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So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?


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Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same damn thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.


If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

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Ignoring the fact that I can't take you seriously calling an otherwise ignored profession mechanic biased at all, and the fact that it's still a core mechanic AND that it would only hurt soulbeast and other elite specs to limit pets to whatever expansion they came with for no good reason other than semantics; if they actually improved core pets properly, I wouldn't even care about new pets to begin with.


Smokescale isn't op, it just has a skill that makes it stick to targets easier and survive a bit longer. If anything, it just shows how outdated some of the core pets are.

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> @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> Hahaha ... wait. Your serious? HAHAHAHA!

> Also, after unlocking your elite spec did you then have to travel around all the PoF maps and unlock masteries to then unlock the remaining new things for your profession? No? Didn’t think so.


You mean the thing anyone has to do playing the game?


> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> Ignoring the fact that I can't take you seriously calling an otherwise ignored profession mechanic biased at all, and the fact that it's still a core mechanic AND that it would only hurt soulbeast and other elite specs to limit pets to whatever expansion they came with for no good reason other than semantics; if they actually improved core pets properly, I wouldn't even care about new pets to begin with.


> Smokescale isn't op, it just have a skill that makes it stick to targets easier and survive a bit longer. If anything, it just shows how outdated some of the core pets are.


You've been missing out on the trade offs lately. Ranger has none that I can speak of. At least Soulbeast is finally getting nerfed so that people have to put some effort playing it again.


As far I'm concerned whether it's part of the profession core mechanic or not, just like people who claim to play core like a f2p player would while having Xpac pets. It's an anomaly in the premise of elites being elites. You can tell me behind the whole concept that some core ranger could be venturing into the desert and jungle to acquire those pets. They are still part of the xpac and that's the thing which makes no sense because the some skills and combo fields that wouldn't normally be done by a core ranger are now accessible. Fact you can't even tell where I'm coming from with this either is rather disappointing.


The question could rather be, do they need to buff old pets or nerf the new ones? Because if that's all people use, there has to be a reason. The others aren't that terrible although some stats are quite worst for whatever reason.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?

Because pet is a core mechanic. It's present for all ranger specs. You have to own the expansion to get the pet, just as you have to own the expansion to have the elite spec. The two things aren't dependent on each other. Nor should they be.


> Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing?


If for no other reason than all sorts of other profs "run the same thing."


> Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent

Decisions are consistent, although I suppose it depends a bit on what one considers part of elite specs.


> when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

I looked at as: the majority of pets go unused and as a core part of rangers, it was time to fix that. Surely you wouldn't expect ANet to put all the work into adding some new pets to serve new niches only to have them largely go unused?


> If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions,

For consistency, you'd have to notice that many profs have gotten some sort of copy|paste from other sources.


> Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill

It's no more "an extra skill" than any of the Fx skills that come from any elite.


> the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

You realize that has nothing directly to do with new ranger pets being accessible independent of elites.


If you have a complaint about Soulbeast's balance (or lack thereof), then perhaps you'd like to rephrase your comment into something that ANet could use as feedback.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Because pet is a core mechanic. It's present for all ranger specs. You have to own the expansion to get the pet, just as you have to own the expansion to have the elite spec. The two things aren't dependent on each other. Nor should they be.

The answer I was looking for, despite the argument it's not "core" technically.

> No.

I guess having more than 75% of the content irrelevant means nothing.

> If for no other reason than all sorts of other profs "run the same thing."

Totally not. If you speak only on the behalf of metaslaves, sure.

> Decisions are consistent, although I suppose it depends a bit on what one considers part of elite specs.

Thanks for the second mention, although HoT and PoF is still not something that normally core would have access to. Happens that people can't connect all the dots alone.

> I looked at as: the majority of pets go unused and as a core part of rangers, it was time to fix that. Surely you wouldn't expect ANet to put all the work into adding some new pets to serve new niches only to have them largely go unused?

Because that's what we have right now?

> For consistency, you'd have to notice that many profs have gotten some sort of copy|paste from other sources.

Repurposed is different from copy|paste, as far I'm concerned. Still not against it other than the fact there is some edgy tweaks here and there such as the unnecessary instant cast when there's already so much to avoid. Again it's not gonna be so bad anymore with the new patch coming. Thanks to Anet.



> It's no more "an extra skill" than any of the Fx skills that come from any elite.

I actually wish for ranger to have elites "trade" aspects, not gain. Sorry, maybe more people would play it if that was the case.

> You realize that has nothing directly to do with new ranger pets being accessible independent of elites.

Out of context mentions happen. And before the date of that post, I already had given feedback before and the next upcoming patch probably will be one of the best there was since PoF.



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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> The question could rather be, do they need to buff old pets or nerf the new ones? Because if that's all people use, there has to be a reason. The others aren't that terrible although some stats are quite worst for whatever reason.


