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Why should we do events when Players just afk-leech off of us>

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


There is a damage requirement for events, players do have to attain a certain percentage before they're get rewards, that is why there is Copper, Silver and Gold level, those are participation levels. If you don't reach Copper level you get nothing, I personally do not mind the current setup, if another player wants to afk and just auto-attack it's fine with me or what if the other people don't know what they're doing at an event...then you can come along and knowing what to do because you did play you can end up doing the event yourself or with a few other knowledgeable players that know what to do. You get Gold reward and if the others are lucky they might get Copper or nothing if they didn't do enough damage to reach the threshold.

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> @"LostInDarkness.5460" said:

> What about count button clicks? Healers, and support still need to click buttons in the side the events perimeter,


As in judging participation based on the number of abilities used (excluding auto cast)? One MMO tried that, where the top players got better rewards, but once people realized it was always the fast attacking classes that won, it became a game of spamming skills. It could work for simply assessing participation, but people would simply start using macros.


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> There is a damage requirement for events, players do have to attain a certain percentage before they're get rewards, that is why there is Copper, Silver and Gold level, those are participation levels.


The requirement is roughly 1 hit / 1000 damage or tagging 1 of the trash enemies. The bronze/silver/gold medal doesn't really matter, since it only affects the karma/exp/coins earned (and getting gold can be as simple as single hit).

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


Why does it bother you so much in a non-competitive game? maybe if you minded your own business, you wouldn't know if people are AFKing and leeching off you and this wouldn't be a problem. This actually isn't a problem for the game.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"LostInDarkness.5460" said:

> > What about count button clicks? Healers, and support still need to click buttons in the side the events perimeter,


> As in judging participation based on the number of abilities used (excluding auto cast)? One MMO tried that, where the top players got better rewards, but once people realized it was always the fast attacking classes that won, it became a game of spamming skills. It could work for simply assessing participation, but people would simply start using macros.


> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > There is a damage requirement for events, players do have to attain a certain percentage before they're get rewards, that is why there is Copper, Silver and Gold level, those are participation levels.


> The requirement is roughly 1 hit / 1000 damage or tagging 1 of the trash enemies. The bronze/silver/gold medal doesn't really matter, since it only affects the karma/exp/coins earned (and getting gold can be as simple as single hit).


Actually I think it's been changed, because I can guarantee you I've been in events and one more than 1 hit/1000 damage and received nothing...it's also possible that it's a different requirement for different levels of events(lower level zones obviously wouldn't require as much participation as high level and I presume the OP is talking about level 80 zone events). Either way though, participation is required so that already exists and there is more to it than just 1 hit/1000 damage.

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The problem with leechers is that they scale things up. What takes actual participants 30 seconds to complete now takes more than a minute to complete due to selfish leechers. The actual participants don’t get any additional rewards and are forced to work harder for the benefit of cancerous leechers who don’t deserve anything.


There is no defending leechers.


If Anet had the resources, they can create an AI algorithm to differentiate between leechers and actual players.


If a player uses certain rotations when playing solo, but uses completely lazy “rotations” when doing metas, that player is probably leeching.

If a player uses poor rotation at all times, compared to other players using the same weapon, then that player is probably not leeching.

If a player rarely afk’s in towns or when playing solo, but afk’s often in metas, that player is probably leeching.

If a player frequently afk’s during the early phases of metas and don’t participate until near the end, that player is probably leeching.


Add more algorithms like above and it’s not hard to spot actual leechers using AI algorithms.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:


> They may not all be doing it intentionally. Some of my friends like to joke that they could find champion spawns just by waiting for me to pick a nice, safe spot to go AFK for a few minutes, because it's so common that I'll come back to find that an event has started right on top of me. Of course when I notice it's happening I'll join in, if only so my spot is safe again, but I can see how that would look like trying to take advantage of other people's progress in the event.


