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A solid case as to why Tengu could be a playable race, and why it would be worthwhile.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > This is all the confirmation I need, thank you. Its good to see the community wants nothing of weight, Peace.

> > > >

> > > > And for the record, I assume we are going to cantha because of all the mentions through PoF/Living world (Books and ect) And all the anime/Asian themed skins and items being droped into the Black lion trading post. Frankly im over it, I don't like any of the races and the one I did like (Norn) got shafted this game so I think im about done; To me its all ugly and the only things I want (Viking armors or armors with furs/bones/leather for all weights that looks good) Gets kitten on even when its not that big of a deal. I mean its fine really; I expect it from this community at this point to just want more of the same so as I stated. I might be one person but there are alot more who probably won't buy the next expansion, E-specs are nothing to get excited about anymore and like I care about mounts.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for reading, this thread can be deleted.

> > >

> > > talk about passive aggressive salt

> >

> > kitten straight, Because this community is exhausting. If ya'll want this game to die then go for it~ It's already forgotten and overshadowed by other games whom don't even come close but offer people more customization and allows for better class builds/gameplay. The pvp is a joke, WvW is trash currently and really the living world is mute content (Outside the mount they added which took a bit, but is mainly just because of time-gating.) There is no cosmetics I like, I won't be forced to continue playing a game where my particular tastes are clearly not welcomed.

> >

> > So yes, passive aggressive salt. Id be far more aggressive but sadly this is a "Safe space".


> this is the type of quality posts i come here for


I got you bbe <3

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The key to the forums is for people to show interest in things that they find interesting and to share that with Anet. There can be advantages to issues reappearing and repeating as ANet has said themselves no sometimes means no right now. They use the forums as directional information on things people may want so if anything we want people to share things that they might have interest in. As far as new threads versus old, if you are going in a completely different direction than the original OP it might be better to open a new one versus try and hijack someone else's post, at least as far as concept threads go. Nothing wrong with saying would prefer something else if projects are conflicting but let's leave it to Anet to say no it won't or can't happen. Mounts and SAB are good examples where it took players "beating the dead horse" re-asking over and over to show ANet it continued to be of interest. And full disclosure, wasn't interested in mounts but am on the side they turned out well and are a good addition so if people hadn't keep at it we might not have gotten there. Food for thought. Good gaming!

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > This is all the confirmation I need, thank you. Its good to see the community wants nothing of weight, Peace.

> > >

> > > And for the record, I assume we are going to cantha because of all the mentions through PoF/Living world (Books and ect) And all the anime/Asian themed skins and items being droped into the Black lion trading post. Frankly im over it, I don't like any of the races and the one I did like (Norn) got shafted this game so I think im about done; To me its all ugly and the only things I want (Viking armors or armors with furs/bones/leather for all weights that looks good) Gets kitten on even when its not that big of a deal. I mean its fine really; I expect it from this community at this point to just want more of the same so as I stated. I might be one person but there are alot more who probably won't buy the next expansion, E-specs are nothing to get excited about anymore and like I care about mounts.

> > >

> > > Thanks for reading, this thread can be deleted.

> >

> > talk about passive aggressive salt


> kitten straight, Because this community is exhausting. If ya'll want this game to die then go for it~ It's already forgotten and overshadowed by other games whom don't even come close but offer people more customization and allows for better class builds/gameplay. The pvp is a joke, WvW is trash currently and really the living world is mute content (Outside the mount they added which took a bit, but is mainly just because of time-gating.) There is no cosmetics I like, I won't be forced to continue playing a game where my particular tastes are clearly not welcomed.


> So yes, passive aggressive salt. Id be far more aggressive but sadly this is a "Safe space".


You can't expect everyone to want/agree on everything. I honestly do want Cantha and playable tengu. I just tend to be on the "better pleasantly surprised than disappointed" side of things.


If you are right and Cantha is next, well to me it would be a very nice suprise I would be pretty hype about. Others would be probably be mad, but there is always some.

Same with tengu, if we get playable tengu I would be super hype about it. I still don't have a revenant, because to me, class by itself is not motivation. But experiencing story from a different perspective is.


So I don't really disagree with you on that. Just still... I expect nothing, because then I can't get disappointed.

