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Inventory Wars

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Hi all,


I would like to have more Shared Inventory Slots (SIS), Bank Tabs (BT) and Material Storage (MS). All of these are insuffient imho.

I would like to see SIS max raised from 24 to 40.

I would like to see BT max raised from 17 to 25.

I would like to see MS max raised from 2000 to 10000.


Kind regards,



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While I'm not really *opposed* to increases, the only one I actually see a *point* in expanding is Shared Inventory.


For bank tabs, I'd even caution *against* getting too many - after a certain point, more space can make it *harder* to actually manage the contents - for each item you just throw in there "to take care of later", the amount of work required to *actually take care of it* increases. This can easily lead to just never actually sorting through it and instead just continually expanding.

This is of course not relevant for those who have a deliberate, methodical use of their bank tabs, but I feel confident that most players aren't actually that deliberate. ;)

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do


There could possibly be a technical limitation. I mean, why else would there be a restriction? If players want to give ANET more money for more shared inventory, why would they say no, unless there was an actual reason they couldn't?

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I recommend watching some Youtube videos by Marie Kondo.


This comment brings me joy.



I'm all in favor of being able to increase the number of useful slots to which I have access. All the same, I think the OP's situation will not be resolved by having more slots.


* Shared Inventory: 24 slots.

* 17 bank tabs (510 slots)

* Material storage: 2000 (four stacks)


Anyone who finds that insufficient is suffering from using an inefficient inventory management system, i.e. they are holding on to too much.

* If they are holding for investment purposes, there are several ways to manage that and investors can afford to spend.

* If they are holding on for a "rainy day," they can reevaluate what that means, to reduce clutter.


If the OP is willing to post their API key (or message it privately), I'm sure many of us would be able to offer advice as to what they can consolidate or get rid of or transform.



A really useful tool to help with this exists on GW2 Timer:




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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do


Exactly. Unless there is a technical reason which would be a legitimate reason to prevent further additions, let people buy what they want. If they want to hoard, so be it. Not sure why we need community advice on that. Everyone does things their own way - I for one have hoarded every one use story related item from LS1. I will never use them, but I like to hold onto those things. I have other bits like that from throughout the game and I would not be receptive to someone showing off how much more organised they are.


If the game allows it, then people should be able to buy it. If it doesn't, well then the point is moot

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While expanding inventory slots of all kinds may seem good, it does not address the root cause of the issue which is a combination of hoarding and very poor inventory management.


Go on Twitch and look at the inventories of streamers. A lot of them are so terrible that it makes me cringe as if I am watching an episode of Hoarders. I’ve seen screen caps from other players as well which are just as bad.


I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else. If you feel that you must absolutely keep everything for whatever reason, the cheapest method is to just buy additional character slots to act as mules. Sites like GW2Efficiency can be used to help locate a specific item as the need arises.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...


Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?

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Few things that would help us:


1. Compendium of Teleportation (LW books, WB gadgets, Spearmarshal, LilyElonMusk, et al)

2. Gadget Galacticus (Prototype Position Rewinder, Recharging Teleport to Friend [[933594]], et

3. Bag-o-Level (Books, Writs, Level 80 Boosts, et al)

4. Snack Pack (Consumables: Tele-Friend, Revive...maybe even food)

5. Trophy Case ("Hey, can I delete _____?")


Vertically, searchable scrolling containers ... and scroll and scroll and scroll. :)


![](https://i.imgur.com/vvOxjm2.jpg "")


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Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account. But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:


**Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

Currently my SIS contain the following items:

- Home Portal Stone

- Royal Terrace Pass

- Mistlock Sanctuary Pass

- Captain's Airship Pass

- Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

- Armistice Bastion Pass

- Season 3 Portal Tome

- Season 4 Portal Tome

- Recharging Teleport to Friend

- Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device

- World Boss Portal Device

- Karmic Converter

- Ley-Energy Matter Converter

- Candy Corn Gobbler

- Endless Repair Canister

- Personal Trader Express

- Permanent Bank Access Express

- Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit

- Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal

- Mystic Forge Conduit

- Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic

- Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic

- Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic

- Prototype Position Rewinder


Things that I would like to have in my SIS (no pun intended):

