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Speculations On E


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> @Deli.1302 said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Oh folks have mentioned her before. However, the Side Stories practically confirm that Evennia's disappearance was caused by Adelbern hanging her.


> Considering this was propaganda from Caudecus, I'd say Evennia's fate is still an open question.


I'd say it's not enough to conclusively say the matter is closed, but the whole point of propoganda is to look true, from a certain point of view. None of Caudecus' other claims in the Open Letters achievement are objectively false- skewed, certainly, but not false. I doubt he'd make a claim that Adelbern hanged members of the Shining Blade if that had never happened, and the only member of the Blade that we know came within his reach is Evennia.

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I found another old thread on this https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/lwd/The-Identity-of-E-is-probably-Spoilers -- take a gander before the forums go poof. I'm trying to find the old dev comment from when E first debuted. They definitely said it was someone we'd already met, but I do not recall at this point if it was on forums, on Reddit, in an interview, in a blog, in a live stream ... though my recollection is of reading the comment, not hearing it. Though CaptainVanguard says further down in the thread "A-net also stated a long while ago in one of its older live streams that we have SEEN E, and that they ARE a character we’ve met before." Sadly there is no cite.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> So. One thing that struck me...


> At the start of Path of Fire, if you talk to Faren (and persuade him to "look after the supplies"), he claims the title Lord of Beetletun.


> That was a title that used to belong to the (now extinct) Beetlestones. So how did Faren get it in the wake of Caudecus' treachery, the murder of his own heiress, and execution?


> The simplest answer might be that through some twist of ancestry, he just happened to be the next in line. That's the boring answer, but might well be the most likely.


> Another, though, is that Queen Jennah has the right to appoint noble titles - and may have appointed Faren to the job.


> Why, then, given how incompetent Faren appears to be (publicly, anyway... he does seem to survive things he shouldn't on occasion) would the crown appoint Faren to a position of likely greater responsibility?


> One possibility is that it's a position where loyalty is more important than competence: Beetletun largely manages itself, and Faren has risked his life believing it to be for the Queen at least once, so she might have viewed Faren as the safest option for Caudecus' demesne.


> The other possibility, though, is that Queen Jennah knows something that we don't...



Didn't Faren risk is life to save (the Illusion of) Queen Jennah in Season 1? It would stand to reason that his renown and reputation would skyrocket after that. I mean, he's an idiot, but it's implied he does have a way with people. Only, he's gone utterly cold turkey on my characters since Personal Story chapter 1. 'o.O

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"My captor—E—had left me standing, alone, on a moonless night, at the edge of a cobblestone street that smelled of rotting vegetables and dog droppings, and all I could think was, I need a new job."


The reveal is right there.


So blatantly obvious.


Rotting vegetables... maybe even a whiff of rotten apples?


... its Risen Tybalt.


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I would love it if Lord Faren is actually a deadly swordsman in disguise like the Scarlet Pimpernell or Zorro character. He poses as a totally clueless and gentle manchild as good as he can, but I guess this has become harder for him after returning from the Djungle in little more than his underwear, surviving relatively unscattered where heroes and battle hardened veterans perished. Would be nice if he encountered Bongo one day and told him that he is a terrible amateur of a swordsman and he could beat him easily with only his left arm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @vier.1327 said:

> And now, after the death of Caudecus, now has a spy in the Shinning Blade. Lady Wi's daugther is the pet of Anise. She is in contact with the secret service of Kryta.


I suspect that Valette isn't being made privy to anything Anise really cares about the OoW knowing. Consider that a nonhuman character in E6 hears that a nonhuman has never taken the oath before - which indicates that Canach was never brought into the inner circle.


For all Anise made comments about Canach's real crime was being caught, she seemed to mostly use him as an agent in circumstances where she didn't care if people knew he was her agent... or even outright _wanted_ it to be known. Valette will probably be used in a similar way. If she proves herself and volunteers to join the Shining Blade once her debt is considered paid and she's free to go, that might change, but in the meantime...

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  • 4 months later...

One of my guildies is at PAX and has just been at the panel with ANet writers. I don't know the exact quote as I wasn't there but in Discord my guildie reports:


"I asked about E."

"Ahem 'that I can't tell you.'"

(So I pressed, But did you ask if it's Faren? And closely watch his eyes for tells?)

"I'll go ask again, they hang by the griffon ... "

"Revised answers: 'Okay, yes I can at least confirm we're not done with E, he has more plot to go" and "hahaha no of course I can't confirm he's Lord Faren!'"


He. If that's an accurate quote from my guildie, there was a definite use of "he" for E. /glee

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> One of my guildies is at PAX and has just been at the panel with ANet writers. I don't know the exact quote as I wasn't there but in Discord my guildie reports:


> "I asked about E."

> "Ahem 'that I can't tell you.'"

