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Anet back in Silent Mode

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Lets stop kidding ourselves. The expectations of getting mountain size content in a f2p game needs to stop. I get it we are jealous that games like ff14 and WoW seem to have so much going on but the reason for that is the subscription. We get very little in the content department so what can they possibly say to get us excited. Nothing IMO.


Tell that to Warframe...?



Entirely Free to Play, has been out just about as long as GW2 and has only been growing and evolving. Different genre but still same premise and they have had about the same amount of Devs on staff.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > I dont honestly think there will be another expansion, and thats okay if they pace content right. They could in theory add in new maps/raids/stories/even classes or races without an expansion. Just drop them in patches as we go along.

> > >

> > > That will innevitably cause burn out for ppl that wont come back unless for a large shake up which argueably is what expacs do.

> >

> > Im not understanding, if they arent playing until a xpack then how are they getting burned out? I think a steady pace is better than a big drop, but maybe thats because i dont play that fast or for long times.


> They get burned out on lw and they dont see the incentive to come back for it. Have friends who jumped in with pof played like an episode or 2 the decided to go play smth else, these ppl wont really look at gw2 unless fuss is created which generally speaking is what expacs do.


> Plus for someone like u how content drops is irrelevant since said content doesnt become out geared or out lvled neither its leaving after a while.


If players are 'burned out' after 1 or 2 Episodes of Living World Seasons, I'm not sure what is expected. An expansion every 3 to 6 months?

Seems unlikely.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > > I dont honestly think there will be another expansion, and thats okay if they pace content right. They could in theory add in new maps/raids/stories/even classes or races without an expansion. Just drop them in patches as we go along.

> > > >

> > > > That will innevitably cause burn out for ppl that wont come back unless for a large shake up which argueably is what expacs do.

> > >

> > > Im not understanding, if they arent playing until a xpack then how are they getting burned out? I think a steady pace is better than a big drop, but maybe thats because i dont play that fast or for long times.

> >

> > They get burned out on lw and they dont see the incentive to come back for it. Have friends who jumped in with pof played like an episode or 2 the decided to go play smth else, these ppl wont really look at gw2 unless fuss is created which generally speaking is what expacs do.

> >

> > Plus for someone like u how content drops is irrelevant since said content doesnt become out geared or out lvled neither its leaving after a while.


> If players are 'burned out' after 1 or 2 Episodes of Living World Seasons, I'm not sure what is expected. An expansion every 3 to 6 months?

> Seems unlikely.


Nah, not everyone burns out on the same pace, some might burn out in the first 2 episodes someone else might burn out at the end of the season.


The important think is to have something for everyone to look forward to because the more ppl u get to engage with your game the higher the number of spenders goes.


Timely regular content updates is good to secire a steady amount of monthly users which secures u a steady amount of income.


Timed irregular content such as expacs do a great job bringing back ppl that have burned out on the regular content or think the current gameplay is stale or they want some big systemic change. Expacs also do a way better job at putting the game on the map than a lw update does.


Furthermore big sweeping changes and qol updates/ new system/ additions which in terms of scale are way out of the scope of lw episodes tie well with expacs.


The harder someone burns out the bigger of an update they will need to come back, ofc if someone's problems is with the core of gw2 and the only thing that would bring them back is gw3 or gw2 arr then those ppl u cant do much for, but, for the rest a big expansion every 2 or so years that brings new systems, big changes etc is the perfect way to get ppl excited, jump back in, spend money and potentially raise the average number of spenders for the next row of timely reggular updates.

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Because every time they open their mouth what feels like the entire playerbase takes it as a golden sealed deal promise blowing things out of proportion, then when things go awry or slightly changed on release the entire playerbase screeches from the depths of the abyss about how it wasn't done properly or is missing x or isn't good enough etc. So it's better to just zip the lip and release content "when it's ready" (exactly like one of the lead devs stated years ago) so as not to shatter the almighty god-tier sky-high expectations of the mass of crying children.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Because every time they open their mouth what feels like the entire playerbase takes it as a golden sealed deal promise blowing things out of proportion, then when things go awry or slightly changed on release the entire playerbase screeches from the depths of the abyss about how it wasn't done properly or is missing x or isn't good enough etc. So it's better to just zip the lip and release content "when it's ready" (exactly like one of the lead devs stated years ago) so as not to shatter the almighty god-tier sky-high expectations of the mass of crying children.


There is a way to announce things and give information while trying to reinforce that it isn't final. That things can and will change before the release of the content. The problem is that Anet has said something once or twice and then when it released and something was changed, *and players weren't made aware* consistently enough, thats when they lose their marbles.