This happened to me during my first week playing. I was in a swamp where I'd been running around closing portals. I had to go afk and chose a nice safe looking little island. When I came back there was a huge beast and an event going on around me. Not knowing what I should be doing exactly, I ran over and started trying to take some cheap shots at the beastie, ended up dying a couple times & some kind souls rezzed me. lol. Maybe some people thought I was taking advantage?

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If people stopped being obsessed with rewards, and just played the game for the fun of it , the above issue woudnt be an issue.

What does it matter what someone else gets for participating in an event, even though they might be doing far less than you are?

GW2 isnt a competitive game .

There is no winner ever.

Its also not a reward race to see who gets the most rewards.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> If people stopped being obsessed with rewards, and just played the game for the fun of it , the above issue woudnt be an issue.

> What does it matter what someone else gets for participating in an event, even though they might be doing far less than you are?

> GW2 isnt a competitive game .

> There is no winner ever.

> Its also not a reward race to see who gets the most rewards.



I completely agree. I think this sort of attitude mainly comes from people who played mmorpgs where there was lots of kill stealing. It's a natural reaction to have when you come from a game like that.


However, GW2 is not like that. Yea, some people may not put in the effort and still get the same rewards you do, but who cares? All that matters is that you get the rewards for the battle. Sometimes players are way too concerned with what other players are doing, or not doing in the game.


Just play your game and have fun, and throw all the petty garbage to the wayside.

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Mad King's Labyrinth is a perfect example when people hits too hard, if dmg requirement increased then the train will be slowed down but late comer still can't get loot due unable to deal enough dmg before npc die

The problem with this mmo isn't leeching, it's people kill everything before other can

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Rajani Isa.6294" said:

> > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > The loot shower solves all.

> >

> > As in make the system show the loot people get to everyone nearby?

> >

> > Great, so some idiot sees someone got a precursor, or some other rare drop that is tradeable, and will harass them via email and tells to give it to them, they need it, they deserve it, etc.

> >

> > Let people choose to share if they wish, as it is now.



> I thought they meant that all participants are showered with loot so there is no problem?



Yes, that is what I meant. Its not unreasonable to be annoyed by this stuff, but they piles of loot we all get make this a minor complaint.



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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I was at a meta yesterday and couldn't do much more than auto-attacking due to lag. Which events in the open world have dps-checks if I may ask?


None have _DPS checks_. All have a minimum damage threshold, which means most people have plenty of time, in most situations, if they are present from near the start of the event.



According to the last developer post (that I remember), it's a fixed number, which might sometimes be increased for certain events or event stages. They also confirmed that the rest of your party contributed towards that threshold, so e.g. if your party does 99% of the total damage and you get in one hit, it counts. Presumably squads count, too — I don't recall developer confirmation of that, only anecdotally, to the point that I personally believe it.



There are anecdotes of people in a party (or squad) who haven't gotten credit and for that, I can offer specific explanations. In brief, the reasons are:

>! * Different rewards use different thresholds (event credit versus kill credit: explains how you can get gold-level karma and not get a champ bag). I think of it as "event credit" versus "kill credit" versus "achievement credit."

>! * Latency: for PCs powered by potatoes, there's enough delay that what they see on screen isn't an accurate reflection, e.g. your game shows you hitting a creature for damage (while in a party) which leads you to believe you earned credit, while the server records that foes died before you got any damage in.

>! * Non-event requirements, that are sometimes needed for certain achievements. This is more a mix of things that vary from situation to situation.



I hid the details because they can be ignored by following relatively simple advice:


Change your build so that you have access to fast, area-of-effect skills. That way, you'll get _some_ damage on lots of targets and that's all you need.

Put another way: lots of little damage is better (for credit) than high DPS.

(Clearly, those of us running better-than-potatoes can have both, if we want. This only matters **if** you run into trouble getting credit for any sorts of rewards.)


