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How do you keep your pvp spark going?

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When i go pvp i leave hungry


Why ?


I have 2 account on main is plat 2/3


My 2nd is stuck in gold 3 1480 at 1580


So why ? Because a anet manipulation of games everytime.


Of no play duo ? You Nevers and Nevers grind the leadder.


Why ? Because nobody play in pvp


And team is plat1 and all gold 2/3 maybe silver so


I play on my main and win ? Im not better in my first what in 2 nd.


This pvp it broken and new title star most toxicity. Manipulation of game and wintrade .


Anet does no gold farm when loose and leadder no based on pvp circle .


ANET you studio is a nightmare for pvp player but kiss

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Meme in ranked. Try your hardest, but have fun doing it!


I can only play axe/shield GS Spellbreaker so much before I get bored and go rifle zerker instead. It's this that makes pvp more palatable, especially when it's breaching plat with memes.


Otherwise, duo, aim for a goal that isn't "X Rating by season end," etc.

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I keep it going for all the rewards I get even for losing. All that gold and grandmaster marks as well as reward track progress is awesome, plus that llama box at the end. Nothing like watching your teammates chase enemies around the map instead of defending points, watching them feed mid one by one, seeing the whole team take on a single engineer while I try to fight the rest of the enemy team. Oh! and I almost forgot that guy that likes to afk for 30 seconds at the start of the match, and his buddy, the guy that afks after losing mid the first time. And i almost forgot that I'm apparently not allowed to win more then 3 games in a row. I've given up all hope on actual pvp as long as the game rates me according to what my teammates do, instead of what I actually do during the match, and just play for rewards like the rest of the players.

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Kinda hard when players are just as much to blame as anet, honestly the pvp players that play this game are some of the most garbage people I've ever had the pleasure to play with lmao the play half a match and if ur winning 50%of the time ur allys leave so ur 2v5 and the other team wins or ur teammates sit at home and just stand there all match. Seriously how sad and pathetic does ur life have to be to log into a game just to stand at home or mess with games half way through to assure ur team loses, really have nothing else u could be doing in ur parents basement? Lmao and people wonder why pvp is a kitten fest, its half anets balancing and half the players mentality.this game attracts some real winners lol

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You don't. It's just a passing fancy every number of months when I'm feeling really bored. That said, core staff ele is still the maximum possible fun, particularly with that stupid rez trait in the arcane line. Reviving allies faster than an enemy can stomp them is silly.

Oh wait, there is one way: fashion. Get a new set for a character; you will probably want to do *something* after a successful fashion whirl. It won't last long because this game's PvP is still burning garbage, but you'll probably get a few games out of that high.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> You don't. Go WvW, it's less kitten at least.


I agree. I've been trying to branch over to pvp just for a change from wvw and have found some matches a blast but most are garbage and worse thing is is it's not even the game for the most part lol. One thing I like is in conquest thiefs s/d with scholars and maurader is decent 1v1 in pvp where as in wvw it takes alot to chip through the stats with same build. I was surprised how good s/d was in fights in conquest. It's frustrating to be winning most matches to only have ur own teammates blatently lose on purpose or just leave. Why do they even bother playing the vid? Lol. Gues back to wvw lol

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I don't always just PvP, even though I do feel it is the best the game has to offer in terms of how dynamic the combat gets. There are times when I'm into raiding in particular. Or fractals. Or even just doing meta events and farming achievements. Usually when I get bored of one thing I'm doing another.

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