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Mystic coins price is out of control

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.


But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> >

> > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.


> But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.


How do you know that ANet can't add more sources? Did a dev tell you that?


I guarantee if they added in a source that generated a lot of coins with a decently high limit or no limit on how many per day, the cost on the TP would go down if there was not an increase in demand put into the game at the same time.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> I hope the price keep going up since I have so many mystic coins, I got 9 stacks mind you.


This will only help you if you actually _sell_ them, you know. ;) If you’re saving them to make legendaries yourself, then the price on the TP matters little. If you just want to sit on your piles of gold, note that they may come down at some point. Nothing that I know of suggests that happening to mystic coins, but other items have changed dramatically in their worth following changes in the game. If I were you, I would sell at least some of them, and soon, as I think the price has only reached this height once before. Or you can be like Scrooge — oodles of wealth but deriving no real value from it. :tongue:


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:


> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > Need some items that will not rapidly deflate. You may know you can at least get one per day from the ley line anomaly. Good luck.


> Only 500 days for a single gen2 or gen 2.5.


lol, no. If you're logging in every day to do that daily, you're getting your login rewards. Every 28 days you get 20 mystic coins _just_ from that. Add on one a day from the ley-line anomaly and you have 48 coins over the course of one 28 day period. You need about 483 mystic coins starting at zero clovers to make a gen 2 legendary. That comes out to 283 days if you hit all the dailies. This does not account for the Mystic Forger daily task that can appear from time to time and award an extra coin or the random drops from Fractal CMs and dailies.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > >

> > > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.

> >

> > But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.


> How do you know that ANet can't add more sources? Did a dev tell you that?


I didn't say they couldn't ... you should follow the conversation a littler better if you want to reply to me.


Again, just adding more sources is not controlling pricing on the market.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:



> And those methods did not introduce a huge number of mystic coins to the system. Meaning that ANet did not feel the current rate of generation of mystic coins or the cost of the them on the TP was too far off where they want it to be.


Yeah, they didn't. The former economist said it was a bubble that would burst soon. It hasn't. The price has been on an upward trend ever since the release of HoT and guild halls and with every subsequent release of a new legendary the prices get worse.


> And the mystic coins are primarily used for legendary weapons. Those are the long term items in the game. Costs a lot of gold and/or time to make. The current price on the TP and methods to obtain off of the TP are just fine.


Any new and upcoming guild is going to need 1055 to max out the guild hall, most of this coming from the WvW upgrades. If you think those don't matter, alliances will get rid of servers in WvW and replace them with guilds. If your guild doesn't have maxed out objective aura from claiming, then it's going to be a bad time recruiting for WvW. Anyone who has an abundance of [shard of Crystallized Mists Essence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence") can't effectively deconstruct them into globs or those globs into vials as they each take a mystic coin to do so. If the coins were just used in cosmetic upgrades, I wouldn't have a problem with the rate to acquire them, but they're not. They're used in several things that give no cosmetic benefit and are part of a soon-to-be mandatory upgrade chain for guilds interested in WvW.

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> @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:


> >

> > And those methods did not introduce a huge number of mystic coins to the system. Meaning that ANet did not feel the current rate of generation of mystic coins or the cost of the them on the TP was too far off where they want it to be.


> Yeah, they didn't. The former economist said it was a bubble that would burst soon. It hasn't. The price has been on an upward trend ever since the release of HoT and guild halls and with every subsequent release of a new legendary the prices get worse.


> > And the mystic coins are primarily used for legendary weapons. Those are the long term items in the game. Costs a lot of gold and/or time to make. The current price on the TP and methods to obtain off of the TP are just fine.


> Any new and upcoming guild is going to need 1055 to max out the guild hall, most of this coming from the WvW upgrades. If you think those don't matter, alliances will get rid of servers in WvW and replace them with guilds. If your guild doesn't have maxed out objective aura from claiming, then it's going to be a bad time recruiting for WvW. Anyone who has an abundance of [shard of Crystallized Mists Essence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence") can't effectively deconstruct them into globs or those globs into vials as they each take a mystic coin to do so. If the coins were just used in cosmetic upgrades, I wouldn't have a problem with the rate to acquire them, but they're not. They're used in several things that give no cosmetic benefit and are part of a soon-to-be mandatory upgrade chain for guilds interested in WvW.


That may be because that economist is former. Maybe he had plans to try to burst the bubble in such a way that wouldn't make them worthless.


