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Legendary ring Coalescence and the obligation to play

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Keeping skins behind certain types of content is unfortunate, but I understand why it happens. What I dislike is locking functionality behind certain types of content. In my opinion, legendaries should be unlockable via OW PvE, raids, PvP, and WvW. Additionally, the griffon, skyscale, etc should be unlockable through raids, PvP, and WvW as well. Why force people to grind content they don't enjoy?

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> @"Mostrogobbo.4061" said:

> Personally, it doesn't seem right.

Posts like yours almost always use the words "forced" or "obligated".

The problem with this language is that it is predicated on **the choice** to make the object in question. Being "forced" to do something you "choose" to do isn't real. If I choose to make The Shining Blade, I also choose to assemble a mind-numbing amount of elder wood, I am not "forced" to do so.

I can, in fact, stop whenever I like, just like you did when you were making Xiquatl.


For many veterans of this game, it suffers from a lack of meaningful goals and rewards.

It needs more exclusive, hard to get things, not less of them.

I know a few people who would really like Warbringer but getting the needed WvW rank would take them actual years , should they have a path to getting it that revolves around their favorite content?... what if their favorite content is pressing 1 at a Karka Queen zerg?

And if that player is catered to and can get that backpeice spamming autoattacks on world bosses, what does that do to the meaning for someone who got it "legit" in WvW?

It's guts it. Might as well just make it Soulbind on Equip and let people get it for gold on the TP.


This attitude that every player in the game is entitled to every reward erodes the value of accomplishments every time Arenanet capitulates to it.

And personally, **that** doesn't seem right.

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> @"BlueCold.7054" said:

> Raids are too hard to do, both because the community is unfriendly and in pugs often happens nasty things like they kick you from the party without a word just moments after you joined or they ask you to pay gold to kill boss for you.


This basically tells people you:

- did not pay attention to what was asked for in Looking For Group and joined with a class which was not required

- did not ping demanded kill proof or LI, depending on how experienced the group is which you joined

- you joined a Raid Seller without knowing and were told it costs something if they are to kill everything for you (similar to dungeons, you usually don't need to do anything)


Which overall tells people you have neither tried to properly get into raids and are basing your opinion on subjective incomplete facts. Then proceed to call people unfriendly even though you were the one to not join the correct groups.


The only objective thing you said was: raids are to hard for some players, which I would agree with.


As to the topic at hand:

There has been game mode unique skins in the past, the legendary backpieces. The only difference here is that the trinket effect stacks and there is no possibility to acquire legendary accessories outside of PvE and there are no legendary rings currently outside of raids.

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I guess we can always go back to the gen1 legendary approach. Pull out credit card for everything but making things purchasable and wanting them to be some sort of prestige thing are at odds with each other.


On the other hand ... there is always the other ring that ANet hasn't even mentioned yet but we know will exist and the amulet.


Oh and the problematic situation of being unable to craft more than one of certain legendaries. More of a problem for the trinkets and back items.

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Its a bit weird to see a post complaining that you have to play specific content in order to get a reward.


Even for Vision you need to get out of WvW,.


And yeah, Raids require you to have some sort of dedication, and at least one regular play day in the week. I cant make it either with my lack of schedule, but I definitely think that you can join or even make a PUG lfg every time you log in and just have a crack at it, if you really wanted to. It might not be super fun, and quite tough. And possibly be forced to play builds you usually dont play. But its definitely possible.


Also forget weekly reset, you can often find someone who can open the raid instance at the boss you want to do.



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> @"Mostrogobbo.4061" said:

> Please, give players the chance to play in the world they love, I'm finishing creating Vision and I was ready to start Coalescence solely for the visual effect they would have created together with Aurora and now I have discovered that I will never be able to do it, because I don't want to play raids.


Too bad.


I want the WvW tentacle armor. But I need rank 2000 in WvW. Guess I won't be getting it, or I'll have to play it anyway.


This is a video game. The whole point is to earn your rewards. Deal with it.

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> @"Lindoniel.1726" said:

> I would like to have the next legendary ring to be optainable through WvW (which would be appropriate by the way ;) ). Just imagine the outrage of the elitest raiders... B)


The outrage will most likely come from open world pvers since it will be high wvw level most likely and wvwers since all the pvers come in and ruin their experience trying to get the legendary ring,

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> @"Lindoniel.1726" said:

> I would like to have the next legendary ring to be optainable through WvW (which would be appropriate by the way ;) ). Just imagine the outrage of the elitest raiders... B)


It's not really the same, though. Let's look at the legendary gear that's already available through WvW. It requires a rank level that literally requires you to play the game mode for years before you're even able to get that legendary WvW armor. Legendary PvE armor, however, is much easier to obtain. Yes, there's the 10 man requirement, but other than that it's just a matter of time, and a lot less of it compared to WvW.


