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What did you think of the meta-event rush?

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I know the event hasn't quite finished but I wanted to put this up while I remembered. I'm interested to hear how people feel about the meta-event rush because I've seen other games do similar events with very mixed reactions, from people who thought it was the most fun they've ever had to people who felt pressured to farm it as much as possible and then got so burned out they quit the game afterwards and others who refused to participate even if it's stuff they'd do normally. I've seen very little discussion about this event, and I'm just wondering how GW2 players feel about it because I sometimes get the impression we approach this game quite differently to how people play other MMOs.


I've tried to cover all the common reactions I've seen on other forums but I'm sure I'll have missed some. I also tried to make the comments fairly neutral but I'm sure the wording won't quite work for everyone, so feel free to pick the nearest one then explain further.

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The other reason I'm using a poll to gauge reactions - I've barely participated so I've not seen much of people's reactions in-game. I have to admit this kind of event just doesn't interest me - doing the same stuff we can do all the time for an extra RNG box isn't exciting to me. In GW2 I'm fine with that, I don't need to like everything they do and there's many other kinds of events and festivals, but it frustrates me in some games when basically all their festivals are like this.


Also for me the timing is slightly unfortunate - I'm still working on getting my Skyscale and for me unlocking a dragon mount is an absolute 'Drop _Everything_ And Do This Now' priority. I'm not going to worry about the chance for some invisible shoes when I could be getting my dragon.


Although I am trying to remember to do Serpent's Ire when it's next up (just under an hour). I've been meaning to do it since the announcement that it was re-worked and kept missing it or forgetting and I'm thinking my best chance of doing it on a Monday morning (which I'm most likely to have time) is during this event so I'd better get on with it.

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I've alternated between events that I wanted to do, Guild coordinated stuff and just random things...been trying to hit Serpent's as much as I can since it gives out 6 extra boxes...but also remembering to do the Treasure Hunt(which is not part of the event).


P.S. - People are still commenting in the original thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77959/weeklong-bonus-event-meta-event-rush#latest as well.

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The boxes are more rewarding but I burned out waiting for those kitten temples to start whatever event. SERIOUSLY can something be done about the temples, just add a global timer for them, it's nerve breaking to wait during half the day... Hopefully I did some silverwastes, but was easier with world bosses for me, would have liked that other metas like specimen chamber to be integrated in it because I know when they start. But yeah finally haven't got many boxes like 20 only.... whereas for wb, surely hit 60.


Not a question of motivation: did dragon stand 2 times: 0 boxes

Did lyssa temple 3 times: 0 boxes

Just have enough. Only vinewrath and dwayna worked.


I was waiting for pre-events of wb to count in it, but seems not. Why? Hehe they are referenced as metas on wiki...

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I enjoyed it, added incentive to play content I don't usually prioritize.


Found myself sticking mostly to the Crystal Desert though, very little incentive to go to Silverwastes and Orr due to their events not being on a set timer thus making them difficult to catch.

Managed to get some good stuff through the event, Genesis, Crustacea and a Black infusion.


Overall a good event but I really wish that more events were on the list, I cannot for the life of me see why Junundu Rising, Tarir and Verdant Brink were not part of this event.. not to mention Palawadan and a lot of the season 4 living world metas.

We could have had a good chunk of content to work with on this event that would have given us a lot of incentive to run events in a lot of different maps.

I would have at least tried to complete each meta at least once a day in that case, after the first few days running the same events multiple times got a little boring tbh so I limited it to one Serpants Ire, one Maws of Torment, one Doppleganger and one Chak Gerrant per day while throwing in a Junundu Rising and Death Branded Shatterer between waiting times.

Hopefully those events will count in a future rush.

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It was a nice addition to the game.


My answer would be in-between the first two : I did a few more metas than I usually do, only for a few chances to get one of the better drops (which did not happened), but I did not farmed them intensively.


I have the feeling that overall it was liked by the majority of players. There was always a lot of players doing the meta when I attended one.