> (So I pressed, But did you ask if it's Faren? And closely watch his eyes for tells?)

> "I'll go ask again, they hang by the griffon ... "

> "Revised answers: 'Okay, yes I can at least confirm we're not done with E, he has more plot to go" and "hahaha no of course I can't confirm he's Lord Faren!'"


> He. If that's an accurate quote from my guildie, there was a definite use of "he" for E. /glee


So the plot thickens?

When Thinking about E's physical appearance we can go by:"A male, with a deep voice." She also didn't notice any magic interference, which rules out necromancers, and depending on her ability to detect magic, elementalists, mesmers and other higly magic oriented professions. This leaves us with a warrior, thief, or engineer.

Races that feature those are: Norn, Charr, Human, maybe even Sylvari.

E grabbed Marjory's shoulder, which would give our detective some important clues about E's figure.

If it was a norn, who grabbed her shoulder, she would likely notice a very large hand firmly grabbing her. (Try to give a norn a handshake.) Norn are larger in lore than ingame for camera reasons. Their hands are fairly huge, plus in Ghosts of Ascalon Kranxx tells us, they give out considerable body heat.

Had it been a charr, it would be very hard not to notice the paw pads and claws. Plus there might have been charr hair left on her, which could later be spotted. A moonless night is dark, but even a black furred charr like Evon would have left traces.

A sylvari silhouette may look similar to a human's but talking to Blath in the Grove reveals, that sylvari are beings of wood and bark, you immediately notice if the tree children touch you.

Humans are what you would expect to meet in Divinity's Reach. The occasional nonhuman visitor to DR usually stands out, so unless Marjory's senses are not as keen as they should be, E is likely to be a human.

So, do you guys know any human male warriors, engineers, or thieves, that the player has already met? This group does include Lord Faren, for what it's worth. Then again, the new Legate Minister may also fit, depending on his profession.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> He. If that's an accurate quote from my guildie, there was a definite use of "he" for E. /glee

That really doesn't mean anything. When you don't know the gender of a person, it is considered more proper to refer to them as a he, rather than the more general "it", because calling a person an it is usually considered offensive, and using the terms "them" and "they" is more often used when referring to more then one person.


I'm not saying E isn't a he, but Anet's use of the term he, when everything about E is considered mysterious, doesn't actually mean E is a he, it just means they are being correct in referring to a person whose identity is unknown.

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I still believe Blaine is E;




>Dear ,

>It's been some time, hasn't it? Remember me? It's Blaine! From the well!

>Things are going great for me down here. Not only did I stay safe in the White Mantle attack, but I'm >making quite a life for myself in the well. Event adopted a pet rat! His name is Nibbles. He'll warm up >to me soon, I just know it.

*I kidnapped a white mantle, i’ll interrogate him*

>Best regards,




>PS: I go by Blaine now. Figure its more appropriate for a man of my age.

*to mask E in case anyone intercepts these letters*




>Dear ,

>It was a sad day today in Winslow Manor. We had to bid farewell to our dear, beloved Mr. Nibbles.

*he escaped, or was executed*

>When he left us, he took a piece of me with him—specifically, one of my toes. But the domain >soldiers on nonetheless. I'm even thinking of planting a garden!

*definetely escaped, managed to hurt E in the flight*

>All my best to you and yours,

*I’ll be fine*

>—Lord Blaine, Archduke of the Well of Winslow




>Dear ,

>I hope all is well with you. Big update from the Well Kingdom of Winslow: I've recently amassed a >new court. Before you ask, yes, they are rats. They're not the most talkative bunch, but they don't talk >back to their regent, and that's what counts. The garden never worked out, so I've moved my efforts >over to armoring. The Kingdom of Winslow endures.

*I captured a few moreWMs, and they arevery.. talkative. Real progress is being made*

>—Lord Blaine, Prince of Winslow




>Dear ,

>I've finally achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a king. I'm still down here in the well, but surely >my subjects above wouldn't forget about me, would they? I'll need some help when I make my grand >emergence—it's been so long since I've seen light that I don't think my eyes, you know, function >anymore. Make the appropriate arrangements for your lord, won't you?

>—His Majesty King Blaine, Regent of Winslow Well

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> The problem is that E grabbed Marjory from behind and spoke in a low voice -- I don't recall the exact paragraph so I can't say for sure that E was definitely male but the impression sure was of it being a human man.


**E**llen Kiel is a pretty tall woman... Just sayin'.


My bet is on her or Evennia.

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Right now the best guess will be AnisE, and I think she is E.


"Kasmeer, your special touch is needed to root out traitors in the court. If you find one, alert the nearest Shining Blade or Seraph guard. **Do not endanger yourself**."~E

"I vouch—personally—for his/her honor and sincerity. **I have watched him/her for many years**."~Anise


The person that is E really cares about Kasmeer. We could see how Anise and Kasmeer were close, Anise even supported her in the Party Politics, and that the nobility is the thing you gain, not get.


