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Extra-Pungent treats--how many did you use?

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Not sure how well I remember now, but I know I used them for Buried Archives, Vabbi Ley-Line, and top of the dome in the ruined temple in Oasis. I think that's all I used. I was lucky that Behemoth was up when I was ready for it, and Golem was right after it. Mesmers were life savers on the longer jp's. Happily I have a mesmer of my own parked at Goemm's so I was able to portal others to it for a bit, plus help out someone who took me up on the offer after Golem.


For Glint's Legacy it turns out that it's an easy griffon flight from the jackal puzzle atop the pyramid, huzzah!


Overall it was a relaxing evening collecting them. I'm feeling the burn a bit more on gathering currencies, though I'm down to just 97 Jahai to get. Hopefully I have at least one more alt that hasn't done Jahai yet ...

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I enjoy doing exploration and jumping puzzles, so I went in with following goal:

- use the treats for annoying non Jumping puzzle related steps, try to not use treats. I was at this point unaware there was 1 free treat available


What eventually happened was:

- I used the initial treat for the anomaly because I really didn't feel doing this boss again. I made 3 more treats for the other world bosses because the Behemoth had just ended and I was limited on time that day


So total 4 for the world bosses. I do like the implementation of this a LOT. I know some people do not enjoy JP's (while others like myself do) and to factor in for that is a great way of showing: the developers do care to provide alternatives. Way to little credit given imo.

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3 here. Jumping puzzles are generally pretty easy. If not there is/will always be some mesmers portalling people. I used the food for the Hall of Ascension, Branded LeyLine Anomaly and Behemoth world boss cause i didnt want to wait for them to proc. Golem Mark II was nearly up by the time finished the jp's so i did that one legitimately.

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All of them. I was so irritated no mesmers were porting and so frustrated with the currency grind that I just went "kitten it", crafted them all, and skipped the entire thing. I normally love exploration (but hate JPS) however at that point I was just annoyed with the entire quest and couldn't waste more time.

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I used 0 because the tasks were stupid easy and there were a million mesmers and squads up doing them.


IMO it was a bad idea to add the option to buy out of doing the content. It's f2p economy 101, even though in this case the players could craft and sell between themselves the items needed. Next time they will be on the gem store and people will buy them because instant gratification. Meh.

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1 but I would have used 2 if I was alone. I used the teleport to friend device on the jackals puzzle and when we got to the last step it was late and we both were like aww check yeah. TREAT. Last one being Vabbi.


Btw a huge thank you to all the mesmers out and about. I did use some of the portals. My daughter and I took turns tipping after we realized we were both sending mails. Same amount in total. This was mostly to save time though.

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I crafted 10 (just in case) so I had 11 in total. Used one for the ley-line and one for Augury Rock cause I didn't feel like waiting. And one for the jp in Frostgorge since there was no mesmer or tp to friend option. Sold the rest for 7 and a bit gold each. Surprised at how quickly they sold considering not that many were needed.

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> @"Dragana.1497" said:

> I crafted 10 (just in case) so I had 11 in total. Used one for the ley-line and one for Augury Rock cause I didn't feel like waiting. And one for the jp in Frostgorge since there was no mesmer or tp to friend option. Sold the rest for 7 and a bit gold each. Surprised at how quickly they sold considering not that many were needed.


Same, I made about 18 (because I could) and listed the leftovers for over 7g, and was shocked when most sold instantly. The remaining three sat there till the next day, so I decided the market had dropped and cancelled those and just instantly sold them for 5.80.

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I did the first couple the normal way then decided my time was more valueable than the 4 gold per sub achievement so just bought the remaining 15 vendor components I needed, cooked everything up on my chef, drooped them in a shared inventory slot as I was too lazy to even go to the bank and bounced around to each map called for and poped the things.

I actualy apreciated the design of this leg of the collection. an easteregg hunt to go through a pile of jumping puzzles and a few world bosses or the option to just throw gold at the problem. Frankly if throwing gold at it would have worked I'd have done that for a couple of the saddle collection bits as well.

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