So if we'd get a legendary trinket, obtainable solely through WvW, it would have to be as easily accessible for PvE players as PvE legendary gear is for WvW players. Meaning high rank is out of the question, because that actually locks a lot of people out. Raids do not. By choice or circumstance, yes, but not because of requirements.


You don't need to be an elitist raider to have a problem with that. All you need is the ability to see that legendary requirements in WvW are much higher than legendary requirement in PvE. It's fine now because we have options (we can make legendary gear in any game mode). But when a single legendary trinket will only be available through WvW, and it would require 2,000 rank as well (like the legendary armor), and it would only be obtainable through that one method/game mode, we are talking about something else entirely.


Also, let's not kid ourselves. PvE is the meat and bones of GW2. The vast majority of development focus will be on that game mode, and most of the things in this game will have to be acquired through that game mode. Nothing is ever going to change that, because in essence GW2 is not a PvP or WvW game, it's a PvE game. The other 2 game modes are there for variety, but there's a reason they get far less development time than PvE does. It's just not the main focus of the game, and it never was.


I hear open world PvE players complain they can only get Coalescence through raids. I hear raiders complain they have to do all that LS4 stuff to get Vision. I hear WvW players complain because they have to do world completion for every 2 legendary weapons they want to make. I hear PvE players complain because they have to invest some hours in WvW to get the Gift of Battle. In short, there are always going to be people who have a problem with certain requirements. You can please everyone. But it's not going to stop either. Raids need their incentive as well. HoT raids had the armor, PoF raids have the ring; raids released during LS5 will have something else, probably one of the remaining 2 trinkets (while the other trinket will most likely be obtainable through LS5).


Now I'm not saying I'm not up for options. I wouldn't mind if the legendary ring was also available outside of PvE, as long as the required effort is equal in both game modes.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Lindoniel.1726" said:

> > I would like to have the next legendary ring to be optainable through WvW (which would be appropriate by the way ;) ). Just imagine the outrage of the elitest raiders... B)


> It's not really the same, though. Let's look at the legendary gear that's already available through WvW. It requires a rank level that literally requires you to play the game mode for years before you're even able to get that legendary WvW armor. Legendary PvE armor, however, is much easier to obtain. Yes, there's the 10 man requirement, but other than that it's just a matter of time, and a lot less of it compared to WvW.


You are mixing up getting WWW legendary armor with the t3 skin which can also be turned into a legendary. The high rank is required for the t3 skin not for the legendary which can be made with the t2.


However there is still a large time requirement ...


lets do some math ;)


Even for the cheapest piece you need 175(to buy the t2) + 1095 skirmish tickets(one of the components to upgrade ascended to legendary) = 1270

You can earn a maximum of 365 skirmish tickets per week requiring 1450 pips a week

For a person starting out they would get 3/4/5 pips per tick at 5 minutes per tick.


1270 / 365 =3.479 so that is about 3.5 weeks per head/shoulder/glove/feet


1450 / 3 x 5 / 60 = 40 hours

1450 / 5 x 5 / 60 = 24 hours


for week 2+ things get better with the addition of the extra pip

1450 / 4 x 5 / 60 = 30 hours

1450 / 6 x 5 / 60 = 20 hours


if you actually played for those number of hours then you might have gotten to rank 150(in my experience you can get around 2 rank per hour with boosters but that vary wildly) by week 3 for another pip

1450 / 5 x 5 / 60 = 24 hours

1450 / 7 x 5 / 60 = 17 hours


7880/365 = 21.5890 weeks for a full set of legendary armor


Outnumbered can render all of that irrelevant. :/


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I too like the legendary ring and want it. I do not have time for raids. I will not get the legendary ring. It sucks but it's how they built thier game. I hope they make different decisions regarding legendaries in the future but, somehow, I don't think I'll be playing any less GW2.


My suggestion to the OP is to move on though I hope your way of thinking influences change in future legendary acqisition. I won't be holding my breath... I need the oxygen.

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Play the content you want. Save up money. Buy the raid from sellers. In fact Coalescence is the most flexible accessory to get because you can actually play the content you want to play and still get it. I can't buy open world currency from anyone (aside from limited dragonbash). I can't pay anyone to do hearts for me without account sharing. The only option I had to do that was during Dragonbash but that wasn't enough to get the skyscale + vision. If anything make it so you can trade LD or LI for map currencies.

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