And the second thing is that she's been watching us FOR MANY YEARS, it doesn't give you this shock when you play a human, but any other race can be really suprised. She's been watching everytime, everything what we did.


This can be really strong clue that Anise is E.


Also E is most likely the member of the Mesmer Collective, so E can use any illusion, even a tree illusion just to be watching.

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I think the whole angle we are taking on this "mystery" is wrong.


I'm a long time tabletop roleplaying narrator, and also a very amateur plot writer (which means I study more than I write). I'm not trying to make shine any badge, I'm just pointing that I know how the work of writing plots usually happen: you normally have a protagonist, have a problem(and antagonist if needed), have a general route, a theme too. You typically also have the ending, at least for the chapter. If you use a mystery, you usually got extra careful to plant some telling bits here and there, and a lot of red herrings too. But you always keep the final truth open, flexible. You do this to make sure you get a nice surprise/reaction when the reveal comes. Also this helps cover most the mistakes you'll make in the way there.


What I'm trying to say is we shouldn't be asking "Who is E?". We should be asking "Who should be E?". Because E is, I'm 99% sure, still not defined.


IMO the best E would be a conjoint effort of two very well known E-named personalities, with a public reputation as opponents and enemies, who in reality are old allies working together to keep the peace and promote the growth for all the races in Tyria.

Ellen and Evon would make such a great E!

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > He. If that's an accurate quote from my guildie, there was a definite use of "he" for E. /glee

> That really doesn't mean anything. When you don't know the gender of a person, it is considered more proper to refer to them as a he, rather than the more general "it", because calling a person an it is usually considered offensive, and using the terms "them" and "they" is more often used when referring to more then one person.


> I'm not saying E isn't a he, but Anet's use of the term he, when everything about E is considered mysterious, doesn't actually mean E is a he, it just means they are being correct in referring to a person whose identity is unknown.


Oh, I know. I didn't mean to sound like I think it locked it in. But it at least didn't wreck my long-held pet theory that Faren is E. Hence my /glee'ing :)

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:


A sylvari silhouette may look similar to a human's but talking to Blath in the Grove reveals, that sylvari are beings of wood and bark, you immediately notice if the tree children touch you.


I want to say that this isn't necessarily true. If E wanted to avoid being figured out, they'd easily just cover themselves up in regular clothing in a non-conspicuous way. Long sleeved shirt, pants, a hood, and gloves go a long way to do so.


Mind you, I think it's pretty obvious given E's interests that he is a human. Everything we've seen him involved with involved human politics or history in some way. E has connections in the Shining Blade, Seraph, and Ministry, interest in both DR and LA politics,


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Right now the best guess will be AnisE, and I think she is E.


I disagree, mainly because of Caudecus's involvement with the Orphaned storyline we learned from Master of Puppets:


As a rule, I tend not to trust anonymous letters, but I'm sending this note back with your bird because of the gravity of what you wrote. If what you say about a planned assassination and about the identity of the White Mantle Confessor is true, I can't afford not to act. That being said, I'll give you the same warning I give all new informants: I don't like being toyed with. We'll be watching the target to see if this assassination attempt actually comes to pass. If it does, I'll consider the validity of the rest of your claim. And if it doesn't, I'll be forced to demonstrate just how seriously I take these matters. —E



In other words, E is why Salia and Mehid got involved and saved the PC during [Voices From the Past](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Voices_From_the_Past). However, in the next story step, Anise yells at them for their actions. This, to me, tells me that Salia and Mehid acted without Anise's consent, that she didn't know about rescuing the PC from the ambush or performing that raid.


But what's more important: Caudecus wouldn't have needed to tip E off to tip off the Shining Blade. He could have just tipped off Anise directly, and Anise responding as E would give her away if so.


Not to mention that she, very oddly, brought up E as an unknown during Party Politics. If E was at all related to the Shining Blade under her knowledge, there wouldn't really be a need to say "I did, however, receive a mysterious message signed only with the initial E. The note said that Estelle was in a bandit gambling parlor when she was supposedly spying on our queen." She could have just said "one of my agents found out that [...]" Overly convoluted to try to cover her own tracks. Why bring attention to the mystery of E when there was no reason to unless she's simply not E? Doing so while she is E would just lead people to wonder "wait, how does a spymaster not know of a spy's identity?"


All of {E's Correspondences](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/E%27s_Correspondence) also implies to me that E functions external of the Seraph, Shining Blade, and Order of Whispers but has contacts within all three groups. Especially the fifth letter, where E talks about the Blade and Seraph as external groups and not one they're a member of. *If* E is a member of one of the three, it'd likely be Whispers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Castigator.3470" said:

> >

A sylvari silhouette may look similar to a human's but talking to Blath in the Grove reveals, that sylvari are beings of wood and bark, you immediately notice if the tree children touch you.


