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Can the Choya Pinata be a little more tankier?

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I think a lot of people are used to doing it with much smaller groups. Last night before the event started people were urging everyone to get on their springer and make sure they used all their CC skills right away, then take full advantage of the time it was stunned.


As it turned out the only real challenge was doing enough damage to qualify for the reward in the time we had!


However I think this is likely to be a temporary problem and once the meta-event week is over it will go back to normal, so I'm not sure it would be worth the time required for someone to change it and push the update through, only to change it back again in a few days. It would be better for players to recognise that if there's lots of people there it's better to hold back a bit to give everyone time to hit it rather than trying to do as much damage as possible.

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> @"Terminal.5093" said:

> It needs better scaling. Less HP for smaller groups, and exponentially more based on the number of players.


> Before this event I'd seen the pinata fail multiple times, now it goes down in seconds.


This. It will fail with not enough people especially if it spawns near the gate.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> How do you miss it? It is invul for a few seconds, then it takes atleast about 10 secs for it to go completely down. Did you not react fast enough?


This. You even get a 50 second (or something) warning that it's about to spawn, and it always spawns in roughly the same area - y'know, the one where 40 people are sitting on their springers. No doubt the boss dies very quickly, but I've had 100% success rate killing him on my Revenant by first attacking with springer, then pressing my 1 key.


The only reason you aren't tagging it is if you're not waiting at the correct place (again, look for 40 springer mounted people) or if you got to the map too late, which is your own fault.

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I agree that the scaling could use some adjustment. When there's a very large group and it spawns in the far corner, it's possible for it to be dead before everyone can get to it. When there's a very small group and it spawns by the gate, it's sometimes impossible to kill it, even if everyone starts on a springer. Failure should be a possibility, but right now we have a case where it's a guarantee on one end, and a case on the other end where it's so impossible to fail that people who are actively waiting for the event to begin can miss participation just by using their bunny jump a half-second too early.

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> When there's a very large group and it spawns in the far corner, it's possible for it to be dead before everyone can get to it.


I won't dispute your statement, but that isn't what I've seen at all.


I think I've killed the choya about 5-6 times over the past few days, and in every case, after the 3rd round ends players congregate near the waypoint on their bunnies. As the boss spawns, he has invuln for about 1-2 seconds, but by then you should already be moving. Once invuln drops he is bunny CCd, and dies in maybe 5 seconds, perhaps a bit longer - I've never timed it. Point is, if a player is at their keyboard and at the correct spot when the timer counts down, there is no possible way I can see them not having time to land a single auto-attack before the boss dies. Even without a mount, a ranged attack will connect.


The boss isn't getting nuked down inside of 1-2 seconds, at least not in my experience.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > When there's a very large group and it spawns in the far corner, it's possible for it to be dead before everyone can get to it.


> I won't dispute your statement, but that isn't what I've seen at all.


> I think I've killed the choya about 5-6 times over the past few days, and in every case, after the 3rd round ends players congregate near the waypoint on their bunnies. As the boss spawns, he has invuln for about 1-2 seconds, but by then you should already be moving. Once invuln drops he is bunny CCd, and dies in maybe 5 seconds, perhaps a bit longer - I've never timed it. Point is, if a player is at their keyboard and at the correct spot when the timer counts down, there is no possible way I can see them not having time to land a single auto-attack before the boss dies. Even without a mount, a ranged attack will connect.


> The boss isn't getting nuked down inside of 1-2 seconds, at least not in my experience.


I did one night before last that I almost missed, and I was in the middle of the pack. I'm sure several of the folks behind me weren't able to get so much as a bunny-toe on it, since all I managed was a Springer 1 and a Longbow 2 and it was dead before my Rapid Fire finished firing. Between lag/latency/FPS-drop issues that can be exacerbated by all the clustered particle effects and variations in reaction times among players (some of us are Olds), all it can take to miss out on it is the space of one brief screen-freeze hiccup that ties your Springer to the starting point for a couple of seconds. There's plenty of room to scale it up a bit more at the upper end, and it wouldn't be unreasonable to nerf it a smidge at the lower end.


The lower end could probably be solved by removing the spawn point right at the gate, since it's usually a matter of there not being enough time to do a second CC rotation before it hits the end of the bridge if it started at the gate when it's a small group.

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> I agree that the scaling could use some adjustment. When there's a very large group and it spawns in the far corner, it's possible for it to be dead before everyone can get to it. When there's a very small group and it spawns by the gate, it's sometimes impossible to kill it, even if everyone starts on a springer. Failure should be a possibility, but right now we have a case where it's a guarantee on one end, and a case on the other end where it's so impossible to fail that people who are actively waiting for the event to begin can miss participation just by using their bunny jump a half-second too early.


I agree that failure should be a possibility, but only if the majority of the people there are not putting in proper effort. I don't wanna feel cheated out and forced to wait for an event to happen again based on pure chance.


But if there is 10 people and they are all just auto attacking and not even trying to CC, yeah they should fail.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Not everyone needs to be on a springer when this things spawns. There seem to be more than enough. Just walk in and press 1


my guarantee hit is being ready with longbow when there is a huge crowd NOT on springer


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I’ve been doing the event since they added the daily chests and it has only been killed very quickly during the meta rush. Any change would only really impact players for the duration of the meta rush.


If this is an annual thing, you’re essentially asking Anet to make changes that occur one week out of the year which can easily be avoided by players paying attention to when/where the event begins and by doing actual damage. I mean, there's plenty of time to mash all of your skills before it dies.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I don’t see the need to make adjustments for edge cases that would negatively impact everyone else the rest of the time.


I can agree it doesn't _need_ better scaling, but it would benefit from better scaling . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I don’t see the need to make adjustments for edge cases that would negatively impact everyone else the rest of the time.


> I can agree it doesn't _need_ better scaling, but it would benefit from better scaling . . .


The thing is that when it comes to adjustments, a wrecking ball tends to be used than say a chisel. That's why I'm hesitant for any changes and also because there's still more the player can do on their end to ensure credit for the event/kill.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I don’t see the need to make adjustments for edge cases that would negatively impact everyone else the rest of the time.

> >

> > I can agree it doesn't _need_ better scaling, but it would benefit from better scaling . . .


> The thing is that when it comes to adjustments, a wrecking ball tends to be used than say a chisel. That's why I'm hesitant for any changes and also because there's still more the player can do on their end to ensure credit for the event/kill.


Yeah I can see waiting until after the event to determine how interest levels out after the introduction of the daily chest but ideally the scaling would accommodate any but the absolute lowest interest level. Bc it's scaling. But again it's fine as is, just could be better . . .

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No more changes for one-week crazes please, i'm glad the alpha beetle is at least still fairly doable solo for pros....


Before meta week, i saw more fail choya maps than successful ones, it rarely ever succeeded due to high hp and huge defiance bar so without a commander tag/mentor rallying peeps to choya the group was mostly too small.. That said, i DO wonder if it has any scaling issues; small groups *struggle* to break that bar even once, yet a zerg can have it broken and dead within 4 seconds. Is it not scaling, or is it just scaled very badly?

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