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If they were going to add a new race, they would want something with a major wow-factor, something that would sell the game and get people talking. Tengu would only end up as one of the least played races. Although they've obviously left the Tengu open as an option, they would likely go with something not currently in the game. For example, they would never do this, but having Aurene continue to amass power, take on a hybrid human form and found a new nation/race with the unique racial of built-in gliding/skyscale would sell a lot better.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > > >

> > > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> > >

> > > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

> >

> > It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")

> >

> > "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."

> >

> > Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.

> >


> that's extremely flimsy


Not really, after HoT Mike O'Brien announced that they were being organised into an expansion team (that was working on PoF) and three living world teams. After the layoffs Mike Zadorojny told us that:


"We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP."


That seems to be a thorough list of their teams and there's no mention of an expansion team. No mention of an expansion in their future plans. They talk about plans to eventually raise jeweller to 500 but no mention of an expansion.


It's possible that there will be another expansion but it's also likely that none is being worked on right now. Right now, it's just as likely that season 5 will lead into season 6 as it will into another expansion.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > Oh gods this again... you could not search for the hundreds of other threads that already beat this poor centaur to death?


> Same was done for mounts, Im just going on now because we have tons of hints at a cantha expansion. Would be nice if it was done; Im not saying they will I have no faith in A-net anymore once so ever so I mean take it for what it is worth. They cater to... a very specific crowd and im not one of them, I know this but as it stands now I can't see myself giving them anymore money for expansions~ Especially with how poor the last two were.


Except for mounts, Anet purposefully did not comment on the topic and left it open for discussion. Not so much for new playable races, as they did explicitly post earlier that it would probably be too much resource use for too little payoff or something to that effect. So maybe we'll get a new playable race, but it seems very unlikely and not worth getting my hopes up for.


Cantha, on the other hand, I very much do see happening eventually, if not next expac, as it would be a major money maker and has had a ton of demand since launch.

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Altough I'd really like to play as a Tengu for a long time, I'm trying not to think about it since ArenaNet doesn't seem to be willing to add them and neither do the community.


Though I'm one that always expect the worst in a situation so I don't get disapointed.


But damn it, that race could have been so much nice to play if they weren't canceled (I'm all for non-human races in video games that do look unique and not too much like humans, but I'm really not a fan of Charrs. Tengu would have been my main if they were here.)

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I agree that it can be done. I would get a kick out of tengu as a playable race. But, I dont know if it would be worthwhile. A new race as the big core new thing in an expansion pack would not be sufficient inducement to buy for me...and I really like tengu.


Also, the last I heard Anet wasnt intending a third expansion, or at least not any time soon. If the OP has any information that trumps company higher ups I would love to see it.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > > > >

> > > > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> > > >

> > > > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

> > >

> > > It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")

> > >

> > > "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."

> > >

> > > Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.

> > >

> >

> > that's extremely flimsy


> Not really, after HoT Mike O'Brien announced that they were being organised into an expansion team (that was working on PoF) and three living world teams. After the layoffs Mike Zadorojny told us that:


> "We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP."


> That seems to be a thorough list of their teams and there's no mention of an expansion team. No mention of an expansion in their future plans. They talk about plans to eventually raise jeweller to 500 but no mention of an expansion.


> It's possible that there will be another expansion but it's also likely that none is being worked on right now. Right now, it's just as likely that season 5 will lead into season 6 as it will into another expansion.


except 1. xpacs are a big money maker for anet and 2 why would they talk about xpac stuff to us when there's at least an entire season of LW before it (and we tend to get xpac news at the end of the preceding season)

so to me there's no reason for anet to talk about it or not be working on it

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> > > > >

> > > > > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

> > > >

> > > > It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")

> > > >

> > > > "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."

> > > >

> > > > Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.

> > > >

> > >

> > > that's extremely flimsy

> >

> > Not really, after HoT Mike O'Brien announced that they were being organised into an expansion team (that was working on PoF) and three living world teams. After the layoffs Mike Zadorojny told us that:

> >

> > "We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP."

> >

> > That seems to be a thorough list of their teams and there's no mention of an expansion team. No mention of an expansion in their future plans. They talk about plans to eventually raise jeweller to 500 but no mention of an expansion.

