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So whats next you ask? (SPOILERS)

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Well actually it's pretty easy to guess what's next as there are few options left, but also the location of the newest map "Dragonfall" teases it.

We could have ended up anywhere after getting out of the Mists, however we crash landed far out at the beginning of the **Unending Ocean,** in other words right on DSD's doorstep.

Not only that, but the island that was created there because of it is made up of piecess of the Mists, add to that all that's happened during the episode and it's certain it will attract the DSD's attention.


Personally I find that interesting, as I think the DSD is the most dangerous of all the Elder Dragons. Why? Because it's element is Water. So imgine for a moment where we find ourselves in a situation where all water becomes corrupted and turns anyone who drinks it into minions of the DSD. I mean all life is in danger as nearly every living oraganism in existance requires water to survive, be it animals or plants. Yeah it would be interesting to find the world in a situation where you either become a slave to the DSD or die of dehydration. I bet Taimi could come up with a way to filter the water to make it drinkable, but if the corruption were to reach global scale there would be no way to save everyone from it.


**However let's forget about that and talk about what new features could come with the conflict with the DSD:**

- First the obvious i.e. an Exclusive DSD Dye Kit, as it's the only Elder Drakon Kit we don't have yet.

- Possibly 2nd gen Aquatic Legendary Weapons - I mean why not?

- This would also be the best time to introduce a Legendary Aquabreather, like it could be a collection requiring all 6 season 5 episodes unlocked, just like it was with Aurora and season 3.

- An Aquatic Mount i.e. one that we can ride underwater, since there won't be any 3rd expac so far, meaning we will continue with more PoF masteries, so another mount is certainly coming along.

- Possibly Aquatic only Elite Specs, if this were introduced then they would probably be unlocked for players that have either HoT or PoF unlocked, just like with the Revenant profession, not to mention we have enough Hero Points to master a 2nd Elite Spec by having either of them so it wouldn't be a problem for those who lack one or the other. And while Elite Specs normally are introduced with expansions this situation is different, as most players would not be keen on paying extra for aquatic only Elites, so intoducing them with LW5 would be a far better option.


So what does everyone else think? Is it time we get to know the DSD better? And if so what other possibilities do you think it will open?

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The episode ended leaving the Ocean and heading back to Lions Arch and by the time S5Ep1 rolls around, we will be back on land, been through a festival and not even thinking about Ocean stuff. We have an equal chance of going elsewhere, prob more so since i believe guild chat alluded to less wold ending threats for a bit. That would suggest the next Dragon isnt going to be appearing for a while.


Plus not really on the DSDs doorstep since the Ocean is a massive place and the distance from him could be as great as the distance of Dragonfall to where Jormag is for example if not greater

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Honestly this living world might be used to settle the fallout of what has transpired since PoF began; As alot has happened, three wars and a entire cataclysmic thing with kralk going into the mists. Id say we will get episodes closing old open plot threads leading to now; Perhaps closure for stuff from personal story chapters as well if they felt inclined? I also feel like it might be a good time to check on the pale tree (She could take mordremoths place? She is a champion.) We might even talk to her about it to see if she could and would be willing to do such a thing.



Zojja is another topic, How is Queensdale after the events at lake dorric? Whats going on now that jormag and primo are asleep, are they still asleep are we perhaps able to purge their torment and liberate them of their suffering? What about Taimi's condition, as well elona getting its government back on track and the rebirth of the sunspear order. Hell even the Awoken being accepted into the fold, as im sure they will come to reach out to divinities reach and lions arch wanting to now make allies and since they are so ingrained in elonian culture...



Bubbles, likewise a underwater overhaul is expansion worthy in-of itself. I also would want the E-specs to be usable on land as I imagine plenty of cool Ideas that would be bomb (Eldritch messmer, who invokes nightmares and feeds on terror? A Occultist necromancer spec, with demons and dark beings coming to their aid? Sign me up.) Id want those features and the mastery's of them to get the time needed to make them bomb. (Also bring back alot of the underwater boss's and content that had been culled from the game?)