And that only matters if that guild wants to participate in WvW and those can be contributed by multiple people and not fronted by just one person. Even a small guild could divide it up to only require a small portion per player.


And it's not a bad thing for a game to have some long term non-cosmetic things that have require expensive items to obtain if you want to bypass getting them yourself.

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I am not worried about legendary crafting and prestige skins like Winter's Presence, since it's understandable if prices are high for such things.


But when you consider non-prestige and utility recipes, the prices are currently insane. For such things the cost of a coin should stat around 30 silver.


* Armor in bulk

* Feasts and trays of food.

* Upgrade recipes.

* Promotion/Demotion recipes, like those of Mists essences.

* Converting surplus Risen Priest of Balthazar minis into obsidian.

* Reverting Bloodstone bricks back into to dust.

* Runes and Sigils

* Non-prestige exotic weapons with unique skins that do not belong to any collection like Rusttooth, Reaper of Souls and the Mystic Weapon set.


For those, rather than adding more sources of mystic coins, I'd like to have an alternate material that can be used in place of Mystic Coins.

Something that stays a cost equivalent to 30s.

For example, they could be "Mystic Doubloons" purchased from a Mystic Forge Attendant (Miyani) for 3 spirit shards and 30s each.


It would still be possible to use Mystic coins for non-prestige recipes, it would just be a non-prestige alternative.


This way prestige crafting is unaffected, but the non-prestige recipes using Mystic Coins can have a **sane** alternative.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > > >

> > > > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.

> > >

> > > But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.

> >

> > How do you know that ANet can't add more sources? Did a dev tell you that?


> I didn't say they couldn't ... you should follow the conversation a littler better if you want to reply to me.


> Again, just adding more sources is not controlling pricing on the market.


I read what you said. You think it's impossible for ANet to control the price of something by supply. And that's something I can't figure out how when supply is 1/2 of how supply & demand.


ANet just didn't increase the supply enough to affect the prices. If they increase it enough, they will.


Meaning that if you say ANet can't add coins to control the price, it is equal to saying that they can't add coins to the game.


The problem is the hoarders. If the supply increase is too great it might spook the hoarders into selling their stock off quick in order to get the most money they can from them before the price tanks. Which could make them basically worthless again. And ANet probably wants to avoid that seeing as how they didn't drastically increase the supply the last time and the prices did drop right before the patch that added the supply in with some hoarders panicking and selling in case the patch added a lot of coins. They went right back up after people realized what a small increase it actually was.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

I don't see _any_ of these examples as being critical. For the few that are truly problematic, ANet could change the requires to use something other than mystic coins. The fact that they haven't touched any of this in years suggests that they don't think it's important enough to alter.


> * Armor in bulk

There's no reason to make armor in bulk really; it's always used a comparable amount of resources to making each piece by hand.

Regardless, it's the _recipe_ that uses m-coin, not the crafting itself.

If ANet agrees this is important, the recipe cost can be altered to use something else.


> * Feasts and trays of food.

Bulk-use food doesn't use mystic coin; it's the one-time cost of creating the recipe.

Since it's a group tool, it might remain "fair" to have it require a "group price."


It's similar to scribing: the benefits go to the guild|group, while the initial costs are borne by the individual.

As with bulk armor recipes, these could be changed to no longer require m-coins.


Regardless, these are hardly critical-to-game-play unlocks.


> * Upgrade recipes.

What recipes would these be?


> * Promotion/Demotion recipes, like those of Mists essences.

For mist essences, even at current prices, this is competitive with the fractal vendor, so it's probably about where ANet would expect them to be. (I would prefer it to be cheaper, especially since the drop rate of globs is so much lower than shards or vials.)


Besides mist essences, what else uses them?


> * Converting surplus Risen Priest of Balthazar minis into obsidian.

Given all the sources of Obsidian introduced since that recipe, this seems one of the most minor examples.


> * Reverting Bloodstone bricks back into to dust.

This is similar to mini priest of balthazar, especially given how most people want less dust, not more.


> * Runes and Sigils

What runes and sigils use mystic coins?


> * Non-prestige exotic weapons with unique skins that do not belong to any collection like Rusttooth, Reaper of Souls and the Mystic Weapon set.

Those are all luxury items. I don't see why they are deserving of special mention. Sure they all cost more in mystic coins now; they also cost less in other materials than before.


> For those, rather than adding more sources of mystic coins, I'd like to have an alternate material that can be used in place of Mystic Coins.

