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What are some of the things that people may not know about their class and WvW

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### Thief

* Infiltrators Arrow takes a bit to land. This means you can shoot an Infiltrators Arrow away from your target, steal to them, then get teleported back to where the arrow landed. That means you could steal to your target then essentially teleport 2400 units away after.

* The stolen item Healing Seed (stolen from ranger) is a water field you can blast/leap for extra healing with shorbow 2/heart seeker. This is an obvious thing I didn't start taking advantage of until recently and it has really improved my sustain against rangers.

* The stolen skill Whirling Axe (stolen from warrior) is a reflect. This can save you from a warriors axe throw or used to counter burst a ranger (considering they don't have unblockable). Also, an obvious thing that I hadn't been utilizing for a long time.

* The stolen skill Skull Fear (stolen from necro) can be used through walls. Most people probably know this but I figured I would mention it just in case.

* If you run D/D like I do you can use Death Blossom through Throw Gunk (engineer stolen skill) to apply some stacks of confusion. Not amazing by any means but if you are going to use DB and have Throw Gunk you might as well combo the two.

* Another obvious one, Signet of Agility not only clears condi and gives extra precision but it also gives you an extra dodge in a pinch. Best to use it for condi clears but if you REALLY need that extra dodge you have the option.

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Engineer. Toolbelt skills do not share a cooldown. You can always switch an utility skill to bomb kit, place the Big 'Ol Bomb and switch to another skill. This also works with Elite Skills. You can select the Sneak Gyro, cast reveal. Switch to the Supply Crate, cast the bandages. Switch to the Elixir, throw the Elixir. Switch to the motar, launch the Orbital Strike. Each of the toolbelts has its own cooldown. For example the bandages will not disappear, even if you have equipped another Elite Skill. This is pretty useful when you claim something, used your elite skills already but want to scan the area for stealth-classes quickly.



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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Spectral Walk works on Mounts.

> >

> > Activate -> Mount -> travel -> dismount before SWalk expires -> Return.

> >

> > Can effectively triple it's usual distance. And if ANet "fixes" this at any point I will be _mad._


> There's no distance limitation. I've used it on jumping puzzles to save my a55 right before I hit rock bottom.


Can you still return midair?

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > Spectral Walk works on Mounts.

> > >

> > > Activate -> Mount -> travel -> dismount before SWalk expires -> Return.

> > >

> > > Can effectively triple it's usual distance. And if ANet "fixes" this at any point I will be _mad._

> >

> > There's no distance limitation. I've used it on jumping puzzles to save my a55 right before I hit rock bottom.


> Can you still return midair?



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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > Spectral Walk works on Mounts.

> > >

> > > Activate -> Mount -> travel -> dismount before SWalk expires -> Return.

> > >

> > > Can effectively triple it's usual distance. And if ANet "fixes" this at any point I will be _mad._

> >

> > There's no distance limitation. I've used it on jumping puzzles to save my a55 right before I hit rock bottom.


> Can you still return midair?


You can, yes. You can return midair but you cannot activate it.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> you can revive when you get killed by pressing the nearest available way point


And it's free, and if it's your spawn point it even repairs your armor. It's almost -- almost -- as if dying isn't really that big of a deal and anet meant the mode as an opportunity for players to get out there and fight each other . . .

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Throw Mine's internal CD starts upon placing the mine, not upon detonating it, so when placing mines, waiting 12s/15s, you can detonate the mines and a new set will be available instantly. This means if you have it traited and you see an enemy coming you can basically knock him 4x in a row with throw mines only.

Also useful to apply 15s of stealth using bomb kit (smoke + 1 blast) + traited throw mines (4 blasts)

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* Rune of althruism triggers on mortar kit use and stowing, allowing you to cleanse 5 allies once per second. Also triggers purity of purpose.

* You can block damage recieved by bulwark-gyro with shield-5 or hammer-4.

* Evading bulwark-gyro's damage in a zerg is actually less reliable than blocking it.



* Rune of sanctuary will grant barrier for incoming heal even if you're full-HP.

* combo-effects are limitted on the amount of players doing finishers. 5 people per field. Hence to stealth a zerg with blast finishers you need to organize blasters in each group.

* almost all combo-effects give heavy advantages. I have the impression, they are kind of forgotten: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> * combo-effects are limitted on the amount of players doing finishers. 5 people per field. Hence to stealth a zerg with blast finishers you need to organize blasters in each group.

Do combo fields and blasts prioritise my subgroup in a squad in general ? So, if I would blast a water field, would I always heal my subgroup around? Or for stealth gyro: does the smoke field apply stealth preferably to my subgroup? Or are there any hidden rules / exceptions?



