resistance to give a chance to escape out of a bad situation. I can't remember how many times I've teleported directly into a trap or mark on-point, instantly getting stunned/bled/downed before I can even see what's on the screen.

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