I can't see where you're coming from? The fact that you would, even for a second, suggest that the old core pets are up to snuff, tells me pretty damn well where you are coming from. The canines and felines are allright, the rest are near hopeless in PvP. I think you just hate the smokescale, and are on some absurd crusade trying to punch in another ranger nerf by limiting smokescale to druid. Ridiculous.


And yes, ranger does have a trade off. They added one to druid last patch. You know the elite spec that has been continually nerfed into obvlivion? Maybe you're the one missing out.


It's right what people say. You can nerf ranger, and people always find something else to complain about. Anet is targeting sic'em and unblockables, even druid got yet another nerf, and people still find stuff they want nerfed. Even BEFORE the upcoming changes are live.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> > Hahaha ... wait. Your serious? HAHAHAHA!

> > Also, after unlocking your elite spec did you then have to travel around all the PoF maps and unlock masteries to then unlock the remaining new things for your profession? No? Didn’t think so.


> You mean the thing anyone has to do playing the game?


> > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > Ignoring the fact that I can't take you seriously calling an otherwise ignored profession mechanic biased at all, and the fact that it's still a core mechanic AND that it would only hurt soulbeast and other elite specs to limit pets to whatever expansion they came with for no good reason other than semantics; if they actually improved core pets properly, I wouldn't even care about new pets to begin with.

> >

> > Smokescale isn't op, it just have a skill that makes it stick to targets easier and survive a bit longer. If anything, it just shows how outdated some of the core pets are.


> You've been missing out on the trade offs lately. Ranger has none that I can speak of. At least Soulbeast is finally getting nerfed so that people have to put some effort playing it again.


> As far I'm concerned whether it's part of the profession core mechanic or not, just like people who claim to play core like a f2p player would while having Xpac pets. It's an anomaly in the premise of elites being elites. You can tell me behind the whole concept that some core ranger could be venturing into the desert and jungle to acquire those pets. They are still part of the xpac and that's the thing which makes no sense because the some skills and combo fields that wouldn't normally be done by a core ranger are now accessible. Fact you can't even tell where I'm coming from with this either is rather disappointing.


> The question could rather be, do they need to buff old pets or nerf the new ones? Because if that's all people use, there has to be a reason. The others aren't that terrible although some stats are quite worst for whatever reason.


Oh really? What raptor masteries did you have to unlock before getting all your cool new expansion stuff for you class? What meta events? That’s right, none. 250 hero points and your done. For a ranger it’s 250 hero points and then jumping though hoops.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> Ignoring the fact that I can't take you seriously calling an otherwise ignored profession mechanic biased at all, and the fact that it's still a core mechanic AND that it would only hurt soulbeast and other elite specs to limit pets to whatever expansion they came with for no good reason other than semantics; if they actually improved core pets properly, I wouldn't even care about new pets to begin with.


> Smokescale isn't op, it just has a skill that makes it stick to targets easier and survive a bit longer. If anything, it just shows how outdated some of the core pets are.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.


> If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!


"So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"


BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> >

> > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!


> "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"


> BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?


To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.


I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > >

> > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> >

> > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> >

> > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?


> To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.


> I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.


If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven to rev right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?


Editing- N pets are mostly not good, even better ones not good, so why u concern w/ ranger pet vs other class stuff? U want me 2 list all probs with pets from way back in alpha/beta/now that never fixed?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > > >

> > > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> > >

> > > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> > >

> > > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

> >

> > To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.

> >

> > I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.


> If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?


I have absolutely no problem playing against or with either, the inconsistency is just annoying. It's not like people care to use dagger or staff as ranger anyway since Greatsword and Longbow are such good weapons!


I have never been so happy to play Revenant lately and I think there is still a few things they could change and nerf on it! Don't have to assume everyone is complaining when some things just don't make sense from one design decisions that isn't as obvious as the other. Thanks :)

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > > > >

> > > > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> > > >

> > > > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> > > >

> > > > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

> > >

> > > To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.

> > >

> > > I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.

> >

> > If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?


> I have absolutely no problem playing against or with either, the inconsistency is just annoying.


> I have never been so happy to play Revenant lately and I think there is still a few things they could change and nerf on it! Don't have to assume everyone is complaining when some things just don't make sense from one design decisions that isn't as obvious as the other. Thanks :)


Diff class have diff stuff design, right? Should I ask in Mesmer spot why Mesmer can have mass pet spam n why cant ranger have mass pet spam 2?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> > > > >

> > > > > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> > > > >

> > > > > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

> > > >

> > > > To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.

> > >

> > > If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?

> >

> > I have absolutely no problem playing against or with either, the inconsistency is just annoying.

> >

> > I have never been so happy to play Revenant lately and I think there is still a few things they could change and nerf on it! Don't have to assume everyone is complaining when some things just don't make sense from one design decisions that isn't as obvious as the other. Thanks :)


> Diff class have diff stuff design, right? Should I ask in Mesmer spot why Mesmer can have mass pet spam n why cant ranger have mass pet spam 2?


