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Two-Seater Skyscale.... Yes, Its Possible!

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With such a large range of character sizes you might think it would be impossible. I don't think so.


There are multiple ways you could make it work.

1. Characters of similar size can only share a skyscale mount. So don't allow asura and norns to share

2. Allow a tonic to be used that makes two people similar height and also keeps the aesthetic. Those with the tonic activated can ride a two seater. Or, when a person mounts the two seater it transforms them into an aesthetically pleasing and proportionally acceptable form.

3. Use a mount skin which has a compartment that hides the characters or second character and avoid the whole proportion thing entirely.

4. It just occurred to me the easiest way most likely would be to have the two seater mount owner turn into the skyscale and the other person ride it!! THIS WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!


I am willing to pay the price of a whole xpac just for this feature.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Players already 'become the mount'; which is why there are no 'two-seaters'.


> So all they would have to do is have you become the mount like usuall but with the passenger's skyscale and character model. Simple as that.


Clearly you are a programmer with knowledge of the existing systems and the skill to code this idea into place. You should code this for them if it's that "simple".

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Character sizes are the least of your problems. You could have the "passenger" implemented as nothing more than an invisible observer and there'd still be horrendous rubber-banding due to latency. Fixing rubber-banding may be possible with some advanced interpolation algorithms, but that's beyond the scope of GW2.


Secondly, when everyone wants their own mount anyway, I don't expect there's much market for this.

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Possible but...




And, most important of all, does it make money for ANet?


I guess these are the only questions in the developers' mind.


If your reason is just ' it would be awesome and fun! ', you can forget about it. The team never believed in awesomeness and fun.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Character sizes are the least of your problems. You could have the "passenger" implemented as nothing more than an invisible observer and there'd still be horrendous rubber-banding due to latency. Fixing rubber-banding may be possible with some advanced interpolation algorithms, but that's beyond the scope of GW2.


> Secondly, when everyone wants their own mount anyway, I don't expect there's much market for this.


There would not be any rubberbanding but there could be a lot of stuttering for the rider under high latency situations.


That part shouldn't be too bad. We have already seen a variation of thing in an older version of the game engine via GW1. It is used when you are dead and you switch to the view of one of your other party members and when watching a PvP match.


As for GW2 ... there is the moa racing observer mode and the sequence with the spider in LS4E4.


The moas are actually mounts with infinite seating as demonstrated by the fact that you can dismount from the moa with your dismount hotkey. :)

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Somehow this thread is hilarious. With reactions ranging from "its impossible!" to "It's possible but devs don't believe in fun!" I can't help but see this as a game, where those who guessed at the true reason closest, wins a prize.


The only thing I can say is that the idea of a two or multiseated mount or vehicle sounds interesting. I would definitely be interested. Whether its possible, is ArenaNets problem.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Somehow this thread is hilarious. With reactions ranging from "its impossible!" to "It's possible but devs don't believe in fun!" I can't help but see this as a game, where those who guessed at the true reason closest, wins a prize.


> The only thing I can say is that the idea of a two or multiseated mount or vehicle sounds interesting. I would definitely be interested. Whether its possible, is ArenaNets problem.


To be fair to the naysayers, the op is saying it’s possible and relatively easy, not understanding why it isn’t and how the mount tech works in conjunction with a character.


Is it a cool idea though? Absolutely! The potential for multi player mounts is great on a fun factor level. And it could be extended to new mounts like Dolyaks.


I’d love to see it happen too, I’m just pretty certain Anet already kinda ruled that out in one of the aforementioned guild chats

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> As for GW2 ... there is the moa racing observer mode and the sequence with the spider in LS4E4.


> The moas are actually mounts with infinite seating as demonstrated by the fact that you can dismount from the moa with your dismount hotkey. :)


This is actually the most interesting argument...


The devs have previously said that multiplayer mounts are too complicated on the technical side, since the mount isn't actually its own "thing" in the game but something our character transforms into.


*But*, they have faced obstacles before that seemed insurmountable and manged to quietly work around them. The Moa races *could* conceivably be a "test run", just like some speculate the spider fight in taking Sun's Refuge was...


On the whole I'm still on the side of "probably too hard to implement well enough for them to bother with", but I'm not as sure any longer...

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No Thanks, not needed at all.> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> No. There are too many problems to begin to list.


> Just because something is possible, doesn't make it a good idea.


> Sorry, someone had to say it.




^ 100%.

and it has been discussed before. Suggestion, search bar.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > Character sizes are the least of your problems. You could have the "passenger" implemented as nothing more than an invisible observer and there'd still be horrendous rubber-banding due to latency. Fixing rubber-banding may be possible with some advanced interpolation algorithms, but that's beyond the scope of GW2.

> >

> > Secondly, when everyone wants their own mount anyway, I don't expect there's much market for this.


> There would not be any rubberbanding but there could be a lot of stuttering for the rider under high latency situations.


> That part shouldn't be too bad. We have already seen a variation of thing in an older version of the game engine via GW1. It is used when you are dead and you switch to the view of one of your other party members and when watching a PvP match.


> As for GW2 ... there is the moa racing observer mode and the sequence with the spider in LS4E4.