I'm not saying they are right to do so, many people don't understand that the development cycle of content can go awry, something might not pan out how they wanted and as such had to get changed or scrapped or pushed to a much later date of release. Anet plays it safe for sure but that has resulted in the community having even less faith in their capability and has lead to even more frustration from the community because of the long periods of silence and hazy information. Much of that information gets posted about by individual devs and it subsequently gets buried under the forums likely never to be seen again.


It wouldn't hurt Anet to have a weekly developer stream where they talk about, explain and discuss current ideas and concepts and the future of the game so long as they make the point and *stress* repeatedly enough that anything said can be subject to change and something might not be what it was when it was initially shown. But going through the process and having them discuss the change and why it had to happen, without getting too technical obviously cuz I think many people are not programmers and as such will be too dumb, much like myself, to understand everything being said.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Because every time they open their mouth what feels like the entire playerbase takes it as a golden sealed deal promise blowing things out of proportion, then when things go awry or slightly changed on release the entire playerbase screeches from the depths of the abyss about how it wasn't done properly or is missing x or isn't good enough etc. So it's better to just zip the lip and release content "when it's ready" (exactly like one of the lead devs stated years ago) so as not to shatter the almighty god-tier sky-high expectations of the mass of crying children.


Because they have conditioned ppl with this bs aproach of taking about stuff only when its a week before release to think tbat if they speak of smth that means its law and its happening. They need to open the communication and set proper expectations, if someone fails to see said expactations even after they've been made clear the community is their to set that straight.


(reading this back i can see how this is quite the irony but in this case i believe ppl see that the expectations and the current way things are done are bad for the game)

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I thought it was confirmed that they were going into S5, so we therefore know what is coming next, just a question of when Season 5 will launch?


> But that also leaves the following unanswered:


> Will they launch Gen 3 legendaries with it?

> New Fractal?

> Cooking and Jewelcrafting to 500?




They havent said anything about gen 3 legendaries so why would you even think thats coming?

Much rather have them add the amulet and second ring and a way for open world pve people to earn a none skined armor like wvw and spvp.

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* They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

* I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

* We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

* There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

* Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community bitch and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

* They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.


Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)


In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)


I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.


> Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)


> In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)


> I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.


So then if they have nothing right now, like *actually* nothing (which I doubt because then what are they doing every day at work?) then *tell* the community. What do they have to lose by trying to restore some faith and improve their communication and relationship with the community? Weekly developer streams going over the state of the game and its future would only benefit them in the short and long term, and then having them compile that information into a forum post that gets pinned on both the forums and even something on the Wiki then that could go a long way to improving things.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Many of the other things were already mentioned before. Some even date back to the infamous blog post in the first year of the game some people blame for the lack of communication today.


> Not sure which things you're talking about that were mentioned back in 2013. Back then, not even build templates were mentioned by ArenaNet, nor chef 500. And I'm fairly sure (but not 100% confident) that the other specifics like 500 jeweler or PvP/WvW "festivals" weren't mentioned either.

Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before. As for cooking and jeweller - the blog post in 2013 mentioned that _all_ crafting professions would get extended to 500 (and they confirmed that intention later on - they just had no idea what to do with jeweller and cook, and so they've put them on backburner and it remained that way since then). Being able to deliver "expac-level" content and mechanics through LS is also nothing new - it's an idea they've had since the beginning of the game.


So, let's summarize what info about future of the game we've got, that was unknown to us before:

- Legendary Runes and Sigils

- cooking refresh (not the level 500 part, but the one about making lower tier food useful).

- SPvP/WvW festival


All the rest are things that were already mentioned at some point in the game history - some recently, some not so recently.



> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > To me ANET are seemingly preparing the game to run much like they did with GW1 on an autopilot hence nothing is being mentioned or announced beyond what we already know ... let's all hope that isn't all we can expect.

> > >

> > > Arguable. And irrelevant.

> > In many ways that is very relevant. I mean, i do understand why Anet would not want such an info to get out if it was true, but for the precisely the same reason in the same situation i'd very like to hear it as soon as possible.

> > A game for whom maintenance mode is already being planned is not a game i would want to devote too much effort to, because it would be a lost case.


> It's irrelevant because with Season 5 confirmed we have at least a year's worth of non-maintenance, and if Season 5 follows the same duration (that being of just 6 episodes) then it's not long enough to introduce and solve a plot in typical ArenaNet style that lasts half a decade (I mean, we just now finished the Glint's Legacy plot we began with _Season 1_ in summer 2013).

The work on Season 5 supposedly started way before the big trouble.


I'm not afraid that they will cancel everything they were doing and go into maintenance mode right now. What i am afraid is that they'll finish any projects they've already had in the works at the beginning of the year, and _then_ go maintenance mode. I'd very like for Anet to reassure me otherwise, but their unwillingness to do so makes me even _more_ worried about the future.


