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Legendary ring Coalescence and the obligation to play

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First of all I apologize for the small outburst and for my bad english. I realize that for many people my "problem" in not wanting to play raids may seem silly or trivial, but I would like to explain my point of view.


No one is obliged to create the legendaries, however the legendaries enrich the game and are somehow a visual message both for themselves and for others of being a committed player or willing to invest real money to get the non plus ultra of the equipement offered by Guild Wars 2.


Said this.


I created Aurora because it was beautiful and looked good on my character.

Before that, the Predator as a status symbol.

Then I tried Xiquatl but I stopped because while I was doing 22k of elder wood I didn't want to play the Scourge with the scepter anymore.

I love the legendaries, I like their aesthetics, I would cover my character so I'm not a type of player who stands back in front of millennial collections, intensive and methodical farming or challenges of various kinds.

There is only one thing I DO NOT want to do: being forced to play something I don't like in the game. In the case of Coalescence, the raids.


I don't have a fixed gaming group (which speaks my language) with which to do raids and I don't want to be forced to create it. The environment of the raids (and I attended for quite a while) is highly toxic and requires constant presence and a certain kind of attention that at this moment I can no longer give.


There are players on Guild Wars 2 who love only one of the three experiences offered by Anet, in my case it is WvW. I live in the WvW and I don't want to be forced out of it, but I bent over doing a bit of pvp when it was absolutely necessary and I certainly didn't hold back for pve.

But the raids just don't.

And for Coalescence the raids are obligatory, so I would be obliged to either train myself in something I don't like doing or pay those who do it for me.


In my opinion this is where the mistake of Anet is: players should play to have fun and finish their game day satisfied with having accumulated something more for the legendary they are building, attending the environment they prefer: the pvp, the pve or wvw.


Please, give players the chance to play in the world they love, I'm finishing creating Vision and I was ready to start Coalescence solely for the visual effect they would have created together with Aurora and now I have discovered that I will never be able to do it, because I don't want to play raids.


Personally, it doesn't seem right.


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I am glad the raid legendary ring exists. We dont need yet another legendary trinket that is only a huge open world pve collection. What about players who dont enjoy that? Let raiders be able to get it, you can still get the other two just by time investment.What about the wvw/pvp players? They dont even have a legendary trinket at all in their game modes! I would appreciate it the next two legendary trinkets are one for pvp and one for wvw. For a legendary that also has a stacking aura effect it would just be fitting to require to do a variety of things in the game. Maybe as an alternative there could be auraless legendary trinkets that you can craft after you unlocked one through a collection, so you can get the qol of it, but the auras should be a long term endgoal of the game.

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I'm into the same situation. I guess we need to wait for the community to be less elitist and allow good players but not experienced on bosses to join a group.


KP is a pain. The fact that you can show it is a huge barrier to new comers. It should be into the wallet as dungeons rewards.

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I get where you're coming from, but to some degree every legendary requires you spend time doing something you most likely hate. For me, that's WvW. I abhor having to run around in WvW for 4+ hours doing what feels like nothing just to get 1 Gift of Battle.


But with raids, I know the community can be toxic, though there are things like the Raid Academy discord that offer training. There are tons of people there that also just look for groups in the discord to get clears each week and the environment feels a lot more friendly since the discord is all about helping people learn. Might help if you are able to understand a bit of english, I'm not sure of any other discords for other languages though.

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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> I'm into the same situation. I guess we need to wait for the community to be less elitist and allow good players but not experienced on bosses to join a group.


> KP is a pain. The fact that you can show it is a huge barrier to new comers. It should be into the wallet as dungeons rewards.


groups that want kp will demand kp, no matter what. It will just be titles, tonics, armor and weapon skins instead. If you want the ring that badly, just open your own squad and start looking for players.

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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> I'm into the same situation. I guess we need to wait for the community to be less elitist and allow good players but not experienced on bosses to join a group.


> KP is a pain. The fact that you can show it is a huge barrier to new comers. It should be into the wallet as dungeons rewards.


We do have such players, they are pn training groups and dicords.

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As you said leggies are a sign of commitment and dedication so i dont see the issue if some items requiring commitment to a part of the game you dont like, if you dont like it you dont do it.


I think having everything be available from every part of the game muddles the waters and removes the uniqueness of each item and its identity.

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Completely agree, I don't like raids too for many reasons, btw there is no other way to do a legendary Ring with other game mode, for example part of Aurora can be done with tracks and this is great.

ANet sometimes do not seems to understand that giving players the choice of building things in different way can be a splendid idea, like for example how you can use the gift of maguuma mastery or the gift of desert mastery , maybe using tracks in pvp or WvW it's a great alternative way to do something for all, same commitment but in different environments not forcing people to play (badly) part of the game where they will be seen just like PUGS

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Raids are no interest for me either, but I do want the ring, my only hope is there will be a future collection for another ring (we need two after all) which is not connected to raids...I don't think Anet will change the way for this one, so options are - you want it too much - you do raids, you don't want it that much - you wait for next ring.

