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Cantha and Tengu playable race, when ?!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > As I've said many times: I'm all for Cantha... I just want to go someplace else first.

> >

> > Then just say that lol.

> I did.


> >

> > At the end of the day, it's not like we get the say in the decision one way or the other so why bother bickering?

> I didn't respond to people saying they want to go to Cantha first. I responded to someone saying that "the reality is" that ANet should do both.



Well, in which reality is getting two good things not better than only one?


When you start the bickering of "we shouldn't get that because of resources and other projects" you make it an either/or argument that we can't actually back (either side) because it's not our choice. Are you picking up what I'm putting down?



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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > not in this lifetime

> > >

> > > we keep this attitude, we will prolly not see it. wheres your motivation ?

> >

> > It's not the attitude, it's the truth...there's a reason why the Canthan section of Divinities Reach was removed and the same reason applies why we won't go there anytime soon: China.


> i been saying this... what if the culture change ?

> all that never ending luxon, kurzick war... maybe the sea dragon washed up keining city.

> think about it, we are talking about a hermit continent, with alot of ideas for the developers to plan out.

> closer to the stars, kunavang, the envoy, Menhlos resting place...

> you are all forgetting, this is [cantha](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Captain_Elora "cantha").

> this is [cantha](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Luxon_Diplomat "cantha"), this is [cantha](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kurzick_Necromancer "cantha"), and this is [cantha](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kurzick_Juggernaut "cantha")

> tell me where does this remind you of china ?

> cantha can happen.


Maybe not...it's in the name..... Cantha Can't HA! happen....

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> Well, in which reality is getting two good things not better than only one?

The topic being discussed isn't _whether_ more is good. The statement made was that "the reality is that ANet should do both." That's not the reality we live in, both in terms of scope of work and whether anyone "should" do anything.


> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> When you start the bickering of "we shouldn't get that because of resources and other projects" you make it an either/or argument that we can't actually back (either side) because it's not our choice.

I make no claim about what we should or shouldn't get; the other poster wrote that (and for some reason, you seem to want to defend that). My point is that there is no "should," except that ANet should make a game that will help them stay in business, if they want to remain in the business of selling games.


> Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Not really. You keep harping on some point that hasn't been articulated, in defense of an inaccurate claim of what the facts are.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > I'd prefer one of the other races getting some love instead of getting more human centered things. Give us something with the charr or norn first.

> Despitr being a Norn main player, I prefer Cantha 100 times more than a Norn/Charr-based expansion.


I very much disagree, going to Cantha would just be more human crap that makes story awkward when playing on anything that's not a human and it would stretch the world map even further down since it's across a body of water to the south of Elona. Give us something to the east first, i.e. Blood Legion homelands. We've had human centered crap for 2 Living Worlds and an expansion, give us a break. And that's coming from someone who primarily plays a human for story. I don't hate the idea of Cantha but sweet lord focus on something other than humans for a bit.


Edit: Also, would like to see something done with the Olmakhan now that they've been discovered.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > Most other MMOs see their worlds basically double in size after being out this long.

> Aren't most other MMOs subscription based which would potentially give them a lot more resources to put out content in such a manner?


No. In fact most other MMOs are not subscription based.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > Well, in which reality is getting two good things not better than only one?

> The topic being discussed isn't _whether_ more is good. The statement made was that "the reality is that ANet should do both." That's not the reality we live in, both in terms of scope of work and whether anyone "should" do anything.



What reality is it not better to have 2 good things rather than one? In my reality, and I'm sure in your reality, it IS better.


But then I think you fail to understand *why* that statesmen reflects reality. Because it is stated as something that is desired and not from the fiscal executive office's perspective.


> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > When you start the bickering of "we shouldn't get that because of resources and other projects" you make it an either/or argument that we can't actually back (either side) because it's not our choice.

> I make no claim about what we should or shouldn't get; the other poster wrote that (and for some reason, you seem to want to defend that). My point is that there is no "should," except that ANet should make a game that will help them stay in business, if they want to remain in the business of selling games.



Not defend. Promote discussion.


I think you're projecting a narrative on someone using the term "should" leading to a misunderstanding of the goal of the discussion. The customer "should" express things they want to buy so that someone might capitalize on that. Discussions on why things should or should not be made can be fun but less so when the argument is made by posters pretending to be the mouthpieces of the devs. It prompts reiteration of talking points and repetitive retreading the same old ideas.


But I'm just trying to help and get people talking. I've got heroes and villains to make.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > I'd prefer one of the other races getting some love instead of getting more human centered things. Give us something with the charr or norn first.

> > Despitr being a Norn main player, I prefer Cantha 100 times more than a Norn/Charr-based expansion.


> I very much disagree, going to Cantha would just be more human kitten that makes story awkward when playing on anything that's not a human and it would stretch the world map even further down since it's across a body of water to the south of Elona. Give us something to the east first, i.e. Blood Legion homelands. We've had human centered kitten for 2 Living Worlds and an expansion, give us a break. And that's coming from someone who primarily plays a human for story. I don't hate the idea of Cantha but sweet lord focus on something other than humans for a bit.