> I want to say that this isn't necessarily true. If E wanted to avoid being figured out, they'd easily just cover themselves up in regular clothing in a non-conspicuous way. Long sleeved shirt, pants, a hood, and gloves go a long way to do so.


> Mind you, I think it's pretty obvious given E's interests that he is a human. Everything we've seen him involved with involved human politics or history in some way. E has connections in the Shining Blade, Seraph, and Ministry, interest in both DR and LA politics,


> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Right now the best guess will be AnisE, and I think she is E.


> I disagree, mainly because of Caudecus's involvement with the Orphaned storyline we learned from Master of Puppets:


> As a rule, I tend not to trust anonymous letters, but I'm sending this note back with your bird because of the gravity of what you wrote. If what you say about a planned assassination and about the identity of the White Mantle Confessor is true, I can't afford not to act. That being said, I'll give you the same warning I give all new informants: I don't like being toyed with. We'll be watching the target to see if this assassination attempt actually comes to pass. If it does, I'll consider the validity of the rest of your claim. And if it doesn't, I'll be forced to demonstrate just how seriously I take these matters. —E

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master_of_Puppets


> In other words, E is why Salia and Mehid got involved and saved the PC during [Voices From the Past](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Voices_From_the_Past). However, in the next story step, Anise yells at them for their actions. This, to me, tells me that Salia and Mehid acted without Anise's consent, that she didn't know about rescuing the PC from the ambush or performing that raid.


> But what's more important: Caudecus wouldn't have needed to tip E off to tip off the Shining Blade. He could have just tipped off Anise directly, and Anise responding as E would give her away if so.


> Not to mention that she, very oddly, brought up E as an unknown during Party Politics. If E was at all related to the Shining Blade under her knowledge, there wouldn't really be a need to say "I did, however, receive a mysterious message signed only with the initial E. The note said that Estelle was in a bandit gambling parlor when she was supposedly spying on our queen." She could have just said "one of my agents found out that [...]" Overly convoluted to try to cover her own tracks. Why bring attention to the mystery of E when there was no reason to unless she's simply not E? Doing so while she is E would just lead people to wonder "wait, how does a spymaster not know of a spy's identity?"


> All of {E's Correspondences](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/E%27s_Correspondence) also implies to me that E functions external of the Seraph, Shining Blade, and Order of Whispers but has contacts within all three groups. Especially the fifth letter, where E talks about the Blade and Seraph as external groups and not one they're a member of. *If* E is a member of one of the three, it'd likely be Whispers.


I too thought of Lord Faren, however after recently playing the personal story, I was thinking about all the humans we meet. I had my suspicions about Benn Tennstrikes. How he leads a group of mercenaries, as well as being tied to the Order of Whispers, and he knows a lot about the heroics of the player character (Charr, Norn, etc.) even when being in Kryta. I do however think I found a bit of text from E’s Correspondence Achievement to suggest that maybe Benn is the brother that needs to use his talents to get a particular female to evacuate, I believe in letter 2. Here is the dialogue.


E's Second Letter

Your regular duties for me are suspended until this conflict is over. Focus on preparing the evacuation plan in case we have to get her out quickly. Take your brother with you.


She is unlikely to go if given a choice, so we may need his special skills to force her, for her own good. —E


Looking back though, they might not be talking about Benn. I was trying to find siblings in the wiki and this is the only one I could think of.


I also thought that maybe Benn’s Father could be E, as this give some odd dialogue in the story, however that may suggest that they are just pirates but didn’t want to not it.


Then I thought of the paper salesmen, Cin Fursarai and all the letters that E writes. Cin also has connection to Divinity’s Reach and Liobs Arch. He is also surrounded by letters in Lake Doric.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Cin Fursarai is a bit of a weasel character though. In the noble storyline, he moans about every little problem that comes his way, and only seems to care about his business.


> Doesn't really strike me as the acting type either. Even his placement in Lake Doric seems to be one of being conscripted rather than volunteering.


Yeah, I mean Benn fits the bill better because of his involvement with DR and the Order. He also knows a lot about the Commander as well, he’ll comment on about the personal story introduction instance as well, so he clearly has methods obtaining information. What is strange is that he seems to be a friend Demmi, so it diesn’t make sense to not trust Beetlestones as stated in one of the letters.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Cin Fursarai is a bit of a weasel character though. In the noble storyline, he moans about every little problem that comes his way, and only seems to care about his business.


> Doesn't really strike me as the acting type either. Even his placement in Lake Doric seems to be one of being conscripted rather than volunteering.


He could be playing his role as a reticent, the same way Faren plays it own as a fool.

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