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As a Chrono i am Begging you



Ill have to change my F4 to Mouse 5 to be able to figure out my CS now

but thats gonna fuck up SO many other classes



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Reaper is all i enjoy playing and now it's being shafted again, i frankly don't want to try and find a fix again while you people toss crap at a wall every couple months to see what sticks. There is no reason to do this to Reaper as we have never been a threat to any part of any game play style since the first 2 weeks after HoT. Couple all this constant bashing of our class with zero help in areas like staff, offhand weapons etc. and the absolute lack of direction for the game I'm thinking it's time to take a chance on something else, truly. I just got all our friends and family back in geared up re-traited and ready to play and now we're thinking just isn't any point if this is the kind of haphazard approach to virtually everything. Done supporting and spending a ton of cash only to have my favorite play style kicked in the sac over and over again, frankly it's somewhat masochistic so totally disappointed by this constant hate towards Reapers since the damned Scourge came to be!

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> @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

> Why don’t they just delete elementalist class out of the system if they are going to nerf every patch...


Why dont we take the class we advertised as being heavy hitters that are very fragile, and take all the damage they can do away from them but leave them just as fragile!<-- Anets balance team.


give it a few more patches, Ele will be left out of all content like ranger and necro used to be.

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Ok...what these constant random changes tell me...the game is starting to just be a potato salad...WoW started doing these extreme back and forth changes...that was it for me.


This just makes gearing characters or committing to anything in the game...bleh. Cause you change the changes you just changed.


The rhyme and reason of these weird swings in what a class does...for funsies??? I don't get it.


Changing things from shouts and traps as covert nerfs/make it go away/cause I love copy pasta coding - is just potato salad to me.


I need to use me some of that shadow magic and find me a new game.



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So you nerfed any ele build that uses the fire traitline by 10% damage by removing Pyromancer's training previous effects and merging it with Burning Rage's previous effect. And have made us choose between BttH and Aeromancer's training. Someone pls correct me if I'm wrong but weaver will no longer be a top damage dealer in raids/fractals and even WvW.



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> @"aetemes.2603" said:

> Ok...what these constant random changes tell me...the game is starting to just be a potato salad...WoW started doing these extreme back and forth changes...that was it for me.


> This just makes gearing characters or committing to anything in the game...bleh. Cause you change the changes you just changed.


> The rhyme and reason of these weird swings in what a class does...for funsies??? I don't get it.


> Changing things from shouts and traps as covert nerfs/make it go away/cause I love copy pasta coding - is just potato salad to me.


> I need to use me some of that shadow magic and find me a new game.




Totally agree it's like some job protection exercise rather than any kind of constructive long term change. It's been a flavor of the week for far too long and like you I'm sick of having to adjust to this kind of haphazard approach and complete lack of direction. Refusal to add a test server and constantly over reacting to one game type over another has just gotten too much for me after 7 years and I'm not going to continue to support it financially, I'd rather spend money on something that doesn't make me want to punch my monitor every balance patch shafts Reaper!

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You should really look at the fire lane again. The adept traits currently offer no choice, because two of them are only focused on special utility skill that are underused. The conjure trait is never picked, because there is no build that would want to run a lot of conjures, because they are just to clunky to use and don't offer much flexibility. The cantrip trait was never good since cele ele times in PvP. It wasn't even good when the trait gave might, but even that got removed some patches ago. So everyone will just pick burning on crit.

In the master tier we now have the same thing happening. One aura trait that is only used by tempest auramancers, granted it is good in that case. And now two condi traits of which one will be the superior one, probably the new one, leaving us with a no choice again if you are no auramancer. So two of the tiers in the fire lane offer no real player choice, which is really bad.

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> @"Glott.7239" said:

> Soul Eater nerf? rly? I would call Reaper a lott of things but surtanly not "durable". The Healing from Soul Eater through Shround-Bust was the only thing that could keep Reaper alive in a Teamfight because unlike Scourge you couldn't rely on outside healing while in Shround. However after all it was still fairly easy to counterplay. To much counterpressure = dead Reaper; hitting a single CC = dead Reaper; blocking, dodging or otherwise avoiding the burst = dead Reaper. I will admit that it was very strong in high cleave scenarios, especially with pets or illusions arround but this could have been solved with a simple target cap of 1-3 prioritizing proximity. Removing the heal in shround makes the trait pretty much useless and PvPers will probably switch back to Decimate Defenses while WvWers have even less reason to play Reaper over Scourge. Not much of a change for PvE though since you only realy cared about the 10% dmg modifier anyway.


> On a side note, could we get that "dynamic damage scaling" (based on enemy health) for Executioner's Scythe aswell, pls.