> Something that stays a cost equivalent to 30s.

The only way to guarantee a cost is to make it a vendor item, which is clearly not their goal.


I'm not against ANet adjusting the recipes. I don't agree it's all that important to the game.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> >

> > Not everyone is buying them.


> Incorrect, everyone who needs them is buying them because they cannot farm them. Unfarmable item.


You sound like a broken record there. This system works and is perfectly balanced because not every player is even trying to go for a legendary item. In fact, only very few and dedicated ones would even consider it, unless they are going for it in an extremely casual way, which would definitely involve just saving them up.


Then there is people like me, who own 10 accounts and log into them daily :) that makes 9 accounts that add coins into the market without using any of them ever and there are maaany people just like me who do the same thing.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.

> > > >

> > > > But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.

> > >

> > > How do you know that ANet can't add more sources? Did a dev tell you that?

> >

> > I didn't say they couldn't ... you should follow the conversation a littler better if you want to reply to me.

> >

> > Again, just adding more sources is not controlling pricing on the market.


> I read what you said. You think it's impossible for ANet to control the price of something by supply. And that's something I can't figure out how when supply is 1/2 of how supply & demand.


> ANet just didn't increase the supply enough to affect the prices. If they increase it enough, they will.


That doesn't mean it's controlled. This is the problem with these 'too expensive' requests. You guys got a problem when it's 'out of control' and too much for you, but you got no problem when it's 'out of control' and super cheap. It makes no sense to complain about one and be fine with the other. That's when you know the complaint has no substance ... it's just someone not willing to pay the value for the item. We all know that's not a good reason for Anet to flood the market with mats people don't like the price of.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.

> > > > >

> > > > > But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.

> > > >

> > > > How do you know that ANet can't add more sources? Did a dev tell you that?

> > >

> > > I didn't say they couldn't ... you should follow the conversation a littler better if you want to reply to me.

> > >

> > > Again, just adding more sources is not controlling pricing on the market.

> >

> > I read what you said. You think it's impossible for ANet to control the price of something by supply. And that's something I can't figure out how when supply is 1/2 of how supply & demand.

> >

> > ANet just didn't increase the supply enough to affect the prices. If they increase it enough, they will.


> That doesn't mean it's controlled. This is the problem with these 'too expensive' requests. You guys got a problem when it's 'out of control' and too much for you, but you got no problem when it's 'out of control' and super cheap. It makes no sense to complain about one and be fine with the other. That's when you know the complaint has no substance ... it's just someone not willing to pay the value for the item. We all know that's not a good reason for Anet to flood the market with mats people don't like the price of.



And maybe you should read my replies before replying to me. Because I've said the following things, some multiple times and not necessarily explicitly:


1. I do not have a problem with the current prices of mystic coins nor do I think there will be a problem in either direction in the near future.

2. The market is controlled by players by influenced by ANet because they control the supply (drop rates) and the demand (how many items require the item and in what quantity).


I will expand on point 2. Since ANet only influences the market price sometimes a change to supply or demand done by ANet does not produce the desired results. Either no change happened or the opposite change happened. Or a planned slow decrease in price of an item through a slow increase increase in supply was halted when the one in control left the company (one possible reason for just the one time increase that did nothing to the cost of coins).


Edit: They control drastic shifts. They can really increase/decrease the demand for something or really increase/decrease the supply. They probably wouldn't do this unless they had previously really messed up with a change they put in or an item they wouldn't want at vendor price ended up at vendor price (like a T6 mat for a random example).

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> >

> > >

> > > Not everyone is buying them.

> >

> > Incorrect, everyone who needs them is buying them because they cannot farm them. Unfarmable item.


> You’re moving the goalpost. You said ‘everyone’ and not ‘everyone that needs them’.


> It is very much farmable as there are several acquisition methods provided multiple times in this thread.


Do you really know what the term farmable/farm means? It does not mean "obtainable." It means the ability to continuously grind something with few or no limits. Killing leyline anomaly once a day is not a farm.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> Edit: They control drastic shifts. They can really increase/decrease the demand for something or really increase/decrease the supply. They probably wouldn't do this unless they had previously really messed up with a change they put in or an item they wouldn't want at vendor price ended up at vendor price (like a T6 mat for a random example).


Nice ... we don't have 'drastic shifts' on MC's, so you would agree we don't need Anet to solve out of control 'expensive' MC TP prices with more supply. Glad that's settled. If we agree, i'm not sure why you are replying to me and me to you. :+1:


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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > I hope the price keep going up since I have so many mystic coins, I got 9 stacks mind you.