> Edit: Also, would like to see something done with the Olmakhan now that they've been discovered.


Nostalgia sells. Humans are far more interesting they had the most focus in lore because of GW1. Our personal stories catered to specific races in the beginning but blended together in a save the world from dragons theme. This is what bores me. Dragons, dragons and more dragons. Focusing on some flame legion, son of svanir, inquest junk is not going to sell well, there isnt enough to carry the game forward. Remember how ill received when sylvari became pivotal in HoT and living world season 1. I remember Trahearne and Scarlett. We can only hope anet can do the other races justice, but for business sake, an expansion focusing on charr or norn or asura would be a shot in the foot.

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It may happen. Times are different now and different cultures and ethnicities are pretty much demanded nowadays. And after those layoffs, Anet is going to need something big to make some bank money, and NCSoft just might let it slide, who knows? Josh Foreman even encouraged us to keep asking for Cantha. Anything can happen now after that final lws4 episode. Anet has the opportunity to go anywhere with the storyline. And going back to Cantha doesn’t necessarily have to mean it will be human centered. Who says the Tengu couldn’t return to Cantha somehow and the story focus on them? And the DSD could very well attack Cantha if that’s what Anet wants. Kralkatorrik literally flew all the way from char homelands to the crystal desert. If Anet decides to take us to Cantha, then that’s what we’re going to do. I understand the frustration of when people talk negatively of Cantha and find every possible way to say it will never happen. We literally have no idea, for all we know they could be working on it now. Only time will tell. Cantha is a huge part of Guild Wars and even if it doesn’t happen to be the next expansion, I’m sure eventually it will become an expansion one day at least. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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The entire "no asian style content" is way out of proportions. What we know is that an Arenanet developer claims that a high ranking Korean manager working for NCSoft has adviced against the Cantha district in Divinities Reach and it got replaced. First by the great collapse and laster by the Queen's jubilee area. The reason was that the specific area was too much stereotyped and could be offensive to Asian people.


So there is no law

There is no instruction from NCSoft to Arenanet to not make Asian themed architecture


There might be an advice to not make Asian themed architecture that is too much stereotyped. This might be stricter due to the chinese version of the game. that is one side. the other side is that Factions was very succesfull and Cantha is highly appreciated by the fans from EU and NA. Given the fact that this is the main fanbase and that the rest are rumours telling a dissorderd tale that might be totally wrong, means I wouldn't mind it too much and not use it as an argument not to expect Cantha

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I dunno man. I think Anet ruined Elona enough, that I do not want them to bring anything back.


> I would prefer Charr homelands or shiver peaks. Though we dunno what LWS5 will go.


i dont think they ruined it, time has passed, the continent has changed just like cantha will.

time changes everything. i enjoyed what they did, they did a good job.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Nostalgia is fine but it only works if one has actually played original GW. Given it's 2019 I'd say the vast majority of current GW2 players haven't. And to them Cantha is nothing special.




that is what i am noticing with many of these people, mainly the people that pvp they don't care much about pve ideas or content because it affects their balance.

these are the negative nancies i speak of...

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I'd love Cantha. A whole new continent with a BUNCH to explore and tell about. It would feel like a whole new game.

I have started playing in GW Factions, so of course I'd want Cantha over anything else.

Humans are also the core part of GW lore, so it's natural we will be hearing more about them, rather than other races which came 'later'; but I won't oppose to some more Charr or Norn lore of course...heck I love all GW races!


But yes, +1 from me. I really want Cantha and if they do make it I hope they stick to the GW1 atmosphere that Cantha had.

Fingers crossed :)

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > Nostalgia is fine but it only works if one has actually played original GW. Given it's 2019 I'd say the vast majority of current GW2 players haven't. And to them Cantha is nothing special.

> >

> >


> that is what i am noticing with many of these people, mainly the people that pvp they don't care much about pve ideas or content because it affects their balance.

> these are the negative nancies i speak of...


For many, me included, its not negativity but indifference. I haven't played GW so Cantha would be the same as any other new region for me. A new place to explore that I have no special connection with.

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More refugies issues but not from elona this time but from Cantha LUL would be pretty much too much ahahha

they better not use that card again.


* Luxons / kurzicks / shing jea asking for help to queen jenna against the empire

* Tengu refugies at shing jea monastery (since togo was their "friends")

* Stories about a new kind of dragon from cantha => aurene first prophecy or the lore about kuunavang

* The invasion of cantha empire to claim kryta/elona human realm or Lion's arch

* Shiro's return (would be pretty lame) or emissaries return into the world.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Cantha has been discussed to death in hundreds of threads. It’ll happen or it won’t - demand will have been noted by the powers that be


> However I’ll leave you this since it is the best Cantha idea anyone has yet suggested


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Lon-ami/Cantha


What's described in that link seems to hold water fairly well. It would be a pretty large task to get everything in it in one single release, but it would sell. Judging by the content alone, it regroups a good amount of what people regularly ask for, and manage to tie it to existing lore. It has potential.



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