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Aurora, Vision and Coalescence stack their effect into a new one so DAMN COOL.

Raids are too hard to do, both because the community is unfriendly and in pugs often happens nasty things like they kick you from the party without a word just moments after you joined or they ask you to pay gold to kill boss for you.

Paying someone to do something because I'm lazy or I don't want to do it is perfectly fine, but it should be an option not a commitment.

But even with friendly people, raids ask a lot of time, a full team and a lot of experience and precision.

I can't login when I have some spare time and asking for a random raid and to clear it because I don't know if I will play again before the weekly reset.



I work, I don't have much time for play. I often know I can play a couple of hours just moments before logging. I can't join a raid guild because I can't stick to their schedules.

Morover I'm in EU, often we're not English native speakers and problems in undesrtanding or speaking it can be huge sometimes, and this can make the difference between succeed and fail and wipe everytime.


To do some fractals, wvw, pvp, openworld, dungeon is way easier because I'm not forced to rely exclusively on the others, pugs are easy to find, and less but not least I can decide what I want to do, where and for how long (like collections, achievements, tracks, farming materials or currencies, etc), allowing me to (slowly) proceed anyway even if it takes 2x or 3x the time of other players with more time for playing.



So, it's fair that raiders can have a legendary to do inside raids, but it's unfair this legendary stacks its effect with other legendaries doable in pve.

It would be great to have at least a couple of different choices, in particular for raid-linked drops because of the difficult to do it or at least having it when there are mechanics like this one.

Why people who can do raids can have the full effect while I can't just because, for x forcing reasons, raids aren't an option for me?







The only thing I find unfair, apart being forced to do raids (for this I can simply wait to see if another ring not linked to raids will come out) is that Aurora, Vision and Coalescence have a stack effect. Thing I find this and the final effect SO DAMN COOL.





Raids are quite different from everything else.


For a gift of battle you _enter in WvW/pvp when you want_, you stay _how long you want_, you _exit it when you want_.

You don't depend on anyone, even if it's your first time in wvw you just need to find a commander and follow it.

Points will arrive as a simple consequence of go straight on and do some dps.


For openworld pve/collection/jumping puzzle it's the same.


For fractals is quite easy to find someone in a guild or sometimes in PUG to do some of them (even if it can happens to find a party of people not so experienced who stay in a medium-difficult fractal for 2 hours without arrive to its end).


You can actually not enjoing it, BUT you are ALWAYS able to do every game mode above-mentioned without being forced to rely on experienced people or to be forced to have a schedule or a raid-guild or do trainings.




To make an example: in this months I'm pretty busy, my time is very limited, I can't stick to programs like "Tuesday=raid/raid training day". When I've 2-4 spare hours I play GW2 and I do what I can.

I play when I can, for the time I can.

Often I decide that I can invest a couple of hours in the game from one minute to another because I see I'm not too tired and I've finish my work before I tought.



I need to do some wvw? I go.

I need some openworld pve? I go.

I need some fractals? I go and I hope to find some friends or a nice party.


I need a raid?

I can't do anything because raids require a lot of time, experience, well-equipped characters and a full 10-players-squad.

I can't do them, I can't hope in a pug because1) try-and-die is frustrating and not a deal and 2) I tried to go PUG for raids but in countless times I've been kicked without a word even before the raid started. They simply decided they didn't want to see me play even just for 2 minutes. Was it because my char didn't have a legendary? Was it because it wasn't shiny so they thought I was someone who doesn't invest enough in the game?

I really don't know.


Guilds have schedules and calendars for their activities, I can't login into the game and say "oh guys, can we do a raid NOW? I must clear it in about 2-3 hours because I dunno if I will play again before the weekly reset!".


If they say I'm crazy and too demanding...damn, they're right!


This without counting I live in EU and I play with EU servers, where language barriers can be HUGE (so if one's is not Irish or British, English is not our first language. Problems in understanding or speaking another language on Discord while doing a raid is pretty high and this make a great difference between succeed or fail and wipe).



And sorry, I don't want to pay some raid baron like a mercenary squad, first because I don't want to invest my time to farm gold to pay other players to do something only because raid community tends to be toxic (forcing you to search for a nice, kind guild because otherwise you collect only a neverending sequence of kick-from-party because you are not enough for them. Not enough geared, not enough experienced, not enough [insert other characteristic here]).

It's frustrating and unfair to hear "you can play with us only if you pay". It should be just a free option among others, not an almost forced one.




So I think the OP is saying that noone should be forced to play a game-mode one's doesn't enjoy and have a chance to play and obtain legendaries throught others missions or channels.

It's not fair that a raid player is forced to do a lot of pve if they don't enjoy it. It's a game, it's suppose we have fun while playing.

For Xiuquatl, for example, one of the gifts necessary can be obtained both from HoT or PoF maps making you free to choose which expansion do you like more.



