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What is you main reason for crafting legendary weapons ?

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Due to a discussion about the legendaries in a recent thread i wonder, what is the main purpose behind crafting the legendary items for most players.

This poll focuses on **weapons only** since all weapons offer 3 things, unique skin, effects and stat swap functionality while armors have either only stat swap or also includes a unique skin (depending on game mode).

Try to answer the poll with the **main** reason. The thing which sparks your interest the most.

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Out of my three legendary weapons I have crafted two because I thoroughly enjoyed the precursor collection and finished the weapon because most of the "work" was done by then anyway. The third was crafted because I dropped a precursor (my only one so far) to a weapon that I both use a lot and really liked the skin (focus).

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Legendary weapons only, I have crafted over 15 weapons so far (going by how many Gifts of Exploration I have used because I can't really remember all the ones crafted since many of them were sold).


Most legendaries I have kept/crafted were initially for the skin (with Twilight and Sunrise seeing the most use before getting Exordium). Other popular skins are also Bolt, The Shining Blade and The Flameseeker Prohecies, all of which see use on almost any character I own (unless they absolutely do not fit the theme I have in mind for the character).


The question as such is a bit misleading too since legendary weapons and the stat changing ability is limited at best. Most weapons have a specific role and are very often divided into power or condition weapons. The most variety one gets here is between support and damage builds, as such support classes will see the most variation, as well as WvW players (who might want defensive stats on their weapon).


For normal PvE use, most weapons (Greatsword being a prime example, seeing as there is no condition greatsword builds) need no more than 2, maximum 3 different stats. Which is significantly cheaper to acquire with multiple ascended and bar the inventory space, also easier to manage.


This is different to say armor or trinkets, which see way higher benefit from their legendary form since those items work with any build (have no skills associated with them). Yet even here, 3 ascended sets will cover most every game aspect and be significantly cheaper (in case of trinkets) and somewhat cheaper (in case of armor).

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I made all of gen1 legendary weapons, 2 gen2 weapons, and an extra Kraitkin

First weapon i crafted was Twilight, purely because i thought it looked amazing, afterwards it was Kamohoali'i Kotaki, Juggernaut, Eternity.... I set myself the goal to get all the weapons which warrior uses. Some i liked the skin, some not, but i just wanted to make/have all of them. After finishing all of those i just followed up by crafting all the others for my ele/thief.


The second Kraitkin was made purely for "Twice-told legend".


With gen2 weapons, i lost interest in crafting them, even thought i farmed ALOT of gold to prepare for HoT however, i felt like they lost their prestige, that legendary weapons became too common, too easy to get. When Shining Blade released, i crafted it, since i thought it would look nice on mesmers, but i swapped shortly after back to Bolt, since it got updated effects. The other gen2 weapon i made was Astralaria, since warrior axes finaly became popular/good again, and i wanted to make something new/refreshing after like a year of nothing.


I still use all legendary skins (except kudzu, using chaos/fused bow instead) on my main(warr), and at some point in the future ill craft Pharus, since it would fit radiant armor amazingly, and new greatsword, just because its my favourite weapon.


Soo, from my view this is how my main reasoning for crafting went:

- Started as wanting them for their apperance/effects

- Continue crafting them as a sort of goal/achievment

- Now making them again (rarely) for their apperance

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never intended to make legendaries... but now i have all of the 2nd gen legendaries except hammer and torch cuz i dont like those. i dont like pharus either, but the other alternative is a shooting flower LB and im just like... that makes no sense. like i dont mind feminine things, i love hummingbird skimmer and the butterfly jackal... but things like The flower longbow, the my little pony shortbow and the weird mutated peacock raptor don't make sense to me... when it's ugly it's ugly.


bolt was my first, but i didn't make a 2nd legendary until nevermore, when i saw that i was like, i got to have this... and the addiction sort of strengthen from there on... i went on to make hope, then astralprojections, and the rest is history.


i'm still going to collect more legendaries, but i have to save for a permanent bank first xD... i used all my gold on 60+ mount skins and other stupid gemstore stuff i never even use U___U;;;;

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money. :p


Actually I treated myself to Juggernaut and Flameseeker Prophecies earlier this month, because why not? Unfortunately I could not make myself like the way the hammer changes my armor look so I transmuted it. Should've sold it. :anguished:


Shield rocks though. No regrets there! I have 2 gifts of mastery left but I will probably sell those too.

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Stat swapping is the primary reason especially for armor (quit after half a set for reason that isn't about grind I made a thread about). The cosmetic part is just an epic bonus. They also are incorporated into certain abilities that use projectiles for extra oomph.


I feel epic having some of the typical uber items you find in end game rpgs.

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Stat swap is my main reason. Selling some of them to keep cash flowing is 2nd.


I love to create my builds and i hate carrying junkyard of gear in my inventory cause i need different stats/upgrades slotted. Legendary are the answer to this bane, but a long and costly one. So far got full lege light armor and heavy armor but only twilight from weapons. Plan to fix this now.

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Character progression mainly. Tho i do swap stats alot (mesmer). And dont really want to fiddle around with shitload of gear in inventory/bank. So i like the stat swap function on the legendary. Changing skin back to what i had before obviously. Legendaries done right ;ok_hand;

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I crafted Nevermore because it looks awesome, I'm a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, and it has a great story of crafting.


I'll admit that I bought the Predator (thanks for crafting it for me, enjoy the gold). It looks like a serious rifle and I get good use out of it with my Deadeye.


Now I'm waiting for a longbow I like for my Dragonhunter and Ranger and a shortbow for my Renegade and Thief.

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I mean, legendaries are cool and all, but there is a lot of Skins i would rather use instead of a legendary weapon and even the stat swap is not that handy since you could craft lots of ascended gear and buy inventory slots to keep them with the spent money (and in my case, all i'm gonna have is 2 builds per character at max, one for PVE and one for WvW). So i'm better crafting one, selling and buying lots of gemstore skins or BLchest skins with the money. ;)

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I have 6 different Legendaries (7, since 1 was done twice for the achievement) with 2 more in production and all except 2 of them were done for the same reason: I got the Precursor.


The 2 with a different reason were the 2nd Frostfang for the Twice Told Legend title and Twilight (in progress) because I had Sunrise and figured I'd go for Eternity at some point.

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They're the only kind of weapons with matching sound / projectile sfx. Also, since the gear design (not talking about the skins but in general) is extremely bland in this game there's not much else to spend your money on once you got a full set of ascended gear.

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