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How do you contribute to gaming discussions and what type of ideas do you have for the game?

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After reading several theory crafting post, I feel that most commenters fit in three major categories. Now of course we have trolls and others but many people fit into either of these three :

* **_Pessimist Perfectionist_**: Commenters that deny further ideas because the game is not perfect and believes that until then, anything new would further ruin it. They want to improve what we have!

* **_Practical Dreamer_**: Commenters that tend to come up with ideas or make comments of things that they would love to see, but fitting into current structure of the game. They want to create newness expand their ideas within the current rules of the game.

* **_Farfetched Realist_**: Commenters that comes up with ideas outside of it's current scope or lay out for the game, but technically the concepts aren't impossible. They want to innovate and expand the minds of what could be possible, driving the game to the next level.


I see the benefit in each one, but a lot of pointless arguments go on and on simply because people have different philosophies on the game, and there's little constructive feedback during the conversation. I feel that once people recognize the intent of the comment, it would decrease arguments and expand upon productive conversation between like minded individuals.

It makes no sense for someone who's purely focused on improving the current quality of the game to argue on what the game should do for their next expansion, nor comment on new ideas, because nothing will be gained from such conversations.


So what would you consider yourself to be and what suggestions would you have for the game?

I also add that if you want to comment on someone else's idea try to stick with those that fit in your category, unless your willing to step out of your box and give constructive feedback.

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I can't say I could categorize people like that. Though it's totally true that each player has their own vision of how the game should evolve, though ultimately it is Anet's vision that gets implemented (well, to the best of their ability).


I personally think that development of new features can be done in parallel to balance patches. The only case where that's troublesome is when an expansion hits and the new elite sets crush any semblance of balance the game had previously.


The way I'd approach balance is statistical: traits / utilities / weapon sets that get major representation could use some toning down, while stuff left aside could be buffed. The main goal is to create diversity: when all available options are reasonable bunched together, then people will have more freedom to try their own fun builds without feeling like they are handicapping themselves. Granted, this is a process that pretty much never ends, but the idea is that the game evolves progressively towards a more varied / balanced state.


The previous paragraph applies to pretty much every game setting other than raids, since there what may actually matter is that all classes aren't that apart when geared for maximum damage.


As for changes to the game itself, there are plenty of ideas and QoS posted by the playerbase, and Anet may implement the ones they consider fit into their vision.


Players arguing between themselves about the benefits and drawbacks of their suggestion may seem futile, because no one here is in charge of actually implementing said changes, but the benefit of the arguments tossed around is in convincing Anet that it's worthwhile to implement said change, even if it seems their target is whoever other player they disagree with. :P



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Dreamer. I don't even remind how many suggestions and Ideas I gave, I maybe invest myself to much in that game. But some of my ideas became true: inquest mark II weapons, sandswept isles, inquest exo suit outfit, indirectly blish and gorrik...


I do feel like Anet is listening to players and sometimes they inspire themselves with our ideas. Even if suggestions aren't read, I'm glad to share them. And I can have played a role even the smallest I'm happy.

The game is still doing well after 6 years.


I will not suggest something that I know can't be done or at the bottom of to do list: like new races.... I prefer suggesting things that would shake a little the game, see my signature, I have ideas, I put them on the tables, then up to anet to reject them, implement them or adapt them. Just feel like as a player, I have to say how much I like lore, ambient dialogues, specializations, maps and housing and why not proposing some paths... Yeah Asura master race and I would just cry of happiness and buy ultimate edition for asuran expansion if one is released. (Yeah I saw Utopia was cancelled, that's very sad) But I'm satisfied with ls4e1,2,3 and ls3 draconis which bought good dose of asura.

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I see myself more of a 'Neutral Ground' person.


This goes both ways in terms of what I see as good in bad within ANet's own decisions and designs etc, as well as that of the community.


If there's good backing behind certain ideas and I can see it as potentially viable, I'll chip in my support but anything that just says "we need this cuz I think it's good" without actual backing or proof of how it can be a good thing, then I usually would show why it's a bad idea and so on.


I do understand a lot of people like to see their ideas as good but at the same time, I'm one of those people who likes to see info on why these things are considered 'good' and what not.

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I'm a highly opinionated character, but I also don't believe you can stereotype people like that. I was tempted to select "troll" just for the fun of it ;) , because I don't see the point of this thread. Are you conducting research of some kind or what exactly is the point that I am missing?


> @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> I feel that once people recognize the intent of the comment, it would decrease arguments and expand upon productive conversation between like minded individuals.


I don't believe online communication works like that. It is too unempathic in nature, and people taking stuff personally or misinterpreting the intention is an inevitable result.

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I'm the mean one.


By "mean" I don't mean "malice and ill will." I mean blunt and irritable. There's a big difference between mean and evil. I'm not sure when I became the mean one. I certainly didn't set one of my grand goals in life to be the mean one. I didn't put my pants on one frank leg at a time to go be rude to people in my daily routine. It... just happened. Something I came to learn, is that there's a lack of honesty and sincerity in kindness. I'm not sure if it is just an aspergers thing, but I've come to lament that nobody is straight with me. Other people come to lament it eventually, too. Combine this with failing health, and you get the local curmudgeon.