- Volatile Singularity

- Gleam of Sentience

- Princess

- Star of Gratitude

- Permanent Portable Provisioner

- Exalted Portal Stone

- Spearmarshal's Plea

- Brandstone Multitool

- Noble's Folly Pass (granted, I still need to buy it but as soon as it becomes available I am going to get it, last time it was available I was on holiday :( )

- Full set of permanent gathering tools (although I would not be opposed to a separate system to share gathering tools between characters as was indicated in another thread)


Reason I picked 40 is because it is a nice round number and gives me space for "cool stuff" for the forseeable future. Now I am well aware that one could easily argue that I don't need to have a lot of them available to all characters at all times... But I want them to be available to all characters at all times and I don't see any reason why I should have to do without if I am willing to pay for it.


**Bank Tabs:**


The reason I want more back tabs is not because I am running out of space (with 17 tabs it is kind of hard to actually have every slot occupied) but rather that it would allow me to better organize in using tabs in a fashion that I find preferable. Again, I'll grant that this line of reasoning is highly debatable but there is no negative impact in this towards other players and again, if I am willing to pay for that then what is there against it.


**Material Storage:**


I like to farm, they fill up too quickly for the way that I play and that is all there really is to it. I also would like to free up 2 of my bank tabs that are completely occupied with empyreal fragments, piles of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore.


In short: I'll automatically concede that my reasons for wanting this aren't amazing as I am not willing to argue about how I use my space nor am I open to "better" ways to do it, but I am willing to pay for the slots and it doesn't impact other players in any way so what is there against it? This has literally zero consequences except for the customers in terms of having the ability to store what they want in the way they want it and for GW2 to make more money.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account.

The API key is secure, as its read-only. And you pretty much just shared everything publicly already.


But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:




> **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

For 3500-4000 gold, you can get a Permanent Bank Access Contract (by comparison, 15 slots of shared space costs 7400 gems = ~2500 gold). Placed in shared inventory, this gives you access to your entire bank from all characters. That allows you to move your "1x/day" and "occasional use" items from shared inventory, without reducing easy access.


> **Bank Tabs:**

> ... allow me to better organize in using tabs

Wouldn't it be better then to ask ANet for more tools in organizing the bank? Here are just a few that players have suggested:

* Sorting (within tabs and throughout the bank)

* Reordering tabs (move the bottom to the top, etc)

* Labeling (ability to label each section)

* Show|hide tabs (like we have for inventory bags)


In the meantime, the search filter is quite handy.

* "Open" to find champ bags

* "Chest of" and "chests of" for ascended armor

* "Amulet" for, well amulets



> **Material Storage:**


> I like to farm, they fill up too quickly for the way that I play and that is all there really is to it. I also would like to free up 2 of my bank tabs that are completely occupied with empyreal fragments, piles of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore.

Delete them. There's almost no reason at all to keep them if your eaters can't consume as fast as they accumulate. Roughly speaking, it's 8 silver per gift or 40s per stack of bloodstone dust.



> I am not willing to argue about how I use my space nor am I open to "better" ways to do it,

Why not? Even if ANet agreed today that they would do everything you ask, it's likely to be months before they implement any of it. Why wouldn't you take advantage of different techniques?


> I am willing to pay for the slots

Sure, as are many of us.


> it doesn't impact other players in any way so what is there against it?

The point is that it doesn't end up resolving the fundamental issue. There's a cost to providing more slots that isn't likely met by the price we are willing to pay for them.


> This has literally zero consequences

Every change to the game has consequences.


> for GW2 to make more money.

More income? Sure. We don't know if it's more money in their pocket because we don't know what it costs them to add storage. There are all sorts of limitations that we don't know about, some easy to understand, and some not.



