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What do you guys think of the waypoint gems feature?

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I know bags in gemstore are not pw2. I know the gathering materials aren't. The extra bank. However arenanet announced unlocking waypoints in a map? Arenanet just gave mounts so why did they waste time on making unlocking map? There's so many things they could've fixed or added. But since I said they added a p2w feature. I'm saying because basically 100 complete all maps give a mastery point and extra farming materials. If you get all zones with that in the gemstore wouldn't that mean p2w? What you guys think?

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It's paying to shorten out game play time. Maybe I said it incorrectly. Why does arenanet add things that people should earn rather then buy your way through? In all games every feature is included in the game. So you can always earn through time and gameplay. However for some reason it's a money hole and people buy their way in to speed things up. It's not a simple p2w. However it's a chain reaction. 100 completion all maps means more crafting mats. More transmutation charges. And more keys. And a give away of mastery point and achievement. Crafting mats means crafting is much faster than usual, which means crafting to 500 process is much faster. Which leads to legendary crafting. Which means easier to win. So not meaning it's completely p2w. It's a chain reaction of making the game simpler when all of us have earned it.

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They offer a game that doesn't have a subscription and if they think they can make money off of it they'll put it out. They're a business, their goal is to make money.


It's also really convenient for people who have alts, or want to make a new one and level as fast as possible to hit 80 content.

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ArenaNet likely thought that, now with mounts making it trivial to run through and unlock waypoints, they'd finally add it to store because if people are willing to pay for something so trivial, so be it.


P2W is not being able to realistically compete with someone who pays real money.

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> @Alaric.3980 said:

> Honestly?


> They offer a game that doesn't have a subscription and if they think they can make money off of it they'll put it out. They're a business, their goal is to make money.


> It's also really convenient for people who have alts, or want to make a new one and level as fast as possible to hit 80 content.


This. I have a lot of alts and have seriously gotten tired of running to discover all of the waypoints after my first 8 characters.


The other part that people are not thinking about is that these only unlock the Tyrian waypoints. The most "end" content available with that is the end of the first personal story in Arah.


This is a convenience item, not something that changes the game for players in PvE.


I would be purchasing these myself, but I **HATE** that they are per character. This really should be by account and if it changes to by account, I will be getting it immediately.

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> @BlueIce.6951 said:

> > @Alaric.3980 said:

> > Honestly?

> >

> > They offer a game that doesn't have a subscription and if they think they can make money off of it they'll put it out. They're a business, their goal is to make money.

> >

> > It's also really convenient for people who have alts, or want to make a new one and level as fast as possible to hit 80 content.


> This. I have a lot of alts and have seriously gotten tired of running to discover all of the waypoints after my first 8 characters.


> The other part that people are not thinking about is that these only unlock the Tyrian waypoints. The most "end" content available with that is the end of the first personal story in Arah.


> This is a convenience item, not something that changes the game for players in PvE.


> I would be purchasing these myself, but I **HATE** that they are per character. This really should be by account and if it changes to by account, I will be getting it immediately.


I could see that. It is annoying when you complete everything for the character then work on the other and have to start all over.

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I got your point op, Though we are not talking here about p2w but timesink meccanics.


Somehow i do agree with you, but Since we can exchange golds to gems and we dont have a monthly sub, we can easily get what we need to reduce the time needed to do things.


The things which i consider a must are


1. Copper salvage o matic. Best item ever.

2. Infinite tools. I really didn't gather that much, but when i do its good not to think about charges or durabilità

3. Extra bags. The se are important for your main.

4. Inventory shard slots. At least 5. Copper salvage o matic, mystic salvage tools, spvp crafting Place, 2 random for things you could want to shard between chara. I have for an instance the infinite hairstyle kit.

5. Some extra Bank tabs. I have 4 half empty.


But in order to play you just need 2 inventory slots shared and the copper salvage tools.

2k gems or 400. Not a big deal imho.

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Why do people keep thinking that unlocking all waypoints = 100% map completion... You still have to find all the Points of Interest, still have to navigate to every Vista, still have to complete every Heart, still have to complete every Hero Challenge. They are NOT selling map completion.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> It's paying to shorten out game play time. Maybe I said it incorrectly. Why does arenanet add things that people should earn rather then buy your way through? In all games every feature is included in the game. So you can always earn through time and gameplay. However for some reason it's a money hole and people buy their way in to speed things up. It's not a simple p2w. However it's a chain reaction. 100 completion all maps means more crafting mats. More transmutation charges. And more keys. And a give away of mastery point and achievement. Crafting mats means crafting is much faster than usual, which means crafting to 500 process is much faster. Which leads to legendary crafting. Which means easier to win. So not meaning it's completely p2w. It's a chain reaction of making the game simpler when all of us have earned it.


