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So, what was your favourite Season 4 episode?

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Considering everything in those releases - not only the storyline and the new map, but also new skins, new stats, new legendaries, and so on -, which Living World Season 4 episode was your favourite?


Here are the wiki pages for each, to refresh people's memories:


* [Episode 1: Daybreak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daybreak)

* [Episode 2: A Bug in the System](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Bug_in_the_System)

* [Episode 3: Long Live the Lich](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Long_Live_the_Lich)

* [Episode 4: A Star to Guide Us](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Star_to_Guide_Us)

* [Episode 5: All or Nothing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/All_or_Nothing)

* [Episode 6: War Eternal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_Eternal)

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From the absolutely gorgeous map to the storyline, from the inquest remodeling to the captivating 3 way battlefield, and of course, CHARRS !


It absolutely was my favorite episode. It's also the first time they introduced Moving scenic platforms. Anytime I see such a thing, I cant help but stand or sit in those and just take all the scenery in, while sipping on some orange juice. It may not have had a mount introduced to it, but the sheer amount of various activity and the level of detail they've put in has stuck with me through the end of Season 4

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2 was the best for story and map. That takes into account the map theme, environment, mix of events,map story, quality of instances, coherence, atmosphere, mechanics - they hit a home run here. Last instance a bit messy with visual noise was the only sour point.


4 was a close second in both regards but was very disjointed in story and I can’t say I enjoy replaying it. Overall it was decent though as an episode given the content provided.


1 was a good story but the map needs work even now.


6 was an excellent map, terrible story. One of the worst story episodes in the entire game. The entire narrative summed up how poorly thought out and directed the arc has been and how off course the story has gone.


5 and 3 were a disgrace in all regards. The potential they had was huge and there was little raise the standard beyond Jokos monologues and the Kralk fight. Such poor standards nearly drove me from the game.


Whilst these are my own opinions, what I find most annoying is the inconsistency. All episodes should be roughly the same quality with a well thought out arc planned from the start. They seem to write each one separately and it can only ever work for stand alone episodic content, never for continuous arcs. Plus the number of story instances and amount of story content decreases as we progressed.


Overall great production, but dreadful narrative and consistency for the most part. My expectations and hope LS5 will be good is extremely low, at least on the story front. I remain unconvinced they are able to elevate a longer story beyond what reads to me like fan fiction writing or enough respect or knowledge concerning their own lore.


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I'm just going to set aside the skyscale, because everything else about episode 6 was pretty great. Aurene coming back made me get up and do a little dance next to my computer. The map was fun and interesting to explore. Lots of story threads got wrapped up, lots of old friends joined the party (though there wasn't enough Canach - there never is ;) ), and the fights didn't make me tear my hair out. Good times!

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What can I say? Great story, great map very well designed, good events and collections. As a mad scientist who loves black and red, only one answer, ABITS. The trailer was top notch I like everything about sandswept isles. Even the meta reminds me of the good'old crucible of eternity with subject alpha. The transport facility infiltration + lab sigma 5 were awesome. I just feel sad that the story has been modified. I mean the original rata primus with the magneton hammer, inquest phlunt, containment pods etc... sound very gorgeous. But not gonna complain, the final version is great I would have just liked to have the option to explore deeper in Rata Primus, like making the cube part of the meta:

1~Destabilize security and destroy consoles

2~Defeat security officiers and enter portals leading to the cube

3~Stop skritt experiments within rata primus

4~Shut down the labs

5~Access specimen chamber

6~Defeat Phlunt's mark X golem suit.

I really feel like that sometimes, a story step feels better for groups like a meta.


Since we don't have an official feedback thread for episode 6 YET.

Here are my rates for episodes LWS4:


Map: 8/20 meh flat, no interest

Story: 11/20 good effort with farahnur


Map: 17/20 just more exploration

Story: 17/20 just need little more lore


Map: 4/20 the worst ever, boring as kitten

Story: 2/20 hmm which story? Bad joko ending


Map: 15/20 cool mist rifts, scarlet

Story: 13/20 noice too snaff etc...


Map: 9/20 welp snowy mountains

Story: 12/20 okay, loved last fight


Map: 16/20 a mix of everything we saw before, loved the environments, dervs and upgrading camps

Story: 4/20 a good promise with aerial fight at the beginning, very disapointed by everything after.

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It's hard for me to remember each episode as a distinct and separate thing, to me a lot of it flows from one to the next. I picked five just bc four was such a catastrophe five was just like a clear sky after a storm by comparison. If I was better able to separate them into distinct events I might pick six just bc mount, but this ep is so new it's hard to say . . .


I'm surprised to see two out to such a big lead early, I really didn't like that map at all . . .

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Jahai is my favorite map from this season. Sun's Refuge was a letdown that couldn't live up to the hype, but the story of episode 4 was fun and the map is a definite plus. I like the latest map too, because it has a similar concept, but the story of Eternal War was just too disappointing.

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My order: Daybreak >= War Eternal > A Star to Guide Us > All or Nothing > A Bug in the System > Long Live the Lich


Was between Daybreak and War Eternal, since both had very strong stories and maps imo, but Daybreak's story seemed slightly longer in a good way and the Istan map and hearts were well used in the story.

A Star to Guide Us had a very good map, but the story felt short.

All or Nothing had a decent story, but the map felt too empty with only a few events.

A Bug in the System had a decent map, but the story was way too predictable for me.

Long Live the Lich had Kourna (One of the worst maps in the game for me) and an anticlimactic deus ex ending, both of which made me strongly dislike the episode.

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Episode 6 has been the only episode to keep me coming back to the map and actually take a break from WvW to do some PvE. I love the map and find the meta to be enjoyable. My only complaint was Aurene coming back to life so quickly, but I got over that almost immediately because I thought it was executed quite well and the story had captivated me to the point that I just didn't care. I also really like Aurene's voice and am still happy that Caithe is getting more time in the story, as she is one of my favorite characters.

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I loved the map, loved fighting Inquest and taking the story into the inquest base. Loved that there were beautiful, peaceful places you could stop and look at the map without being mobbed by mobs. Fishing game, boat ride, that cool backpack quest, the bag quest, the charr village, the dancing event...just loads of fun. And I always enjoy it when the villains' factions fight each other. My only wish is that there was more to spend those Diflourite crystals on, because they pile up.

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War Eternal. Easy-to-explore map, fun meta, epic story, awesome new Heavy armor set for my Firebrand main.


I don't enjoy Bug in the System, it has too many puzzles for my liking and I absolutely suck at them, I have no idea what I'm doing 99% of the time, lol.

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Long Live the Lich was my favourite! While the map was... passable... the Beetle is has become my land mount of choice. Storywise, I think they did a great job with Joko... so much so that a piece of me wishes he somehow survived (horrible, I know!)


... Braise Joko!

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#1. War Eternal : it's funny how this episode got the most (-ve) criticisms, yet it's the best one out of all 6. The map is refreshing, it utilizes mastery skills from LS3 so it doesn't feel like we earned those masteries for nothing, the melandru part is beautiful. The meta is exciting. We got a new mount, the leg. GS is stunning. Lots of loot, + the Scion weapon set is beautiful (but impossible to attain unfortunately :'( ).


#2. Bug: Funniest episode mainly because of the PA announcer, "remember we care".. this is my type of humour. I like the Cube design and how we infiltrated it.


#3. Long Live: The beetle is the best mount because it's smooth and fast, I don't like things that hop or jump, it gives me vertigo.




rip... why are my fonts so HUGE


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