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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> In short: I'll automatically concede that my reasons for wanting this aren't amazing as I am not willing to argue about how I use my space nor am I open to "better" ways to do it, but I am willing to pay for the slots and it doesn't impact other players in any way so what is there against it? This has literally zero consequences except for the customers in terms of having the ability to store what they want in the way they want it and for GW2 to make more money.


Exactly, well said.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Well, I am not going to share my API key as I am not sure how secure it is to do so and even if it is secure I don't think it is a good idea to give people even read only access to my account.

> The API key is secure, as its read-only. And you pretty much just shared everything publicly already.


There is a world of difference between telling people what I have and giving them access (read-only or not) to my account.



> But I will try to elaborate on why I want this, so here goes:



> >

> > **Shared Inventory Slots (SIS):**

> For 3500-4000 gold, you can get a Permanent Bank Access Contract (by comparison, 15 slots of shared space costs 7400 gems = ~2500 gold). Placed in shared inventory, this gives you access to your entire bank from all characters. That allows you to move your "1x/day" and "occasional use" items from shared inventory, without reducing easy access.



I have a permanent bank access contract. That is not the point of me wanting it.


> > **Bank Tabs:**

> > ... allow me to better organize in using tabs

> Wouldn't it be better then to ask ANet for more tools in organizing the bank? Here are just a few that players have suggested:

> * Sorting (within tabs and throughout the bank)

> * Reordering tabs (move the bottom to the top, etc)

> * Labeling (ability to label each section)

> * Show|hide tabs (like we have for inventory bags)


Personally I am not bothered by the lack of sorting options although I would like the labelling option you mentioned.


> In the meantime, the search filter is quite handy.

> * "Open" to find champ bags

> * "Chest of" and "chests of" for ascended armor

> * "Amulet" for, well amulets



Which is why I am not bothered by the lack of sorting options.


> >

> > **Material Storage:**

> >

> > I like to farm, they fill up too quickly for the way that I play and that is all there really is to it. I also would like to free up 2 of my bank tabs that are completely occupied with empyreal fragments, piles of bloodstone dust and dragonite ore.

> Delete them. There's almost no reason at all to keep them if your eaters can't consume as fast as they accumulate. Roughly speaking, it's 8 silver per gift or 40s per stack of bloodstone dust.



I don't want to delete them.


> >

> > I am not willing to argue about how I use my space nor am I open to "better" ways to do it,

> Why not? Even if ANet agreed today that they would do everything you ask, it's likely to be months before they implement any of it. Why wouldn't you take advantage of different techniques?



My techniques are fine and I am sure that there are better ways to do it but I am perfectly happy with my method. I would like some extra tabs as it would allow me to split some things out which would be even nicer. Like I said: I don't need the space, I want the tabs.


> > I am willing to pay for the slots

> Sure, as are many of us.


> > it doesn't impact other players in any way so what is there against it?

> The point is that it doesn't end up resolving the fundamental issue. There's a cost to providing more slots that isn't likely met by the price we are willing to pay for them.



There is no issue except for convenience. You base the second line on absolutely nothing. If selling tabs wasn't profitable they never would have done it.


> > This has literally zero consequences

> Every change to the game has consequences.



Out of context quote. I mentioned the 2 consequences that it has.


> > for GW2 to make more money.

> More income? Sure. We don't know if it's more money in their pocket because we don't know what it costs them to add storage. There are all sorts of limitations that we don't know about, some easy to understand, and some not.



Again, we are speaking of a for-profit-company here: if it wasn't profitable they wouldn't sell them at all.



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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Hi all,


> I would like to have more Shared Inventory Slots (SIS), Bank Tabs (BT) and Material Storage (MS). All of these are insuffient imho.

> I would like to see SIS max raised from 24 to 40.

> I would like to see BT max raised from 17 to 25.

> I would like to see MS max raised from 2000 to 10000.


> Kind regards,


> Me


+100, would buy today given options.


To those not interested, its ok, but at the same time it is optional. If aren't interested in expanding these then don't buy them but there is no real reason to say no to others interested in expanding. As for reasons why others might be interested in seeing them expanded, each will have reasons of their own. It comes down to limits on the existing infrastructure for the most part. And again if there is a technical issue that is different, but if players don'tr ask Anet wouldn't know there was an interest in it.