Clones are a mechanic that stays "and" doesn't change until elites are involved. At least on Chronomancer for now. Is it that hard for you to understand that pets from expansions are usable by whatever profession choice and have the most significant impact? Probably because core ones could use a rework for the options that could provide different approach on utility rather to being so one sided.


Whether it's a core mechanic or not, it takes the xpac and powercreeps the core ranger options. Sure you can still give the whole design they went for a pass, I was here to talk about it anyway, not oppress.


After getting some answers, mostly reasonable I still think that Core pets could use some more tweaks rather than being overshadowed by the superior CC spam and Stealth from things that you have to pay for.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> > > > > >

> > > > > > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

> > > > >

> > > > > To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.

> > > > >

> > > > > I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.

> > > >

> > > > If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?

> > >

> > > I have absolutely no problem playing against or with either, the inconsistency is just annoying.

> > >

> > > I have never been so happy to play Revenant lately and I think there is still a few things they could change and nerf on it! Don't have to assume everyone is complaining when some things just don't make sense from one design decisions that isn't as obvious as the other. Thanks :)

> >

> > Diff class have diff stuff design, right? Should I ask in Mesmer spot why Mesmer can have mass pet spam n why cant ranger have mass pet spam 2?


> Clones are a mechanic that stays "and" doesn't change until elites are involved. At least on Chronomancer for now. Is it that hard for you to understand that pets from expansions are usable by whatever profession choice and have the most significant impact? Probably because core ones could use a rework for the options that could provide different approach on utility rather to being so one sided.


> Whether it's a core mechanic or not, it takes the xpac and powercreeps the core ranger options. Sure you can still give the whole design they went for a pass, I was here to talk about it anyway, not oppress.


> After getting some answers, mostly reasonable I still think that Core pets could use some more tweaks rather than being overshadowed by the superior CC spam and Stealth from things that you have to pay for.


I have great idea! U should start post on idea to make core pet better n abt fix to pet probs! I think it b better post than this 1 is!

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Pets are not related to ranger specializations but to the mechanic of the profession, so rangers are free to use SmokeScale or any other xpac pet without restrictions.

The fact that new pets are on xpac maps is also a Anet's way to encourage players to buy game expansions and get new things.

They could easily use griffons or other creatures in normal maps.



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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

> > > > >

> > > > > If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

> > > >

> > > > "So why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

> > > >

> > > > BC pay $ 4 xpan that why "ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites". No $ then no pet. Yes $ then yes pet. Understndble?

> > >

> > > To think Core Ranger is still only relevant because people use Xpac pets, something seems wrong with the Core choices that should maybe be addressed to provide some sort of equivalence in options in different approach, also your statement makes no sense.

> > >

> > > I paid to get my expansion but I can't use a Shortbow with Sw/Sh together as my revenant? Where's my Toolbelt Scrapper/Holo Skills for Core engineer? It has became basically fundamental for Rangers to use Smokescales purely for Stealth while Rock Gazelle entirely CC's more than anything else. I say this shouldn't be happening, those strategies should be available in another form to be real.

> >

> > If u want buff 2 core pet just ask for buff 2 core pet. Core ranger cant use staffs n main dagger, so what now even steven right? If u r sad abt smthing rev and engi then ask 4 nice things in rev and engi spots, not ranger spot. Is that correct?


> I have absolutely no problem playing against or with either, the inconsistency is just annoying. It's not like people care to use dagger or staff as ranger anyway since Greatsword and Longbow are such good weapons!


> I have never been so happy to play Revenant lately and I think there is still a few things they could change and nerf on it! Don't have to assume everyone is complaining when some things just don't make sense from one design decisions that isn't as obvious as the other. Thanks :)


Because pets aren't tied to class elites - they came out with expansions and they are available in the world as fightable content also, they aren't tied to the class itself. Smokescale doesn't belong to druid and never really did. _There is no inconsistency there, it's intended to be this way._


**_It's just a pet that had become discovered within the new lands and available to be tamed by the ranger through buying the expansion that you can use whenever and wherever you want and their power compared to vanilla pets are obviously better because of marketing reasons and nothing more. _**


The expansion gives you the ability to tame the pet, regardless of specialization - it just so happens that we also got elite specializations with the expansion as well. The 2 are not related to each other. In fact, you can go into a HoT zone for example as core ranger and tame a smokescale, because taming pet availability is tied only to expansion - not elite specializations.


This is why you can use pets in any class elite or structure, they're not bound to classes like weapons and traits are. The defining mechanics of ranger for each respective elite are the ability to utilize CA and use staff with druid and the ability to Merge with your pet and use MH dagger with Soulbeast. Those are tied utilizations , pets aren't, again, since they're not tied to a specific elite.


_You said the weapon argument isn't relevant because rangers already use longbow and greatsword. The types of weapons are irrelevant in your argument, it's whether they can be used without being forced to take a specific elite and was your example in regards to pet usability. Revenant and Ranger are equal in this regard, as weapon usability is tied to the elite profession mechanic, same with traits and unique utility, heals, etc. Again, pets aren't tied to classes, they're tied to the worlds released by the expansions._

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