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> Do combo fields and blasts prioritise my subgroup in a squad in general ?

Party->Squad->Guild->Proximity I believe the priority is. Not quite sure on the guild though. But something to generally consider is that your party has preference. That's why people outside squads are really disadvantaged in zerg fights. You can stand in the middle of a 50 man group blasting stab, you're probably not going to get it.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > Do combo fields and blasts prioritise my subgroup in a squad in general ?

> Party->Squad->Guild->Proximity I believe the priority is. Not quite sure on the guild though. But something to generally consider is that your party has preference. That's why people outside squads are really disadvantaged in zerg fights. You can stand in the middle of a 50 man group blasting stab, you're probably not going to get it.

Thx :)


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* Regarding group heal and cleanse there are special cases.

* If one in your group is full HP or does not have a condition, someone in squad is chosen (given he's in range).

* However, if they run a trait/rune that triggers on incoming heal, they become a "target".



* that's one of the reasons, why soothing detonation is being boosted by medical dispersion field, even if you are full-hp, but will only target 4 allies.

* rocket boot's blast effect will appear at the end of the leap

* shocking speed and decisive renown trigger always at your position independent of blast/function-gyro position.


By the way: does someone know if fumigate (elixir gun 3) is priorizing enemies over allies?

that skill cures conditions from allies and gives conditons to enemies, but the target-number of 5 per pulse is shared as far as I know.

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> General:

> * Regarding group heal and cleanse there are special cases.

> * If one in your group is full HP or does not have a condition, someone in squad is chosen (given he's in range).

> * However, if they run a trait/rune that triggers on incoming heal, they become a "target".


> Engineer

> * that's one of the reasons, why soothing detonation is being boosted by medical dispersion field, even if you are full-hp, but will only target 4 allies.

> * rocket boot's blast effect will appear at the end of the leap

> * shocking speed and decisive renown trigger always at your position independent of blast/function-gyro position.


> By the way: does someone know if fumigate (elixir gun 3) is priorizing enemies over allies?

> that skill cures conditions from allies and gives conditons to enemies, but the target-number of 5 per pulse is shared as far as I know.


Pretty sure that all skills that affect both allies and enemies can target 5 (or whatever says in the tooltip) allies and just as many enemies. In other words, you cant hit only allies or only enemies, the target cap isnt shared between allies and enemies.

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Ranger: Point Blank Shot decides its direction and distance pushed when the shot hits the target, not when you fire it. If you LB4 and then merged smokescale F2 fast enough to be on the target, you will arrive before your PBS. When it hits, it decides which direction to push the enemy that your attached to based on your position in the middle of the F2 attack, potentially allowing you to push the target toward where you started at (basically acting as a pull to your original position)

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> @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

> Ranger: Point Blank Shot decides its direction and distance pushed when the shot hits the target, not when you fire it. If you LB4 and then merged smokescale F2 fast enough to be on the target, you will arrive before your PBS. When it hits, it decides which direction to push the enemy that your attached to based on your position in the middle of the F2 attack, potentially allowing you to push the target toward where you started at (basically acting as a pull to your original position)


Now that is some nice Feature, requiring a lot of Timing, cool! The F2 skill will anyway go all the way through, following the knockbacked target?


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Something not related to fight but still wvw


When you see a supply trap activate, it's useless to dodge

it's instant and if you were in range you already lost the supply. If you didn't, you won't lose any while rushing into the animation.

The animation is just an indicator you lost supply! ;)

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Useless tricks that can be done with core Necro for triple ports:


Summon Flesh Wurm -> Spectral Walk -> Dark Path -> Spectral Recall -> Necrotic Traversal


Summon Flesh Wurm -> Spectral Walk -> Dark Path -> Necrotic Traversal -> Spectral Recall


Summon Flesh Wurm -> Spectral Walk -> Necrotic Traversal -> Dark Path -> Spectral Recall


Absolutely zero strategic potential other than style points. Dark Path, just like Spectral Walk, has an infinite range while it's active. It will only move you 1,200 units just like Flesh Wurm, but will still teleport you even if you're beyond that range as long as the projectile was _within range_ when fired. So if you for example, use Dark Path within range of a target and they teleport away from you, you will still teleport towards them when the projectile connects even if they are no longer in range. This actually has some very significant combat potential unlike the triple ports. You can use this on things like Thieves, Mesmers, Guardians, etc. to maintain pressure if you can anticipate their defensive kiting ports.


Also Spectral Walk on Mount can take you through loading screens.


**P.S. I'm pretty sure you can directly share .gifs here instead of converting them to links but I'm not sure how. If anyone knows, please tell me so I can edit this comment so people don't have to open the examples in another page.**

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