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Is there anything in the balance patch that excites you?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Dunno apparently not allowed to talk about it in these forums.


> Your whole thread just... gone.


I missed something didn't I? Something special.


As for the topic, the only thing I was happy for was the nerf to Sic Em. I didn't use it on my soulbeast cause I had a few things swapped in for team play/support in my build so I could go between solo roaming and havoic/zerg play without swapping stuff, but dang was it OP.


They have pretty much forced Memsers to drop Chrono in WvW for either back to Core (is it really going to be 2014 where we gotta go full PU builds again?) or on to Mirage, which will make even MORE bad players complain Mirage is OP cause they see more of them when it's our only Elite option.

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Nope they nerfed portions of classes that didn't need it, targeted classes who did not need to be nerfed and left the overpowered hell even buffed some of the overpowered. So this basically becomes a skip out for another six months until the next one and hope its better; Pretty much on living story life support at the moment because honestly they keep destroying things about classes I like.


I am a rev main but I Refuse to use the power herald shenanigans and even if I die alot I still have more fun, knowing I killed a guy because Im good not because my build carried me to some marvelous victory. These changes to mallyx hurt so bad and it feels like they are not just stripping him, but removing his theme and I think they are going to give the theme to an E-spec for necro later on. I mean A-net hates Rev which is why you either play power herald or nothing at all in competitive and renegade damage for raids is being hit because of these changes too. The necro changes are unforgivable and they keep bouncing between core being strong, and reaper and just leaving the sand-spitter alone.

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I am a little sad to say this, but what ex cites me about the balance patch is, that there are 0 changes for spellbreaker. 0! I don't have to change a single thing.

Yeah, I'd be sad if there was, and it wouldn't work anymore. For like 1 day.... and then I'd move on and find something else to play. But now? I don't even have to do that. So I can concentrate on getting better! :D

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > Everyone seems tot hinky that anet is nerfing their own class. Like literally every profession forum has people complaining. To me it just seems like Anet is finally toning everything down and redistributing class identity which excites me. This game needed this and I hope this isnt the end to these type of balance changes.


> That doesn't really concern me tbh, I have every class in the game several times over.


> What bothers me is when they ruin class/build diversity and further cheapens the game mode(s), neither WvW nore sPvP needed further encouragement to combine Scourges and Firebrands.


> One important thing that is often overlooked when it comes to WvW balance is that the power of a class is often not as important as defining a role for a class. Take the often despised rangers for example. The Sic 'Em sniper Soulbeast (which is only nominally nerfed with the patch) does something very well (focused sniping) but that isn't much of a role, it's envelope is small and as such it remains a niche despite whatever perceived power. Similarily, Druids are now entirely dedicated to do one thing but what they do isn't coveted at all in WvW so it has zero roles (barring whatever clowning you choose to entertain yourself with when roaming).


> That's what gnaws at me with this patch because they are diminishing the roles of multiple classes and making the modes overall less entertaining and dimensional. That is the real balance issue here, not whatever class is perceived overpowered. I wouldn't go around and say that Scourge is overpowered as a class but the mechanics surrounding it is broken and leads to extremely boring gameplay that in itself comes with mechanical balance issues. It isn't fun to play and they are losing players over it (especially players that create content rather than just consuming it) which makes it even less fun. Every time a commander instantly evaporates in a shadebomb there's a risk of the mode losing another commander and the rebirth is very low. So many server hitch their horses to a few individual players already. Roaming has similar issues.


> Considering that the big loser in this patch seems to be the Engineer I spent a short bit of time going over those changes and looking at those forums. No matter how I tilt and turn I can't make sense of those changes. It is just a big mess. The notes refer to a role that doesn't really exist (certainly not outside of raids and even in raids the way they approach it seems out of norm, with less group utility). Not only is the meta build impacted, likely pushing it out of meta but not necessarily ruining it's ability and outlook in groups, but the changes absolutely wrecks a number of off-meta builds, some that were even just made available in the last patch, because they decided to just trample all over its group utilities by removing some (eg., heals through superspeed) and making some exclusive choices (gyro traits/shared superspeed or new function gyro traits; a non-choice that supposedly was the aim of the overhaul :/ ).


