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Can we get Mystic coins as event drop?

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Just to normalize the price a bit after **GW2Exchange made it their official currency.**

**I repeat, MC is no longer a scarce material, it has become a currency people are stocking up on.**

The demand went up drastically while the supply is limited. For now the price went up by 0.5g and seems to be growing steadily.


Since you guys caused the prices of all kinds of farmable materials to tank by giving them away at events I would like you to do the same for something that's not so farmable yet in super high demand.



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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Just to normalize the price a bit after GW2Exchange made it their official currency.

> The demand went up drastically while the supply is limited. For now the price went up by 0.5g and seems to be growing steadily.


> Since you guys caused the prices of all kinds of farmable materials to tank by giving them away at events I would like you to do the same for something that's not so farmable yet in super high demand.



Unlikely to happen.. those scarcity mats are there for one reason.. gem sales.. then conversion.

Gem sales for the immediate I want, I wanters and also gem sales potential as players need to stay logging in longer if they are unwilling to whip the credit card off the bat... the longer players are in game the more likely they might buy gem store stuff or even grow weary of farming the mats or the gold to buy the mats and cave in, buy gems and convert.

Of course it's a risk cos players might just grow weary of all the incessant grind for every item .. remember the storm over requiem mats.

Having the AMG's restricted in supply is apparently not enough now we have sigils, Mystic Coins (again).. wonder what the next item will be.


As for having events drop them.. there are a bare minimum each day of course... but even those events grow thinner and thinner on the mind.



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The supply for Mystic Coins is in the game already with Fractal CM's. If just 5% of the game population would play those regularly MC's would tank in price.

On top of that, Fractal CM's are some of the most engaging content in the game, if people still don't play it the Mystic Coin price can't be that much of an issue.


Also to note, they just released two Legendary Trinkets and a Legendary Weapon. I don't see counteracting that temporary increase in demand with increased supply as a good idea.

Not everything has to be worthless.


If anything I wish Anet would drastically lower the supply of a bunch of things like Ectos so they feel a bit more special again.

I don't see the point of dumping the price of materials by increasing their supply by 3 times, when you then need to drop 3-5 times as many to make the same amount of gold as before, and unless you farm that new place where they drop like candy you are getting screwed, making less gold than you were before.

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It's not the legendary trinket and weapon. **MC has become the official currency of GW2 exchange**

Anything worth over 500g on there is being traded for MC. Do you understand?

Anyone who wants a super expensive item or just wants to avoid TP fees needs to have MC. People are stocking up on it just so they can trade...

And after they trade they won't put it back on the market, they'll keep it for future trades as it has become a currency for them! It's no longer just a scarce material...

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I highly doubt that people who trade in that large amount of gold have to worry about prices. People have ALWAYS been hoarding them and you vastly overestimate the amount of people who would use that kind of trading. All in all this just makes my investment into having 10 accounts even sweeter :) They all already paid off several times.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I highly doubt that people who trade in that large amount of gold have to worry about prices. People have ALWAYS been hoarding them and you vastly overestimate the amount of people who would use that kind of trading. All in all this just makes my investment into having 10 accounts even sweeter :) They all already paid off several times.


Idc about them, I'm relatively new and the economy has started to annoy **me**.

The stuff I could and did farm they devaluated so much it's not really worth doing anymore. And the things I have no choice but to buy they allow to skyrocket... It's bad game management and it's no longer a minor gripe of mine...

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I highly doubt that people who trade in that large amount of gold have to worry about prices. People have ALWAYS been hoarding them and you vastly overestimate the amount of people who would use that kind of trading. All in all this just makes my investment into having 10 accounts even sweeter :) They all already paid off several times.


> Idc about them, I'm relatively new and the economy has started to annoy **me**.

> The stuff I could and did farm they devaluated so much it's not really worth doing anymore. And the things I have no choice but to buy they allow to skyrocket... It's bad game management and it's no longer a minor gripe of mine...