> >

> > It's possible that there will be another expansion but it's also likely that none is being worked on right now. Right now, it's just as likely that season 5 will lead into season 6 as it will into another expansion.


> except 1. xpacs are a big money maker for anet and 2 why would they talk about xpac stuff to us when there's at least an entire season of LW before it (and we tend to get xpac news at the end of the preceding season)

> so to me there's no reason for anet to talk about it or not be working on it


1. Are they? Maybe, but the content drought before and after HoT cost then a lot of players. Only they know how much. Similarly they've been struggling to get LS4 episodes out as quickly as with LS3, maybe they don't have the staff numbers to keep developing an expansion and the LS at the same time right now.

2. They told us they were working on another expansion after HoT in an AMA when LS3 began. We knew there would be another expansion long before LS3 ended.


Here they've stated their team structure and no expansion team is mentioned. This was in a post about the future of GW2 it was all about future plans, they talk about legendary runes and sigils, coming and jeweller 500 and other future plans and there is no mention of another expansion. They've also repeatedly stated that they want to deliver expansion level content in the LS episodes.


There may be another expansion, I hope there is, but from the actual posts and interviews I take it that there is no expansion being worked on now. Frequent live content additions keep people playing, so that's the priority.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

> > > > >

> > > > > It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")

> > > > >

> > > > > "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."

> > > > >

> > > > > Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > that's extremely flimsy

> > >

> > > Not really, after HoT Mike O'Brien announced that they were being organised into an expansion team (that was working on PoF) and three living world teams. After the layoffs Mike Zadorojny told us that:

> > >

> > > "We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP."

> > >

> > > That seems to be a thorough list of their teams and there's no mention of an expansion team. No mention of an expansion in their future plans. They talk about plans to eventually raise jeweller to 500 but no mention of an expansion.

> > >

> > > It's possible that there will be another expansion but it's also likely that none is being worked on right now. Right now, it's just as likely that season 5 will lead into season 6 as it will into another expansion.

> >

> > except 1. xpacs are a big money maker for anet and 2 why would they talk about xpac stuff to us when there's at least an entire season of LW before it (and we tend to get xpac news at the end of the preceding season)

> > so to me there's no reason for anet to talk about it or not be working on it


> 1. Are they?


yes, gw2's quarterly earnings are public and show clear spikes around xpac releases (especially PoF)


>Similarly they've been struggling to get LS4 episodes out as quickly as with LS3, maybe they don't have the staff numbers to keep developing an expansion and the LS at the same time right now.


could be manny reasons for that (backend being more of a mess, inernal drama, those cancelled projects diverting resources, ) but nothing hints at them being understaffed.


> 2. They told us they were working on another expansion after HoT in an AMA when LS3 began. We knew there would be another expansion long before LS3 ended.


that was more them saying that they weren't gonna have the content drought from HoT around future expansions and less announcing future xpacs themselves.


> Here they've stated their team structure and no expansion team is mentioned. This was in a post about the future of GW2 it was all about future plans, they talk about legendary runes and sigils, coming and jeweller 500 and other future plans and there is no mention of another expansion. They've also repeatedly stated that they want to deliver expansion level content in the LS episodes.


> There may be another expansion, I hope there is, but from the actual posts and interviews I take it that there is no expansion being worked on now. Frequent live content additions keep people playing, so that's the priority.


all i got is that they don't want to talk about the next xpac, maybe they don't want to because it's not being worked on but there's no evidence that's the case besides baseless assumptions and wild speculations and it'd make no sense given that the xpacs were a success. it's more likely that there's nothing to announce about them yet because it's in the far future and things will probably change (and they don't want to have tons of broken promises like with HoT)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >! 1. The first is simple, its an expansion seller. A new race will bring in new and older players and can offer cosmetics we don't currently have; Given the "Fashion wars" End-game they have a very unique feel that NO OTHER GAME offers. A solid case for the A-net montra of being different than the competition.

> >! 2. They Don't need a starting zone but the city is already there; South of that are three Islands whom could be used as a starting location of need be however I feel they could start at level 80 with full exotics as we currently get a Level booster with each expansion. The kicker would be to make one you need one level 80 on your account which today is not hard nor does it take long to achieve; Likewise they should be unable to do the old story (Personal story) and only be able to do old living world as "Flash backs" or "Tales told" since the generic commander (Ill get to them below) would be dead.