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I picked normal, since it best fits your reasoning for asking. I've actually been doing Oasis, since it's something I had in my rotation for a little while, and I tried a few others (that were fun), but mostly just the added Oasis this time around. Not because I don't appreciate the event, just some added recent life time constraints.


Also, still coming down from the last LW release, and barely had a chance to breathe. And...here comes another one! :o If this becomes the new norm, I'm going to have to take a step back and realize I don't have to participate in 'everything' all the time. :)


Hmm, I think I picked the wrong one. Should have picked the orange one.

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Decent enough. The events and rewards were fine but the unacceptable level of visual noise put me off doing too many


Visual noise pollution must be an absolute priority for the team if these things continue. When I can’t see s boss, have to move to range or mechanics are missed because they’re in the same line as the conditions affecting an enemy, there are design flaws in place.


If I was able to play without the light show, I’d enjoy the experience and participate more

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> I havn't been able to play for the week because of PC issues... if not for that I would most likely have looked to farm it all day everyday.


Oh that sucks. That's happened to me a few times, one year I missed almost all of Wintersday because my PC died, and then I was away, I think I just managed to play a bit on the last few days.


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> I've alternated between events that I wanted to do, Guild coordinated stuff and just random things...been trying to hit Serpent's as much as I can since it gives out 6 extra boxes...but also remembering to do the Treasure Hunt(which is not part of the event).


> P.S. - People are still commenting in the original thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77959/weeklong-bonus-event-meta-event-rush#latest as well.


Thanks, I completely missed that topic but it's quite informative. :)


> @"Etria.3642" said:

> You're missing an option. I like it! I did a few extra events but not all I could do.


I knew I'd miss at least one. I tried to think of all the different kinds of reactions I'd seen to events like this but I expected I'd miss some.


What's interesting to me is that relatively few people went all-out trying to farm as many events as possible. That seems to be a common approach in other games I've played and then people end up either disillusioned with the rewards vs. the effort they put in or so burned out they need to stop playing completely for a while afterwards. Which admittedly I've been guilty of too, including in GW2 (for me it's mainly at Halloween, trying to get enough gold/candy corn for the minis). So I find it interesting that it doesn't seem to have happened here.

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Well, Serpent's Ire has been fixed to something far more reasonable.


I did receive some bonus boxes but they were mostly full of consumables I don't want. The timing of this event has been such that I haven't participated much, unfortunately. Too many other things to do.

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I have to concede that I do feel a bit of burnout, even though I didn't farm metas as hardcore as some. But overall I really liked the event, and paired with adding Heroic Chests to PoF, gave me a chance to do some PoF metas I had never done before.


As a result of this event:

- I've farmed enough Blitz Coins to get all the kites and tonics. Prior to this week I had a single kite, and had done the event maybe 2-3 times.

- I've participated in / completed many PoF metas I had never done: Maw, Augury Rock/Doppleganger, Serpent's Ire

- I've accumulated a boat load of T3-T5 mats, which is great for doing Gen 2 legs, and refilling storage after my last legendary.


July will likely bring us the Festival of Four Winds again, so I'm storing a lot of low value mats (silk, thick leather, etc) to trade in for boxes.


The Boss Blitz was a joke imo, but I really had fun with this event. :+1:

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Neither of the top two choices really captured my reaction but the second one was the closest. I liked the whole thing a lot but wasn't thinking of it in terms of farming. Not sure how to explain it but the real enjoyment for me was being a part of something that a whole group of players was doing together. Usually I play as a solo roamer but this felt like a group effort as we raced through the reward tiers. That feeling did flatten out a bit once all the tiers were completed but the individual metas were still fun, especially ones I hadn't done before or hadn't done in a long time.

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i like events like this, here is why.


you can do easy old content like zombie (risen) maps for boxes with chances to get drops that normally only drop from Long events like chak (that needs ppl with skill for the meta succesfull) and those events are only every few hours. and ofc everyone goes for the infusion that never drops so the feel of being disappointed afterwards is huge.

