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Anet, any word on the stealth nerf to raid rewards?

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With bags now changed to unident gear, raiding has become even less profitable. Where before you could at least open them on a lower level toon for a bit extra gold, now we get worthless t5 mats.


Repeating raids - to help others for example - is now the biggest waste of time in the game. This will hurt the raiding community hugely. With more and more raiders already having left due to the easy nature and long release cadence of "raids" in gw2, making repeating raids worthless now removes pretty much all incentive for experienced raiders to help train those new to raiding.


So, is this intentional to kill of the raids like you killed dungeons? Seeing the similarities there afterall. Or will this get fixed and finally repeating raids made worthwhile - at least on the level of running around on empty maps with a mount and pressing 'f' every 10 seconds or so?

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I doubt that the number of players who did this was significantly existent.

Of course, raid rewards have problems especially the CM reward situation but let's be honest hoarding bags and transfer them to toons + increasing MF to over 9k was and still is a pretty hardcore nerdy thing. Can't blame min/max people but with daily fracs & raid full clear we already swim in gold tbh.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> With bags now changed to unident gear, raiding has become even less profitable. Where before you could at least open them on a lower level toon for a bit extra gold, now we get worthless t5 mats.


> Repeating raids - to help others for example - is now the biggest waste of time in the game. This will hurt the raiding community hugely. With more and more raiders already having left due to the easy nature and long release cadence of "raids" in gw2, making repeating raids worthless now removes pretty much all incentive for experienced raiders to help train those new to raiding.


> So, is this intentional to kill of the raids like you killed dungeons? Seeing the similarities there afterall. Or will this get fixed and finally repeating raids made worthwhile - at least on the level of running around on empty maps with a mount and pressing 'f' every 10 seconds or so?


How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?


How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

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> @"DirtyDan.4759" said:


> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > to help others for example - is now the biggest waste of time


> Wow. Just... wow.


> Fun seems to be an impossible factor for many many people.


Ofc its fun to watch 9 players fail the easiest mechanics over... and over... and over.... and.... over.......

Sorry, but while its entertaining the first few tries to see players run around like headless chicken, its old and boring after years of training others.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?


> How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?


It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.

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any additional reward for repeat will be dis-balanced, because some cool ppl will fart same boss 100 times .. so after we we will get suggestion nerf skills damage, or up boss ..

but on same time people like me can't kill this boss once in year at all wiht current attributes..

if someone don't like t5 - > use mf to make t6

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

> >

> > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?


> It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

> Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.


What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

> > >

> > > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

> >

> > It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

> > Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.


> What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.


If I'm not mistaken the difference is between these two:

old: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Gear

new: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear


Bag of gear used to drop 3 items based on your level, so you could open them with a lower level character to get more expensive materials, or more useful ones if you craft Ascended items, they require materials from all tiers.

Meanwhile, Unidentified Gear drops a single item that is level 80 meaning you mostly get tier 5 materials (which are very cheap)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

> > > >

> > > > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

> > >

> > > It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

> > > Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.

> >

> > What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.


> If I'm not mistaken the difference is between these two:

> old: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Gear

> new: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear


> Bag of gear used to drop 3 items based on your level, so you could open them with a lower level character to get more expensive materials, or more useful ones if you craft Ascended items, they require materials from all tiers.

> Meanwhile, Unidentified Gear drops a single item that is level 80 meaning you mostly get tier 5 materials (which are very cheap)


What I was trying to get them to show was the actual gold about between the two. Despite the difference between unident gear and bag of gear, I don’t think players got enough of either to make that change being a significant drop in gold. Especially if assisting others with their raids.

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Oooh. I see. Yrs it is a significant difference. You get about (got?) 4 bags of gear per boss. So if you cleared four wings you'd get roughly 64ish bags so times 3 is 192 pieces of gear you could open on a lower level character as opposed to 64 pieces of unid.


Significant. And that's just for clearing four wings.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> With bags now changed to unident gear, raiding has become even less profitable. Where before you could at least open them on a lower level toon for a bit extra gold, now we get worthless t5 mats.


