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WvW is now unplayable.... cannot buy mount without expansions.


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> > I bought PoF as soon as they announced the mount for WvW as I knew it was gonna be a must have. Letting people get a rental would be a good I think as it would lower frustration for f2p players.


> To be fair, F2P should not be playing WvW. They lack Gliding, Mounts, and the Elite Specs, that make up over 90% of the meta.


> All they do is drag down their servers. They should be limited to EotM only.


There are plenty of core builds that work though :x the first one that comes to mind is core thief, but I've seen a lot of pretty good core warriors as well. Also gliding is not that important, sure you lose on a couple "shortcuts" (aka just dropping from a cliff instead of having to take the long way around) but its not the end of the world.


The warclaw on the other hand... the "no mount" icon in your bar paints a huge target sign on your back, and good luck keeping up with the people who do have the mount when you have to move to an objective. As far as I know there is no class with enough mobility to do that, not even thief or mesmer.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > Can’t you convert gold to gems and buy expansion that way? or am I missing something here?

> You cant buy either expansion for gems.



Because that would be a really dumb model.


Don't buy free to play game, cause assuming kid with no job living to home. Use all that free time cause clearly no job to grind gold, convert to gems, still buy Xpac with Games at NO MONIES.


With that model ANet would get ZERO MONIES EVER which is why the don't do it. I don't know why anyone would think they would.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> There are still highly mobile classes that suffer little from no mount. Those with perma swiftness, teleports and leaps etc. Thief in particular is about as fast (or faster) as a mount unless its a race across the entire map.


^ that, unless you arent using any trait or run speed boost skills, it's very easy to keep up with warclaw, i've seen lots of zerg leads running without warclaw to ensure the backline does not fall too far behind


I sometimes hate mounting in warclaw in WvW, sometimes i forget, or the lag gets to me when unmounting and i'd jump off a cliff with warcalw and fall to my death

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> @"javascript.7924" said:

> why should anet spend dev time to design a feature that allows f2p to get mounts and circumvent purchasing expansions? they are running a business and need to make money to keep the game going. Surely you can afford the $15 or whatever it is to buy the expansion


Cant be serious...

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I would support a wvw rental mount. Like the pve mounts, a rental mount may, or may not, include the ability to assign attributes, if that's something that is considered. I own the expansions, and play both pve and wvw, so I enjoy every benefit of the expansion. For players that pretty much solely play wvw, they may not see the advantage of owning PoF just to get the mount, though they also wouldn't be able to access the PoF elite specializations nor gear.

I want to see more people play wvw, and think that this would only be a benefit to our wvw community to attract players, rather than possibly creating negative experiences. I've seen players racing to keep up with the zerg, or their group, and it does seem a disadvantage. Also, if they try the mount, it could encourage getting the expansion.

My 2 cents.

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Considering warclaw was a crap addition in the first place... either they add the rental idea, give it to all, or remove the stupid thing. It would actually be awesome if they would actually play wvw. People with at least 1 brain cell would be good. The guys that play it already have the most idiotic builds one could ever find. They don't know their own damn game.



Then don't. That's always been stupid reasoning. "it's part of keeping game makers in business" Know what else is? Not making trash content and taking a dump on your community.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.


That's a very valid point that I think people need to recognize ... loyal players DO get rewarded in this way. If someone decides to leave for a few years and they come back and are irrelevant in some way, Anet shouldn't be going out of there way to accommodate those players without some cost to those players. In this case the cost is a hard slog to earn the mount. Maybe Anet makes it so you can rent a mount ... I'm not against the idea, but the rent better be more than the effort to earn it outright.


The big problem is that there isn't much business case to accommodate flighty players ... they already demonstrate extreme levels of non-commitment to the game. I can't see why would Anet implement that system for the least loyal players.

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I have a 2nd account that I play in wvw from time to time, and I don't have a mount for it, yet....and I don't have any problem playing wvw without the mount. Yea, the mount makes things easier, but wvw is far from "unplayable" without the mount.


