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The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling


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I started doing some ranked matches for the first time when this season started and I have never seen a worse cesspool than the 10 matches I have fought. When I played unranked it was kindergarten level compared. I don't consider myself having a thin skin, but it does make you think twice before doing any more.

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> @"Crypto.7609" said:

> Devs mindlessly copy system that puts you with 4 random people and evaluates people's rank based on performance of those 4 random people instead of your own performance in games = enjoy toxic system until devs become more intelligent and introduce new, performance based ranked system.


Posts like this that abdicate control over one's emotions and behavior until a video game company makes rules changes always make me laugh

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This morning we had several new players- brokenhearted of the abuse they received by abusive Toxic Players, insulting them to 'get gut' after each instant deaths by these players.


Yes!! I totally blame Anet for creating a hostile environment due to their Toxic balancing with Toxic designing of these professions giving, promoting and encouraging these players to be Toxic-Abusive.


Each time Anet increase Toxic balancing including Toxic designs; it gives abusive players more power to abuse even more.


**Create a Toxic-Hostile environment and an Toxic experience, only encourages and promotes more Abuse**


These Toxic-Abusive players as i witness as well, were very Proud of their actions because 'they can do so without any punishments whatsoever'-'Anet won't do anything'-'they gave it to us, so why not abuse it'


That is why i am strongly against encouraging Toxic balancing+Toxic designs---It leaves no room for Punishment and Consequences.


**Toxicity gives abusers free-will to abuse-to be hostile and granting them unlimited access to harass anyone without repercussion at anytime, anywhere without Punishment**


(As long Toxicity-Abuse is involved in balancing and designs, its abuse will continue until there will not be anyone left to take the abuse)


I am furious that Anet has not taken absolutely no steps of defusing Toxicity or to even make any serious attempt of completely removing it in the game


Toxicity can not be contained or controlled. It's destiny is destruction and death.


**Toxicity will take Gw2 to its grave without mercy**


2 Choices


1- Either do something about it now

2- Embrace Gw2 imminent death


**It is Anet duty to encourage a healthy environment and to promote a competitive-Fun experience for all players alike**


(Power-Creep, +1 shotting, Bad Design Mechanics including Stealth, Spamming Powerful Skills at will, Abusing Broken Skills, allowing Thief Toxicity to control the game dynamics including its balancing must immediately end. Lastly; for the complete removal of Thief-to be later added to the game--after carefully being reworked/redesign after once its Toxicity influences in the game has calmed)

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling

> > Plz Anet fix it by having Voice chat for a better toxicity experience.

> > thq


> So many people believe or think that Voice chat would make all the toxicity feel worse or more "harassing" however I really can't help but think that most of the people would laugh their ***off the moment someone would be baby-raging on them with help of voice chat, just like it's super laughable in games that do have voice-chat.


In Heroes of the Storm (a MOBA of all things, probably the most toxic type of game ever created) the devs were reluctant to implement voice chat. A large portion of the community didn't judge it a great idea either, but turns out it made matches better and less toxic because players who would run wild on their keyboard weren't so enthusiastic about flaming on voice chat.


Last time I played I'd autojoin voice and turn chat off, save for warnings and pings. Started winning way more after that, games became more fun and less stressful too.

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Create a guild for chill people. Slowly acquire chill people. Practice in unranked. Go do tournaments.

Why do people think you need to give toxic players the time of day for any reason? Leave them to struggle in ranked. There's a bunch of people hanging out in duel rooms/the HoTM Arena that are also decent teammates and can also likely pull their weight in tournaments, and they can __also__ write complete sentences without being angry.


There is literally no reason to play ranked at the moment, especially with match manipulation upsetting the higher tiers of play and basically making it a contest of who is willing to sink the most gold for an arbitrary title. If you want to have fun in pvp, go find the fun people instead of trying to tolerate the people who make it their aim to be as intolerable as possible, then claim the pvp community is dying.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> ?


> Create a guild for chill people. Slowly acquire chill people. Practice in unranked. Go do tournaments.

> Why do people think you need to give toxic players the time of day for any reason? Leave them to struggle in ranked. There's a bunch of people hanging out in duel rooms/the HoTM Arena that are also decent teammates and can also likely pull their weight in tournaments, and they can __also__ write complete sentences without being angry.


> There is literally no reason to play ranked at the moment, especially with match manipulation upsetting the higher tiers of play and basically making it a contest of who is willing to sink the most gold for an arbitrary title. If you want to have fun in pvp, go find the fun people instead of trying to tolerate the people who make it their aim to be as intolerable as possible, then claim the pvp community is dying.


the thing is that ranked play is very rewarding...

the chest pips gives lots of gold and it gives you a legendary via the Year of Ascencion... :/

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > ?

