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If Arenanet Cancelled Future GW2 Development Would You....

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Keep in mind this is a hypothetical question. It does not reflect the current situation. It’s a “what if” question.

Please avoid any negative/hateful comments. I will not respond to comments just so they cant use it as an excuse to close it down. Please answer truthfully, but respectfully as well. This poll is intended for pure curiosity.


Question: If Arenanet closed down future development for Guild Wars 2, would you continue to buy/invest on future Arenanet games?


Edit: I will clarify due to numerous requests. What this is intended for is to know if you as the player would continue to buy renanet products if they have a history of closing down their games, but I did not want to dwell on it too much, so that I wouldnt step on any toes, but ok.....If this is the second game that they decide to cancel future development for, even though its marketed as an MMORPG, then would you continue to buy their games, even though this would mean that Arenanet now has a history of cancelling development of current games to make other ones? (completely hypothetical)


The purpose of MMORPGs: They are intended to last indefinitely, they are intended to require a significant amount of investment for the purpose of it being a continuous game.

The purpose of single player games: They are intended for personal use. They dont require a huge investment of time/money, and a new one comes out every year, depending on its success.

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Can't really answer with the options given. I imagine I would continue to play this game for quite some time even in the absence of new content. When I did finally switch to a new game I would select that game on its own merits independently of whether it was an anet production . . .

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I can't answer that without knowing what new game/s they're making. I'm not going to buy a game just because I like another one by the same company, there's no guarantee they'll be even remotely similar. I'd want to know what this game is and what it's like before making that decision.

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Errr... this is kind of a non-issue. Anet has literally one active game going. Why on earth would Anet stop development of GW2 *before* GW3 is even announced? It makes no sense. And even if they did just cancel everything and put it in maintenance mode, there are few if any MMOs out there capable of replacing GW2 on the whole so it wouldnt really change anything from how it is today.


At the rate we're seeing WvW alliances being developed, it doesnt make any difference in this scenario anyway.

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I'd also view a new game on its own merits. Like, if they decided to do open PvP all over the place, I wouldn't buy it. But at this point if they ended development on GW2 (very hypothetical, there is no sign that they have lost steam on the game either creatively or financially) I wouldn't hold it against them. They've given me quality entertainment for many years. I think GW1 was around a similar time? Dunno since I didn't pay much attention to it. Do I refuse to watch a movie by a good team just because they stopped making a movie series I enjoyed, or refuse to read a new series of novels if the author has stopped creating in a previous universe? Nope!


ANet has had some wobbles, but they've provided a solid product over time that has kept me engaged and made me a lot of friends I'd never have met without this game. There would have to be some other factor beyond their mere choice to cancel the current game to get me to blindly boycott their future work.

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Depends on the future game in question, and the circumstances of shutting down this one.

If they decided to shot gw2 because people lost interest in it despite their efforts, i wouldn't hold it against them. If they decided to forcefully kill it however, in order to make people play hypothetical GW3, then, let's say, i wouldn't be very enthusiastic about it.


And considering my likes and dislikes, i don't think i'd be interested in a game of a completely different kind (nor would i expect Anet to make a good new game that wouldn't be GW3 - whether it would be called that or not). And if they were to start working on gw3, i don't believe they could do it at no negative consequences to gw2.

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We don't need Gw3 yet and Gw2 still has alot of potential and alot of room to grow. It still has good graphics, the engine is fine and it just needs polish plus the investment is already there in this game. To top it off I wouldn't trust them to make a whole new game with how guild wars 2 handled its launch and how it was kinda meh; Its headed in an ok direction now and I Feel its just getting started.


I also don't hold loyalty to any company, I've learned to be loyal to games I enjoy and when I stop enjoying them I move on and likely don't come back unless it changed what I disliked (Often just adds ontop of it.) So I mean really I can't say because by the time that new game came out who knows what would be out and what new thing would come to claim guild wars 2's audience while A-net developed their new baby.

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> @"Adry.7512" said:

> Question: If Arenanet closed down future development for Guild Wars 2, would you continue to buy/invest on future Arenanet games?

I would stop playing gw2. Arenanet has 2 games gw1 and gw2, unless Anet announced a new game at the same time as announcing end of support for gw2 ...

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It's got nothing to do with anet. It's more because 3 years ago I suddenly lost interests in Vgaming. I bought all these diff types of PS4 games but they just collected dusts. I even tried the VR games and they just gave me vertigo for days.


Gw2 will be the last game i play. if they make gw3 and transfer all progress from gw2 then i might play it, but if we have to start from scratch I won't play it. also i dont play mmo's for the storyline... so even if there's a big cliffhanger it won't entice me.


I will only take up gaming again if there's a VR system that doesn't give me vertigo and we can play for more than 30 minutes a day xD

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> The purpose of single player games: They are intended for personal use. They dont require a huge investment of time/money, and a new one comes out every year, depending on its success.


I am not sure you are aware of how much money and time a really good single player game can take.

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Put me down for 'it depends.' I would definitely take a look at their game, but just because I love GW2 doesn't mean I would necessarily have any interest in a completely different game. It's sort of like saying, "If Ben and Jerry's stopped making ice cream, would you eat whatever they made instead?" Yeah, thanks, I would not eat Ben and Jerry's Eggplant and Liver Patties, however good their ice cream used to be.

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ANet earned a lot of cred with me for Guild Wars. Guild Wars 2, while better than any other MMO I've tried, burned most of that cred. I'm past supporting ANet sight unseen. If they decided to do another MMO, it's hard to see myself bothering. The aspects of GW2 I liked where those aimed at those who hate "traditional" MMO's. To me, a lot of the post launch development has been aimed at those who love MMO's, and that means not aimed at me.

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