At the same time, I wouldn't be adverse to mount rentals. Make it like the food or utility buffs you can buy. 5g for a rental mount for 30 minutes. Buy as many as you want and use them just like food buffs. The 5g cost would make it so that, in the long run, it would be cheaper to buy the expansion, but would give non-committed players a chance to use them.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.


> That's a very valid point that I think people need to recognize ... loyal players DO get rewarded in this way. If someone decides to leave for a few years and they come back and are irrelevant in some way, Anet shouldn't be going out of there way to accommodate those players without some cost to those players. In this case the cost is a hard slog to earn the mount. Maybe Anet makes it so you can rent a mount ... I'm not against the idea, but the rent better be more than the effort to earn it outright.


> The big problem is that there isn't much business case to accommodate flighty players ... they already demonstrate extreme levels of non-commitment to the game. I can't see why would Anet implement that system for the least loyal players.


Warclaw is just one little thing in the whole content that PoF has to offer. They would not be able to use it outside WvW. It benefits they game mode if everyone is on even grounds. I don't want to have p2win stuff in any form of pvp. Why they should implement such a system? Because it would be good for everyone and I don't think it is an income factor at all for them. I don't really understand the I paid for it so no one should have it for free argument especially if it benefits the whole.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.

> >

> > That's a very valid point that I think people need to recognize ... loyal players DO get rewarded in this way. If someone decides to leave for a few years and they come back and are irrelevant in some way, Anet shouldn't be going out of there way to accommodate those players without some cost to those players. In this case the cost is a hard slog to earn the mount. Maybe Anet makes it so you can rent a mount ... I'm not against the idea, but the rent better be more than the effort to earn it outright.

> >

> > The big problem is that there isn't much business case to accommodate flighty players ... they already demonstrate extreme levels of non-commitment to the game. I can't see why would Anet implement that system for the least loyal players.


> Warclaw is just one little thing in the whole content that PoF has to offer. They would not be able to use it outside WvW. It benefits they game mode if everyone is on even grounds. I don't want to have p2win stuff in any form of pvp. Why they should implement such a system? Because it would be good for everyone and I don't think it is an income factor at all for them. I don't really understand the I paid for it so no one should have it for free argument especially if it benefits the whole.


It doesn’t benefit me to have someone who hasn’t done the work and got the experience that goes along with it.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.

> >

> > That's a very valid point that I think people need to recognize ... loyal players DO get rewarded in this way. If someone decides to leave for a few years and they come back and are irrelevant in some way, Anet shouldn't be going out of there way to accommodate those players without some cost to those players. In this case the cost is a hard slog to earn the mount. Maybe Anet makes it so you can rent a mount ... I'm not against the idea, but the rent better be more than the effort to earn it outright.

> >

> > The big problem is that there isn't much business case to accommodate flighty players ... they already demonstrate extreme levels of non-commitment to the game. I can't see why would Anet implement that system for the least loyal players.


> Warclaw is just one little thing in the whole content that PoF has to offer. They would not be able to use it outside WvW. It benefits they game mode if everyone is on even grounds. I don't want to have p2win stuff in any form of pvp. Why they should implement such a system? Because it would be good for everyone and I don't think it is an income factor at all for them. I don't really understand the I paid for it so no one should have it for free argument especially if it benefits the whole.


If you don't think Warclaw has anything to do with income, then you don't get what's going on here. It's a business decision that Warclaw got added because it cost Anet money to do it. They don't just add stuff to the game because it's cool.

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I wouldn't really have anything against a possibility to rent the Warclaw mount strictly for the WvW maps. I bought Hot and PoF for all of their content, claiming that I expected Warclaw while buying PoF and using it as a reason to say "I paid for it so others should too!" would be silly imo. Let them use it in WvW to level the ground in a pvp(ve) environment +possibly make the players miss their mount in open world and that's all.

It's doubtful (to say the least) that anyone would buy PoF just for the single WvW mount, so I don't really see how anet would lose any significant money by making it available for everyone in WvW.

