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Will We Ever See Another Expansion/Class/Race?

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> @"Akisohida.8963" said:

> Man, I wish they would bring some form of a 'fist weapon' class. Use punches and kicks and weapons like push daggers coupled with mobility skills that jump, flip, and give more dodges.


you are pretty much describing a daredevil, and they can already use daggers. Just need a punchdagger skin.

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I've lost any hopes for the future.

xpac: NOPE

class: NOPE , m a y b e more specialization if they have in their boots some concepts...

race: a strong and definitive NOPE


Whereas I would have liked to see an xpac, I would have added it now, It doesn't came at the end of lws4, will not after lws5 and not after lws6-7-8-9.... They expressed a strong opinion of no more expansions, they don't even have an expansion team and they stated "we want to introduce expansion like features within living story episodes" can't find that video anymore... but it was the team showcasing features with a video in background showing sun refuge. So I understand specializations, maps and stories and potential blockbuster new feature released as episodes. It means no need to involve dragon, can be exploring for fun or side story involving races origin (asura/norn/charr) (still waiting for Utopia)


It has been 6 years now, do you really think that they will now annoy themselves recreating a new race just to say hey there is a new race! Just add Tengu and largos tonics, we have kodan one... It's a dead horse beaten and beaten and beaten at a point it doesn't have bones anymore. Even if it's just adding one city and the race, will be too much codes to modify in character creation that can break the engine.


Finally for specializations, that's the thing that have the more chances to happens. Some foes in the open world use skill that aren't available to us making them possible as especs. I'm thinking about Aetherblade admirals (twilight arbor path) that can throw rotating mechanical axes on the ground as aoes or creating force fields. Look at holosmith, the scarlet briar spec, the prime laser is the skill used by her prime hologram on the breachmaker.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Expansion, yes, probably after season 5. BIG trouble for them if they think they can not do that and have no backlash lol.


> Class, no. Race, maybe but not any time soon


Maybe S5 is where they plan to finale GW2 hence no news on an expansion..so to say expansion yes is very very optimistic at this point imo.

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I realized the fact that I don't know what I can be waiting for (whether there is anything except LWS5) is becoming a problem for me.


GW2 suffers from lack of delivering information.


It's not like everything has to be kept in secret like Keanu Reeves until the very lasy moment. I guess people like anticipating and it's a very important part of MMOs.

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I think that it would be good if ANet announced an expansion and started developing it. The community could use some hype and direction for the long term. It keeps players focused. Even back in the days when GW2 was announced but far away, the hype kept players focused and working towards their hall of monuments.


Without the early announcement of GW2, many players would have left the franchise. ArenaNet will risk the same if they do not announce the next big thing / expansion pack.

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> Anet does not have the money or talent to execute any of these anymore.

There's no evidence that's true.

They have the same number of staff working on the game as last year (pretty much all the layoffs can be attributed to the non-GW2 projects). Many of the people are the same; many are people who hadn't worked (primarily) on GW2 for a while and are returning.



> I strongly believe Season 5 is the season that closes up the game and then sends it into maintenance mode. GW2 is probably pretty much done.

You can believe it; that doesn't mean there's good reason to believe it.

ANet's been very vocal about some of their long term plans, things that aren't worth the energy to work on if they plan to shut things down in ~18 months



Expacs: It's unclear how ANet plans to continue to attract more player dollars to the game, if they aren't using expacs to draw fresh blood. Over the game's history, that's the single most powerful tool they've had in the arsenal.


New Profs: they've been extremely clear that elite specs is how they are tackling this. There's a lot of advantage: easier for them to balance, easier for players to adapt to, and it still can be game changing (as we've seen). Not as fun as a new prof for me personally, it's still a really good compromise.


New Races: they've been very clear that they think this is a bad use of resources, if for no other reason than it makes it far, far, far harder to release new skins, especially new armor. It also competes for time from artists and story writers and level designers. At some point, I'm sure they'll reconsider; I just don't expect that to happen within the next 2-3 years.

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theres most likely going to be at least 1 more major expansion centered around cantha and the deep sea dragon.... that will be 3 expansions just like GW 1 had... if we get more than that great but i dont expect it.


well actually GW 1 only had 2 expansions.... EOTN wasnt really an expansion and the third expansion was scrapped and made into GW 2 instead... their utopia expansion never happened.


still it wouldn't really make sense to end the game before we went back to cantha.. as thats a pretty huge place to miss before the game ends.