> This will only help you if you actually _sell_ them, you know. ;) If you’re saving them to make legendaries yourself, then the price on the TP matters little. If you just want to sit on your piles of gold, note that they may come down at some point. Nothing that I know of suggests that happening to mystic coins, but other items have changed dramatically in their worth following changes in the game. If I were you, I would sell at least some of them, and soon, as I think the price has only reached this height once before. Or you can be like Scrooge — oodles of wealth but deriving no real value from it. :tongue:



Ha! Mystic coin is the new gold standard!

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Not everyone is buying them.

> > >

> > > Incorrect, everyone who needs them is buying them because they cannot farm them. Unfarmable item.

> >

> > You’re moving the goalpost. You said ‘everyone’ and not ‘everyone that needs them’.

> >

> > It is very much farmable as there are several acquisition methods provided multiple times in this thread.


> Do you really know what the term farmable/farm means? It does not mean "obtainable." It means the ability to continuously grind something with few or no limits. Killing leyline anomaly once a day is not a farm.


No. Farming is doing the same thing, or set of things, over and over in hopes to acquire something or a quantity of somethings. The notion that this must all be done within a specific period of time, or be uninterrupted, is a requirement set by you. Farming is used in many games on things that have time restrictions.


By your definition, 'node farming' isn't farming because you're restricted by the daily limit and the number of characters that you have. Tekkit has an [amalgamated gemstone farm guide](

). I suppose everyone that call those farms are wrong because you said so? People also 'farm' the home instance which is daily. So either everyone who calls these things 'farming' are wrong or you are.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Not everyone is buying them.

> > > >

> > > > Incorrect, everyone who needs them is buying them because they cannot farm them. Unfarmable item.

> > >

> > > You’re moving the goalpost. You said ‘everyone’ and not ‘everyone that needs them’.

> > >

> > > It is very much farmable as there are several acquisition methods provided multiple times in this thread.

> >

> > Do you really know what the term farmable/farm means? It does not mean "obtainable." It means the ability to continuously grind something with few or no limits. Killing leyline anomaly once a day is not a farm.


> No. Farming is doing the same thing, or set of things, over and over in hopes to acquire something or a quantity of somethings. The notion that this must all be done within a specific period of time, or be uninterrupted, is a requirement set by you. Farming is used in many games on things that have time restrictions.


> By your definition, 'node farming' isn't farming because you're restricted by the daily limit and the number of characters that you have. Tekkit has an [amalgamated gemstone farm guide](

). I suppose everyone that call those farms are wrong because you said so? People also 'farm' the home instance which is daily. So either everyone who calls these things 'farming' are wrong or you are.




You think I invented that definition? Sorry to disappoint, but no.


"...isn't farming because you're restricted by the daily limit and the number of characters that you have" -- right, I stated that farming has "few or no limits." What you're describing is something with few limits.


As for your second point, Is it a shock to you that Tekkit, who is clearly not a native English speaker, **slightly** misuses a word? I say slightly because he's not that far off; getting all available hero chests every day takes quite a bit of time and nets (I believe) 8 of a fairly valuable item, pushing it pretty close to the definition of farming. EDIT: Oh, and that video by Tekkit is also called **gold** farm, not an AmalGem farm, which pushes it even further into the traditional definition of the word. I'm not sure why you misrepresented it.


Who are these "everyone" that you're referring to? I don't see much reference to them in your response.


Anyway, in case you're interested in information on this term:






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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not everyone is buying them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Incorrect, everyone who needs them is buying them because they cannot farm them. Unfarmable item.

> > > >

> > > > You’re moving the goalpost. You said ‘everyone’ and not ‘everyone that needs them’.

> > > >

> > > > It is very much farmable as there are several acquisition methods provided multiple times in this thread.

> > >

> > > Do you really know what the term farmable/farm means? It does not mean "obtainable." It means the ability to continuously grind something with few or no limits. Killing leyline anomaly once a day is not a farm.

> >

> > No. Farming is doing the same thing, or set of things, over and over in hopes to acquire something or a quantity of somethings. The notion that this must all be done within a specific period of time, or be uninterrupted, is a requirement set by you. Farming is used in many games on things that have time restrictions.

