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Not releasing a new expansion for GW2 was a terrible mistake because WoW:BFA turned out to be bad

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I mean just look at ESO or FFXIV, they both have record players on Steam this year. All because new WoW expansion BFA is terrible and a lot of people started looking for a new MMORPG.


If GW2 did the same and released a new expansion this year, I bet a lot of new and old players would be playing this game.


It's a shame because I think GW2 deserves way more attention since it's one of the best MMORPGs on the market.

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No one knwos what could or would have been, we do not have numbers so it's hard to discuss this here. Not that I'm perfectly fine with ANets marketing or anything but I guess it's up to the players to promote the game, talk good about it, make some content on ze interwebs, idk. Posting this here will most likely reach out to 1)people already playing the game or 2)people who have given up on it and are only in for the rants. Neither of those are the people you want to promote the game to. I also doubt that by posting another "Why u no xpakz ANet?" thread will reach anyone responsible in making this sort of decission. Sry m8.

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While there is logic behind what you're saying I don't think it matters. People know what GW2 is by now and I don't think it really competes with WoW/FF. GW2 is for people who arent interested in vertical progression and challenging instanced group pve content. WoW and FFS are all about those things.

I don't think GW2 "deserves" more attention, its a very specific game for very specific ppl.

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> @"Klakax.2596" said:

> I mean just look at ESO or FFXIV, they both have record players on Steam this year. All because new WoW expansion BFA is terrible and a lot of people started looking for a new MMORPG.


> If GW2 did the same and released a new expansion this year, I bet a lot of new and old players would be playing this game.


> It's a shame because I think GW2 deserves way more attention since it's one of the best MMORPGs on the market.


And yet those record numbers are still shy of what Warframe has without ANY expansions... We don't know about GW2 because there's no such metrics, but i wouldn't worry about it...

This is all pure speculation, yes, those games grew, but did they grow enough to catch up to GW2? Hard to say, because again, no numbers. From my experience, Living World has done more to garner good will towards the game than any expansions... And with Season 4 being somewhat lacklustre compared to season 2 and 3 (even the last 2 episodes being somewhat above average doesn't make up for the mid episodes being so meh) it was a better move to go forward through into Season 5 than focus on an expansion.

That, and Arena Net were focusing way too many resources on their side project (the one that got shutdown and caused the lay-offs) so they probably didn't have the manpower to launch an expansion.

But all said and done, yes, there was a lot of mismanagement of the GW2 product and IP, so much so that it had a repercussion to the point of causing a lot of people to lose their livelihood. But it does seem that those repercussions did shake Arena Net of their cushy lethargy, and they seem to be getting more proactive. Time will tell. Too bad it came too late to allow their colleagues to keep their jobs... It's not like a significant bunch of the community hadn't been vocal about that state of things, me included.

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While not disagreeing with the idea, I'd like to point out that the devs could not have released an expansion so soon, even if they had wanted : season 5 was not finished. They would not have been able to capitalize on that player drain regardless of their plans.


But that is not to say that they should outright give up on expansions altogether. In my opinion, expansions draw a very large amount of players on their own, ontop of being paid content from the get go (as opposed to living story episodes which are -bless their hearts- free for a time).


Furthermore, one has to design an expansion and think deeply of what to put in it, before even announcing it. Which is not so simple on it's own.

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> Anyone coming to GW2 from Wow now has quite a lot of content to get through just in the core game, let alone the two expansions plus LW seasons.


It's less about overall content availability and more about mind share, promotional excitement and awareness. The point the OP is trying to make is that if GW2 had something worth creating buzz about, those wow players who did switch to another game would have been more likely to switch to GW2.




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But putting out an expansion just for the sake of having an expansion (without the proper thought, as Naxos says) is kindof what got BfA the reputation it has, I'd say.


We had buzz around the skyscale, with LWS4 episodes being given away for free in the lead-up to War Eternal. Getting people to try your game for free (vs having to buy an expansion) is a good tactic too, and honestly the best we could get from Anet now while they regroup and recover from the layoffs earlier in the year.


Our time will come :) I'm hopeful we can get another expansion in the future.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jin.8501" said:

> > ESO and FFXIV reaped thousands of thousands players due to this


> No, they did because they have good content & many big WoW Youtubers went to check them out and advertised them when they liked it.


