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> @"Xenn.1602" said:

> wow Anet, thanx for completely destroying condi thief ... it wasn't even close to a meta in pvp or wvw and yet you had to completely run it further into the ground... Won't be seeing me in wvw anymore or promoting gw2 or purchasing anything.. This is not balancing.. this is screwing with the foundations of a game.. Are you bought by Jagex or what? sorry but i'm mad as hell.. Over my 6 years of play time this has been mostly my main and most loved build..... And you run it into the ground just like that. I think that's the moment where you lost your connection to your community, at least with me.


Does it surprise anyone that due to lack of knowledge of their own game that while making their changes I'd only have to assume inadvertently destroyed a already weaker build further thus lowering build deversity further? I mean its all our faults for continually supporting them so why bother making an effort to do better. This has been a ongoing trend with their seemingly uneducated poorly thought out changes in every patch for yrs. U guys keep paying while they largely for the most part ignore most community feedback. With the game aging and the trend mentioned above do u think gw2 is gonna improve?

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Dear Anet...

The Balance changes just went live and I am playing WvW.

Thank you SO much for making my Reaper completely useless!!


What the ... were you thinking? Even within a group I have no survivability anymore. NONE WHATSOEVER.


I invested heavely in this particular toon to be a WvW character and you just simply screwed me over.


Thank you SO much!



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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> Dear Anet...

> The Balance changes just went live and I am playing WvW.

> Thank you SO much for making my Reaper completely useless!!


> What the ... were you thinking? Even within a group I have no survivability anymore. NONE WHATSOEVER.


> I invested heavely in this particular toon to be a WvW character and you just simply screwed me over.


> Thank you SO much!




change to scourge

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> What is frustrating is that no dev answers or explains the mentality behind this patch. No one bothers to reply. Zero communication, zero player-dev interaction. They just wait for it to be forgotten and move on.


They haven't stated it directly, but there's been a general theme with all of these changes: make core compete with elite specs. They've done this by _really_ nerfing some of the elite specs. I guess they couldn't figure out a way to make core specs competitive without doing this. Problem is, some of these professions were being carried by their elites:


Mesmer: Hit the worst. Core mesmer lacks any real "mover" skills and instead plays like a weird thief with no burst. To deal with this, PVP mirage had all of its good trais gutted, and now chronomancer lost _really basic functionality_ to make up for the fact that it was the only spec with good abilities.

Engineer: Hit the second worst. Core engineer can't do jack on its own, and now Holosmith and Scrapper are severely hampered to stay on level with core Engi. Core engi not buffed to compensate.

Revenant: They gave core rev a new button to press, but Condi Renegade was vastly overperforming with it's 35k DPS, so they neutered condi renegades strongest skill to put the playstyle on par with everything else.

Necromancer: This one is just sad because they really botched the "buffs" that this class got. But, Reaper was just a better version of core necromancer, so they cut its shroud time in half and keep hitting all of its shroud skills.


Etc. and so on. Overall I can understand what Anet is trying to do with this patch, but they're not doing it well.

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The trap re-work for Thief would be a lot more interesting if one of the options was just a raw damage hazard instead of damage+CC (like everything else in this game) with a 30s+ cooldown. If one of them (Pitfall perhaps) were a low-CD, high-damage, 180-radius AoE, it would still be a field hazard, allowing for a lot more area control and burst options in PvP while also being a possible option in PvE.

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Sadly, as I predicted they went ahead with this. Are you really refusing to listen to your players Arena Net? I'm sure you're smart enough to look over at the 'dead games graveyard' and see the game titles that went down the path of not listening to their player base. Decisions like this are either good business strategies or not. I wonder what your customers think?

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Honestly, I would be surprised if the so called "devs" said a word about this. People have legitimate complaints however unless you are nothing but sunshine and lolly pops to them, they will "rarely" answer, like really rare. They don't take criticism well, communication with its base is almost non-existent and honestly with this last batch of "why did you do this?", I'm about to start raising a stink with NcSoft since Anet won't say a word. Not on reddit, not on twitter, heck not even on twitch if you ask the question, "nicely mind you", will they answer. BUT you will get banned.... for asking the question, "Why did you change Chrono so much that now its function in the game is so broken people can't even compete anymore? ie CM and Raids" Things need to change, or this is just the start of you "Anet" playing Russian Roulette with your game.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> dear anet:


> this is the last time i write about thief and its new skills (focus on the portal here).


> i tried the portal in wvw and its totally OP.

> first, the enemy cant see it.

> second, the cooldown is less then the life of the portal, meaning i can spam portal infinitely.


> i can totally abuse the portal combined with shadow refuge (15 sec stealth) and never get caught using it in the enemys garry or tower. if i get spotted, i just run out of the tower, and port back in when my cooldown of the portal is gone. just to repeat the process ;)

> it is totally broken! and i really hope you dont take this bug as reason to further nerf other skills of thief in the future! (because there will be people who will scream "thief is broken" just because of this one OP skill.... yes i am that scared because of things you did with swipe)




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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> i tried the portal in wvw and its totally OP.

> first, the enemy cant see it.

> second, the cooldown is less then the life of the portal, meaning i can spam portal infinitely.


> i can totally abuse the portal combined with shadow refuge (15 sec stealth) and never get caught using it in the enemys garry or tower. if i get spotted, i just run out of the tower, and port back in when my cooldown of the portal is gone. just to repeat the process ;)

To be totally fair, thats not so much of a OP boon when you cant be spotted regardless because there's no one to reveal you anymore anyways.