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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > I've been saying so for so long and no one ever agreed with me. I'm happy someone finally sees the light.

> > They give us nothing but reused things from years ago... and people still call that "new content" which just makes me wanna spoon my eyes out so I never have to read that again. They probably don't have 14k+ hours like I do so they don't feel my pain.

> > I wish they'd just sit down for a while and add tons of ACTUAL new things to do. They even make proper different looking enemies in raids yet open world/pve literally gets already existing enemies just colored differently.

> > Hairstyles were datamined 3+ years ago, and they are not releasing any of them. There's a big thread going on about wanting new hairs, faces .. etc. not just colors. And adding hairs would give them tons of irl money.

> >

> > But I'm so glad that they think adding bunch of chairs to gemstore is more worth than anything listed above....


> Personally im sick of fashion wars, i rather they add actual things to do and content, than paywalls for barbie dress up. This game had a lot of promise but once you get into it you see there is no interest in doing much more than the daily and standing around LA in your latest store bought outfit. The gem store appears to be the end game here, and im not about to play that.


But Anet just thinks its better to give some ugly overpriced gemstore skin and event from 2013. I finish everything within 2 days and then I'm just logging in for daily. And it's not just for this festival but even the LW.

Going back to "overpriced" skins - it'd be $20 (more or less, idk) to buy ugly 2000 gem mount skin, that, in all the time I spent mounted on it, it wouldn't add up to a lot.

Meanwhile for $20 I can buy some games on Steam that I can pour hundreds if not thousands of hours into them. They need to rethink everything they do, both content and their ugly overpriced skins.


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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> What do you expect from firing the longtime forum communications lead? **More** forum communication???


As if she did much. 90% of the time she answered to "Thank you Anet" posts that got nothing to do with anything. 9% of the time she answered to update on event dates. 1% of the time she was maybe somewhat useful, and yes I say somewhat, by that I mean, she may or may not have gone over to tell about a bug she said she will tell them about or some ideas people gave. But for that, devs are informed when people report bugs so she didn't have to go and tell anyway.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > What do you expect from firing the longtime forum communications lead? **More** forum communication???


> As if she did much. 90% of the time she answered to "Thank you Anet" posts that got nothing to do with anything. 9% of the time she answered to update on event dates. 1% of the time she was maybe somewhat useful, and yes I say somewhat, by that I mean, she may or may not have gone over to tell about a bug she said she will tell them about or some ideas people gave. But for that, devs are informed when people report bugs so she didn't have to go and tell anyway.


Thats a wee bit harsh...if there is one person I believe strived to communicate with us a best she could within the confines of what ANET would allow, whether out of loyalty to the community or because it was her job... it was Gaile.

I've never asked for constant hand holding on the forums like some maybe feel they needed, I just feel it's prudent now for ANET to put out something that details at least a little bit of their vision for the future of this product. QoL features, bug fixes and quick fun fix events are good but they simply are not enough to keep players interests engaged long term if there isn't something meaty being planned somewhere down the road after S5 starts dropping

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Many of the other things were already mentioned before. Some even date back to the infamous blog post in the first year of the game some people blame for the lack of communication today.

> >

> > Not sure which things you're talking about that were mentioned back in 2013. Back then, not even build templates were mentioned by ArenaNet, nor chef 500. And I'm fairly sure (but not 100% confident) that the other specifics like 500 jeweler or PvP/WvW "festivals" weren't mentioned either.

> Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before. As for cooking and jeweller - the blog post in 2013 mentioned that _all_ crafting professions would get extended to 500 (and they confirmed that intention later on - they just had no idea what to do with jeweller and cook, and so they've put them on backburner and it remained that way since then). Being able to deliver "expac-level" content and mechanics through LS is also nothing new - it's an idea they've had since the beginning of the game.


For reference:


Build templates 2014



Build templates 2017



Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.


> Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)


> In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)


> I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.


They have been hiring, so there _is_ 'new blood'; you've obviously not been watching the Career section of the site.

Thus, your 'facts' seem to be just opinion.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > Many of the other things were already mentioned before. Some even date back to the infamous blog post in the first year of the game some people blame for the lack of communication today.

> > >

> > > Not sure which things you're talking about that were mentioned back in 2013. Back then, not even build templates were mentioned by ArenaNet, nor chef 500. And I'm fairly sure (but not 100% confident) that the other specifics like 500 jeweler or PvP/WvW "festivals" weren't mentioned either.

> > Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before. As for cooking and jeweller - the blog post in 2013 mentioned that _all_ crafting professions would get extended to 500 (and they confirmed that intention later on - they just had no idea what to do with jeweller and cook, and so they've put them on backburner and it remained that way since then). Being able to deliver "expac-level" content and mechanics through LS is also nothing new - it's an idea they've had since the beginning of the game.