So... there's a race to craft the most legendary items in the game that's been going on that I wasn't aware off? Was that the ultimate "win-state" of Guild Wars 2? Oh, do you mean having more gold than everybody? Is that winning?


"Shortening game time" may seem like a cop-out to you, but many players do not have the luxury to spend whole days playing the game. Real life commitment far outweighs menial tasks like running from point A to point B, especially if they're trying to catch up to friends or loved ones in game. Like many of the upgrades, the Waypoint Unlock packs are items of _convenience_ to improve the players' experience.


And in all honesty, if you want to make gold, suggesting map completion as an efficient means to the end is a complete joke. Consider that 2,000 Gems is roughly 500 gold in NA; now think how much farming lower tier mats you need to do to recoup that cost.

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I’m going to give you a thought question.


Suppose you log on and the gemstore is selling a package that gives your char (in PvE maps) super speed, extended gliding, ability to leap much further, skim across water without swimming, teleport/blinks/evade, ability to leap high in the air. Would you consider that p2w?


Now consider that you just paid ANet for those abilities in the form of mounts. Why didn’t you make a post calling buying these abilities p2w also?


No, the wp package isn’t p2w. You have to win something for that to be true. Just like the mounts aren’t p2w as you don’t win.

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Def not P2W, in order for anything to be pay to win it must be you buying something from the store that benefits you in a fight against others. If I farm a snaggletooth sword with +5 all stats from the game and that same sword I farmed was offered in the store but with +10 stats for 10 bucks, then that would be P2W. You are paying for better items than you can get to help you succeed or beat others, that is P2W. Everything thus far in GW2 is Pay to be pretty or pay to hold more or pay to fly in style. No P2W here. What you are talking about would be considered pay for convenience if anything.

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I knew p2w trend would eventually start here, it's happening every where in recent new games. Rather the item gives advantage or not. People in the past 10 years has twisted the Pay to win definition around to fit their personal opinion.

Pay 2 win is when you can only buy an item with real world cash, with no other way of purchasing it and clearly makes those who bought said item advantageous during game play like PvP. Pretty sure way points isn't going to effect PvP here lmao..


This new definition is not pay to win...... Pay to progress faster sure but not pay to win. Kinda like outfits are you going to say outfits are pay to win?

What are they so stunning your char would explode during a pvp match? Do people have so much bag space it creates a black hole that sucks you into the void of 1111000100011000?

Is people buying way points grieving you do they some how travel so fast they go back in time and change who you are? no? Pay to win this nonsense must stop.


Theres no advantage to anything you said above another, you can have exactly what they get by playing the game. If people wanna buy way points so, not hurting my game play might even help my game play maybe I die and said way point buyer happens to hop to a way point near me sees I have died and come resses me.

Look at the bright side don't live in a dark negative world all the time.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> However I get you guys. I'm not here to be whining. I'm just asking if you think it is or isn't. Just wondering your thoughts


Without trying to minimize your concern or suggest that you can't ask about pay-to-win, I hope you can see that the phrasing is going to affect the sort of responses you get. Wondering about thoughts is, "what do you guys think about the Waypoint Unlock Box?" Offering an opinion sounds like, "did GW2 sneak in a pay-to-win feature?" (especially it doesn't even mention which and uses "sneak" for something that is publicly announced).


The first is open ended; the second is a leading question (with an implied answer) and tends to polarize the replies.


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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> I know bags in gemstore are not pw2. I know the gathering materials aren't. The extra bank. However arenanet announced unlocking waypoints in a map? Arenanet just gave mounts so why did they waste time on making unlocking map? There's so many things they could've fixed or added. But since I said they added a p2w feature. I'm saying because basically 100 complete all maps give a mastery point and extra farming materials. If you get all zones with that in the gemstore wouldn't that mean p2w? What you guys think?


they added the wp feature for new people, nd vets that either want quick and easy legionaries or to bring more people to the core maps for world events. my boss train character already has 100 map so idc but i might get one for my mesmer

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