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> this reminds me of the time when anet announced a patch for underwater combat and everyone thought that an UW expac was coming and the UW precursors skyrocketed for a bit...


I have 13 UW precursors.

If UW content is releasing I will be rich :)


But lets be realistic. How do you think the events, the boss fights, the story will be implemented underwater. You have to swim whole maps, underwater? There wont be jumping rocks, trees etc but underwater tunnels and caves? How exactly do you imagine things to work, because I can't think of any good thing. I mean I would love it to work somehow but I just don't see a way how this would be fun. Maybe some maps positioned in underwater air bubbles, but then how would you fight the underwater creatures if you are not actually in the water? Now, some of the creatures might be able to walk on land too but there must be some that are capable to live only in water like the fish.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > this reminds me of the time when anet announced a patch for underwater combat and everyone thought that an UW expac was coming and the UW precursors skyrocketed for a bit...


> I have 13 UW precursors.

> If UW content is releasing I will be rich :)


> But lets be realistic. How do you think the events, the boss fights, the story will be implemented underwater. You have to swim whole maps, underwater? There wont be jumping rocks, trees etc but underwater tunnels and caves? How exactly do you imagine things to work, because I can't think of any good thing. I mean I would love it to work somehow but I just don't see a way how this would be fun. Maybe some maps positioned in underwater air bubbles, but then how would you fight the underwater creatures if you are not actually in the water? Now, some of the creatures might be able to walk on land too but there must be some that are capable to live only in water like the fish.


Underwater mount.... I hope they do not go underwater since it is not something the majority enjoys a lot I think. I do not mind it once in a while, but a whole expansion or season,.. I dont think so.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > this reminds me of the time when anet announced a patch for underwater combat and everyone thought that an UW expac was coming and the UW precursors skyrocketed for a bit...


> I have 13 UW precursors.

> If UW content is releasing I will be rich :)


> But lets be realistic. How do you think the events, the boss fights, the story will be implemented underwater. You have to swim whole maps, underwater? There wont be jumping rocks, trees etc but underwater tunnels and caves? How exactly do you imagine things to work, because I can't think of any good thing. I mean I would love it to work somehow but I just don't see a way how this would be fun. Maybe some maps positioned in underwater air bubbles, but then how would you fight the underwater creatures if you are not actually in the water? Now, some of the creatures might be able to walk on land too but there must be some that are capable to live only in water like the fish.


It can work. But they have to do a lot of work... example introduce new skills that can give condis or heals or boons and not just power.

As for an expansion or season based underwater, they can do like a throwback to Atlantis; a mythical city underwater, of course we have to swim to get there, but once we're in the map it's like we're in the land just surrounded by water, and they can do like multiple cities on multiple maps, and then in those cities there are treasures or ancient relics.


but like if they introduce an UW season and leave everything as it is... i think it would be a terrible idea because at the moment, uw combat feels so sluggish... and you can't use important skills.

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My money's on season 5 dealing with the fallout of Kralktoriks mist adventures and potentially setting us up for an expansion in Cantha and a eventual showdown with Menzies.


With the mists so heavily damaged those most likely to feel this impact are Ritualists.. therefore our connection with Cantha. (the number 1 requested place in Tyria fans have been wanting to go since the game launched)


With Balthazar dead and a chunk of the Fissure of Woe on Tyria the Shadow Army might be able to take advantage and attempt an invasion of Tyria.. therefore our connection with Menzies.


We'll see how this plays out though.

I don't think Anet want to go straight into another Dragon just yet, we just put one down so time for something different.

Zhaitan - Aetherblades/Molten Alliance/Toxic Alliance/Scarlet - Mordremoth- White Mantle/Lazarus/Zaishen/Balthazar/Joko - Kralkatorrik -


Tends to be a trend between dragons to have something else even if it's connected to said dragon in some way like Balthzar presuing Kralkatorrik or Scarlet attempting to wake Mordremoth.