Or, similar, we can say it's perfectly fair to have legendaries for every game mode, giving the players the chance to have them through their favorite game-mode BUT for raids to have a secondo option for those who can't go raids since they're so HARD to do both for the not-so-friendly community and for the time, experience and equip they ask.




I would like to have Aurora, Vision and Coalescence in the future for the stack effect they have, but since I need to work to pay my bills and my work doesn't let me to have so much spare time, I can't obtain Coalescence since I'm unable to do raids.

I accept to invest much more time because I play much less than others do, double, even triple the time, to invest gold to buy farming materials because I've no time to farm them.

But be forced to PAY PLAYERS to access a whole game-mode because I lack of time and the community is unfriendly without the chance to choose, sorry no.







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No changes needed. The reward for playing a game mode should stay where it is. If you want it, participate. If you don't like participating, don't and forget the reward.


I would prefer that Anet not spend a second coding things to be available everywhere for everyone's favorite game mode. If Anet goes that direction; just add an 'EASY MODE' button that delivers every skin, trinket and legendary in the game. Why play any mode at all when they can just code a single button to win it all?

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Anet hasnt mentioned but i believe they will be making more leg trinkets obtainable through other ways (eg wvw, pvp, open pve etc) and the fact that we will still get same aura effect based on the number of trinkets worn rather based on unique type of trinkets.. so just give anet some times to make the others.. ignore coalescence for the moment if you are never going to do raids

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Raiders are not toxic, with few exepsions, like any mode, most of them are nice to new players and try to teach them raid encounters. All what we asking is to do some preperation, get proper gear (exotics are fine) and build and learn your dps rotation (use snowcrows).

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> @"Mostrogobbo.4061" said:

> First of all I apologize for the small outburst and for my bad english. I realize that for many people my "problem" in not wanting to play raids may seem silly or trivial, but I would like to explain my point of view.


> No one is obliged to create the legendaries, however the legendaries enrich the game and are somehow a visual message both for themselves and for others of being a committed player or willing to invest real money to get the non plus ultra of the equipement offered by Guild Wars 2.


> Said this.


> I created Aurora because it was beautiful and looked good on my character.

> Before that, the Predator as a status symbol.

> Then I tried Xiquatl but I stopped because while I was doing 22k of elder wood I didn't want to play the Scourge with the scepter anymore.

> I love the legendaries, I like their aesthetics, I would cover my character so I'm not a type of player who stands back in front of millennial collections, intensive and methodical farming or challenges of various kinds.

> There is only one thing I DO NOT want to do: being forced to play something I don't like in the game. In the case of Coalescence, the raids.


> I don't have a fixed gaming group (which speaks my language) with which to do raids and I don't want to be forced to create it. The environment of the raids (and I attended for quite a while) is highly toxic and requires constant presence and a certain kind of attention that at this moment I can no longer give.


> There are players on Guild Wars 2 who love only one of the three experiences offered by Anet, in my case it is WvW. I live in the WvW and I don't want to be forced out of it, but I bent over doing a bit of pvp when it was absolutely necessary and I certainly didn't hold back for pve.

> But the raids just don't.

> And for Coalescence the raids are obligatory, so I would be obliged to either train myself in something I don't like doing or pay those who do it for me.


> In my opinion this is where the mistake of Anet is: players should play to have fun and finish their game day satisfied with having accumulated something more for the legendary they are building, attending the environment they prefer: the pvp, the pve or wvw.


> Please, give players the chance to play in the world they love, I'm finishing creating Vision and I was ready to start Coalescence solely for the visual effect they would have created together with Aurora and now I have discovered that I will never be able to do it, because I don't want to play raids.


> Personally, it doesn't seem right.



I think it is perfectly fine. You dont need the ring and it doesnt offer any real edge. I actually encourage anet to make more specific legendaries. I absolutely love the wvw armor sets and probably wont ever get them because i dont play them that much. And im perfectly fine with that. If you really want something then you would put in the effort for it.

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There is so much more gated behind mind numbing brain melting tedious open world collections that I can't do without wanting to inflict self harm out of sheer boredom, that I think one very optional legendary trinket to be achieved with actual content like Raids is fine.

If anything, Raids need more incentives.


That said, I'm all for more Trinkets with varying avenues of acquiring them.

But if someone, for whatever the reason may be, chooses not to engage with certain content, like Raids in general for you and tedious open world collections for me, then they are not entitled to the rewards they offer. I think that's perfectly fine.


I despise collection and achievement driven gameplay and think it's the lowest form of content/design since the inception of video games, but nobody is "forcing" me to do it. I just won't be able to get those Trinkets.

If I wanted them badly enough, I would _**force myself**_ through it.


Different content needs unique draws to pull people in.

The fact that all the Legendary Trinkets look the same is a shame since it already robs them of their uniqueness and indication of how they were acquired, but still.

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