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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)


It doesn't suffer the line of sight issue that plagued Shadow trap though. You can teleport through walls. It also doesn't have the pathing limitation


But I do like that theif's portal has a few clear advantages over mes and necro. For one, the thief can have it up very quickly. Which makes it a very convient escape utility if you get into a fight and need to GTFO.


The second is that until the second part is activated, the portal is undetectable.


So far... one of my favorite uses in PvP for it is... to get into a fight to tip the tides and quickly leave to go across the map.


Or... when I am leaving a point that I've decapped, I can actually feel a little more useful as a team mate by dropping a portal near a team mate who's going in that direction to rush them to get it capped or to go fight a dude together.


I do wish they put a radial circle on these portals in the minimap though. It's kinda hard to tell how far 5000 units is.

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> @"Nomad.4301" said:

> The fact that it's 1-way only and that you place the exit first sadly limits its use in fractals for skips like Mesmer portals. Seems great for trolling inside SM/keeps/towers in WvW though so there's that I guess.


Okay, found an interesting bug/interaction with Shadow Portal, since you mentioned Fractals.


If you /gg after the mark arms, the armed mark will remain in place. Then after you reset cooldowns — either by waiting it out, hard resets with full-group wipes, or Mistlock Singularity — you can cast Prepare Shadow Portal — which doesn't _initially_ leave any mark — and then Shadow Portal to allow teleportation to the _first_ mark. What's even more interesting is that once you do so, the _second_ mark becomes armed and active, leading into _another_ buggy interaction.


If the Prep skill resets before the 60s duration runs out on the second mark, casting it once more, following the steps above, creates a mark as usual, _but_ will also create a Shadow Portal automatically for free, allowing you to teleport to the location of the _second_ mark, while still having the _third_ mark available, and Shadow Portal ready to go.


This code has truly been touched by the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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> @"mompen.7952" said:

> It's like a shadowstep tho? With patching issues that we have in named skill. So you can't port people inside keeps etc. Kinda sucks tbh


There is no pathing issue. It is exactly half a mes port. I ported people up to the tiny platform right by Fire Elemental spawn like 5 times lol. You know the one that was kinda hard to jump to pre-mounts?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)


> It doesn't seem to require any pathing


> https://youtu.be/BHAcSJf70OI


Ahh fair enough then ^^

Just the five man limit holding it back :)

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)


> It doesn't suffer the line of sight issue that plagued Shadow trap though. You can teleport through walls. It also doesn't have the pathing limitation


> But I do like that theif's portal has a few clear advantages over mes and necro. For one, the thief can have it up very quickly. Which makes it a very convient escape utility if you get into a fight and need to GTFO.


> The second is that until the second part is activated, the portal is undetectable.


> So far... one of my favorite uses in PvP for it is... to get into a fight to tip the tides and quickly leave to go across the map.


> Or... when I am leaving a point that I've decapped, I can actually feel a little more useful as a team mate by dropping a portal near a team mate who's going in that direction to rush them to get it capped or to go fight a dude together.


> I do wish they put a radial circle on these portals in the minimap though. It's kinda hard to tell how far 5000 units is.


I like that idea, would be cool if portals showed up on the map and minimap, colour coded too for each type.

Thief grey, Scourge Yellow and obvious pink/purple for Mesmer.


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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > @"mompen.7952" said:

> > It's like a shadowstep tho? With patching issues that we have in named skill. So you can't port people inside keeps etc. Kinda sucks tbh


> There is no pathing issue. It is exactly half a mes port. I ported people up to the tiny platform right by Fire Elemental spawn like 5 times lol. You know the one that was kinda hard to jump to pre-mounts?


Ooh, nice! I trusted my friend on this, he tried it up a mountain and said it didnt work. Shame on him then ;)

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)


> It doesn't suffer the line of sight issue that plagued Shadow trap though. You can teleport through walls. It also doesn't have the pathing limitation


> But I do like that theif's portal has a few clear advantages over mes and necro. For one, the thief can have it up very quickly. Which makes it a very convient escape utility if you get into a fight and need to GTFO.


> The second is that until the second part is activated, the portal is undetectable.


> So far... one of my favorite uses in PvP for it is... to get into a fight to tip the tides and quickly leave to go across the map.


> Or... when I am leaving a point that I've decapped, I can actually feel a little more useful as a team mate by dropping a portal near a team mate who's going in that direction to rush them to get it capped or to go fight a dude together.


> I do wish they put a radial circle on these portals in the minimap though. It's kinda hard to tell how far 5000 units is.


yeah i agree100% with everything you said but one more thing is that i wish there was an icon or something(that only you can see) to so you can track the countown of placing the portal entrance.

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I'm using it only to troll people and teleport them away from chests, bank and TP.

This is good to escape, because this portal in only one-way, it means you can return to your starting position. If you want to teleport your party somewhere, you have to go to the destination place and back. Not super useful for allies.

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