> Repeating raids - to help others for example - is now the biggest waste of time in the game. This will hurt the raiding community hugely. With more and more raiders already having left due to the easy nature and long release cadence of "raids" in gw2, making repeating raids worthless now removes pretty much all incentive for experienced raiders to help train those new to raiding.


> So, is this intentional to kill of the raids like you killed dungeons? Seeing the similarities there afterall. Or will this get fixed and finally repeating raids made worthwhile - at least on the level of running around on empty maps with a mount and pressing 'f' every 10 seconds or so?


Its the bigges waste of time and thats why I only do raids and kill multiple bosses multiple times each week. If you do/did it for the gold then you play bad gamemode.


Acualy I like that change since now I can salvage all bags at once and dont need to open 10 at the time. Actualy I used to store my bags in bank because i was too lazy to open them like that. (So no gold) After this change I opend all of them and let my copper-fed eat all of them. Took some time but I made some gold (and some gold is better then nothing)

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Oooh. I see. Yrs it is a significant difference. You get about (got?) 4 bags of gear per boss. So if you cleared four wings you'd get roughly 64ish bags so times 3 is 192 pieces of gear you could open on a lower level character as opposed to 64 pieces of unid.


> Significant. And that's just for clearing four wings.


This is based on [old data](

) from several years ago but they put the rare bags of gear at 38 silver and the other at 12 silver. Prices have dropped a lot since then though.


As of [around that time](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20157/value-of-unidentified-gear-in-the-post-istan-markets), bags unident gear were worth the following:


Blue - 4.4 silver

Green - 5.5 silver

Yellow - 34.4 silver


I don’t remember which bags they dropped as it wasn’t something I paid attention to. I do know that the boss chests were rare and exotic equipment but I don’t believe you get those if you had already beaten the boss that week.


So at 64 bags, you’re looking at around a loss of 5G across 4 wings. It’s likely less than that now as a lot of those lower tiered mats are much cheaper as a result of Istan farm before it was needed and especially after the meta event rush.


As for the OP, I’d like to think that they’re helping others to help/train them and not to make gold. Also, if you’re training groups, it’s unlikely you’ll clear all 4 wings every week or maybe I’m just underestimating the ability of players new to raids to master them that quickly.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> any additional reward for repeat will be dis-balanced, because some cool ppl will fart same boss 100 times .. so after we we will get suggestion nerf skills damage, or up boss ..

> but on same time people like me can't kill this boss once in year at all wiht current attributes..

> if someone don't like t5 - > use mf to make t6


I welcome it, the game has felt like a job for too long with limited replayability of content making it feel like a todo list.


Let ppl farm the content.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

> > > > >

> > > > > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

> > > >

> > > > It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

> > > > Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.

> > >

> > > What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.

> >

> > If I'm not mistaken the difference is between these two:

> > old: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Gear

> > new: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear

> >

> > Bag of gear used to drop 3 items based on your level, so you could open them with a lower level character to get more expensive materials, or more useful ones if you craft Ascended items, they require materials from all tiers.

> > Meanwhile, Unidentified Gear drops a single item that is level 80 meaning you mostly get tier 5 materials (which are very cheap)


> What I was trying to get them to show was the actual gold about between the two. Despite the difference between unident gear and bag of gear, I don’t think players got enough of either to make that change being a significant drop in gold. Especially if assisting others with their raids.


Before: 1-2 champ bags + 2-4 masterwork bags = ~12s + mats from champ bag

Now: 4-6 unidentified blue gear = ~5s


Was it worth it? Barely. Theres enough threads about this issue however.

But now its even less so, and it feels like a kick in the nuts. Its the straw that broke this camels back. Until anet fixes this issue, Im going to fullclear once a week - maybe - and then log off. Since thats how its supposed to be done anyway.

No more helping out. I dont need the practice, and its no fun to do raids with noobs anyway, due to the downtime between pulls mostly.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > How much gold did players obtain from those bags prior to the change?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How much gold do they make now from the unident bags?

> > > > >

> > > > > It was enough to keep you afloat. Not on par with SW or istan, but okayish considering the upfront weekly rewards. More would have been better to begin with, because then more players would have been attracted to repeating raids, which is important to get good and stop being the one that gets carried constantly.