Anyway, something else I learned with much trepidation is that there are a lot of bad ideas out there. There's a lot of bad motives that spread these ideas, too. I can't remember who said it, but there's a good quote on the matter: "A lie can get half way around the world before the truth can get its pants on." One of those big lamentations that I've had with life in general is that a lot of the problems that I face now are because I was given a lot of bad lessons and bad advice, often times by people without my best interests in mind. My growth as an adult has been slowly recognizing this and remedying what I can. Much like life in general, this game can get ruined if it gets choked up with a bunch of bad ideas.


I'm not the most creative person. My brain's so fried I can barely do basic math. But, I still do have some semblance of critical thinking skills. This causes my role on the forums not to solve problems, but to recognize them, and also recognize when something will _not_ solve the problem.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I'm a highly opinionated character, but I also don't believe you can stereotype people like that. I was tempted to select "troll" just for the fun of it ;) , because I don't see the point of this thread. Are you conducting research of some kind or what exactly is the point that I am missing?


> > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> > I feel that once people recognize the intent of the comment, it would decrease arguments and expand upon productive conversation between like minded individuals.


> I don't believe online communication works like that. It is too unempathic in nature, and people taking stuff personally or misinterpreting the intention is an inevitable result.


What's the stereotypes? I'm merely suggesting that people may have better communication once recognizing the others intent. It's one thing for two people to discuss how to improve the current game, it's another to debate whether the game should add new weapons or improve the current weapons to the game. I feel that people who can agree on a premise can have a lot more of an in depth conversation than people with opposing views. I'm still confused about your use of the word Stereotype.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> > I feel that once people recognize the intent of the comment, it would decrease arguments and expand upon productive conversation between like minded individuals.


> I don't believe online communication works like that. It is too unempathic in nature, and people taking stuff personally or misinterpreting the intention is an inevitable result.


Its just harder to recognize someones intent, not impossible. People taking stuff personal or misintrepretation is obviously more common when its harder, but its also fairly obvious that it also there when offline.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> None of the above. Sorry.

> I really don't think you can categorize posters into only those 3 groups, nor 'unsure'.


Clearly, posters are categorizing themselves. To which it shouldnt be a surprise that with those 3 options its a bit too limited.

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I believe my job here is threefold:


1. Inject a healthy dose of realism into far fetched or unrealistic ideas and, if possible, brainstorm alternative solutions.

2. Encourage offering of options and fleshing-out ideas instead of making demands. Humility and respect are important on both sides.

3. Remind the playerbase that they are, in fact, intelligent, rational beings capable of solving most problems on their own.

Secret #4: Verbally smack around smug, obnoxious kitteners.


Like my signature says: If we want ANet to step up their game, we must step up ours.

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More options and more content is all good.

*Buuut* there are practical realities and technical limitations that have to be considered.

There are reasons we can't mix armor weights.

There are reasons we won't see playable Tengu. ~~Sad.~~

As much as I want to see a huge crafting reboot, it would require a whole other game. ~~GW3 anyone?~~

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Can't say spent a lot of time trying to define groups of people on the forums. I would stand by the sentiment that forum goers are in a vocal group of users but in a minority of players because a lot of people are just out playing the game versus here posting. There is a lot of self interest going on but I think that's natural. One person says change this which impacts someone else's game play and their first instinct might be to say no. I think a number of people believe they are here posting to offer different sides and we have seen where Anet will react to something if there are no countering fews so that draws in people to offer that counter voice since if they don't then they are on the forums asking why did that just change. So in general I would say people fit different roles depending on the situation and topic, but wouldn't classify them in one group or another. In my opinion, but will be interested to see where you results turn out. Would have voted if you had an other option, but unsure doesn't fit it.

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None of those 5 options fit Kitty. She does dreams about tiny changes that'd change current gameplay to better as well as some ideas about what's to come in the future. But most of all, she's the type of player who enjoys exploring various things already available in the game and creating new builds to try stuff in various, usually previously unthought of, ways. And ofc making "useless trash builds" work at least decently is such a fun challenge. Sticking to the few socially acceptable builds just becomes so stale if you know about all the thousands of possibilities, thanks to GW2's perhaps the most versatile class/build system in the MMORPG world.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> None of the above. Sorry.

> I really don't think you can categorize posters into only those 3 groups, nor 'unsure'.


I'll agree with Inculpatus here, you can't define posters into just 3 groups or as unsure, because there's always the "None of the above", and those that actually look at each topic and provide constructive feedback and/or criticism, give alternate views, etc., etc.,. Point being just because someone might fall into one of those categories does not mean they can't provide constructive feedback in another category, it just means you won't be able to change their mind(which is everyone's prerogative).

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