> The moas are actually mounts with infinite seating as demonstrated by the fact that you can dismount from the moa with your dismount hotkey. :)


GW1's observer mode appears to have worked by duplicating user input, which is possible when matches aren't played back in real-time. There was some hitching when viewing team-mates live, but because the pace was much slower and you typically had to stop moving to attack, it wasn't too bad. The ping was also a little better for some reason.


Both moa racing and the spider in Sun's Refuge involved server-side objects, so there was no position-checking involved there (but even so, the spider was a very jerky experience).


Where things get very dodgy is when you're observing another player's movements - on my ping it's fairly common to see griffons warping all over the place as the game tries to interpolate other players' positions and corrects errors. That's usually acceptable to some level, unless your camera is jumping around too, in which case it can pretty easily cause motion sickness.

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I wonder if Anet could do something similar to what they did in Ls4 Episode 6 with non-instance owners turning into spirits who hovered around Aurine as she toured the mists. Admittedly, I'm sure it's not what people are aiming for, but wouldn't that solve the issue of mount size vs character size difference?

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I wonder if Anet could do something similar to what they did in Ls4 Episode 6 with non-instance owners turning into spirits who hovered around Aurine as she toured the mists. Admittedly, I'm sure it's not what people are aiming for, but wouldn't that solve the issue of mount size vs character size difference?


It would, but that "problem" is honestly a totally insignificant issue next to the actual technical issues of in effect fusing two characters together, giving movement control to one of the players involved.

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Nice idea but won't currently work.

No follow function and since the mount is the player (PC wears the mount instead of sitting on it) A two passenger mount won't work.

They would have to build and code a follow system, which that takes away time and resources from other areas. Second it opens up a whole new issue of players botting and using follow commands.

Basically if something would help botters then Anet is more then likely to not do it no matter how much players whine for it.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > As for GW2 ... there is the moa racing observer mode and the sequence with the spider in LS4E4.

> >

> > The moas are actually mounts with infinite seating as demonstrated by the fact that you can dismount from the moa with your dismount hotkey. :)


> This is actually the most interesting argument...


> The devs have previously said that multiplayer mounts are too complicated on the technical side, since the mount isn't actually its own "thing" in the game but something our character transforms into.


> *But*, they have faced obstacles before that seemed insurmountable and manged to quietly work around them. The Moa races *could* conceivably be a "test run", just like some speculate the spider fight in taking Sun's Refuge was...


> On the whole I'm still on the side of "probably too hard to implement well enough for them to bother with", but I'm not as sure any longer...


Those things are probably the easiest part of the problem though. The harder part is handling the visuals which both cheat on by making the player invisible. There is also simply no room for a second person on the springer or beetle.


> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > Character sizes are the least of your problems. You could have the "passenger" implemented as nothing more than an invisible observer and there'd still be horrendous rubber-banding due to latency. Fixing rubber-banding may be possible with some advanced interpolation algorithms, but that's beyond the scope of GW2.

> > >

> > > Secondly, when everyone wants their own mount anyway, I don't expect there's much market for this.

> >

> > There would not be any rubberbanding but there could be a lot of stuttering for the rider under high latency situations.

> >

> > That part shouldn't be too bad. We have already seen a variation of thing in an older version of the game engine via GW1. It is used when you are dead and you switch to the view of one of your other party members and when watching a PvP match.

> >

> > As for GW2 ... there is the moa racing observer mode and the sequence with the spider in LS4E4.

> >

> > The moas are actually mounts with infinite seating as demonstrated by the fact that you can dismount from the moa with your dismount hotkey. :)


> GW1's observer mode appears to have worked by duplicating user input, which is possible when matches aren't played back in real-time. There was some hitching when viewing team-mates live, but because the pace was much slower and you typically had to stop moving to attack, it wasn't too bad. The ping was also a little better for some reason.


> Both moa racing and the spider in Sun's Refuge involved server-side objects, so there was no position-checking involved there (but even so, the spider was a very jerky experience).


> Where things get very dodgy is when you're observing another player's movements - on my ping it's fairly common to see griffons warping all over the place as the game tries to interpolate other players' positions and corrects errors. That's usually acceptable to some level, unless your camera is jumping around too, in which case it can pretty easily cause motion sickness.


Observer might not be in real time(actually I think you can do the same while a match is going so that would be real time too) but when you are dead and viewing things from your teammate's perspective is definitely real time.


What would be more important when it comes to ping is consistency rather than high or low. A constant 900 ms ping just translates to a 900 ms offset. On the other bouncing between 50 ms and 500 ms will result in a stuttering mess even though its much lower than the 900.


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To whom is it a good idea?

Far too much of these forums is simply Anet should do this or Anet should do that and that whatever they do , it costs them nothing.

Programmers time is not free.

Explain how Anet pays for the effort to do this , and more importantly what they stop doing in the meantime.


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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > No. There are too many problems to begin to list.

> >

> > Just because something is possible, doesn't make it a good idea.

> >

> > Sorry, someone had to say it.

> >

> >


> Explain how it's not a good idea other than that aged old "you not a programmer of the game" argument.


There are plenty of things that sound good on paper, but don't work out in real life (or the game world).


Mounts were meant to be single-player rides. Consider them Account Bound animals much like a ranger's pet. My ranger can't tame another ranger's pet; I have to look for an untamed version for myself.


It's all part of the game-play.


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