No? The main reason WoW players started looking for a new game was because BFA was so bad. The same applies to YouTubers and Twitch streamers. I have 10k hours clocked in WoW and I’m considered casual by WoW’s standards. In fact most of WoW’s population is made of very loyal and engaged players and the only reason for them to even consider looking for another game is that their beloved game had become a pile of shit. So if BFA was good, then noone would leave regardless of how good ESO or FF is. You simply can’t just leave behind a game that had become almost a part of your life. So please don’t bring up this stupid argument, because most World of Warcraft players wouldn’t even know about these games in the first place, if Blizzard didn’t fucked up its own game. This is how terrible BFA is!


But don’t worry. Classic is back and soon FF and ESO will become a barren land once again.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > Anyone coming to GW2 from Wow now has quite a lot of content to get through just in the core game, let alone the two expansions plus LW seasons.

> >

> It's less about overall content availability and more about mind share, promotional excitement and awareness. The point the OP is trying to make is that if GW2 had something worth creating buzz about, those wow players who did switch to another game would have been more likely to switch to GW2.





I doubt it, the active combat system does not seem to appeal the WoW players at all. Remember when that 'famous' twitch douche tried GW2, he and his viewers seem to like the clutter on your screen and skills click click click much more.

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It's true that WoW's population is shrinking with each year but you're making it sound as if WoW is really that bad at the moment. BfA had relatively a good launch and a better content compared to Legion and WoD and now they just released 8.2 which has a new zones, a good raid, an intresting plot and more... FFXIV on the other hand will release Shadowbringers very soon and will have new jobs, races and tons of content and gameplay improvements.


If Anet releases an expansion by this summer they wouldn't be able to compete with these two unless if they manage to impress people with one big Cantha expansion which has intresting new content and features like tengu, land/underwater combat improvement, new PvP game modes, GvG, fishing, maybe underwater mounts, and some other new gameplay mechanic that may be more intresting than PoF's mounts and HoT's glinding. If they don't, the only thing that could give GW2 an advantage over WoW and FFXIV is the buy to play business model :(

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It dose seem like a miss step on anet part. It sounds like after all of the last few months they not been putting that much into the ideal of an expansion and trying to make other games so its not a shock that there was no expansion now maybe we will get one after every thing is said and done?


Maybe the ideal of adding in expansion like dlc (but smaller) maybe the best trick for gw2 in the short run. In the long run there is a real need for something big.

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And then those WoW players would come to play the latest expansion of Guild Wars 2, fire up the first instance and be like "who are these characters and why should I care about them?" It's not like expansions are very good at bringing new players to Guild Wars 2, with the way the game is structured. However, they DO bring lots of old players back, as the numbers spike during expansions and then start declining soon after.

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I don't see the connection ... GW2 is nothing like what most WoW players want from a game. That's what made it successful in the first place. Releasing an expansion would have likely no consequence to available players in the market anyways; they can always get the F2P version to test if they like.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jin.8501" said:

> > ESO and FFXIV reaped thousands of thousands players due to this


> No, they did because they have good content & many big WoW Youtubers went to check them out and advertised them when they liked it.


And why those players were searching new game to play in the first place? Oh yeah, BFA failed big time (one of BFA players here)

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Every other mmo is showering in player gains and growth and gw2 is the only game left out.


Gw2 is missing the train and it will be hard to catch up until maybe the next expansion train and thats if the other mmos have less than stellar releases of their own.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> No one knwos what could or would have been, we do not have numbers so it's hard to discuss this here. Not that I'm perfectly fine with ANets marketing or anything but I guess it's up to the players to promote the game, talk good about it, make some content on ze interwebs, idk. Posting this here will most likely reach out to 1)people already playing the game or 2)people who have given up on it and are only in for the rants. Neither of those are the people you want to promote the game to. I also doubt that by posting another "Why u no xpakz ANet?" thread will reach anyone responsible in making this sort of decission. Sry m8.


I dont see where the op intents for his post to be promotion for the game, its a piece of feedback and in my opinion a solid one.


As for your commend, "its up to players to promote to game" that only goes so far as the developers are willing to give us things to promote. What will players go and promote? "Come to our game where the meta and balance is stale, content gets delayed and raids and fractals take 7 to 10 months to release, also no new expac or elite specs"


Nobody in their right mind would promote a game that hasnt really changed since the last big publicity burst of pof, especially when all the other mmos have had major releases and updates.

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