* Expanded shared inventory; you run a havoc and may need to jump across multiple toons based on actions or group composition. You don't have time to move items around because garri is under attack now. We don't have a siege wallet nor a food/utility wallet so odds are good you are storing some of those in shared inventory, but even then you can't fit them all if you run various builds in WvW and carry various levels of siege/tricks/traps.

* Expanded collection/bank tabs; you are crafting one the craftable legendaries and you are gathering all the materials first. You either have to store stacks on the trading post and hope no one buys or create a personal guild and store them there, or you could simply store them in your bank tabs or expanded material storage.

* Expanded bank tabs; maybe you are a TP trader and are buying for a future move, maybe you are a collector that acquires now for later release. Not a good idea to store this kind of thing in a guild bank if there are multiple people that can access.


And that is just a few quick examples. You could throw in we don't have armor storage, or ascended trinket storage or material storage for some crafting materials, nor ascended weapon storage or armor boxes and on and on. So yes if the game allowed for all this, might still ask, if one players storage does create performance impacts for others than why not?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.


> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...


> Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?


The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.

> >

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...

> >

> > Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?


> The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .


And how is account bound stuff is affected by that? 90% of mine is that

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> Few things that would help us:


> 1. Compendium of Teleportation (LW books, WB gadgets, Spearmarshal, LilyElonMusk, et al)

> 2. Gadget Galacticus (Prototype Position Rewinder, Recharging Teleport to Friend [[933594]], et

> 3. Bag-o-Level (Books, Writs, Level 80 Boosts, et al)

> 4. Snack Pack (Consumables: Tele-Friend, Revive...maybe even food)

> 5. Trophy Case ("Hey, can I delete _____?")

I really don't care either way about more bank/inv slots as I haven't even come remotely close to maxing them (nor have any need to), but I would love to see this happen.

It just makes sense to bundle some of these up for convenience sake. I'd add in one there for all the 'eaters' as well.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.

> > >

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...

> > >

> > > Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?

> >

> > The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .


> And how is account bound stuff is affected by that? 90% of mine is that


That's a great question. How is your account bound stuff relevant? Why did you choose to include it in a reply to a post about the impact hoarding has on the economy . . ?

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...

> > > >

> > > > Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?

> > >

> > > The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .

> >

> > And how is account bound stuff is affected by that? 90% of mine is that


> That's a great question. How is your account bound stuff relevant? Why did you choose to include it in a reply to a post about the impact hoarding has on the economy . . ?

So negative... Can't let others have their fun huh...

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > if ppl want more bag space why not, dont see harm in make it infinite even so long people want buy it they can do


> There could possibly be a technical limitation. I mean, why else would there be a restriction? If players want to give ANET more money for more shared inventory, why would they say no, unless there was an actual reason they couldn't?


Maybe for the shared slot but for material storage that shouldn't be an issue.


It is much easier to simply store the value in a 2 byte(16 bit) field instead of having to deal with bits or nibbles. With 16 bit we can have up to 65,500(262 stacks).


In the case of the shared storage if it was a problem it should already have been solved already when they increased the limit the first time ... unless ANet is really that into slapping bandaids on to problems instead of actually fixing them.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > I suggest going through and see what you actually will realistically need in the future and discarding everything else.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > I said it in a different thread: Hoarding is bad...

> > > >

> > > > Why though? If people want to hoard and want to buy more space, where is the issue for anyone else?

> > >

> > > The less space ppl have to hoard, the more inventory moves through the economy . . .

> >

> > And how is account bound stuff is affected by that? 90% of mine is that


> That's a great question. How is your account bound stuff relevant? Why did you choose to include it in a reply to a post about the impact hoarding has on the economy . . ?


It's completely relevant. The op is talking about increasing storage tabs, you brought economy into it and I've countered with a reason why it wouldn't be affected. Not sure what the issue is there, but OK.






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