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Mystic coins price is out of control

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I have made six legendaries. They are what I enjoy doing and my end game goal to work towards.


When coins are high, I don't feel like making them. When I don't make legendaries, I stop playing the game. When I don't play the game, I do not buy gems(qol/cosmetic cash shop items only).


Do you like people buying gems, Anet?

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I have made six legendaries. They are what I enjoy doing and my end game goal to work towards.


> When coins are high, I don't feel like making them. When I don't make legendaries, I stop playing the game. When I don't play the game, I do not buy gems(qol/cosmetic cash shop items only).


> Do you like people buying gems, Anet?


Ah the good ol "do what I want or Im going to quit" post to ANet. Classic. I'm sure they'll get right on doing exactly what you want because they're absolutely terrified of losing you as a customer who makes thinly veiled threats to get what they want.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I have made six legendaries. They are what I enjoy doing and my end game goal to work towards.


> When coins are high, I don't feel like making them. When I don't make legendaries, I stop playing the game. When I don't play the game, I do not buy gems(qol/cosmetic cash shop items only).


> Do you like people buying gems, Anet?


I somehow doubt proclaiming that you have "six legendaries" is going to support your argument that MC's are too expensive, as clearly you have no problem obtaining them to craft 6 legendaries.




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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > >

> > > I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.

> >

> > The fact that the devs have influence doesnt mean that the player base do not have control.


> If, for that control to work, all the playerbase needs to act in agreement, it means there is no control.


Luckily it doesn't.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:


> The complain is very correct. Because the prices are **controlled** indeed. But not by the marked. But by ANet. And all the complains we had over the last years tell ANet that the way they control the prices for MC is not good for players. But for some players - aka the TP actors. Having the number of monthly logins, Anet can very easy calculate how many MC enters the game each month. And by designing recipes (or introducing more ways to spend the MC) ANet can calculate the demand. It is not very difficult to translate this into prices.


ANet does not control supply and demand. They _influence_ supply by establishing the methods by which players can _get_ MC's. Players still have to engage with those methods. Login rewards are low-hanging fruit, but how many do the anomaly regularly? How many do fractal dailies? How many engage with other means to get MC's and how regularly? How many players _hoard_ MC's? So, both players and ANet _influence_ supply. ANet also influences demand when they introduce recipes that require MC's. Players still have to choose to get those things, so they have an influence on demand as well.


> Did you see so many complains that a crafting material dropped ingame is too expensive (or too rare)? With the notable exception of leather - another item ANet tried to **control**. And ending in what we have now. But ANet gained its share from this problem - by passing the responsibility of solving it to the players, they gained some real money - see the leather glyphs. Still, the other crafting materials even by being rare, are required in a smaller quantity (200 T6 vs 250MC + 77 clovers) for a Legendary. And these items drop in game, so the price is indeed controlled by market, and not by ANet.


I've seen regular complaints about any number of things by players who don't like what they have to do to get rewards in GW2. The existence of complaints in and of themselves is not necessarily a reason for ANet to change things. Since you mention leather, look at the price history on T5 leather, which has been _influenced_ by leather glyphs. Yeah, it's still worth selling, but it's a lot closer to the vendor price than it is to its peak price. As someone who is not a flipper, but who sells crafting mats regularly, I disapprove of the increase in supply. The burden of proof that a preponderance of players want material prices to drop is on those seeking the change.


> The fact that the price is stable does not mean that the price is acceptable. How many **tens of thousand** of sellers having +28 K MC you know? The OP complained he lacks even 500. I'm in the same boat - less than 500. Without selling any single MC from the beginning of the play (+four years ago). And if you read the topics on this theme, you will see that number of players with less than 500 MC are much larger than the number of players with +28 k. Is as I said before - the MC are controlled by ANet for the benefit of some TP players. Because, if ANet desires to eliminate this they can make MC account bound on acquire, like the laurels.


"Acceptable" with regard to a virtual commodity whose only use is to craft virtual gewgaws is very much an opinion. Mine, and I'm apparently not alone, is that the price is acceptable. Finally, I'm flabbergasted that expecting to sit on such a commodity in such quantities would be considered a requirement -- despite having (in the OP's case, it seems) used a lot of them.



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.

> > >

> > > The fact that the devs have influence doesnt mean that the player base do not have control.

> >

> > If, for that control to work, all the playerbase needs to act in agreement, it means there is no control.


> Luckily it doesn't.


Oh, really? How so? Personally, I'm unaware of any group ingame capable of controlling MC price longterm. Only Anet can do that (by making new sources and/or faucets for them).

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I have made six legendaries. They are what I enjoy doing and my end game goal to work towards.


> When coins are high, I don't feel like making them. When I don't make legendaries, I stop playing the game. When I don't play the game, I do not buy gems(qol/cosmetic cash shop items only).


> Do you like people buying gems, Anet?


