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honestly one of the races of tyria that got me excited for gw2 when it launched was the possibility as playing as a Tengu and a asura based upon my experience with the original guild wars not to mention all the juicy along the amazing lore interactively into the game as a whole but i was a bit bummed out on how we couldn't play as a tengu or a assassin class based upon the original experiences from the first game and I know the Dev's may have had a reason for it but if we could please get the tengu race for the next expansion that would be absolutely mind blowing or that of a hint as to what happened to cantha or why most tengue don't let the other races into their walls. but if someone wants to say other wise I'm all ears because the memory's I have had with guild wars series as a whole helped me know who i am at heart not only did it inspire me but i hope to one day do the same for another kid who is growing up in a hard place arena net you guys are the best and i hope you guys continue being successful love from me and my father to you all.

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you are not the only one with this opinion. There have been many threads about it and I do not see why we need a new one. My advice is to use the search option and use one of the existing topics.


Also, there was never any word from the devs that Tengu would be playable. This has always been pure speculation from the players. I actually hope that those speculations where off. If the Tengy where to be a playable race, it was rejected at one point and this makes it less likely to ever actually happen.

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What's fresh about this post is that there's no arm-chair developer talk. No "Anet needs to do this for the health of the game". None of the usual business case without numbers "there's huge money in this" drivel that usually accompanies these posts.

Hell there isn't even an attempt by the OP to paint their personal desire one the entire community has by saying "everyone wants this".

I almost thought it was a fresh topic.


That said @"mercury ranique.2170" is correct.

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Would i love you play the tengu?

**absolutely**, my wallet will be torn open.

Do i believe anet should do it

**eehh.. Mayhaps**, it costs a lot of time and resources, as well as they need a unique story to get them to lv80, and subsequently tie them into the commanders' group to get them to the same social status

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I dont see it happening. Because it's pointless. A new race would have to be exactly like the skeletons and overall body shape as one of the existing races because there are *thousands upon thousands* of armor skins that would otherwise have to be remade. That makes a new race superficial at best.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

>... they need a unique story to get them to lv80, and subsequently tie them into the commanders' group to get them to the same social status

This ^ and...

It's been years and this game only circles around **Humans** and Sylvari. Norn and Charr lore are pretty much left aside for ages.

Asuras and Charrs get lazy armor adaptations, wierd weapon scaling, clipping tails, cut of toes, ears and horns, floating backpacks...even Norns have some impossible shoulders size and weapons clipping into the ground.

Not even new character customization options.


So yeah Tengu or any new race are probably out of the equation.

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Another Tengu Post, same reply

> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> Yea...while some want Tengu for RP or to looks cool with outfit/skin, i only want them if they have impact on the dialouge and other characters acknowledge your race but since HoT, vanilla races don't matter anymore we got few race-specific dialouge but nothing important, until Anet can fix that i'm not gonna bother. Plus what are the chances that they won't re-use Charr animation for Tengu? Sylvari don't have many unique animation beside running/dance same goes for Norn


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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> you are not the only one with this opinion. There have been many threads about it and I do not see why we need a new one. My advice is to use the search option and use one of the existing topics.


> Also, there was never any word from the devs that Tengu would be playable. This has always been pure speculation from the players. I actually hope that those speculations where off. If the Tengy where to be a playable race, it was rejected at one point and this makes it less likely to ever actually happen.


To correct something, Tengus were planned to be a playable race :


"Prior to release, the tengu were a strong candidate for one of the playable races, with the Dominion of Winds as their starter city.[4] They are unlikely to become playable in the future.[5]

Tengu have the same mesh as the charr, but different animations. In the Heart of Maguuma and in Guild Halls, the Tengu there have their own, unique animations and mesh, including Izu Steelshrike, who previously had the original animations."





"Tengu were initially considered as a playable race. Their home city would have been the Dominion of Winds.[1]"




Unfortunately, they changed their ideas for some reasons and there no known plans to add them in the future.


I agree this is a shit load of work and there will probably be little to no benefits for the devs, so I try to not think about it too much as I myself would really enjoy playing one of them. I'm also very interested about their lore and all, but....


Enough about Tengu. Devs don't care and/or have their reasons and/or have other projects in mind.

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What is it that is so special about these winged rats?


* They won't have any different stats than any other race

* You'll have clipping issues with all current sets of armor with wings and feathers

* Every racial interaction in the game will have to be reworked from the very beginning


I could be wrong, but without a whole new game I don't expect to see new playable races.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> What is it that is so special about these winged rats?


> * They won't have any different stats than any other race

> * You'll have clipping issues with all current sets of armor with wings and feathers

> * Every racial interaction in the game will have to be reworked from the very beginning


> I could be wrong, but without a whole new game I don't expect to see new playable races.


And clipping issues with Tengu feet and all the footwear in game.

