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WvW insane matchup


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This match up and prolly many more.. we are against insane populations. At reset we had no cue on any borderland.. The servers we was fighting had 60+ cue on ALL borders. Same through last days. We run 15 to 20 i squad against map blobs and full squads all over the map. This is a perfect way to totally destroy a really nice community.. and make people leave our server.


I just wonder how anet can do this?? Our server is FULL.. but its a PvE server from start off.. So not many in WvW. Anet need to change this.. count how many WvW players ther is, then match up.. Many want to join our server... but they are not able to due we are FULL of PvE players.. that never go to WvW.. So this matchup.. wile the 2 other servers hav cue, we run around getting wiped out.. and people start talking.. leaving. and our beloved server dies slowly :(

Anet NEED to do something about this.. NOW!!!!


I hope to get a reply on this from a moderator.. and i hope they are working with a solution.

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So you are in a single sided-match since 46hours. You are not the first to whom that happened and you will not be the last.

The good news: this match will end in 122 hours.

The bad news: You stay unlinked for at least another 7 weeks. (I guess your beloved server is Piken Square)


Now you know why the 3 always unlinked & full German server stayed the last year in T4-T5 and were complaining occasionally. They experienced that for over a year, without ANet ever replying nor working on a solution.


And yes, over the year all of them sometime break apart, some more and some less. In fact you are hit by this last break. Several guilds transferred from Kodash to Dzagonur, causing the single-sidedness you are currently experiencing. But hey, if you all love your server you would not start talking about leaving it after just 46 hours.

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This situation it's unacceptable, there is no reason to keep FULL servers that are not full because of criteria that's clear for all, it doesn't work.

ANET , should respect the players and look for a solution. Someone says that " Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years " , sorry I do think it is a wrong info. I searched for criteria about they calculate and I found only one where it is mentioned they calculate. If it is not please show a clear link where they communicate the rules how they calculate.

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There's a lot of confusion about the matches and about linkages.

ANet bases the current link-up on the 8 weeks prior, so it is **never** going to accurately reflect what happens after the match starts because people choose to move after. There's absolutely nothing that can be done about this because even if ANet reset the linkages weekly, enough players would still transfer (and a week's worth of data isn't going to be accurate).


The only way to do something is to completely overhaul the entire system of how teams are organized. Which is the _Restructuring_ that ANet has been working on for years. Until that's in place, things will get worse (or at best: stay the same). There's no guarantee that post-restructuring will be awesome; it just won't have any of half a dozen major issues that plague the current system, so it's likely to be much better. Perhaps, it will even be good.

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> @"brews.9418" said:

> Anet NEED to do something about this.. NOW!!!!


> I hope to get a reply on this from a moderator.. and i hope they are working with a solution.


Hahahaha, good one. Better get ready for Alliances in summer 2022, more likely to happen.

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> This situation it's unacceptable, there is no reason to keep FULL servers that are not full because of criteria that's clear for all, it doesn't work.

> ANET , should respect the players and look for a solution. Someone says that " Pve only players do not affect server status and have not for several years " , sorry I do think it is a wrong info. I searched for criteria about they calculate and I found only one where it is mentioned they calculate. If it is not please show a clear link where they communicate the rules how they calculate.


Sorry, but you are wrong. The way server population is calculated was changed about 4 years ago and has nothing to do with PvE players. The following link with the announcement can be found with a simple search on the GW2 wiki.


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More info:




"A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"




"I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."



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And 1.5 years later:



"To clarify further this is the first week we are using this new algorithm. So some of the complaints that are being brought up were problems with the old algorithm.

**We use play hours to determine the size**. Rank gains is tracked for comparison purposes since they usually follow a similar curve, but isn’t actually used to determine the world size.

We have simulated other algorithms to measure world size and ultimately found that player hours gave us more accurate results because we are mostly comparing active WvW play. The past algorithms weighed more heavily on individual players, so we ended up with situations where JQ was ‘Full’ because they had a lot of players, just not necessarily ones that played as much as Blackgate."

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> Simple solution

> Do not count any Player which is less than 30 minutes in wvw.