> >

> > By your definition, 'node farming' isn't farming because you're restricted by the daily limit and the number of characters that you have. Tekkit has an [amalgamated gemstone farm guide](

). I suppose everyone that call those farms are wrong because you said so? People also 'farm' the home instance which is daily. So either everyone who calls these things 'farming' are wrong or you are.

> >

> >


> You think I invented that definition? Sorry to disappoint, but no.


No as those restrictions have likely been used before you. You're just the one using them now.


> "...isn't farming because you're restricted by the daily limit and the number of characters that you have" -- right, I stated that farming has "few or no limits." What you're describing is something with few limits.


No fewer limits than mystic coins. The "few or no limits" is another ones of your phrasings so keep in mind that you cannot pick and choose which fall under it. Not like it matters anyway as this doesn't have an impact on something being a farm.


> As for your second point, Is it a shock to you that Tekkit, who is clearly not a native English speaker, **slightly** misuses a word? I say slightly because he's not that far off; getting all available hero chests every day takes quite a bit of time and nets (I believe) 8 of a fairly valuable item, pushing it pretty close to the definition of farming. EDIT: Oh, and that video by Tekkit is also called **gold** farm, not an AmalGem farm, which pushes it even further into the traditional definition of the word. I'm not sure why you misrepresented it.



Farming event metas for amalgamated gemstones to sell for gold. No different than farming the acquisition methods for mystic coins to then sell for gold. You're just favoring one over the other.


> Who are these "everyone" that you're referring to? I don't see much reference to them in your response.


"Farming" is a commonly used phrase. Also note of the phrasing that I specifically used.


> Anyway, in case you're interested in information on this term:

> https://www.techopedia.com/definition/19278/farming

> https://www.pcgamer.com/pc-gaming-terms-and-their-true-meanings/2/

> https://genius.com/3892679

> http://www.lagkills.com/gaming-acronyms.htm



None of which state that time-gates negate something from being considered farming. All of those parallel the definition I gave in my previous post. Much appreciation for backing it up though.


If you’d like to continue this discussion on what farming is, feel free to create a new thread. I won’t comment further as this thread isn’t about that and it’s best to not divert it further.

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> @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> Any new and upcoming guild is going to need 1055 to max out the guild hall, most of this coming from the WvW upgrades. If you think those don't matter, alliances will get rid of servers in WvW and replace them with guilds. If your guild doesn't have maxed out objective aura from claiming, then it's going to be a bad time recruiting for WvW. Anyone who has an abundance of [shard of Crystallized Mists Essence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence") can't effectively deconstruct them into globs or those globs into vials as they each take a mystic coin to do so. If the coins were just used in cosmetic upgrades, I wouldn't have a problem with the rate to acquire them, but they're not. They're used in several things that give no cosmetic benefit and are part of a soon-to-be mandatory upgrade chain for guilds interested in WvW.

Good thing mystic coins can be gotten from wvw and fractals in a reliable way, so all of those cases are already covered.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> >

> > Oh, really? How so? Personally, I'm unaware of any group ingame capable of controlling MC price longterm. Only Anet can do that (by making new sources and/or sinks for them).


> Except that's not what necessarily what happens when Anet adds more sources ... we already seen it. Anet DID add more sources ... the price for MC has steadily increased for many years now.


I don't see how that counters anything i have said.


Anet not introducing new sources that would have immediate, big impact on prices doesn't mean they _can't_ do exactly that (because they can - if they really wanted, they could have made MCs plummet to vendor price overnight, with just a single patch). Additionally, the sources they added _did_ impact the prices. Yes, MC price keeps increasing, but the adjustments Anet made slowed that incease initially, and made them semi-stabilize at somewhere above 1g. Until they added more sinks, undoing their earlier work. Not to mention the jump of MC prices from the original 1s value to the current level is also all Anet's doing.


On the other hand, like i said before, i have yet to see any group of players capable of controlling MC price longterm.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> They don't need to ... if the correlation between sources and the TP prices was strong, the price for MC's would have went down, not up because Anet DID add sources to get more MC's.

Adding a new source doesn't automatically mean that the new source is enough to balance the supply/demand inequality. And so it happens that in this case it wasn't even close to be enough. It did slow the price increase trend for a while, though (until demand went up again due to introducing new sinks without introducing new sources).


So, in the end: MCs are not a player-controlled market. It's a market controlled by Anet. It doesn't automatically mean they are good at controlling it (they have proved many times over that they have problems with finetuning anything).


They (and only they) have the tools that can let them control the MC market. It's just they aren't always using them well.


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