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Will We Ever See Another Expansion/Class/Race?

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > Here's how my play time goes with the way things are, I play living story only no more daily. As far as the expansion is concerned, there will be season 5.1 I will come back and play that, then there will be season 5.2 before or at the same time if there is still no news of an expansion I'm gonna lose interest and quit entirely. The reason is very simple POF came out September 2017 if they wait to finish season 5 that adds base on present rate 20 months bringing us to May 2021 approximately. I have no intention in playing with an average gap of over 42 months. :#


> Yeah, cause you know, there has been no new content since September 2017.


Two complete Living World seasons, at least three maps, and however many Legendary quest chains aren't content?

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History has proven that another profession is possible (Revenant was added late in the game).


For one more race, I doubt. I believe that the enormous work linked behind adding a new race and integrate it into the game is by far too much to be covered by any business case valuable for Anet.

What I could imagine as an alternative, could be as part of a living story, the discovery of a new folk in a hidden town/area. The related race storyline would be starting from zero (the moment of discovery), so with no need to integrate backward into the other race stories. They would add to the rest of the game content gradually as we discover their world more and more. But even then, that would be an enormous work to put that in place.


Time will tell :)

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > Expansion, yes, probably after season 5. BIG trouble for them if they think they can not do that and have no backlash lol.

> > >

> > > Class, no. Race, maybe but not any time soon

> >

> > Maybe S5 is where they plan to finale GW2 hence no news on an expansion..so to say expansion yes is very very optimistic at this point imo.


> There’s no reason for them to end this game


Question is, do they have the necessary financials within the company as a whole to carry on much further beyond S5.. expansions take a rather large chunk of denarii to bring to fruition and in current space that is something NC Soft has already said it is seeing decline across its whole portfolio. Add to that expacs take much longer to generate and if they aren't working on it right now (which to all intense and purpose it sound like they aren't due to S5 in the works, when do you realistically think it will land.. time is money after all.

So on the surface S5 may not be its original focal end point, things happen, things change and often beyond the controls of a good dev team that I believe ANET has, even after the recent downsizing.

What we might see is this new small chunk LS type expansion, but how long will the playerbase go along with that when other titles start releasing meaty expacs to their products.. it's a risk that might pan out, at least for a while, but the "road map" if that is what we should call it that was put out recently seems to me to be kind of stunted and very much lacking in any reason to believe there is a plan much beyond S5.. lets hope we are all pleasantly surprised nearer the time.

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They can release that lws5, but Imho they are several players like me that have enough of living story episodes. Lws4 was okay, will tolerate lws5 but if after the start of lws5 it isn't great and dull story will quit, no reason to stay here anymore. I want to enjoy another expansion.


EXPANSION, their maps are well executed with more than enough lore fun metas and stories. LS always have an unfished/rushed point either the story (joko ending, kralk kinda) or map (kourna, bitterfrost). 200 gems for a ls episode is expensive for me, whereas 30$ mmh ~2000 gems for expansion definitely worth it. (6 maps, story, special feature + 9 specs) that's the only thing that will make me spit money. Some will say hey they can make map with those features! Take a ruler, calculate the perimeters of maps: Compare bloodstone fen or istan to the desolation or dragon strand! Even tangled depths! Giant and filled, ls are small and not filled, several interesting locations without events. I get that recently they are communicating way far more, organizing more events and it's a good thing. But living seasons can't retain me anymore. I used to love major events like LS1 attack on LA with the alliences, fight and memorable world bosses like the marionette as several of my RL friends.


When I ask them why they left, they all answered "ls2 was bad very bad after the marvelous thing that was ls1, I left the game and the only thing that attract me to return are those mounts and gliders, why no housing? they fixed PvP?" They never returned, why? 2 seasons in a row. I left the game too after ls1, returning 1 year ago buying both expansion and ls way far after.

I can't hide my heartache of not seeing ls1 type events anymore but we have fractals... Those expacs were probably the best choices I made. I enjoyed exploring their maps, I now have even ls maps but I can live without them, at least ls3 ones. For ls4, I only use sandswept regularly.

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If it makes you feel better, OP, probably even ArenaNet doesn't know the answer to those questions. Their own answers to similar ones have changed over these last few years.




* Expansion? Yes, if the game survives long enough.

* Class? Guild Wars does not have "classes". Profession? I think we would only see one as a last resort, although I would love to have three new ones (Paragon, Dervish, Ritualist)

* Race? Nope. Would add too little to the game, would be WAY too much work. There are some very old comments from ArenaNet about how few people play as Charr, any kind of non human new race (such as Tengu) would probably suffer the same.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > I'm still holding out hope for a ritualist elite spec, especially with all the chaos that's been happening in the Mists.