> >! 3. The five level instance that ties you to the story could go as follows ===> Meet the trailer commander (The one they use for PoF)===> Earn their trust ===> they die facing down the new threat/ helping the Tengu people survive the attack from cantha/the enemy. ===> He tells you to lead because you show promise, and are the only one capable. ===> Unique voice lines are only applicable through the expansion and once we move on to the living world afterwords, we are just the commander again.

> >! 4. More importantly we could have it be that the tengu fill the Asian aesthetic we currently lack (Not anime) And make them more akin to Imperial China in their cosmetics, and thus Cantha as a whole could be a mixture of Japan/Korea(Korea within the kurzik/luxxon areas) but the main capital could be more akin to Japan. Thus the Tengu could be unique even among all the Asian themes present in the expansion and could help expand on how they effected cantha previously. (Architecture ect)

> >! 5. Their animations are unique as is their model, it has tons of customization already and its a shame to see it unused.

> >! 6. They took time to remodel them, why not let them be used for something more as the intention originally was to have them be playable.

> >! 7. We have three human races, Two beast/anthro races so to even it out we need one more. I feel Tengu more than deserve their spot as a playable race considering their lore, ties to the story of guild wars and their unique theme. They are already at least in individual basis attached to the pact and one (The scribe trainer) left the dominion of winds to join your guild to teach us how to scribe; As he says the dominion wants to be more aware of whats going on.

> >! 8. Once more they have never been done in any other game, like charr/asuran they could be more of guild wars 2's special thing. One of the three unique races that normally would not be playable in other popular mmo-rpgs.


I'll agree with you on #1 - adding tengu does sound like a strong selling point for an expansion. It does have a bit of a weakness though, when compared to mounts: those changed the play experience for everyone. If we see Cantha in an expansion, what's in it for the people who don't make a tengu?


For the rest of it, the asset quality of Tengu as it stands is much the same as any other monster NPC, which is not sufficient to build a player race from. They'd need to be rigged for customisable faces for a start. ANet is not killing players' old "generic commander" off to make way for a tengu either - that's a can of all kinds of worms.


But you're certainly right that it doesn't have to be a starter race. Players could start a tengu that simply does not have access to the older story, with the precondition that they've played enough of a starter race to become familiar with the setting first. It probably makes more sense to do that rather than retcon a tengu character, with some unholy number of lines of dialogue, into old content.


If there's any big problems with the idea, these are the two I see:

- Gear. I'm not sure that simply using the charr versions of gear is actually possible. If not, there's either a lot of work fitting old skins to the tengu model, or an awkward decision on what skins tengu will be able to wear, and what they won't.

- It can't be the only selling point. Because there are still going to be people who don't play tengu, there needs to be something big for them too, and I don't know if two big-ticket features are something ANet has the resources for. I'd hope so, because I'd certainly like to see tengu as a playable race, but it seems there might be more cost-effective ways to draw the attention of past and future players.

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I think the personal story can be fixed just by making it a level 80 race that you play as and pick up from where the story is. Make the earlier story mode content for that particular race non-playable if it's difficult to implement.


The biggest issues are probably voice acting ambient chatter, voicing for all future content, and armors.

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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> Anet specifically have stated that no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.


I think even that is old news at this point. They stated that in the middle of Season 4 which means it was quite a while back. So if they intend to make an expansion after Season 5, they may have already started initial development on that.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > > Can someone tell me where we got the info of not only an expansion being in the works but also of it taking place in cantha.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >no expansion is currently being planned, or at least not worked on.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > just because they went from season 4 to 5 doesn't mean they're not working on an xpac

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's in this article: [https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99 "https://mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464#PX8XQz63Ol0dTtvM.99")

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Back in 2018, Mike Z sat down with us at Gamescom and revealed that Guild Wars 2 would not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon."

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sure, it's an interpretation of mine, but I think it seems to suggest they're not actively working on one.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > that's extremely flimsy

> > > >

> > > > Not really, after HoT Mike O'Brien announced that they were being organised into an expansion team (that was working on PoF) and three living world teams. After the layoffs Mike Zadorojny told us that:

> > > >

> > > > "We are taking the opportunity now to reorganize ourselves into four fully staffed content teams with additional teams dedicated to supporting the core game like Skills and Balance, Rewards, WvW, and sPvP."