They probably don't since far more worlds would be Full if they did. They won't tell us what the threshold is though so that players cannot game the system.

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a player that is in wvw 4 times a week for 15 min adds 1h to the "world-size"

a player that is in wvw 7 times 2h hours adds 14h to the "world-size"


I don't know the limit and it changed over time, but I would guess a world is full if it has (something like). more than 4000 hours per match.

(7 days all 4 maps full for 2h is: 7x2x400 = 5600hours, total capacity of a match is full maps all around the clock: 7x24x400 = 67’200 hours)

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Matchup thread, but anyways -- we've been asking for adjustments to not limit when transfers are taking place, so we don't have stacking (or unstacking) for 8 weeks after relinks. This has been the norm on NA since links.


Unfortunately Anet won't take any time away from alliance work, even if it might not take much work. So we have this mess for several more months (or more)..

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> More info:


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517


> "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934


> "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."




Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > More info:

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> >

> > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> >

> > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> >

> >


> Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.


You keep complaining about Piken being full, but simply check MoS Millenium now and again if you're curious. Most mornings (Between 4-8am BST) Piken actually own 3/4 of all maps and are ticking in the region of 250-300. So yeah, your server's full with good reason, it just doesn't seem that way to people who don't play when others do.


MU's won't ever be equal because of the players decided ANet can't/won't balance populations so they move constantly to 'balance' it themselves. Everyone blames ANet for a flawed system which i'm not going to argue isn't but, look at yourselves beforehand. Those who've stayed 'loyal' to a server and haven't moved at all or very rarely (Years) i take my hat off to you for sticking with it even when it's horrifically boring.

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> @"Fish.2769" said:

> > @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > More info:

> > >

> > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> > >

> > > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> > >

> > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> > >

> > > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.


> You keep complaining about Piken being full, but simply check MoS Millenium now and again if you're curious. Most mornings (Between 4-8am BST) Piken actually own 3/4 of all maps and are ticking in the region of 250-300. So yeah, your server's full with good reason, it just doesn't seem that way to people who don't play when others do.


> MU's won't ever be equal because of the players decided ANet can't/won't balance populations so they move constantly to 'balance' it themselves. Everyone blames ANet for a flawed system which i'm not going to argue isn't but, look at yourselves beforehand. Those who've stayed 'loyal' to a server and haven't moved at all or very rarely (Years) i take my hat off to you for sticking with it even when it's horrifically boring.


Well , I don't know what you see probably another server :-) , because if should be like you say at least we should won during the night and if you see the data that's not so.

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Fish.2769" said:

> > > @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > More info:

> > > >

> > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/5#post5326517

> > > >

> > > > "A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. **It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.**"

> > > >

> > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/World-Population-Changes-Are-Coming/page/4#post5324934

> > > >

> > > > "I won’t detail the way the new algorithm works, because I want to minimize the risk of people trying to game it. That being said, I am confident it is robust against such attempts. **It’s not looking at a short period of time**, and it’s looking at many aspects of the ways players are interacting with WvW to determine a server population."

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Thanks , than it is really crazy that server like Piken or even worst Kodash are still named Full.

> >

> > You keep complaining about Piken being full, but simply check MoS Millenium now and again if you're curious. Most mornings (Between 4-8am BST) Piken actually own 3/4 of all maps and are ticking in the region of 250-300. So yeah, your server's full with good reason, it just doesn't seem that way to people who don't play when others do.

> >

> > MU's won't ever be equal because of the players decided ANet can't/won't balance populations so they move constantly to 'balance' it themselves. Everyone blames ANet for a flawed system which i'm not going to argue isn't but, look at yourselves beforehand. Those who've stayed 'loyal' to a server and haven't moved at all or very rarely (Years) i take my hat off to you for sticking with it even when it's horrifically boring.


> Well , I don't know what you see probably another server :-) , because if should be like you say at least we should won during the night and if you see the data that's not so.


I was refering to the last 2 weeks, you won't beat BB for PPT during the night hours since that's their prime time due to being a Spanish speaking server, they have many people from South America over there plus of course, they sleep during the middle of the day so they're awake later in the evening/night.

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