> That's the problem with elite specs taking the place of new professions - you can't do something like Ritualist that way. I mean, you can make an espec and call it a Ritualist, but it would not have much in common with a GW1 class with the same name.

> For that, you'd need to do far more than add 6 skills of a new type, one traitline and one weapon to an existing class.


I agree completely. I hope we won't see a Ritualist (or Dervish) specialization, since those would have nothing to do with the real thing. They require far more than just a specialization in order to work.



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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > > Here's how my play time goes with the way things are, I play living story only no more daily. As far as the expansion is concerned, there will be season 5.1 I will come back and play that, then there will be season 5.2 before or at the same time if there is still no news of an expansion I'm gonna lose interest and quit entirely. The reason is very simple POF came out September 2017 if they wait to finish season 5 that adds base on present rate 20 months bringing us to May 2021 approximately. I have no intention in playing with an average gap of over 42 months. :#

> >

> > Yeah, cause you know, there has been no new content since September 2017.


> Two complete Living World seasons, at least three maps, and however many Legendary quest chains aren't content?


I think they were being sarcastic, in response to the previous post. Also, I count one Living World season, six maps, and two (?) legendary quest chains since September 2017. I'll grant you that six is at least three and two is however many, but I'm not sure where you got an extra Living World season from?

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It does make me smile. In the first game we had our campaigns and eye of the north but apart from events, there wasn't any new content. I played doing gwamm and getting my characters round the missions. In fact same old same old every day and I LOVED IT!

Here people can't wait to proclaim there is no content and will Quit.



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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> It honestly suprises me how people often exclaim the end of days and spew opinions without any of the facts.

> S4 leads into S5 which has been confirmed to be true.

> They aim to produce expansion level content in living world episodes which for the most part is true.

> They have provided a list of features they are working on / plan to work on a while back.


> It is plausable that an expansion will follow S5 but its not necassary. They stated they wish to change things up with LWS5 so depending how this goes will determin an expansion I would assume. Alternativly in likely hood the works into an expansion by be starting / underway during the lifecycle of S5.




The idea of "expansion level content" is PR bull kitten. LWS4 is no where close to an expansion level type of content. Neither would LWS5. Even if the maps are good, expansions are defined by two main things: 1) New elite trait lines, 2) New key features. None of the 4 previous LW had key features introduced in them. Most definitely new elite lines are not coming with LWS5. We would be lucky if LWS5 is on par with LWS3, considering Anet performance from PoF release through today.


Realistically speaking, expansion is coming after LWS5. My expectation is Spring 2021. New classes? This is never coming. New race. Meh.. probably not. The Tengu is a low hanging fruit, but even that is highly unlikely.


And yes, the game is growing stale. I think expansion every 2 years was inline to keep things fresh. This will almost be 3.5 year between PoF and next expansion. I am unsure how Anet plans to maintain player interest over the 20-22 month, until next expansion release.

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I'm really afraid if those "ls expansion features" are like the abandonned sun refuge or the sigil sink requiem armor. Plus, skyscale and beetle were just in the path of path of fire. (Drum rolls). It's just like in ls3, when they added the magmatic canalizations and special glider skills like in bloodstone fen. Or skills of brazier in bitterfrost. As far I've seen, none of the ls maps contain something that can be qualified as part of an expansion. As said before, expecting specializations, big maps and the famous, obvious, revolutionary feature. And a good long story well done, without holes that cover all maps not tied to one specific map. Plus the awesome farming map: silverwastes for core, auric bassin for hot and I guess desolation for pof? (Through treasure hunts and istan are better) Without speaking of deluxe version offering a specific glider, outfit or lounge.

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Anet are masters of doing things I call white Elephants. In GW1 these were Embark beach and the menagerie, and here sun's refuge. They could of made SR (sun's refuge) a great place. New quests added, maybe a way to extent it, ports to different areas- i dunno just rough ideas, but it was kind of left to rot (although it is used for SS) .

I really hope they don't fall back into bigging up somewhere and just leaving it.

Although I have made myself quite plain where I would like to go, I would love them take a different route. Do different things - love or hate cantha there were *different* things to do there.

This game needs something exciting and unexpected.

New festival i'm looking at you boi.


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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i think we were supposed to get expac 3 trailer after lws4 ended but something major happened in feb... the u know what... so now i think they need more time and/or money/profits to fund expac 3


the layoffs were because of sideprojects anet was working on that went nowhere, not because gw2 was underpreforming

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New Elite specs: probably yeah.

New class: unlikely

New Race: as much as I would like to play a dwarf I can´t figure a way to implement a new race to become the Commander at this point. I wouldn´t mind new members from other races into our DW


But I do hope for new weapons like **land spears, crossbows**, javelins, two handed axes, wands...

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