It's also huge for pve. You want to keep up scholar bonus, but if your rotation says " go into shroud" you go into shroud, else you loose a lot of DPS. But now you will loose the scholar bonus again. Not to mention, that if you go into shroud lowlife, then pop out of shroud and the healer just finished healing everyone else, you have to heal back up yourself, that may take a while. Imagine being at 20k DPS, that would heal you for 1k per second + regeneration from healer= 1,4k per second. So it takes up to 6 seconds to heal you back to full, you almost have to go back into shroud again, by then...

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These engineer changes make no sense...


You say scrapper's specialty should be durability, but then make it so you lose 300 vitality (and thus 1500 max barrier) by choosing the spec. What's the thought process for this?


Also, why do holosmiths now lose access to toolbelt skills when overheated? Is the self-damage not enough of a penalty? It's not only a massive nerf -- it also would make the spec way less interesting to play as.


The tool belt is the engineer's main profession mechanic. This would be comparable to having an elite spec mechanic lock out virtues, or shatters, or arbitrarily disabling the necromancer shroud, or emptying initiative. There's an entire engineer trait line devoted to the tool belt. This is silly. If you don't want holosmiths to be using core tool belt skills in their rotation, then replace the belt with something else entirely, and give holosmiths off-hand sword skills. Otherwise, this reads like you just don't want to deal with balancing the spec and would rather remove core aspects from it.

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So staff ele in WvW will be pointless after this patch. Rev will now not only be better at supporting their group, while being tankier, AND now being able to do more damage than weaver because of these changes. Unbelievable. We waited long for changes to ele and you neutered us again.

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This is a really gutsy deep balance patch and I am really looking forward to seeing how a lot of these changes play out on live.

Really appreciate the depth of some of these alterations that show you're not afraid to shake things up.

Thanks, Balance patches are some of my favorite updates to the game and I am really looking forward to this.

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This game will not get one more cent from me. I feel stupid supporting as long as I have and to think of the funds I put out lmao. These devs definitely don't deserve financial support for the half baked crap their shelling out,seriously feels like such a lack of effort. Like teapot said theyve wrecked the game to a point discussing it and what it coulda been is more interested and enjoyable than actually playing it.nsoft must be soo proud lmao. Good luck in the future :)

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

> > Why don’t they just delete elementalist class out of the system if they are going to nerf every patch...


> Why dont we take the class we advertised as being heavy hitters that are very fragile, and take all the damage they can do away from them but leave them just as fragile!<-- Anets balance team.


> give it a few more patches, Ele will be left out of all content like ranger and necro used to be.


This. I don't understand - the only thing I as a Weaver, bring to the table, is damage. I don't offer any sort of utility or group wide buff, I haven't got any ways to look after myself except for my dodge key, I'm in light armour, and ultimately completely at the mercy of the support players within my group. Without them I'm dead.


In order to make it worth them taking and looking after me, I need to pump out damage, which if you look at benchmarks, is on par with many other power classes. Once upon a time Weaver damage was too much, and the spec received much needed nerfs. But it's not the case any more. A flat 10% nerf in fire, where a lot of my damage comes from, takes me below these other classes.


What is the point in playing this class any more? Please, I love my Ele, but it's getting to the point where people will wonder why bother to take them when you can choose other power classes which either have more armour, offer more the the group, survive longer etc. Or if you're going to take our damage away, give us something in return.

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> @"Aerythia.6415" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

> > > Why don’t they just delete elementalist class out of the system if they are going to nerf every patch...

> >

> > Why dont we take the class we advertised as being heavy hitters that are very fragile, and take all the damage they can do away from them but leave them just as fragile!<-- Anets balance team.

> >

> > give it a few more patches, Ele will be left out of all content like ranger and necro used to be.


> This. I don't understand - the only thing I as a Weaver, bring to the table, is damage. I don't offer any sort of utility or group wide buff, I haven't got any ways to look after myself except for my dodge key, I'm in light armour, and ultimately completely at the mercy of the support players within my group. Without them I'm dead.


> In order to make it worth them taking and looking after me, I need to pump out damage, which if you look at benchmarks, is on par with many other power classes. Once upon a time Weaver damage was too much, and the spec received much needed nerfs. But it's not the case any more. A flat 10% nerf in fire, where a lot of my damage comes from, takes me below these other classes.


> What is the point in playing this class any more? Please, I love my Ele, but it's getting to the point where people will wonder why bother to take them when you can choose other power classes which either have more armour, offer more the the group, survive longer etc. Or if you're going to take our damage away, give us something in return.



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Honestly the more i get to think about the chrono tradeoff the more i dislike it. u basically put in 2 nerfs that do exactly the same thing, make self shatter not usuable so why do we need both?


I think tradeoffs are fine so long as the gameplay dossnt take a huge hit, i dont think this is the right change chief.


Not to mention on top of all that u bundled in the distortion change.

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