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There are so many ways to introduce Tengu in the story without changing much.You can have Tengu Unlocked only if you finished the HoT and PoF(with or without the living world) storyline with another character and they have their little story how the dominion of winds opens and one tengu is sent/joins your guild(Dragon's Watch) as an emissary and/or link between the dominion and the other races through the guild.When unlocked it starts at lvl 80 and whenever you create one is lvl 80 and get the dominion story.The only issue would be armors,but again they can have none of the existing armors and can have some made specific for their model and only the future armors get scaled and fit for them as well like for any other race.

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> @"Nury.3062" said:

> There are so many ways to introduce Tengu in the story

The lore is not the reason ANet has said that they don't plan on adding new races to the game.


> The only issue would be armors,

This is a massive issue. And not the only one.


> they can have none of the existing armors

You expect that the majority of players would be happy with a race that didn't have any of the preexisting armors? Let's say that's true, armor remains a major issue because now every single new set must be fitted for 12 instead for 10 (6 races times two genders).


> specific for their model

i.e. the cultural armors that all the other races have.


> only the future armors get scaled and fit for them as well like for any other race.

as above, that's not a minor issue.


Other issues include:

* Home instance and starting area

* Race-specific dialogue

* New voice actors for all existing dialogue plus all future dialogue.

* A way to make the earlier stories work, especially the personal story


ANet could, of course, choose to ignore any or all of these issues. That then begs the question: what's the point of a new race if the only difference is the lore? And ANet has said: they'd rather focus those lore-related resources on the Living World, that applies to all existing five races, rather than focus on just one.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> you are not the only one with this opinion. There have been many threads about it and I do not see why we need a new one. My advice is to use the search option and use one of the existing topics.


> Also, there was never any word from the devs that Tengu would be playable. This has always been pure speculation from the players. I actually hope that those speculations where off. If the Tengy where to be a playable race, it was rejected at one point and this makes it less likely to ever actually happen.



As I recall it was confirmed they would have been playable but anet ran out of time before launch. But that could be good as it’d mean some work would be done, although I imagine at this point much of it would need to be redone. So not much less work than any other race

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> >

> > Also, there was never any word from the devs that Tengu would be playable. This has always been pure speculation from the players.


> As I recall it was confirmed they would have been playable but anet ran out of time before launch.


According to the wiki, the book, _The Making of Guild Wars 2_ states that the Tengu were _considered_ as a playable race. There's no indication (from the wiki) that it ever got any farther than that. In 2012, a claim was made by one of the wiki lore experts that "we don't meet any female tengu" and "all male tengu have the same voice and [physical] appearance." That suggests that it didn't get far from the drawing board as an idea.


_The Making of Guild Wars 2_ is out of print and I don't see a digitized version anywhere. So absent screenshots of the relevant pages, I'd have to say the evidence is scant that any coding was done to make tengu playable.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> According to the wiki, the book, _The Making of Guild Wars 2_ states that the Tengu were _considered_ as a playable race. There's no indication (from the wiki) that it ever got any farther than that. In 2012, a claim was made by one of the wiki lore experts that "we don't meet any female tengu" and "all male tengu have the same voice and [physical] appearance." That suggests that it didn't get far from the drawing board as an idea.


> _The Making of Guild Wars 2_ is out of print and I don't see a digitized version anywhere. So absent screenshots of the relevant pages, I'd have to say the evidence is scant that any coding was done to make tengu playable.


It's part of the GW2 Collector's Edition, so it may not have been made available separately.


I have a copy available though. The following is on page 62:


>**Tengus in Hiding**

> The tengu played a large role in _Guild Wars Prophecies_, but you'll encounter less than a half-dozen in _Guild Wars 2_. Character Art Team Lead Aaron Coberly explains, "The tengu were originally considered for inclusion as a playable race, but we pulled back and settled on the five races you now see in the game. We had a big walled city in the middle of the map that was going to house the tengu. That city is still there—you can't get in—but you might run into a few just outside the walls at trading posts." According to Coberly, the tengu are a race with a lot of future appeal. They may even evolve in a broader bird-sense and perhaps pull from a larger variety of bird species.


It then goes on to talk about quaggan, and some of the more minor races.

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@"Ben K.6238" thanks for the quote. That's interesting.



Extracting the relevant comments:

> * "considered for inclusion as a playable races"

> * "we pulled back and settled on the five"

> * "we had a big walled city [...that is] still there — you can't get in"

> * "the tengu are a race with ... future appeal"

> * "they may even evolve... and pull from a larger variety of bird species"



That reads to me that Tengu made it at least as far as the drawing board. It's possible they got as far as whiteboarding character models or even including them in early tests. It doesn't at all sound like some people have suggested: that they were anything close to ready for launch at any level. It also doesn't sound to me as if ANet was considering adding a sixth race, although, as always, they also didn't rule it out back then.

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