Then you shouldn't have a problem here ... Anet does not cater to individual players. Maybe you don't play ... maybe someone else does. It's a wash and it's a poor threat to dangle in front of Anet to compel change. The fact is that if you have 6 legendaries, you should know better.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Well y'know, up until a week ago I don't know if any of us thought Amalgamated Gemstones would become easier to get, and then poof, ANET adds Heroic Chests to PoF metas. No reason to think they can't do the same for Mystic Coins, and that they haven't done so already, likely means they are happy with where MCs are at presently.


I don't think anyone is against the idea of more sources ... the discussion here is about the price of the MC's on the TP and as we have already seen, more sources doesn't necessarily translate to cheaper MC prices.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> Oh, really? How so? Personally, I'm unaware of any group ingame capable of controlling MC price longterm. Only Anet can do that (by making new sources and/or faucets for them).



Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.


ANet hasn't really added in a source that really drops Mystic Coins though. So it was a small increase in coins generated per day which obviously didn't have a huge impact on supply on the TP. They just also keep adding more things that require it, increasing demand by more than what's generated per day per player.


The major problem is people hoard them. Any drastic thing that could potentially reduce the cost might cause the prices to drop as people get scared and try to sell their stuff at the higher prices before the prices drop. Which could cause them to drop down to vendor cost.


I'm sitting on a little over 250 of them. I usually sell any over 250 unless I'm actively working on a legendary and I'm currently actively working on a legendary. I'd likely sit on the 250 no matter what cost they are on the TP unless I wanted to sell some to make some quick gold to buy something.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.


> ANet hasn't really added in a source that really drops Mystic Coins though.


That doesn't make sense ... they added the Leyline event and the daily ... and maybe others I just don't know about. If the correlation between sources and TP price was strong, the price would have went down, not up.


It's a problem that people hoard them? Frankly, if the price of the MC's on the market isn't enough of a compelling reason for people sell the MC's they are hoarding, then that's an indication they are FAR TOO EASY to get.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.

> >

> > ANet hasn't really added in a source that really drops Mystic Coins though.


> That doesn't make sense ... they added the Leyline event and the daily ... and maybe others I just don't know about. If the correlation between sources and TP price was strong, the price would have went down, not up.


It helps if my brain doesn't move faster than my fingers.


I meant to say ANet hasn't really added in a course that really drops a lot of Mystic Coins though.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.

> > >

> > > ANet hasn't really added in a source that really drops Mystic Coins though.

> >

> > That doesn't make sense ... they added the Leyline event and the daily ... and maybe others I just don't know about. If the correlation between sources and TP price was strong, the price would have went down, not up.


> It helps if my brain doesn't move faster than my fingers.


> I meant to say ANet hasn't really added in a course that really drops a lot of Mystic Coins though.


They don't need to ... if the correlation between sources and the TP prices was strong, the price for MC's would have went down, not up because Anet DID add sources to get more MC's.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


> Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


> It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


What difference does it make? Everybody is really running around with the exact same gear. You can do your daily, stale fractal content with sparks flying out of your butt, or not. It doesn't change the fact that you're still doing the same, 7 year old drudgery, or wearing the same gear you've been in since ascended came out.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.

> > > >

> > > > ANet hasn't really added in a source that really drops Mystic Coins though.

> > >

> > > That doesn't make sense ... they added the Leyline event and the daily ... and maybe others I just don't know about. If the correlation between sources and TP price was strong, the price would have went down, not up.

> >

> > It helps if my brain doesn't move faster than my fingers.

> >

> > I meant to say ANet hasn't really added in a course that really drops a lot of Mystic Coins though.


> They don't need to ... if the correlation between sources and the TP prices was strong, the price for MC's would have went down, not up because Anet DID add sources to get more MC's.


Of course they don't need to do anything.


Or the amount that players were getting from those new sources wasn't large enough to really matter.


If I was a store and I was getting exactly 100 of something every week, if I suddenly started getting 101 of that same something every week, I wouldn't change my prices.


This is what I think happened with the new sources - the increase in Mystic Coins being sold wasn't enough to change the TP price or the direction it was moving.

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Well it's nice to think whatever you want ... the fact is that we have seen that adding new sources does not have a strong correlation to the price of MC's on the TP ... so it doesn't make sense to just add more sources if that's a problem Anet wants to solve. It's also a fact that Anet can see and has told us people hoard MC's ... so making ways for people to get more is again, not necessarily a solution to the price on the TP.


Finally, the most reasonable point of all ... why does Anet care what the price of a Mat is on the TP? If they cared, they would n't have implemented a system like the TP is now. There is NO compelling argument for Anet to control mat prices on the TP when a system is in place that supports the market prices controlled by the players. It's nonsense.


The fact is that the complaint is based on wanting everything right now. An MC at 1g 50s really isn't that much money ... especially for someone that has made 6 legendaries in the past ...