How new is relatively new, and what do you need those mystic coins for?

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Send me 10MC and i'll tell you :smile:

> If it wasn't for the 10k gold TP limit and anet helping ppl when they get scammed for their MC none of this would be an issue and even the super rich would be subject to the TP gold sink as a bonus...

I'm sorry, but you are speaking in riddles. How did this conversation get from "relatively new, MC too expensive" to trading rare goods worth more than 10k gold on the grey market?

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All of the complaining about MC pricing, in my opinion, is coming from players who want legendaries but want them immediately. Not saying that this is necessarily the case with the OP of this particular thread. To me, Legendaries are something that should take a good amount of time to acquire. This is why MC is as rare as it is. Now, if a player doesn't want to put in the time, then they can buy MC from those willing to sell them; however, I don't feel that it is right to complain about the MC price at that point.


Meh. Just my take/feeling about this hue and outcry over the MC market.

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The only reason why MC became a currency and jumped in price is because the TP has a 10k gold limit.

I was pretty annoyed when they nerfed leather , iron and even ecto prices with their events as that was an okay source of income. Now i'm even more annoyed as the one thing I have to buy is rising in price.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Send me 10MC and i'll tell you :smile:

> If it wasn't for the 10k gold TP limit and anet helping ppl when they get scammed for their MC none of this would be an issue and even the super rich would be subject to the TP gold sink as a bonus...


If you tried to buy something from another player (not from TP), paid in MC and got scammed, well...

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sitting at roughly 15k mystic coins,


ye lets ruin the price because some other people can't get them at the rate they see fit




when something has a cap, people will raise it



in gw1 it was with ectos, in gw2 it is with mc's.

nothing new and nothing will change.



some people have several accounts just for the daily log in rewards alone (easy mc's)

fractals, still a good source for mc's

ley line anomaly, yup mc

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > Send me 10MC and i'll tell you :smile:

> > If it wasn't for the 10k gold TP limit and anet helping ppl when they get scammed for their MC none of this would be an issue and even the super rich would be subject to the TP gold sink as a bonus...

> I'm sorry, but you are speaking in riddles. How did this conversation get from "relatively new, MC too expensive" to trading rare goods worth more than 10k gold on the grey market?


do you not understand?


OP finally discovered gw2exchange, wants to buy a shiny infusion but can't


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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I highly doubt that people who trade in that large amount of gold have to worry about prices. People have ALWAYS been hoarding them and you vastly overestimate the amount of people who would use that kind of trading. All in all this just makes my investment into having 10 accounts even sweeter :) They all already paid off several times.


> Idc about them, I'm relatively new and the economy has started to annoy **me**.

> The stuff I could and did farm they devaluated so much it's not really worth doing anymore. And the things I have no choice but to buy they allow to skyrocket... It's bad game management and it's no longer a minor gripe of mine...


> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I highly doubt that people who trade in that large amount of gold have to worry about prices. People have ALWAYS been hoarding them and you vastly overestimate the amount of people who would use that kind of trading. All in all this just makes my investment into having 10 accounts even sweeter :) They all already paid off several times.


> Idc about them, I'm relatively new and the economy has started to annoy **me**.

> The stuff I could and did farm they devaluated so much it's not really worth doing anymore. And the things I have no choice but to buy they allow to skyrocket... It's bad game management and it's no longer a minor gripe of mine...


Do you have any figures on numbers of how many players are using that kind of trade? I kind of find it hard to believe that such a site would have a bigger impact than 3 Legendary Releases, unless thousands of players are utilizing that trading method.


So the things you farmed got devalued and in turn you want to devalue even more things until everything is worthless but flat gold rewards to just buy everything? I don't agree with that.

I'd rather see Anet reduce supply of a variety of things again to give more value to things other than gold.


