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Gw2 for ps4/xbox

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Not with the kind of pacing and number of high demand keys needed for this game's combat system. They would have to fork the entire game play design, with its own team, and redesign the combat and control system to work under the heavily restricted nature of controllers. To an extent, even Blizzard, with all their resources, are regretting their console development branch, because half of their hero mechanics have almost completely opposite behavior between PC and consoles. And trying to back port a KBM control scheme to Controller is nightmarish compared to designing a Controller based control scheme, and porting it to KBM.


you do realize that the ps4 and xbox one are KBM compatible now so a port would not be as hard as you think

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Ignoring that the UI and game controls would have to be completely different, it would be a waste of time and resources. The way patches are released on consoles would be detrimental to both PC and console players because they would want to sync them up otherwise they will be lagging behind and we would have less overall releases so they don't have to constantly send them in for certification. Plus they would have to devote an entire team to console.


Star trek online is a perfect example of what happens when you split resources, the console lags behind and they ended up changing pc interfaces to look like the console version. Not to mention the console is a mess for STO at times, which ends up making it a mess for PC.


Given how wvw makes even beefy computers run like molasses, it would probably melt modern consoles.

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I try to avoid topics like this because I get triggered too easily.


Anyway, you CAN play Guild Wars 2 on a controller, and it IS effective, and just as good as KB+M! I do more DPS than 90% of players. I'm one of the best Spellbreakers on my server in WvW. With action camera for example, you gain a HUGE mobility advantage over backpeddalers. Most KB+M users can't even move the same way that I can, with a thumbstick.


You can EASILY (EASILY!) fit every button you need on a controller, with a bit of know-how. I have buttons for EVERY user interface shortcut, I have a seperate button for EVERY mount, heck, I even have buttons for my novelties. And of course I have all my skills bound. I have stow weapon bound, about face - you name it, and I keybinded it to my controller.


All right, SOME things are plain better on KB+M. But only inventory management comes to mind (I got pretty damn good at moving the mouse with my right thumbstick anyway so it's probably only like 25% less precise for me).

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> @"Fermi.2409" said:

> The game's controls really don't work that well on controller. Yes, people use controllers. No, it's not nearly as good as a real KBM.


> Also, the current generation consoles are just weak PCs, and their CPUs are incredibly low-end. This game would barely even run on them.


Well, my xbox one x with 6tflops runs open world games like Final Fantasy XV very well. It actually runs with mostly 1440p to 4k, HDR and whatnot. This is about the power a 1070 GTX has. That said; as it stands now the GW2 engine is ancient and would be problematic. Aside from all other issues, it will never be on console anyways...

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> @"Tutis.6957" said:

> After I try ps4 on 55 inch screen several years ago, I dont want to get back to pc anymore. ps4 pro on 4k tv this is for the players! I miss my old games - gw2 , world of warcraft. I know many pc gamers who left pc world after ps4 pro was released so we all waiting maybe one day gw2 will be on console as Elders scrolls and Tera are now. Consoles is a huge market and its winning against pc at the moment


I connected my PC to a 65 inch 4k TV and I play games on my PC with whatever controller I desire on the big screen and can play split screen games with friends who come over. Same console experience only better since PS4 pro 4k isn't true 4k as it's being advertised and you get way more options on PC than on console. There is no reason why you cannot hook up your PC to your TV and play with a controller. PC gaming is what you make it.


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I try to avoid topics like this because I get triggered too easily.


> Anyway, you CAN play Guild Wars 2 on a controller, and it IS effective, and just as good as KB+M! I do more DPS than 90% of players. I'm one of the best Spellbreakers on my server in WvW. With action camera for example, you gain a HUGE mobility advantage over backpeddalers. Most KB+M users can't even move the same way that I can, with a thumbstick.


> You can EASILY (EASILY!) fit every button you need on a controller, with a bit of know-how. I have buttons for EVERY user interface shortcut, I have a seperate button for EVERY mount, heck, I even have buttons for my novelties. And of course I have all my skills bound. I have stow weapon bound, about face - you name it, and I keybinded it to my controller.