> > > >

> > > > That seems to be a thorough list of their teams and there's no mention of an expansion team. No mention of an expansion in their future plans. They talk about plans to eventually raise jeweller to 500 but no mention of an expansion.

> > > >

> > > > It's possible that there will be another expansion but it's also likely that none is being worked on right now. Right now, it's just as likely that season 5 will lead into season 6 as it will into another expansion.

> > >

> > > except 1. xpacs are a big money maker for anet and 2 why would they talk about xpac stuff to us when there's at least an entire season of LW before it (and we tend to get xpac news at the end of the preceding season)

> > > so to me there's no reason for anet to talk about it or not be working on it

> >

> > 1. Are they?


> yes, gw2's quarterly earnings are public and show clear spikes around xpac releases (especially PoF)


> >Similarly they've been struggling to get LS4 episodes out as quickly as with LS3, maybe they don't have the staff numbers to keep developing an expansion and the LS at the same time right now.


> could be manny reasons for that (backend being more of a mess, inernal drama, those cancelled projects diverting resources, ) but nothing hints at them being understaffed.


> > 2. They told us they were working on another expansion after HoT in an AMA when LS3 began. We knew there would be another expansion long before LS3 ended.


> that was more them saying that they weren't gonna have the content drought from HoT around future expansions and less announcing future xpacs themselves.


> > Here they've stated their team structure and no expansion team is mentioned. This was in a post about the future of GW2 it was all about future plans, they talk about legendary runes and sigils, coming and jeweller 500 and other future plans and there is no mention of another expansion. They've also repeatedly stated that they want to deliver expansion level content in the LS episodes.

> >

> > There may be another expansion, I hope there is, but from the actual posts and interviews I take it that there is no expansion being worked on now. Frequent live content additions keep people playing, so that's the priority.


> all i got is that they don't want to talk about the next xpac, maybe they don't want to because it's not being worked on but there's no evidence that's the case besides baseless assumptions and wild speculations and it'd make no sense given that the xpacs were a success. it's more likely that there's nothing to announce about them yet because it's in the far future and things will probably change (and they don't want to have tons of broken promises like with HoT)


A spike in revenue does not necessarily translate into a comparable increase in profits. Consider the cost of producing the expansion.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> With the cantha expansion looming; Or more the Idea of one becoming closer and closer to reality I felt its time we touched this once again.


It's impossible to have a solid case about anything , when you, not only use baseless assumptions as foundation, but also present them as facts.


There is absolutely no indication, an expansion is _"looming"_, much less one about Cantha. The last time Anet provided any info about future content delivery, they specifically mentioned Living World as their method of choice. To my knowledge, nothing has changed since that post.






> @"derd.6413" said:


> all i got is that they don't want to talk about the next xpac, maybe they don't want to because it's not being worked on but there's no evidence that's the case besides **baseless assumptions and wild speculations** and it'd make no sense given that the xpacs were a success. it's more likely that there's nothing to announce about them yet because it's in the far future and things will probably change (and they don't want to have tons of broken promises like with HoT)




I don't think you understand what _"baseless"_ means. When one claims Anet prefer LS as their method of content delivery going forward, they are basing it on direct quotes by the developers of this game. When you are claiming an expansion is on the works, you are basing it on...what exactly? Where is that mystical source of information? By any definition of the term, the baseless and wild speculation is the latter not the former.




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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> I think the personal story can be fixed just by making it a level 80 race that you play as and pick up from where the story is. Make the earlier story mode content for that particular race non-playable if it's difficult to implement.


Then you'll have people whining and complaining that it is unfair to not enjoy the pre-80 story level content with this race. Anet can't win.


EDIT Or you'll have this...


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> While I want to play a Tengu as much as the OP and others, I don't want to play to the same old personal story in flashbacks as another race. I would want my own personal story as a Tengu.


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I want it too, but considering the voice acting, the model animations, the outfitting, etc, I dunno if I -want- want it.