Shadow Army, Menzies and Canthan threats could be what fills that void and sets up the Sea Dragon but who knows..

We'll just have to wait for Season 5.


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Well there is no pvp/WvW to balance for underwater elite specs, so the only thing underwater specs have to deal with is PVE, and there isn't much underwater content for PVE so that elite spec 'should be easier to balance'


> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Finding a cure for taimi


> End her life quick, merciless death for an annoying character


Let her be eaten/branded by Aurene?


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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> Would be funny if GW2 pulled a Sylvanas and had the charrs restarted their war on human with the Crystal dragon gone from their back. Also made some interesting dynamic between Rytlock and Logan :P


With the elder dragon threat mostly resolved now I been thinking, besides Elona having a long long recovering effort with the pact commader, and allies help.

That is their a risk of the charr legions breaking their temporary treaty with the humans of Ascalon in Ebonhawk, and the kingdom of Kryta?

This could happen because Fume brighteye's (who hates humans just cause her sire Hothor Brightblood was killed, which could be the reason she hates humans.) somehow replaces Smodur the Unflinching maybe he is killed or he unable to lead, cause he has been poison or something has caused him to be unable to be Iron Legions leader, and breaks the treaty and with Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer who also hates humans (which includes my Ascalonain male human character Tarwin even if he help the charr countless times in missions in the game and dose not have any reason to hate the charr.) purposely breaks the treaty with both Fume, and Banga declaring all the charr who helped the humans, and fought with them, as traitors including the charr pact commanders, this would shatter warbands as many charr warbands, have warband mates in the Pact and in Lions Arch city, and any other group that has humans in it.


Many charr including Rytock the charr pact commanders, and otehr charr heroes, and so many charr all over Tyria who just found out they been kicked out of the legions cause they work with humans would feel betrayed, and may fight with my character Tarwin just to stop the Hostile charr from trying to start another war with the humans again.


The war would see so many charr in the pact, including Ash Legion, and their leader Malice Swordshadow, the Iron, Blood legion charr who do not want to fight the humans of Ascalon, or believe this is outrageous that Fume and Bangar, and other charr who side with the two Imperator are foolishly starting a war with humans just cause they hate them so much.

This war would see my character Tarwin trying to win as many charr to his side as possible, and save Ebonhawk, defeat the hostile charr that started the war and remove both Fume Brighteye's , and Bangar Ruinbringer from power, the war would see the charr legions as a whole crippled as many charr refuse to support Fume Brighteye's, and Bangar Ruinbringer and many more fight for them, so many people on both sides Fume Brighteye's, and Bangar Ruinbringer side and on Tarwin the pact commanders side would die.


And then their be bitter male and female charr on both sides that lost something warband their life wanting to know what they are really been fighting for, some charr may have even lost the will to fight cause they cannot bare to kill another one of their own kin. My human character Tarwin confronting Fume would probably get some self justification how Tarwin's race humans are are at fault for killing her sire Hothor Brightblood, Tarwin responding her justification of the war is wrong (Fume Brighteyes could maybe be Mentally insane and not really in charge and the real one in charge of the war could Be Bangar who could be using Fume to further his possible plan to become Khan-ur so maybe Fume is just being used.) Fume, either will die fighting Tarwin, and his allies, or Tarwin after beating her in combat is able talk her down, that both of them do not have to be enemies and he willing to speak on her behave so she can be spared, (because Tarwin believes in mercy) and is able to get Fume Brighteyes to surrender. Bangar would certainly die fighting as he will never give up to a human.


The after math of the war would see the legions in bad shape crippled from fight Tarwin and his allies and from within, the legions could be at risk of collepe at this point someone among the charr must become Khan-ur to unit the charr and keep the legions from falling who would it be I have no idea.

This is all something that could happen either in the after math of guild wars 2 or during the game itself in the next season, will happen it could , as what I wrote above could happen.