> For reference:


> Build templates 2014

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307


> Build templates 2017

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962


> Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.


Of course, that first quote was regarding PvP-only Build Templates. And, the second one a bit, as well.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > Many of the other things were already mentioned before. Some even date back to the infamous blog post in the first year of the game some people blame for the lack of communication today.

> > > >

> > > > Not sure which things you're talking about that were mentioned back in 2013. Back then, not even build templates were mentioned by ArenaNet, nor chef 500. And I'm fairly sure (but not 100% confident) that the other specifics like 500 jeweler or PvP/WvW "festivals" weren't mentioned either.

> > > Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before. As for cooking and jeweller - the blog post in 2013 mentioned that _all_ crafting professions would get extended to 500 (and they confirmed that intention later on - they just had no idea what to do with jeweller and cook, and so they've put them on backburner and it remained that way since then). Being able to deliver "expac-level" content and mechanics through LS is also nothing new - it's an idea they've had since the beginning of the game.

> >

> > For reference:

> >

> > Build templates 2014

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307

> >

> > Build templates 2017

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962

> >

> > Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.


> Of course, that first quote was regarding PvP-only Build Templates. And, the second one a bit, as well.


In that case take posts from further that same discussion where they discuss the feature in more length, including PVE:




In the second link:

> I think we'd want a game wide solution rather than one just for PvP.

It's clear not for PvP only


And besides, if the feature was done and working properly in PvP, none-items like traits and skills could share the same system in PvE, meaning a most asked-for part of build templates would be complete. Remember that in GW1 items and skills/trait had separate systems, they could do the same in GW2.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> For reference:


> Build templates 2014

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307


> Build templates 2017

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962


> Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.


I just want to clarify one thing. Being "something they'd want to do" or "being on the table" is not the same thing as "actively working on" or "reasonable to be done soon". Their "on the table" stuff is basically a bucket list - things they want to do, but may take _YEARS_ to get to if ever.


And the closest they've ever done to making attempts was the pre-made PvP templates, which is still a pretty far cry from universal build templates.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> All the rest are things that were already mentioned at some point in the game history - some recently, some not so recently.


I'd argue over some things, but my point still does remain that they're not halfway through the list they recently posted - regardless of whether or not some of those things were "on the table" before (and I'll stress again: "on the table" != "we're now working on it") - so why in hell would they make a new post so soon?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I'd argue over some things, but my point still does remain that they're not halfway through the list they recently posted - regardless of whether or not some of those things were "on the table" before (and I'll stress again: "on the table" != "we're now working on it") - so why in hell would they make a new post so soon?


Let me ask you this then: Do you think that the next thing we'll get in the game (PVE wise) will be either Legendary Sigils/Runes, Cooking 500 or Build Templates? What about actual playable content? The new post would only need to add the "upcoming months" part again, tell us what we'll get in the next 3-4 months, just like the previous one. Once everything in the upcoming months is released, make a new "upcoming months" post and so on. Unless we are getting nothing in the upcoming months and we only wait for those "on the table" things to be done and released.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.


> Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)


> In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)


> I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.


We sure there hasnt been any hirings since the layoffs? Anet has offered some of the positions they laid off to prob newer ppl with less experience for less money, but do we know if anyone took these positions?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before.


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> >

> > For reference:

> >

> > Build templates 2014

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307

> >

> > Build templates 2017

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962

> >

> > Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.


> I just want to clarify one thing. Being "something they'd want to do" or "being on the table" is not the same thing as "actively working on" or "reasonable to be done soon". Their "on the table" stuff is basically a bucket list - things they want to do, but may take _YEARS_ to get to if ever.


> And the closest they've ever done to making attempts was the pre-made PvP templates, which is still a pretty far cry from universal build templates.


> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > All the rest are things that were already mentioned at some point in the game history - some recently, some not so recently.


> I'd argue over some things, but my point still does remain that they're not halfway through the list they recently posted - regardless of whether or not some of those things were "on the table" before (and I'll stress again: "on the table" != "we're now working on it") - so why in hell would they make a new post so soon?


Your missing the point.. QoL and feature updates are not something that keep players logging in long term to play the game.. it is playable content that does that.

How long do you think players appetites would stay wet if all they have to look forward to is another her WB rush or a buggy core swap feature in www. Yes when S5 commences we will get a few hours of new stuff, but perhaps now without even a new map to explore, who knows, but then there is another lull. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy LW it's pretty decent story expansion, but it's short time fun which is filled out with rotations of the same events, which grow old fast.. the game needs something that has genuinely more flesh on the bone that is going to keep players busy for much longer periods and that perhaps compliments all those QoL features and they have shared with us all whilst emessing it with LW .. but that just seems to not be on the cards else why not share some titbits to encourage player engagement.... where is the vision for their product??

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