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Important: Can the team please reevaluate map currencies?

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Please do not reduce any of the currency requirements Anet, for a lot of us this is giving us motivation to again log in for a long term goal. Most stuff in the game is more instant gratification I feel we need more things like the Skyscale to play towards. I am fully enjoying going back to the older maps and finding people there all participating in events.


You could always do the collections that require more currency than the Skyscale does, and of course Legendaries.


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My only issue is that the maps all have different 'rules' with reguards to gathering currency.


Sandswept Isles and Jahai Bluffs both have hard caps on currency, and offer the lowest amounts of currency for doing events. Jahai is around 50 Mistonium per character per day, and Sandswept is about 70 Diflourite per character per day. Maps should offer at least 100 currency per character per day, or be like Kourna and have a way to earn currency outside the 'cap'.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > Pro-tip. Get couple of alts and do the hearts. And you will get 250 in no time.


> Time isn't the issue for me. I'm retired and can play all day if I want. It's BORING. It's a GRIND. I'm not spending my game time doing this because games are supposed to be FUN.


> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > I completely understand that the team wants players on maps, but it's not exciting to spend 15 minutes doing an activity that nets you 1 map currency from a chest. Nor is it exciting to go from node to node through a zone and only get a few of X currency..


> farming it the best thing. you can watch TV, Netflix, Hockey, Twitch and just follow TACO Markers.


> IMO the biggest issue is that the balance of the map is not the same.


> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > Pro-tip. Get couple of alts and do the hearts. And you will get 250 in no time.


> and burnout ;-)


If you aren't in a hurry just take it slow and you will get it eventually. Actually park an alt to some of the easiest hearts will help you.

Login, do the fast heart, then play whatever you like on your main. This way you will get 5 per day without burning out.

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So what you're saying is you don't remember how long Bloodstone Fen gathering took.


How annoying Draconis Mons was


Ember Bay?


Most of the time gathering from their respective resource nodes didn't even get you a single one. It was ALL events and hearts. It's perfectly acceptable the way it is now. Play the game. There is too much stuff given to us for 0 effort already.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> If you have the home instance nodes you'll get over 250 in less than three months of literally doing nothing more than harvesting your home instance.


> Think of the 3 a day you get from your home instance node as a "bonus" trickle of mats and volatile magic.


Don't forget you can buy map currency 5 per day in dragonfall

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> This is a silly complaint. Do the metas and you'll be swimming in currencies while also having fun the entire time.


Have to agree here. Of the 6 currencies required, I only had a stack of 1 of them. The other 5, I had anywhere from 50-150 in storage. After focusing on harvesting these mats via heart completion (one 1 character - usually only 2 hearts or so per map), node farming, home instance farming and metas, I'm above 250 on each of them.


I balked at the requirement, but in retrospect, it wasn't too onerous.


Was also prepared to complete WvW reward tracks for 50 currency each - had 650 potions of WvW reward stashed and ready to use. Now I won't have to use any of them.


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  • 2 months later...

> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> still very far for aurora grind specially the bloodstone fen currency was painful. theres no hearts and the nodes was limited, the ones from bosses was one per day per character.,

Well, yeah, many of LS3 currencies do indeed need a rework. They were bad even then, when those maps were populated. Now, it's even worse.


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Much easier than Season 3 currencies. Doing those again to get ascended trinkets on my heavy armor toon. If you're not in a hurry, then you can simply go and get the 5 a day from the Dragonfall vendor and farm someone's home instance daily, then go do something you enjoy. No big deal. Really, only Thunderhead Peaks and Sandswept Isles bugged me. Those were dull and even the metas didn't give many. The rest were pretty simple.

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Lol, another skyscale collection complaint.

It's been done, in fact many many times has this already been covered.


Anet has given us easier access to these lws4 currencies through events in the last few weeks/month and if u missed out..

Well you are just going to have to farm them.

Bottom line is I'm sure it is not going to change and it shouldn't need to, they have all the right and good reason to keep it at 250 and it also separates the whingers to players.

Grinding is expected from an mmo and gw2 is on the light side


You want that premium flying advantage, you work for it mate

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Dont look at the skyscale as something to get here and now if you cant cope with grinding it out. work at it over time and let the currencies accumulate over time.

Buy the daily currencies from the dragonfall volatile magic vendor. As well aquire the ls4 home instance nodes.


The skyscale grind is -LIGHT- compared to whats ahead for the legendary collection for Vision. Just alone for a single collection step for ls4-1 is 6 astral weapons crafted, which takes 3000 brandstone and 3000 rosequartz dust.

Whats asked for the skyscale is nothing, I asure you.

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> I don't mind the currencies or the grind, but I wish ordinary events on the map would give you 1 currency. It would make things more interesting if I could go around doing *all* the events instead of just the meta.

You can. Every other event you participate in is giving you map bonus rewards, and every second map bonus reward on the season 4 maps is the map-appropriate currency.

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The only issue with the currencies is that the amounts you can get on each map vary by activity. Some only give 5 on map comp, others 25. Some you can only gather like 25 nodes til the cap, others something like 80.

I personally feel that should be a bit more consistent across the maps. Also, why are the nodes capped? If someone just wants to gather nodes on all their alts, I say let em. Hearts aren't capped that way and neither should the nodes.


Other than that, they're fine as is. You can get the currency by other means like PvP modes, 5 per day for VM, and festivals occasionally. 250 isn't that big of a deal

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There should be one season 3 currency and one season 4 currency. I don't mind high requirements for collections at all. There are just too many different currencies. I would even be okay with three currencies each season: One that you harvest with a mining pick, one with a logging axe and one with a sickle. There is just too much to keep track of as it is now. I don't like spending game time writing down all the different ones I have in order to figure out what I still need before deciding where to go for that session of gaming. I am soooo tired of Jahai Bluffs right now!

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The problem is mostly that only 1 or 2 activities yield more than 1 per 10 minutes.

As s result people grind the one rewarding event, and the easiest heart with many characters.

Most content on the map doesn't even reward currency at all.

Meaning events and tasks that don't reward currency will be largely ignored.

I mean, when you force your entire population into one corner of the map, then yes, no one will want to come

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