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I think it would be nice to do something not dragon related for a while now that we have the chance. The dragons that have been the main problems are either dead or disabled for the time being, that means we have time to focus on other things without being like "Why are we doing this when a dragon is ravaging the land AT THIS VERY MOMENT!"


The mists have been heavily disrupted, and we know that there is more in the mists than just dead souls and echos of the past. We know that there are other worlds besides our own connected to the mists. Perhaps Kralk's little adventure there brings something else to our doorstep that we have to deal with.

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Forget about DSD for now, the next story will involve Melandru imo.

During season 4, we were introduced to a nature focused Charr tribe, we also discovered the secret Melandru room in Sun’s refuge, and strangely enough, we have also gone through a Melandru rift when chasing kralkatorrik. Those are as serious hints as HoT had a balthazzar hero point challenge.


The next question though is: why would Melandru come back to Tyria ?

Maybe she could because tyria is now (pure assumption here) in a peaceful state and the devs can make season 5 start a few months or years after the end of season 4.


And who knows ? Maybe a nature focused ritual can save Taimi or not.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> Forget about DSD for now, the next story will involve Melandru imo.

> During season 4, we were introduced to a nature focused Charr tribe, we also discovered the secret Melandru room in Sun’s refuge, and strangely enough, we have also gone through a Melandru rift when chasing kralkatorrik. Those are as serious hints as HoT had a balthazzar hero point challenge.


> The next question though is: why would Melandru come back to Tyria ?

> Maybe she could because tyria is now (pure assumption here) in a peaceful state and the devs can make season 5 start a few months or years after the end of season 4.


> And who knows ? Maybe a nature focused ritual can save Taimi or not.


She wanted the human to have peace with the non humans but the Balthazzar wanted humans to go to war with the non humans and the other gods agreed now even if all the gods agreed to go wit Melandru's idea wof peace that dose not mean certain races like the charr would have gone along with it but it be instresting to see what would have happen had the humans tried to have peace talks with the non humans instead for charr instead of a war the humans try to to talk with the charr the Khan ur may listen but the charr race is divided cause you those who want war accept in this timeline half the charr side with the humans the other half choose to go to war with the humans the Khan ur may even survive and not be killed, also their a better chance for the humans to have peace treatys with the centuars and tengu over war and attmpt to maintain but their always be trouble makers who try and ruin the peace.

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I remember when the first episode of the living world was announced, Flame and Frost, and lots of people were like: "we are getting Primordus and Jormag!" Turned out we didn't exactly get that. Although fighting DSD is very likely I'm not sure Season 5 would be the way to do it. Why? Because Aurene turned into an Elder Dragon. Chances are she can't eat another ED anymore, at least not without serious consequences, we've seen what happened to Kralkatorik when he consumed so much magic. So my bet is that in Season 5 we'll find the "next Aurene" to eat and replace the next Elder Dragon. Or find a way to enter Elder Dragon hearts and beat up their sad/bad personalities so only the good ones remain. Plus good opportunity to wrap up unresolved plot points.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I remember when the first episode of the living world was announced, Flame and Frost, and lots of people were like: "we are getting Primordus and Jormag!" Turned out we didn't exactly get that. Although fighting DSD is very likely I'm not sure Season 5 would be the way to do it. Why? Because Aurene turned into an Elder Dragon. Chances are she can't eat another ED anymore, at least not without serious consequences, we've seen what happened to Kralkatorik when he consumed so much magic. So my bet is that in Season 5 we'll find the "next Aurene" to eat and replace the next Elder Dragon. Or find a way to enter Elder Dragon hearts and beat up their sad/bad personalities so only the good ones remain. Plus good opportunity to wrap up unresolved plot points.


Added we have to dela with the risk of the charr who hate humans like Fume Brigteyes and Banger getting into power in the legions and then try and start the war with the humans all over again both however forgetting hundreds and thousands of charr have fought with humans and won't want to fight against them since many charr are repecting humans oh and the olamakan may get condamed for their peaceful ways. By charr who are so stuck into the mindset of war over the valve of family that the Olmakan price above all.

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