Why do you have no choice but to buy Mystic Coins? Not only can you easily make an average of 2 of them daily with CM's (with Login rewards about 80 a month on the low end), they are also not needed for any non prestige item if I recall correctly.


I'm glad Mystic Coins, so far, have resisted the trend of Anet dumping the price of everything, especially considering they are mostly used for Legendary crafting.

I really dislike how everything in GW2 is just about amassing gold to just buy everything, rather than going for specific Materials and drops, looking where they come from and then engaging in that content.

Mystic Coins is one of those extremely rare examples left of "good game management", imo.


If such a grey market indeed has such a negative effect on the ingame economy, then Anet should take steps against that grey market, not mess with the economy of the game.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> The only reason why MC became a currency and jumped in price is because the TP has a 10k gold limit.

> I was pretty annoyed when they nerfed leather , iron and even ecto prices with their events as that was an okay source of income. Now i'm even more annoyed as the one thing I have to buy is rising in price.

If I'm not mistaken it was the other way around. MC prices were rising because of the new legendaries. At roughly the same time most other resources dropped, likely due to the resources added via the new map. This prompted the grey market to look for a stable currency to circumvent the 500g/week mail limit, which they found in mystic coins who due to different reasons (most likely the release of the legendary gs/trinket/ring) had just seen an increase in demand.


I still think the forum whining on the subject did considerably increase the price spike though, as it alerted a lot of people to the increased demand, and certainly prompted a good many people into panic-buying a stock of coins with no immediate need for them. Things will calm down eventually, like they always have.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Just to normalize the price a bit after **GW2Exchange made it their official currency.**

> **I repeat, MC is no longer a scarce material, it has become a currency people are stocking up on.**


> The demand went up drastically while the supply is limited. For now the price went up by 0.5g and seems to be growing steadily.


> Since you guys caused the prices of all kinds of farmable materials to tank by giving them away at events I would like you to do the same for something that's not so farmable yet in super high demand.




Last stated by ANet more were entering the supply versus leaving per day. MCs are a time gate as well. So that means price has not yet met actual value. Once it does supply will open up more. As far as an outside 3rd party impacting price, that's even more of a reason not to change the drop rate. That's just opening the door for gold sellers to have the ability to hijack the system. Having them drop during events would also be moving them back to trash loot which is not a desired state either. This all should be in the other thread and as a poster stated about guild missions could see them added to some of those but not seen much outside of that which would make sense. They are a great balancer of a new account versus older since they have value for both, and as others have stated there are daily ways to increase your amounts already so there is little reason for change. Temporary spikes in demand should not drive game changes.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Just to normalize the price a bit after **GW2Exchange made it their official currency.**

> **I repeat, MC is no longer a scarce material, it has become a currency people are stocking up on.**


> The demand went up drastically while the supply is limited. For now the price went up by 0.5g and seems to be growing steadily.


> Since you guys caused the prices of all kinds of farmable materials to tank by giving them away at events I would like you to do the same for something that's not so farmable yet in super high demand.




The other reason that most people are against it, and the reason it most likely won't happen is the fact a GRAY MARKET site is using it as their official currency, which means two things: one is that the place isn't sanctioned by ArenaNet and two people that go there are subject to being scammed. I'll say it again, if anyone is so greedy that they can't accept the 10k gold limit of the TP then they shouldn't be investing in games but should be investing in the real world where there is no limits on how much money you can trade things for.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> Fractal CM's are some of the most engaging content in the game, if people still don't play it the Mystic Coin price can't be that much of an issue.


Repeating the same two fractals every single day (one of which has a bunch of annoying RP) is "some of the most engaging content"? Strong disagree.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > Fractal CM's are some of the most engaging content in the game, if people still don't play it the Mystic Coin price can't be that much of an issue.


> Repeating the same two fractals every single day (one of which has a bunch of annoying RP) is "some of the most engaging content"? Strong disagree.


Dialoge is skipped in CM's.


It's miles better than pressing 1 at the same meta event every day.

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