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Heart of Thorns ruined this game

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> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > Sure, because the Berserker/scholar lv 80 5k AP or kick dungeon meta, kamakaze Staff Ele and full warrior parties weren't gimmicks in and of themselves. Wear rose tinted glasses all you like, but pre-hot had its fair share of problems.

> >

> > Personally? I like the HoT maps. They're rewarding, sometimes challenging and the "gimmicks" aren't compulsary for map completion.


> There was more groups than just 5k ap or kick, I frequently hosted them and much enjoyment was had.


> How can I wear rose tinted glasses when I hate what the game as become to the point that I stopped playing it for 4 years? Thats not rose tinted glasses, thats just the game being bad.



Maybe 4 years wasn't enough? Try giving it another 4 years.

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> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:

> I'm not giving you anything. I'm saving it for when they make this game good again, and finally realize that horizontal gimmicks aren't fun.


Don't you mean the vertical ones?


In any case, I understand the frustration, **but** you only have to endure the grind ones as Masteries are account-wide. :) Also, XP boosts can help you speed up the process of leveling them.

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IMHO HoT was the best thing that has happened to Guild Wars 2. The zones are unique and you won't find that kind of content in any other game. I also believe it was nerfed because when I first played it it appeared to be harder than when I play it now. Either they nerfed HoT zones during one of my breaks or I just got used to it.


But if you quit because of HoT then it is just your problem and I don't see why you decided to go on forums just to cry to the public of how much you hate it. I believe noone reasonable cares and nothing is going to change about HoT(I hope).


Good luck somewhere else! I hope you find a game easy enough for you.

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> IMHO HoT was the best thing that has happened to Guild Wars 2. The zones are unique and you won't find that kind of content in any other game. I also believe it was nerfed because when I first played it it appeared to be harder than when I play it now. Either they nerfed HoT zones during one of my breaks or I just got used to it.



HoT zones and metas were nerfed multiple times, most hard within the first 6 months after the expansions release. You remember correctly.

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> IMHO HoT was the best thing that has happened to Guild Wars 2. The zones are unique and you won't find that kind of content in any other game. I also believe it was nerfed because when I first played it it appeared to be harder than when I play it now. Either they nerfed HoT zones during one of my breaks or I just got used to it.


> But if you quit because of HoT then it is just your problem and I don't see why you decided to go on forums just to cry to the public of how much you hate it. I believe noone reasonable cares and nothing is going to change about HoT(I hope).


> Good luck somewhere else! I hope you find a game easy enough for you.


I would change a few things, some things in hot are way too hard.

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I never understood the point of threads like this.

Don't play a game for 4 years then come to its forums to create a crying topic that offers no constructive feedback.

I don't like many games, but I don't see the point in going to their sites and just to ***** about them. There's a plethora of MMOs out there, find one that better suits you instead of carrying a grudge against a 4 year old expansion you didn't like.



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Masteries are VERY annoying at first. Not being given the glider outright makes traversing dangerous and fatal. Ever try doing Bugs in the Trees with it?! Its your only option when you want experience and everything kills you because you don't understand build nuance.


I avoided it outright until a friend told me there was a map after Verdant Brink that had NONE of that, with events you can reach on foot! I spent almost ALL my time there leveling up masteries until I could go back and actually DO Verdant Brink content.


HoT's biggest flaw.

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Never had a feeling I'm grinding for xp or anything in HoT. There is so much to do. I stopped reading half way, because your claim make no sense. "> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:


> Which all of this would maybe be cute if there was more content to explore.


These maps have probably most content in entire game. Meta event are always on (each map has one), meaning most of the map is covered with events nearly non stop. Then you have hero challanges, adventures, jumping puzzles, mastery points etc. Maps themselves are multilayered and fun to explore, unlike core maps that are flat and you could mostly just run around on foot and see everything (not saying I don't like core maps.)