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> @"Adrianna.3092" said:

> theres most likely going to be at least 1 more major expansion centered around cantha and the deep sea dragon.... that will be 3 expansions just like GW 1 had... if we get more than that great but i dont expect it.


> well actually GW 1 only had 2 expansions.... EOTN wasnt really an expansion and the third expansion was scrapped and made into GW 2 instead... their utopia expansion never happened.


> still it wouldn't really make sense to end the game before we went back to cantha.. as thats a pretty huge place to miss before the game ends.


Actually, Eye of the North was the _only_ expansion. Prophesies, Factions and Nightfall were all stand-alone campaigns (games).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Actually, Eye of the North was the _only_ expansion. Prophesies, Factions and Nightfall were all stand-alone campaigns (games).


This follows ANet's chosen vocabulary:

* They refer to _Prophecies_ & _Factions_ & _Nightfall_ equally as "campaigns" because you could play them independently; no other purchase was required **and** they did not grant access to any other content.

* They distinguished _Eye of the North_ as an "expansion" because you couldn't play it without also owning at least one of the campaigns. Likewise, owning EotN didn't grant access to anything else.


Other games use the same words to mean other things. Even GW2's expansions share a common core of 32 maps plus personal story; they overlap and expand upon the original game, where the GW1 expansion & campaigns did not.

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It honestly suprises me how people often exclaim the end of days and spew opinions without any of the facts.

S4 leads into S5 which has been confirmed to be true.

They aim to produce expansion level content in living world episodes which for the most part is true.

They have provided a list of features they are working on / plan to work on a while back.


It is plausable that an expansion will follow S5 but its not necassary. They stated they wish to change things up with LWS5 so depending how this goes will determin an expansion I would assume. Alternativly in likely hood the works into an expansion by be starting / underway during the lifecycle of S5.



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> @"Akisohida.8963" said:

> Sigh. The good MMO's (Guild Wars, CoH/V) always die, and the garbage MMO's (WoW) always seem to limp on. ;.;


guild wars died with guild wars. there aren't even actual guild wars in guild wars 2 lol. one of the worst disappointments in my life. i loved guild wars 1 with a passion. guild wars 2 however... it seems the devs lack the passion they had for guild wars 1. i feel sorry for the voice actors to be honest, they're all quite good, felicia day put her heart and soul into her character, the writing, story, and development of gw2 however...


a lot of wasted potential for this world of tyria. i doubt we'll ever see what's on the far north, or the far east, or the mysterious isle of janthir or the dominion of winds . sorcerer's castle. and most of all where is my man razah! livia and razah should be like in the main story, they're like the last living beings that were there when the dragons awoke.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Expansion, yes, probably after season 5. BIG trouble for them if they think they can not do that and have no backlash lol.

> >

> > Class, no. Race, maybe but not any time soon


> Maybe S5 is where they plan to finale GW2 hence no news on an expansion..so to say expansion yes is very very optimistic at this point imo.


There’s no reason for them to end this game

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> I'm still holding out hope for a ritualist elite spec, especially with all the chaos that's been happening in the Mists.

That's the problem with elite specs taking the place of new professions - you can't do something like Ritualist that way. I mean, you can make an espec and call it a Ritualist, but it would not have much in common with a GW1 class with the same name.

For that, you'd need to do far more than add 6 skills of a new type, one traitline and one weapon to an existing class.


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Here's how my play time goes with the way things are, I play living story only no more daily. As far as the expansion is concerned, there will be season 5.1 I will come back and play that, then there will be season 5.2 before or at the same time if there is still no news of an expansion I'm gonna lose interest and quit entirely. The reason is very simple POF came out September 2017 if they wait to finish season 5 that adds base on present rate 20 months bringing us to May 2021 approximately. I have no intention in playing with an average gap of over 42 months. :#

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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> Here's how my play time goes with the way things are, I play living story only no more daily. As far as the expansion is concerned, there will be season 5.1 I will come back and play that, then there will be season 5.2 before or at the same time if there is still no news of an expansion I'm gonna lose interest and quit entirely. The reason is very simple POF came out September 2017 if they wait to finish season 5 that adds base on present rate 20 months bringing us to May 2021 approximately. I have no intention in playing with an average gap of over 42 months. :#


Yeah, cause you know, there has been no new content since September 2017.

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