> > > > > Now its a handful of BLUE unident gear. Worth not even 10s.

> > > >

> > > > What were the specific amounts before and after? Let’s say they did a full wing clear. How much gold did they get before and how much gold do they get now? That’s what I was asking.

> > >

> > > If I'm not mistaken the difference is between these two:

> > > old: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Gear

> > > new: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Common_Unidentified_Gear

> > >

> > > Bag of gear used to drop 3 items based on your level, so you could open them with a lower level character to get more expensive materials, or more useful ones if you craft Ascended items, they require materials from all tiers.

> > > Meanwhile, Unidentified Gear drops a single item that is level 80 meaning you mostly get tier 5 materials (which are very cheap)

> >

> > What I was trying to get them to show was the actual gold about between the two. Despite the difference between unident gear and bag of gear, I don’t think players got enough of either to make that change being a significant drop in gold. Especially if assisting others with their raids.


> Before: 1-2 champ bags + 2-4 masterwork bags = ~12s + mats from champ bag

> Now: 4-6 unidentified blue gear = ~5s


> Was it worth it? Barely. Theres enough threads about this issue however.

> But now its even less so, and it feels like a kick in the nuts. Its the straw that broke this camels back. Until anet fixes this issue, Im going to fullclear once a week - maybe - and then log off. Since thats how its supposed to be done anyway.

> No more helping out. I dont need the practice, and its no fun to do raids with noobs anyway, due to the downtime between pulls mostly.


I aggree. It's a joke that you cant get anything at least semi ok for clearing multiple times. CMs once per account, now normal raids once per week. Some ppl, including me, have fun when they see +gold. But now going more raiding than once per week is a waste of time. Helping noobs is a waste of time. Not that rewards werent garbage before.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> don'y see any requirement to push up only one type of content.

> Raid run done? So welcome do word bosses, pof/hot meta, fractals, dungeons, wvw ant etc.


Push what? "Hardest" content in the game is getting nerfed. It was already sad how much you get from raids and it's nerfed yet again. As if low attendance wasn't low enough they have to nerf the rewards even further. Some people seem to enjoy every little bad thing that happens to raids. As if they're still angry on anet for adding raids into the game. They are already here. You have to accept it.

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Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.


Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...


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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.


> Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...



It's already low. There is no incentive to run raids more than once per week to help out newbies. Some people are ( or were ) in this game - believe it or not, only for raids. Lowering the reward more will ravage already low numbers of players that are left. I get that you play this game for different reasons than I do. Nerf in this case is simply bad move from anet. Unless they are actively trying to kill them that is.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.

> >

> > Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...

> >


> It's already low. There is no incentive to run raids more than once per week to help out newbies. Some people are ( or were ) in this game - believe it or not, only for raids. Lowering the reward more will ravage already low numbers of players that are left. I get that you play this game for different reasons than I do. Nerf in this case is simply bad move from anet. Unless they are actively trying to kill them that is.


Honestly, I have a very hard time believing experienced raiders help newbs for those extra 30 bags of gear. I do not day this sarcastically, and I honestly mean no offense. I also know people play gw2 mostly for raids, it is acceptable cause they play what they have most fun with. Nothing wrong here!

That being said, I do believe end game content (raids and T4 plus cm fractals) is very rewarding, for the time people spend on it.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.


> Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...



So what exactly is the problem with rewarding players for the content they like to play? Sure its not much but it still kinda sucks.

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> @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Raiders complaining about not getting enough gold. With an abundance in ascended drops (selectable stat stuff), currency which they convert to ascended armor/weps (again, selectable stats), minis, exclusive skins, PvE unique legendary skins... Among other things.

> >

> > Oh, how bad it must be to not get those extra 30 bags of gear...

> >


> So what exactly is the problem with rewarding players for the content they like to play? Sure its not much but it still kinda sucks.


It IS rewarding enough, already. Plenty of other gamemodes people enjoy that have crap rewards (wvw, for example).

Plus, raids are sellable. Extremely profitable.

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