> All right, SOME things are plain better on KB+M. But only inventory management comes to mind (I got pretty kitten good at moving the mouse with my right thumbstick anyway so it's probably only like 25% less precise for me).


I'm curious what your controller keybinds are? Wondering if it's similar to mine. =)

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  • 1 year later...

I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.

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> @"Evil.1390" said:

> I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.


Holy necro batman.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Evil.1390" said:

> > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.


> Holy necro batman.


Necroing>Repetitive new threads

And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Evil.1390" said:

> > > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.

> >

> > Holy necro batman.


> Necroing>Repetitive new threads

> And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.


I disagree, if its been dead for well over a year I see no reason to not make a new thread.


Fuck consoles though.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Evil.1390" said:

> > > > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.

> > >

> > > Holy necro batman.

> >

> > Necroing>Repetitive new threads

> > And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.


> I disagree, if its been dead for well over a year I see no reason to not make a new thread.


> kitten consoles though.


I can agree here, too. The thread was necro'd without adding anything new or relevant.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > > @"Evil.1390" said:

> > > > > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.

> > > >

> > > > Holy necro batman.

> > >

> > > Necroing>Repetitive new threads

> > > And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.

> >

> > I disagree, if its been dead for well over a year I see no reason to not make a new thread.

> >

> > kitten consoles though.


> I can agree here, too. The thread was necro'd without adding anything new or relevant.


Is kinda funny that a thread for the previous gen of consoles gets necro'd around the same time a new gen is being launched.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > > @"Evil.1390" said:

> > > > > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.

> > > >

> > > > Holy necro batman.

> > >

> > > Necroing>Repetitive new threads

> > > And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.

> >

> > I disagree, if its been dead for well over a year I see no reason to not make a new thread.

> >

> > kitten consoles though.


> I can agree here, too. The thread was necro'd without adding anything new or relevant.


I'm curious about the adding anything new, since I can't see a discussion on the subject of bringing the original Guild Wars game on consoles in this thread. You can also try a forum search to see if this has been discussed in the past, but so far I found none. The suggestion was in fact new, not really relevant regarding Guild Wars 2 though

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> @"Evil.1390" said:

> I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea.


People need to understand that control, such as how much you have to use on a skill bar has NOTHING to do with porting the game to consoles. GW1 and GW2 are based on the same game engine, meaning porting either over is going to be close to the same amount of work. Anet also looked into porting GW2 over to xbox of the time, as in, they had a team working on it, it is also assumed this is another reason GW2 stuck to the same in house engine as it's built on the DX9 API, which the xbox of the time used a slightly modded version of DX9, meaning porting over would be easier vs back porting from a newer game engine based on DX11.


However, console releases are not like PC release. Anyone can come out with a game on PC, on console however you have to get approved by the console mfg and licensed through them, most consoles these days make money on game sales, and in some cases actually lose money on selling the actual console, much like shaving razors, they sell the handle for cheap or almost give them away because they sell the refills for high cost and know if they can "get you", you will be a repeat buyer. In this case with consoles, it's buying more games on the platform and micro transactions in games, that they also get a cut of. All of this has requirements for a game, consoles want a "user experience" and feels fluid from game to game, as such there are performance metrics games have to meet to release on a given console. This means higher optimization is needed for the game and anet probably quickly realized the work and money needed to hit those metrics with limited HW of consoles was just not worth it.


You are probably saying "worth it?". Yes, MMOs as a whole have always done HORRIBLE on consoles, MMOs market is PC, even once console got to the point you could use a mouse and KB on them, MMOs have still done very poorly on consoles. As such, lots of work and money + low sales = no ROI. And anet being a business means no console port. Big time for a game as old as GW2, at this point to release on the new consoles would mean a total engine re write and that time/money would be far better put into a GW3 or a new game, because it would also mean having two development teams, as you now have TWO product steams of the same game that need to be patched and updated.


TLDR: Not going to happen.

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