The fact is that MC's hold their value over long periods of time. There is no reason to sell that as a problem that needs to be fixed. It's offensive. It shows a significant lack of why it's important that we have the TP and why it works as it does.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Well it's nice to think whatever you want ... the fact is that we have seen that adding new sources does not have a strong correlation to the price of MC's on the TP ... so it doesn't make sense to just add more sources if that's a problem Anet wants to solve. It's also a fact that Anet can see and has told us people hoard MC's ... so making ways for people to get more is again, not necessarily a solution to the price on the TP.


> Finally, the most reasonable point of all ... why does Anet care what the price of a Mat is on the TP? If they cared, they would n't have implemented a system like the TP is now. There is NO compelling argument for Anet to control mat prices on the TP when a system is in place that supports the market prices controlled by the players. It's nonsense.


> The fact is that the complaint is based on wanting everything right now. An MC at 1g 50s really isn't that much money ... especially for someone that has made 6 legendaries in the past ...


And where in any of my posts did I say they should increase the sources?


I'm just arguing that increasing supply does affect the TP cost when the supply increase is high enough. And that the increase in Mystic Coins supply that ANet has done was not enough to change the TP cost because the supply wasn't changed enough.


If ANet didn't care about the costs of things on the TP they would not have put in the floor that prevents players from buying or selling below vendor cost for items. They wouldn't have adjusted supply and demand for countless other items on the market.


It's a market controlled by the players but influenced by ANet. ANet can increase or decrease the supply (adjust drop rates, add/remove nodes, etc) and can increase or decrease demand (new recipes, reduce quantities needed in recipes, increase quantities needed in recipes).


Edit: And if you had actually read all of my posts, you would have realized I had mentioned the hoarding that is done on the coins.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> yeah let's give ways till it becomes Resonating Sliver #2


I think there's a middle ground somewhere tho


@OP: I know I'm speaking for myself here and my situation may not be yours. I log in every day, do daylies and plenty of other stuff. I usually get to play 3-5 hours a day, mostly PvE, used to do fractals(it's been over a year now since my last visit), used to do PvP(but I substitute this with WvW nowadays). I'm able to craft a legendary roughly every 5-8 months, since I don't have much else to spend gold/mats/time on these days. Legendaries are supposed to be a pricy and/or time consuming goal. Don't hurry it, play what you like and convert surplus income to coins. Maybe check gw2efficiency to see if you have stockpiled anything worth a lot without noticing it.

Also only 250 of the 500 you mention are mandatory, you can get lucky with clovers and get clovers in other ways like playing PvP/WvW or also from logging in. In my experience a gen2 legendary usually takes me closer to 350-400 coins to complete.

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Never sold my Mystic Coins back when they were 2c and there was no use for them. Just threw them in the bank and forgot about them. Now I have hundreds of them, even after making a bunch of legendary armor (used for clovers) and buying the WvW guild buffs (100 MC each).


Just a suggestion for the future. Keep your cheap junk materials if you have room for them. They may make you rich later.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> >

> > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > Need some items that will not rapidly deflate. You may know you can at least get one per day from the ley line anomaly. Good luck.

> >

> > Only 500 days for a single gen2 or gen 2.5.


> That "1 coin a day" reward does not exist in a vacuum.


> Wiki says ~481 coins required for Gen 2. Astralaria requires 484. There's some variation between weapons, so I'll assume you're rounding. If you are logging in for the ley line event each day, you'll get another 20 MC's per month from login rewards. That's an average of 50 MC's per month for logging in and doing one event. That's ~300 days, not ~500. Daily Mystic Forger awards 1, and is available _at least_ once a month. That's down to ~290 days assuming you don't buy any -- not ~500.


> I get it. You don't want to "grind" for as much gold as it would take to buy MC's so you get can a weapon in a time frame you consider acceptable. It's your prerogative to complain about it. However, accuracy in presenting what would be involved in getting enough coins without farming gold is better than inflating the time required by over 40%.


> Would the game be better if there were less grind for optional stuff? Maybe. It might also be less populated, which would mean less revenue. Like it or not, ANet (like every MMO design studio I've seen) uses reward carrots to extend the life of their game. Legendary items are the ultimate carrot for this game.


The log-in rewards are actually on a 28-day cycle, not a month. In which case, the upper 'limit' would be 280 days, assuming no mystic coins were purchased off the trading post, and certain dailies are not completed.

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MC are going up but t6 mats are going down. They ahve introduced 3 new legendaries within 6 weeks. The gs the vision and today probably coalances. You can farm amalgamated gemstones easy now getting 10 per day now on the metas. With that being said you can sell them to buy MC. Whem they go over 2g then it might be concerning but for now it waa expected.

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So you not lucky that can sell it but you need more ?

So who disturb each day kill anomaly, close fractal cm100, cm99, and all other time get if from pvp Tournament?

You can easy get 10-50 MC on chill mode each day .. So where problem?


Don't want do pvp tournament and etc. ? So get gems -> gold -> coins

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