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Nerfing elites is good and necessary. The absurd power creep introduced with the 23/6/2015 patch has hurt the gameplay a lot. It desperately needs to be addressed.


The only thing that's off is the timeline. Changes happen too slowly. Some builds continue to dominate while others are dramatically reduced in power. That though is a staffing problem and not a balancing issue.

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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> Nerfing elites is good and necessary. The absurd power creep introduced with the 23/6/2015 patch has hurt the gameplay a lot. It desperately needs to be addressed.


> The only thing that's off is the timeline. Changes happen too slowly. Some builds continue to dominate while others are dramatically reduced in power. That though is a staffing problem and not a balancing issue.




I'm fine with nerfing Scrappers and Holo if every other classes gets a hard nerf as well.


We'll just reroll to the last classes that are still untouched of buffed..

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:


> change to scourge


I thought about it and under other circumstances, that would be a very good suggestion... but I play Reaper without any form of AoE due to me physically not able to drop those quick enough.

All Scourge Builds I investigated rely heavely on that, which is an absolute No Go for me.


I need a Build/Class with survivability that completely ignores dropping anything since my mouse is locked down for movement by a toggle to prevent me having to push and hold any buttons with my right hand. I am physically unable to do that without pain. (to clarify: the Holding down part is the problem)

My left hand isn't in a too good shape either, that's why I cannot use WASD for movement and press skills on top of that.

I use W and S to move back-forth with mouse movement to steer. Often it is easier for me to just turn around than to walk backwards.

As I said... mouse is locked down and therefor unavailable for dropping any form of AoE.


Due to my disabilities, I relied on Death Shroud to survive and escape. But now...


Here is a funny thing: Yesterday I was attacked by a group, I immediatly went into DS to try to survive the attack since a group of allies was heading my way... they got them... I came out of DS... I was... INSTA DEAD!! NOT EVEN KITTEN DOWN!! DEAD!!


Fully, FULLY destroyed. Thank you SO MUCH Anet... Hope you are enjoying the fact you destroyed my game and rendered my investment in this character complete and utterly useless.


This is how WvW roaming is now... you run around, finding things to do...

Out of nowhere 5 oponents and you're dead... defenseless against that... as a Solo Reaper, you have no... NO answer to that stinking portal.


Which sadistic idiot thought that was a good idea??

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I was caught off guard when I logged on and my toolkit spells were suddenly unusable post overheat. Immediately hopped online to see if it was a bug.


Speaking purely from a design standpoint, this change will take some getting used to, but I believe that it is a positive change overall. I'm all for making classes more punishing towards careless play. In PvP this helps to balance out holosmith in that, yes they are a class with many outs, and yes they are incredibly adept at controlling the flow of a fight, but should you manage to force them into an overheat, they will be even more vulnerable than before. I don't mind this change at all. This gives me another means to get the leg up on lesser holosmiths in the ditto.


If i were to give one bit of critisism, I would remove this penalty when taking Photonic Blasing Module. Not only do you want to overheat when taking this trait, but you are forced into overheating. This fact alone makes gives this traitline risky because you are constantly inflicting burn damage to yourself on an already squishy build.

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> @"Longshoot.9316" said:

> how it is possible to be so stupid, to nerfer all classes at once, must be really stupid. The roaming scrapper is dead....


The irony is that, if you did want to nerf the classes, the best time would be to do it all at once. Because then, everyone stays on roughly the same level. There are a few problems, though:


(1): Not all classes were on the same level.

(2): The nerfes they doled out were irrespective of the level of the classes they nerfed.

(3): Many of the nerfs don't make sense.

(4): They outright buffed some of the higher performing classes.



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Well I gave it a good effort in all areas and it has seriously hampered my character and in ways they've given me no fix or work around (I thought runes of vampirism would do it but they have killed all healing in shroud). I guess they've left me no choice since i only enjoy playing reaper, and it's all i care to play going forward. Not much point in sticking around when I no longer enjoy the game play the way i used to, so thanks for that Anet, if your goal was to push your player base to other games you've succeeded. I have to say this is the first time I've seen a company at the 7 year mark not try and hold onto it's player base when we are directly responsible for the revenue that gives them a position in the first place. You've won, I formally give up.

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posted this in the Mesmer section... maybe the dev's might see it here...


some ideas on how to improve the new Chrono gameplay:


-Make "Time Catches Up" baseline... create new major adept trait in it place . for example.. bring back "Harmonious Mantras" to Chrono, since Continuum Split doesn't work on mantras skills.

-revert nerf's to "Illusionary Revision", so only 2 clone shatters will generate a clone

-On Shield.. generate phantasm at 1/2 or 3/4 seconds into the "Echo of Memory" channel.. instead of a full 1-1/2 second channel for a "so so" phantasm.(or give the phantasm some punch)

-lower/remove the reduced duration requirement of "Improved Alacrity"

-review some of the nerfs to base Mesmer skills/traits caused by Chrono... (like having quickness no longer affect resurrect/finish speed... give us back our 180 second ELITE>Time Warp ) which was a knee jerk reaction to the famous season 1 Chronobunker..




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i have never felt the need to comment on any balance patch....but this is just stoopid... im playing main off chrono support with some dividers and gave 97-100% buff upkeep to ALL the raid bosses with perfect splits and rotations... now do the SAME rotation but i just use F4 rather that F5..... well QUESS WHAT ballance team i did 45-55% BUFF UPKEEP ARE OUT OF YUOR FUCKING MIND !??!!?!?!? thats not a ballance patch thats a nerf TO THE GROUND patch.....go play the game first then nerf it.... ffs...

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