> But wait you say! There's zone events going on! WOwzers! Now I only have 20 minutes in order for it to start, and no one's here, guess I'll just wait for the next event that starts in 30 minutes.

HoT maps are probably still most played maps in entire game. Except for when we get new episode, new map might be busier for a week. Otherwise, HoT maps are always hot, large part due to great meta events that people still do regularly after all these years.

> Guess I'll just sit here and do taris for the 9th time as wonder where to get enough XP to play the game again.

Let's hope that you'll be able to pronounce it correctly after 9th time. Again, these maps are full of events and other things, if you are not getting enough xp, then you are not playing the game.


> Once again I'll be retelling my friends that buying HoT was a mistake and to never come back, its a trap.

Are you friends incapable of forming their own opinion?


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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Masteries are VERY annoying at first. Not being given the glider outright makes traversing dangerous and fatal. Ever try doing Bugs in the Trees with it?! Its your only option when you want experience and everything kills you because you don't understand build nuance.


> I avoided it outright until a friend told me there was a map after Verdant Brink that had NONE of that, with events you can reach on foot! I spent almost ALL my time there leveling up masteries until I could go back and actually DO Verdant Brink content.


> HoT's biggest flaw.


Since gliding is unlocked as soon as you do the first story then yes you do get glider outright. You can go everywhere on Verdant brink on foot, you may need to choose which path you take but you can circle the map completely on foot with no gliding with the glider you get when you basically enter the map.

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> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:

> and finally realize that horizontal gimmicks aren't fun.


I'll take Horizontal gimmicks over having all of my characters, gear, builds and abilities becoming outdated every time a new expansion comes out.


Vertical progression is rarely if ever done right, one staple of MMO's i'm glad Anet got rid of when they made these games.



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> HoT was an amazing expansion outside of raids(which should've never been added to the game). Base GW2 was an awful, awful game.


> POF was base GW2 2.0 so it was just as bad, but LS4 is amazing.


Can't help but wonder what's such a big difference between PoF and LS4?

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > HoT was an amazing expansion outside of raids(which should've never been added to the game). Base GW2 was an awful, awful game.

> >

> > POF was base GW2 2.0 so it was just as bad, but LS4 is amazing.


> Can't help but wonder what's such a big difference between PoF and LS4?


LS4 has more variety and replay value. PoF (at least until last patch) had very little replay value and significantly lower reward values


I'm not a big fan of ls4 given how bad the story became as it went on and even taken into account 2 dud maps in my opinion, I can certainly see why people prefer LS4 for content and playability. I enjoyed PoF a great deal first time round. I'm currently taking a third and fourth toon through and I'm finding it a struggle. I think partly because there is very little to do and I want to really utilise the map on each toon.

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I started playing this game since HoT and bc of HoT I stayed. The maps and meta took some time getting used to, but now navigating the maps is a piece of cake. Things you listed as annoyance, are what keep many people playing. I like that I had to figure everything out instead of having them handed to me. They are also different in nature, but in a coherent way so all things do eventually connect. It's a shame that's a "grind" to you. On the bright side, you can still enjoy the game like you had, as your enjoyment never involved HoT anyway.


Even if I didn't like HoT I wouldn't bother opening a thread saying I hate it because chances are, you aren't going to change anything if that's the direction Anet has decided taking. The game has changed a lot since you left, and it will continue evolving. But I guess posting on forum saying that you will tell your friend to never come back is more liberating.

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> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:

> Did you know you need level 4 of frog retardation in order to eat this mushroom in order to survive posion?


You can use the food that gives health regeneration to cheese that HP (not sure if it's fixed though). https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Food#Health_Regeneration


OR ask someone to give you some jackal barriers.


HoT is great, it makes you interact with other players and learn new things everyday.



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Dude, HoT is 4 years old, where have you been? I am not get in detail about HoT content, but most forums and polls indicate that HoT was superior to PoF. And core tyria, outside of cursed shore or farming low level nodes, there is nothing to do.

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