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So let us not forget this mount is a "Living world" mount, and not even that but a "Free update" mount. You didn't pay squat for this mount as it was free and extra content added ontop of the expansion. You paid for PoF core PoF at that, the living world and the like are all additions made for free by the dev's and most of it is harmless but the warclaw is an exception because it directly effects balance, WvW as a whole and performance. The elitism over something so trivial is disgusting and frankly we want this community to grow, punishing new players who have to go through the collection/achievements is harsh. They won't stick around especially if RvR is their thing and with Camelot unchained looming on the horizon that is dangerous.


The rental should be for limited time and should take gold, and or perhaps mats even to make. It should only be useable within WvW to help players along until they unlock the warclaw/get to where they can get it. Just a means to keep up with the zerg and move with the rest of us so we are all on an even playing field. If them having the means to keep up with their pack hurts you on your performance then you're simply a terrible player. Because all it would be akin too is fighting with even numbers against a force; It's nothing major outside of leveling the playing field. The work to get it is not even that hard and takes little time and effort; A throw away thing just to implement another monetization scheme in the form of mount skins. Im all for it; Because then it would allow people to be in WvW and not feel excluded and weaker than they already do without the elite specs (Which is already a huge selling point, we don't need some trashy free mount to try and be as well.)


And by the way it probably cost them little to make this mount, its the griffin/sky-scale model without wings as it has the same animations and rigging. Its just a basic reskin so now I don't think it costed them too much. Nothing akin to say failed projects that sucked down development time, resources and pulled off important people from their main game to spend wasted hours on something that will amount to nothing no? Stop trying to be a douche to new players, they are important and will help us keep this game going. The more who come and leave add to the potential that eventually the game might die sooner rather than later; We are already in trouble with how the layoffs went we don't need the community turning on one another.


And believe me it would offer players a reason to buy PoF as once they start using mounts, they will want to continue and running in the open world would be so much more fun with mounts don't ya know? So once the rental is used enough and exposes the F2P players to it and how it feels they will want to get the real thing, which gives them a trial test-drive to see if they'd like it. As well the rental could be horrible in the face of the warclaw (A dolyak or something) no attack or anything, just mount up to move with the group but you have to dismount and have no perks with it. Make it basic, but still fun to use in movement and let them experience the "Joy of movement" Since you believe it is such a huge selling point.

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I see no reason to accommodate a portion of the player base who do not spend money on this game.


The expansion has been priced as low as 20 bucks by itself. Considering what it's delivered for the price, I feel pretty comfortable leaving behind those who cannot be bothered to pay it.


The compromise? Offer the mount unlocked for 7-10 dollars a la carte.


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Even with a mount, you're still at a huge disadvantage without the elite specializations. If you don't want to get the expansions, I'd suggest looking for a new game before you find out just what happened to class balance while you were gone.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> So let us not forget this mount is a "Living world" mount, and not even that but a "Free update" mount. You didn't pay squat for this mount as it was free and extra content added ontop of the expansion. You paid for PoF core PoF at that, the living world and the like are all additions made for free by the dev's and most of it is harmless but the warclaw is an exception because it directly effects balance, WvW as a whole and performance.

Path of Fire include the LS season, just like HoT included the previous. You paid for it. Saying its free does not compute. If you miss logging in when its "free", you paid for content you didnt use and have to pay for it twice. Since mounts are part of PoF... You still paid for the warclaw.

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I don't mind seeing Anet giving options for F2P folks to rent WvW Mount (Warclaw) and Glider for at least 1-2 gold each and able to use them only in WvW with a duration of 12 Hrs + buff like indication of how much time they got left before it expires... also, it will be nice for it to be in PvE/Raids too! Like a nearby tavern/ranch/airship/vender (please, make it lore + environment friendly) to rent a mount/glider (reminds me of Black Desert Online rent system) to keep it simple and fair for Players that purchased the Expansion and those who are F2P to keep up with those that has the expansion ?


FYI Core Spec in WvW is not dead at all ? it still very much alive in party/solo Roaming! Same for huge Zerg fights where Elementalist, Necromancer, Revenant can still hit like a truck or boon-corrupt! I'm living proof as I play Core Mesmer for Solo/Party Roaming and hunting squishy Zerg tail ?? there are other Core Players who Roam/Zerg in WvW that can proof it! So don't despair as there is always hope ?

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