(atleast for me, as loot goblin) everything ingame i do at the moment make me mad a bit, i dont feel getting rewarded for the time spend and that hurts. i know they want to make money but the greed is real. black lion chests example. i want a glider skin from it but only 1 chance a week with key run. my last 5th bonus drop from a black lion chest was after 25 keys (26e key dropped one) spread over 2018 and 2019. i am not rich irl i work hard for my money and i dont gamble with it. (not addicted enough to the game to do this) buying the most luxe edition is no problem. then i am sure what i get :)

map completion if i am lucky i get 1 key out of 8 maps completed. (completion takes few hours for me even with a mount) thats 208 keys before i get a 5th slot from a chest and the chest have so many rewards so i would never get it. and with this bad rng i am no motivating enough to do much anymore. (i dont know another word for greed but i think its the right word) 208 map completions for a skin is not a fair way in my opinion. its 260 euro total for a skin 208 x 1,25 euro a key. for this price you can buy a very nice headset and a gaming mouse compared to pixels. i ofc dont want to hate but think about it, its not normal in my opinion. they should put those skins at store and accept the 10 euro or 5 euro that ppl want to give for it instead of letting ppl spend 100 euro for a skin, 100 euro is much money for ppl with normal work. i have said this many times but sure the greed.. nothing happens. i sometimes buy gems, i do when i need upgrades and when i think positive about the game and thats only if i get nice loot for the time i spend.

but back to the event. i like the event and they should keep it this way. 1 easy champion in risen map gives 4 boxes and infusions are super rare and this is 4 times the chance

for simple kill compared to a long event like chak. sure those big events like dragonstand are nice for once in a while but not to do everyday (for me)


sorry but i had to say this. i hope you understand. :)

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I just continued to do my daily run through the metas although last night I did spend some extra time doing the PoF metas again to farm more elegy mosaics.


As far as rewarding, I did get one of the condi Chak infusions last night as well. Wasn’t expecting that.

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I love the event, absolutely despise its execution.

The choice of events is so random it feels almost selected by a round of darts.

And the choice of Orr?

I had completely forgotten how ridiculously undoable the events are to partake in.

You have no way of knowing or controlling when and where the temple occurrences occur. And with the temples divided over 3 maps you can't even wait for any of them to start

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I enjoyed the extra rewards and participation in these metas. I did more than I normally would, including the PoF metas which I’d never done before, but “farming” them would have diminished the fun for me and honestly, is not rational to do beyond whatever level you enjoy. The rewards were a nice bonus, yes, but not worth exhausting yourself for and I suspect those who did were hoping for an extra rate drop and again, that just is not rational. If you buy 500 lottery tickets, you technically have a better chance of winning than if you buy 1, but the chances are sooo infinitesimal as to be statistically irrelevant.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> Neither of the top two choices really captured my reaction but the second one was the closest. I liked the whole thing a lot but wasn't thinking of it in terms of farming. Not sure how to explain it but the real enjoyment for me was being a part of something that a whole group of players was doing together. Usually I play as a solo roamer but this felt like a group effort as we raced through the reward tiers. That feeling did flatten out a bit once all the tiers were completed but the individual metas were still fun, especially ones I hadn't done before or hadn't done in a long time.



My feelings exactly! :)

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I posted the following on a different thread but it totally works here too:


This is the heart of this game: open world content. Whether we're rushing metas, events, bosses, as long as the content is OPEN, you'll get good reviews overall. Closed content makes for a game that serves a few. This game was meant to be open. Core Tyria was structured to be that way. Go back to your roots, devs. Open world is your bread and butter.

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I've really enjoyed it, and I've been doing a few more (or different) metas than I would normally have done over the course of the week. I feel like a good balance was struck in making the bonus rewards feel enough worth it to make me seek out metas more often, but not so overdone as to make me feel pressured to do these events to the exclusion of all else.


I have very much appreciated that the event has offered me the opportunity and motivation to progress a few achievements that have been languishing, and I have now pied Drakin Cinderspire in the face and discovered the Lost Verse, as well as getting a few spikes down in the Maws. I hope that future such meta events will also include attention to content that fulfills older achievements.

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