> Not to mention the ridiculous -300 vit minors and stuff that just pushes you into playing Minstrel and nothing else. So not only is the Minstrel build nerfed but everything else that was already relatively impopular is even more nerfed. That's just poor design, leaving players with fewer choices to be creative with and making what people will do with it even more stale. Given that the changes are about to hit I also decided to play Scrapper for tonights WvW reset. The four other players in my party were all Scourges. Somewhere around 66% of our 50-man squad were Scourges and this upcomming patch seems to keep streamlining even more into that. Absolutely disgusting and ridiculous.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/pqUTIOd.png "")

> What's next? Deeming Firebrand overpowered and nerfing stab on Book 3? Then we can all play pin the shade on the donkey.





Yeah lol that necromancer representation...


I warned of this years ago when people started rolling dealthly chill facetanking shout reapers and people just laughed at me. They aren't laughing now, now they are crying at anet.





You still around?

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:


> > @"Vavume.8065"

> > You still around?


> I am, what's up?


Oh the link to old forums doesn't work from this forum. Have to copy/paste link in a new tab idk why.


How is that "20% necro participation" working out for wvw atm rofl...

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> How is that "20% necro participation" working out for wvw atm rofl...


I have no idea, haven't been in WvW for a long time.


Reasons :

1) Skill Lag

2) Mounts

3) Stealth Detection, Stealth Detection, Stealth Detection.


So what I gather from this post is that something that you said 2 years ago finally came true? congrats.

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I love that ele finally got some attention and that sic em was addressed but rest was pathetic. Literally no changes to attempt to switch up the meta. Thief trap changes are ok if their done right and actually usefull but on same note anet literally addressed zero actual fundamental issues regarding thief as a whole. No weapon set was brought up to contest the one competitive build they have, DS should not be reset by improv, some nerds shoulda been reverted, d/d dps (non back stab) skills shoulda been buffed in some way same as d/p so they see real play compared to s/d. Swipe still not reverted or more things wernt done to improve DD brawling potential to ensure swipe nerf wasn't for nothing etc etc nothing changes but few thieves will play with traps in niche builds. Thief isn't alone in the bad build deversity department either. For a big balance pass this was pretty insufficient and wont do much to freshen things up. Wvw will still remain a disgusting blob mess of scourge circles and rev hammers supported by fb. The pirate ship BS is gonna cause alot of population dips in the future if they dont do something about it. It wont matter if they wait to long to deal with it cuz no one will be bothering to play the mode.

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"Support Thief" is laughable. The entire class is nearly devoid of team synergy in any of the thief trait lines or weapon sets which makes it pointless as anything "support". The thief portal is only one way and only supports 5 players so not really a portal. Like most thief changes virtually everything added/changed is a warped version of something other classes do better or a straight up nerf.


Swipe is still junk. The thief weapon sets are still miles behind other classes in terms of meta potential. Warclaw still effectively makes the class pointless.

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Patch looks very interesting. Will be interesting to change a few things. I like the rework of thief traps but do not like the added stealth and thief portal though.... Sic em needs a bigger damage nerf imo because 25% is still way too high considering all the other stat modifiers available to Soulbeasts while melded and if running Beastmastery traitline, and the 1500+ range on longbow which will now use a different damage modifier on its auto attack.

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I'm not really sure what to make of the Thief redesign, it sounds like a new spec essentially, but it'll be available to core users also. In spite of that though, I'm sure there will still be complaints, but that's beside the point, given this and the no expac this year thing, I'm curious if thief will be the last redesigned spec over the course of LS5? I'm hopeful this is just the first step to a refresh of core specs and an attempt to bring some outdated elements up to par with newer elements.

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Scrappers lose passive heal (aside from regen via mdf & comeback_cure) and 3k HP.

However, AoE-superspeed output is increased and function gyro gets easier to use in zerg fights.

Cleanse is completely unaffected and heal should still be higher than meta-fb.

With medkit/EG sustain-heal is still applied and sneak-gyro will become OP now without the AoE-Reveal.

So, scrappers might become even more in numbers.


It feels really strange.

To tone it down "a bit", anet changed _every _ trait, but ultimately we will likely use the same traits again:

increased Radius for gyros + quickness above 9 stacks might (top, top, bot).


With the new mechanic, delaying 20% dmg by 2s, I'm actually optimistic about the sustain.

What killed me before in full-cleric gear were not slowly being shaved down, but those rev/thief spikes despite the toughness.

So, the 2s might be enough to get a heal into those bursts.


Roamers, on the other hand, will probably get a hard time and have to think about new build approaches.

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