An easy way to "change your build" to make this happen: add a sigil to each weapon set that causes AoE damage. You can keep the rest of your build the same. Sigils of Blight, Torment, and Fire work well (the last is the cheapest). Hydromancy works on swap; it's a little slow, too.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


> There are damage requirements already. In fact, sometimes people who think they are participating aren't doing enough damage to reach the threshold for credit.


> Put another way, if someone gets credit for an event, then they were participating.

> (Save for a few bugs that affect this or that; those don't have much over impact though.)


Do you know whether this applies to world bosses as well as metas? I’m practicing comm and wore minstrel’s gear to make sure I stayed alive to coordinate and to drop heals and stability. Between that and being focused on keeping track of HP and debufgs, I’m sure I didn’t do much damage. Now unfortunately I dc’ed before the very end and didn’t receive credit. I had assumed it was the dc (although I still got credit when I dc’ed during a Bloodstone Fen fight and I was pre DPS there) but now I wonder. :confused:

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.

> >

> > There are damage requirements already. In fact, sometimes people who think they are participating aren't doing enough damage to reach the threshold for credit.

> >

> > Put another way, if someone gets credit for an event, then they were participating.

> > (Save for a few bugs that affect this or that; those don't have much over impact though.)


> Do you know whether this applies to world bosses as well as metas? I’m practicing comm and wore minstrel’s gear to make sure I stayed alive to coordinate and to drop heals and stability. Between that and being focused on keeping track of HP and debugged, I’m sure I didn’t do much damage. Now unfortunately I dc’ed before the very end and didn’t receive credit. I had assumed it was the dc (although I still got credit when I dc’ed during a Bloodstone Fen fight and I was pre DPS there.


If you DC'd all bets are off. There's a lot of things that the game tracks and some of them are remembered if you come back right away, some not. I don't think there's any substantive research that would allow us players to offer a reasonable rule of thumb for it.


Minstrels by itself shouldn't be an issue, if you were commanding from inside a squad (rather than as a mentor), since you'd get credit for their damage. You wouldn't have to do 'much' damage.


Since you've DC'd at least twice recently during big fights, my recommendation is turn some/all of your settings down before a meta. On my old PC, there were three fights in the game that crashed my game regularly, including Karka Queen, which I was joining daily at the time. I got in the habit of pressing [F11] after the last camp was cleared, choosing "lowest settings", and voila, no crash. (Some people can just choose 1-2 settings to tick down for the same result, notably how many player models or player details or both. Also good: turn off reflections. That uses a lot of processing power.)


(And of course, it's worth trying to troubleshoot why you are DCing. That's something Support can often help with. In my case, it turned out my hard drive's data cable connector had melted, and was hanging on by its nails. Replacing the drive did the trick.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.

> > >

> > > There are damage requirements already. In fact, sometimes people who think they are participating aren't doing enough damage to reach the threshold for credit.

> > >

> > > Put another way, if someone gets credit for an event, then they were participating.

> > > (Save for a few bugs that affect this or that; those don't have much over impact though.)

> >

> > Do you know whether this applies to world bosses as well as metas? I’m practicing comm and wore minstrel’s gear to make sure I stayed alive to coordinate and to drop heals and stability. Between that and being focused on keeping track of HP and debugged, I’m sure I didn’t do much damage. Now unfortunately I dc’ed before the very end and didn’t receive credit. I had assumed it was the dc (although I still got credit when I dc’ed during a Bloodstone Fen fight and I was pre DPS there.


> If you DC'd all bets are off. There's a lot of things that the game tracks and some of them are remembered if you come back right away, some not. I don't think there's any substantive research that would allow us players to offer a reasonable rule of thumb for it.


> Minstrels by itself shouldn't be an issue, if you were commanding from inside a squad (rather than as a mentor), since you'd get credit for their damage. You wouldn't have to do 'much' damage.