> >

> > Create a guild for chill people. Slowly acquire chill people. Practice in unranked. Go do tournaments.

> > Why do people think you need to give toxic players the time of day for any reason? Leave them to struggle in ranked. There's a bunch of people hanging out in duel rooms/the HoTM Arena that are also decent teammates and can also likely pull their weight in tournaments, and they can __also__ write complete sentences without being angry.

> >

> > There is literally no reason to play ranked at the moment, especially with match manipulation upsetting the higher tiers of play and basically making it a contest of who is willing to sink the most gold for an arbitrary title. If you want to have fun in pvp, go find the fun people instead of trying to tolerate the people who make it their aim to be as intolerable as possible, then claim the pvp community is dying.


> the thing is that ranked play is very rewarding...

> the chest pips gives lots of gold and it gives you a legendary via the Year of Ascencion... :/


I don't think lots of gold/legendaries are worth putting up with what ranked has become to be honest. Not when those things also can come if you put groups together that you actually like being around, whatever the hit to efficiency is, but I understand the reasoning.


[And tournaments are pretty lucrative too]

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My simple solution is to turn off the chat and play as best as possible. I play for chests , ascended shards , and gold nothing else. I do find it strange that any criticism in this forum of ANET is quickly snuffed out and poster given a warning but the constant abuse of members in PVP by some is tolerated and allowed to escalate to unbearable levels. The increase of inactive/idle players in tourneys is also something that wasn't as bad last year

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I am not abdicating toxic behavior, but...were these new players in ranked PvP? If so, they have no business being there. They need to hone their PvP skills in unranked, by the time they "get gud" they will have thick skin and not get hurt feels over a video game.


> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> This morning we had several new players- brokenhearted of the abuse they received by abusive Toxic Players, insulting them to 'get gut' after each instant deaths by these players.



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over the past years alot staff has change inside arenanet and since what? 2014 i think john corpening is head of competitive and he is pretty much an sympathic guy i would any time meet in a bar after work to have some chit chat and a beer with, watch a football match in a stadium together or what ever. but when i see how and where the meta and balance has gone to in all competitive gamemodes its no wonder that community is so hard toxic by now as the current meta and design puts people under hard stress and frustration so they vent in form of toxic chatting and its heavily increasing.


one false move and BBOOOOOOMM 20k hit you recieve and are in downstate directly. no human errors allowed anymore.


is the gameplay design what turned community into. theres almost no "between" anymore with sustained fighting where you can say "gg" after to your enemies. either you block the first attacks with stress dodgefest and all the blocks you have or it makes BOOOOOOOOMMMM 23k , 18k, baaaaaaMMMM 8k hit and all boons gone.... thats why alot people have no respect of their enemies anymore. that all leads to a lack of fun. that leads to people calling enemies out and the other side just is like "improve your personal skill level noob" while playing a class which can one shoot enemies out of nowhere....


the number of fights where i can say "damn that other guy was pretty good and the fight was FUN" is very low these days, most the times i anger myself about that fuckin 5 digit incomming damage even if i win.


its a matter of leadership here, as the only one who did not change over the years is the head of competitive.


you can see that because nothing has really changed on the gamemodes. wvw got 1 new desert map and pvp got beta dshinn + some minor changes on coliseum after years of existence... stronghold not to meantion is like small scale roaming with pve content inside, better go wvw directly.

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> @"SplendaDaddy.6980" said:


> WOW you must have amazing team coordination with that attitude. Hope to never see you in my matches.


> > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > Easy fix I've discovered last season. Just block everybody as soon as you enter the match. Works like a charm.



Yes indeed because I have good map awareness and can actually see and use minimap and group display.

Actually I didn't block a lot of ppl this season, I was just very unfortunate at the end of last season because I could only play very occasionally on weekend evenings (where we all know the best queues are happening) so I dropped hard to gold 2.. but it keeps getting better the higher I climb back into plat to a point where toxicity is basically non-existent anymore in plat 2.

What really grinds my gear this season is actually the amount of completely stupid bleed outs.. Like I had so many (almost) thrown matches because some people just never cleaved or stomped anyone so they kept resetting (obviously - but to some not so much apparently..) and eventually won the team fight.

Like just yesterday I had several matches where a couple soulbeasts were constantly left to bleed out or people between enemy spawn and far.. it's actually mind bogglingly stupid if you ask me. We still won but it was unnecessarily close.

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