As for the personal story hangup

Mmmmaybe just have a brief personal story as a Tengu that drops them into an XPack associated map? We all kind of know that much of Tengu life is -fighting destroyers behind walls-, so we don't need a whole lot of world building there IMO. It doesnt need to be the same as every other races or even that long. Just lock them unless you have a level 80 char already, and then you can just fast track them to level 80 on a living world episode's worth of quests.



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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:


> > all i got is that they don't want to talk about the next xpac, maybe they don't want to because it's not being worked on but there's no evidence that's the case besides **baseless assumptions and wild speculations** and it'd make no sense given that the xpacs were a success. it's more likely that there's nothing to announce about them yet because it's in the far future and things will probably change (and they don't want to have tons of broken promises like with HoT)


> I don't think you understand what _"baseless"_ means. When one claims Anet prefer LS as their method of content delivery going forward, they are basing it on direct quotes by the developers of this game. When you are claiming an expansion is on the works, you are basing it on...what exactly? Where is that mystical source of information? By any definition of the term, the baseless and wild speculation is the latter not the former.


1. i never stated that anet working on an xpac is guaranteed fact, anet has been silent about xpacs for a while so we can't tell. the thing i take issue with is ppl stating that anet has canceled all xpac development as if it was confirmed fact.


2. the quotes and interviews i've been provided everytime this discussion comes up never talk about xpacs or their supposed "not being worked on"-status it's always anet talking about wanting more/better LW (which doesn't mean they're not working on xpacs)


3. i base my speculation on what'd makes more sense to me. they make anet money, they create hype around the game (which get's more ppl in game) and why wouldn't they work on the next xpac?

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> @"derd.6413" said:


> 2. the quotes and interviews i've been provided everytime this discussion comes up never talk about xpacs or their supposed "not being worked on"-status it's always anet talking about wanting more/better LW (which doesn't mean they're not working on xpacs)



Actually quotes, and links to source, in this very thread DO speak specifically about xpacs and their status.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:


> > 2. the quotes and interviews i've been provided everytime this discussion comes up never talk about xpacs or their supposed "not being worked on"-status it's always anet talking about wanting more/better LW (which doesn't mean they're not working on xpacs)



> Actually quotes, and links to source, in this very thread DO speak specifically about xpacs and their status.


if you're talking about the mmorpg.com article: no, it doesn't. speculation from a journalist is still speculation

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> >

> > > all i got is that they don't want to talk about the next xpac, maybe they don't want to because it's not being worked on but there's no evidence that's the case besides **baseless assumptions and wild speculations** and it'd make no sense given that the xpacs were a success. it's more likely that there's nothing to announce about them yet because it's in the far future and things will probably change (and they don't want to have tons of broken promises like with HoT)

> >

> > I don't think you understand what _"baseless"_ means. When one claims Anet prefer LS as their method of content delivery going forward, they are basing it on direct quotes by the developers of this game. When you are claiming an expansion is on the works, you are basing it on...what exactly? Where is that mystical source of information? By any definition of the term, the baseless and wild speculation is the latter not the former.

> >

> 1. i never stated that anet working on an xpac is guaranteed fact, anet has been silent about xpacs for a while so we can't tell. the thing i take issue with is ppl stating that anet has canceled all xpac development as if it was confirmed fact.


> 2. the quotes and interviews i've been provided everytime this discussion comes up never talk about xpacs or their supposed "not being worked on"-status it's always anet talking about wanting more/better LW (which doesn't mean they're not working on xpacs)


> 3. i base my speculation on what'd makes more sense to me. they make anet money, they create hype around the game (which get's more ppl in game) and why wouldn't they work on the next xpac?


Mike Z clearly stated you could have xpac-like features in a LW season, refering to LS 5. That was last September, and it would be a completely pointless statement if they were planning on developing an xpac to follow it. Two months ago they reaffirmed their commitment to LS going forward in their blogpost. If one is telling you they are cooking beef for the foreseeable future, it's safe to assume you'll be eating a lot of beef, even if they used to cook something else in the past.


To your point about what makes money, there is this thing called cost effectiveness. If something is making money but is also pricier/harder to make, a business often opts for the cheaper/easier option, especially if it's looking to cut costs.


To go back on topic, a discussion about the possibility of Tengu as playable race through LS or gem dlc would be much more realistic. Although still extremely unlikely, taking everything into account.

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