> Since you've DC'd at least twice recently during big fights, my recommendation is turn some/all of your settings down before a meta. On my old PC, there were three fights in the game that crashed my game regularly, including Karka Queen, which I was joining daily at the time. I got in the habit of pressing [F11] after the last camp was cleared, choosing "lowest settings", and voila, no crash. (Some people can just choose 1-2 settings to tick down for the same result, notably how many player models or player details or both. Also good: turn off reflections. That uses a lot of processing power.)


> (And of course, it's worth trying to troubleshoot why you are DCing. That's something Support can often help with. In my case, it turned out my hard drive's data cable connector had melted, and was hanging on by its nails. Replacing the drive did the trick.)


Thank you for the recommendations and info! :) It seems that the dcs aren’t related to what’s going on in game — have dc’ed in dungeons, story instances or even browsing the TP in Lion’s Arch. In contrast, I recently participated in fighting Warden Amala in Domain of Istan and it was the first time for me that the aggregate players and enemies and everything going on caused some jerkiness / lagging — but no dc. Sometimes restarting my router works, but not always. Support told me to check firewalls and port access and everything looks good there. I’ll try adjusting setting before a fight — who knows but if my LA crashes weren’t caused by bling in the background that I wasn’t paying attention too!


Good to know that I should still receive credit with total defender/support gear! I’ll let you know if I don’t receive credit even without a dc but hopefully that won’t be the case. :)

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> That would likely hinder condition builds against bosses with condition blocks, tanks that focus toughness or hp, or healers who try to do both.


> Perhaps you can provide some examples?


> Some classes using Attack 1 with full Berserker gear deal more damage than two of the other players using different builds while effectively using their skills.


> I don't feel your suggestion would help.


Put diff dmg req for condis. Done.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Its not that they steal your loot or have otherwise a bad impact on your experience, do they?


Even if they don't scale up the events, I would say it does make people feel theyre being used to put in the most work, while others get similar rewards by letting people do the work for them.


So while they don't steal loot, they obviously have a bad impact on one's experience.


But, on the other hand you also dont want people who join in late, need to quickly afk, have really bad builds, or just very supportive builds be left out either and get little to no reward.


I think the current state is the lesser of two "evils". (figuratively speaking obviously)


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> @"all cheats.3186" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


> I'm all for this but there would also have to be something similar to measure heals/cleanses for the people that want to support and cannot do dmg.


How about afk auramancer... You know I will heal everyone with my passive aura ;)

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"all cheats.3186" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.

> >

> > I'm all for this but there would also have to be something similar to measure heals/cleanses for the people that want to support and cannot do dmg.


> How about afk auramancer... You know I will heal everyone with my passive aura ;)


Eyyy ez game lol


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> This seems like a nonissue. I can see why leeching would just kind of bother ppl on general principle but it doesn't actually hurt anything . . .


If there is no scaling up the event, that's true. However, it still causes bad vibes ^^


In WvW, you sometimes have people who just tag a camp or guard and then move on to the next, to let others actually finish it and get more rewards per time. More than once I moved away too when I saw this, and sometimes they returned to finish the task. Apparently, they needed the rewards more than I ^^

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


> Why does it bother you so much in a non-competitive game? maybe if you minded your own business, you wouldn't know if people are AFKing and leeching off you and this wouldn't be a problem. This actually isn't a problem for the game.


Y'know I thought of several responses, but given what I've seen the OP post recently, I'm just going to copy/pasta yours, as it's the perfect response.


Still lol'ing at the auto attack shaming, as if there is something wrong with pressing the 1 key. My Herald's feelings are getting hurt.



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I was measure my dps on necro, so if I make rotation my dps is so less bigger than autoattack what I don't feel any needed to press something more except Epidemic

And on meta I talk in guildchat/map/ or pm, and give my viper set trigger conditions ..


You suggest scale loot by dps value ? So fist go golem and check differences between your autoattack and "chaotic button spam and jumping".

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